@ -4,7 +4,217 @@ namespace Twister;
@@ -4,7 +4,217 @@ namespace Twister;
class Css
static function duo($masterfile, $palette = null, $tint = null, array $overrides = null)
* Generate Css `duo` of master css file, as well as `themed` file
* @param array $config Array of configuration properties, such as list of css files
* @param string|null $theme Non-default color theme name eg. 'gunmetal'
* @param array|null $tint Additional `tinting` to be applied to the theme, such as alternative title colors
* @param string $masterfile Variable to receive the `master filename`
* @param string $themefile Variable to receive the `theme filename`
* @return void
static function duo($config, $theme, $tint, & $public_master_file, & $public_theme_file)
$max_mtime = 0;
$masterfiles = [];
$themefiles = [];
$basepath = $config['basepath'];
$cachepath = $config['cachepath'];
$global_md5 = md5(serialize($config['global']));
$palette = is_array($tint) ? (is_string($theme) ? array_merge(reset($config['themes']), $config['themes'][$theme], $tint) : array_merge(reset($config['themes']), $tint))
: (is_string($theme) ? array_merge(reset($config['themes']), $config['themes'][$theme]) : reset($config['themes']));
$palette_md5 = md5(serialize($palette));
foreach ($config['files'] as $file)
$mtime = filemtime($basepath . $file);
$max_mtime = max($max_mtime, $mtime);
$filename = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$masterfiles[] = $cachepath . $filename . '-' . $mtime . '-' . $global_md5 . '.css';
$themefiles[] = $cachepath . $filename . '-' . $mtime . '-' . $palette_md5 . '.css';
$public_master_file = $config['publicpath'] . 'duo-' . $max_mtime . '-' . md5(serialize($masterfiles)) . '.css';
$public_theme_file = $config['publicpath'] . 'duo-' . $max_mtime . '-' . md5(serialize($themefiles)) . '.css';
if ( ! file_exists($public_theme_file) || ! file_exists($public_master_file))
$global = $config['global'];
$global_keys = array_keys($global);
$palette_keys_md5 = md5(serialize(array_keys($palette)));
$public_master_css = null;
$public_theme_css = null;
foreach ($config['files'] as $index => $file)
* There are 3 files:
* 1) The `main/master` file, with static/non-template values
* 2) The `intermediary` file, which contains ALL key/value properties with the pre-replaced CONSTANTS, this is used by ALL themes when replacing values
* 3) The `template` file, which is where we replace all the CONSTANTS from the intermediary file
* To build the files, we do the following:
* 1) We get the base file CSS into $css variable
* We minify the original CSS to remove comments and whitespace
* We replace the global/static/common styles, like `MEDIA-SMALL`
* This is very important, because duo has problems with @media sections
* because they have inner styles ... we could solve this,
* but it's more pain than it's worth, and we don't have any need yet!
* The other issue is that we actually have @media selectors that include CONSTANTS
* Then we extract all the selectors that contain themeable CONSTANTS
* eg. a{color:LINK-COLOR;font-size:12px;}
* We remove all themeable CONSTANTS and their entire line from the $css content,
* eg. 'color:LINK-COLOR'
* by doing this, we are creating the final `master` file, which does not inlude any themeable CONSTANTS
* 2) We then use these lines and create a new selector and CONSTANTS for the themeable 'intermediate' file.
* eg. $selector . '{' . implode(';', $values) . '}'
* 1) We use the remaining content in $css and write the final 'master' file.
* 3) Then using the 'intermediate' file, we replace all the themeable CONSTANTS with their values and write the theme file.
$intermediary_file = $cachepath . pathinfo($masterfiles[$index], PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '-' . $palette_keys_md5 . '.css';
$intermediary_contents = file_exists($intermediary_file) ? file_get_contents($intermediary_file) : false;
$master_contents = file_exists($masterfiles[$index]) ? file_get_contents($masterfiles[$index]) : false;
$theme_contents = file_exists($themefiles[$index]) ? file_get_contents($themefiles[$index]) : false;
if ($intermediary_contents === false || $master_contents === false)
// We need to minify FIRST, because there might be some comments with styles! eg. border: BORDER /* BORDER-OLD */; But there might be other cases that screw up the regular expressions!
$css = self::minify(file_get_contents($basepath . $file));
* First replace all the `global` (common/static) styles
* So `master` files can still be styled with these.
* This is very important for `@media` sections, which cannot be styled with a theme.
* The reason `@media` sections can't be styled, is because I can't extract them properly!
* Because they contain inner styles, and my [^{}] regex fails
$css = str_replace($global_keys, $global, $css);
* Check `@media` sections for any themeable styles (after replacing the globals above)
* @media sections can have styles from the 'global/common/static' list,
* but not the normal themeable styles.
* This section is just to make sure we have no styles in the '@media' sections!
* This is my alternative to actually fully supporting styling in @media sections!
preg_match_all('~@media[^{;}]*{(?:[^{;}]*{[^{}]*})+}~', $css, $media_sections);
if ( ! empty($media_sections))
foreach ($media_sections as $media)
if ( ! empty($media))
preg_match('~[A-Z]+\-[A-Z-]+~', $media[0], $media_errors);
if ( ! empty($media_errors))
throw new \Exception("@media sections cannot include themeable styles; check: `{$media_errors[0]}` in file: `{$file}`");
* Extract a list of CSS selectors that have themeable CONSTANTS inside
* [ 0 => [ 'a{color:LINK-COLOR;text-decoration:none}',
* 'a:hover,a:focus{color:LINK-HOVER-COLOR;text-decoration:underline}',
* '.btn.danger:focus{color:BUTTON-DANGER-FOCUS-COLOR;background-color:BUTTON-DANGER-FOCUS-BG-COLOR}'
* ],
* 1 => [ 'a',
* 'a:hover,a:focus', < == These are officially called `selectors`
* '.btn.danger:focus'
* ]
* ]
* We use [0] to extract each rule with a separate preg below,
* because I can't get a list of CONSTANT + selector (because some selectors have multiple CONSTANTS),
* at least this way I'm ONLY searching the selectors that definately include template/theme constants
preg_match_all('~([^{;}]+){[^{]*[A-Z]+\-[A-Z-]+[^}]*}~', $css, $extract);
* Intermediary file is the most likely candidate for being here.
* Here we ignore if we actually loaded the contents of an intermediary file at the top,
* and rebuild the intermediary contents completely from scratch regardless.
$intermediary_contents = null;
foreach ($extract[0] as $i => $rule) // $rule example: '.btn.danger:focus{color:BUTTON-DANGER-FOCUS-COLOR;background-color:BUTTON-DANGER-FOCUS-BG-COLOR}'
* Splits the rule CONSTANTS
* [ 0 => [ 'color:BUTTON-COLOR;',
* 'box-shadow:BUTTON-BOX-SHADOW' < == note that some end with `;` and others don't!
* ],
* 1 => [ 'color:BUTTON-COLOR',
* 'box-shadow:BUTTON-BOX-SHADOW' < == NONE of these end with ';'
* ]
* ]
preg_match_all('~([^;{]*?[A-Z]+\-[A-Z-]+[^};]*)\;?~', $rule, $values);
$intermediary_contents .= $extract[1][$i] . '{' . implode(';', $values[1]) . '}'; // $values[1] excludes the `;`, so we can join with it! If this fails, then our preg_match_all() above is not getting the correct values!
// remove each CONSTANT property from the $css, whatever is left in the $css value will become the `master` (because it include only static properties!)
if ($master_contents === false)
foreach ($values[0] as $v)
$css = str_replace($v, null, $css);
// minify again, because we might have removed all the values from a rule, this will remove empty selectors!
$css = self::minify($css);
if ($master_contents === false)
$master_contents = $css;
file_put_contents($masterfiles[$index], $css);
file_put_contents($intermediary_file, $intermediary_contents);
if ($theme_contents === false)
$theme_contents = preg_replace_callback('~([A-Z]+-[A-Z-]+)~',
function ($matches) use ($palette, & $file)
if ( ! isset($palette[$matches[0]]))
throw new \Exception("Invalid css theme property: `{$matches[0]}` used in css file: `{$file}`. Check the palette array in your themes config file!");
return $palette[$matches[0]];
}, $intermediary_contents);
file_put_contents($themefiles[$index], $theme_contents);
$public_master_css .= $master_contents;
$public_theme_css .= $theme_contents;
if ( ! file_exists($public_master_file))
file_put_contents($public_master_file, $public_master_css);
//if ( ! file_exists($public_theme_file))
file_put_contents($public_theme_file, $public_theme_css);
* Why do we need keys???
static function keys($config)
* Old/original duo code
* main problem was all the hard coding of paths
static function __duo($masterfile, $palette = null, $tint = null, array $overrides = null)
// Theme = light/dark! AKA `tint` in the current system ... ie. `What theme would you like?` asking the user to choose a color scheme!
@ -304,6 +514,62 @@ END;
@@ -304,6 +514,62 @@ END;
return preg_replace([$re1, $re2, $re3, $re4], ['$1', '$1$2$3$4$5$6$7', '$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8', '$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9'], $str);
$re5 = '~[^;\{\}]+\{\}~'; // remove empty classes. Added on 3 Aug 2017 @ 12:17am
return preg_replace([$re1, $re2, $re3, $re4, $re5], ['$1', '$1$2$3$4$5$6$7', '$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8', '$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9', null], $str);
* Notes on matching the @media section, which includes several inner styles:
* eg.
* @media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
* .table {
* margin-bottom: 16px;
* overflow-y: hidden;
* overflow-x: auto;
* }
* }
* This preg can match the whole outer @media section:
* preg_match_all('~([^{;}]+){([^{}]|(?R))*}~', $css, $split);
* It uses a `recursive` search with `(?R)`
* However, I cannot seem to match `all @media sections` like this doesn't work:
* '~(@media[^{;}]+){([^{}]|(?R))*}~'
* The reason is, that the inner styles don't also start with @media, eg. @media { @media { ... } }
* So I can't easily isolate `@media` from the rest,
* which means I have to check if every style starts with `@media`
* eg. strpos('@media', $str) === 0
* this is not acceptable!
* So basically, I don't support templating inside the `@media` sections!
* And I also don't give any warnings about it!
* IDEA: I can make a hard coded regex, that includes one or more inner {...} sections/rules?
* After thinking about the idea I had, I came up with this:
* preg_match_all('~(?:\s*(@media)[^{;}]+{\s*(?:[^{;}]+\{[^{}]*\})*\s*})|(?:([^{;}]+){([^{}]+)})~', $css, $split);
* It will separate the `@media` and normal rules, so that if ([1][$index] === '@media') then it's a @media section
* if ([1][$index] !== '@media') then [2][$index] will have the (normal) rule selector eg. '.button:hover'
* [3][$index] has the inner text of the normal rules
* Currently I use a different regex:
* preg_match_all('~@media[^{;}]*{(?:[^{;}]*{[^{}]*})+}~', $css, $media_sections);
* which extracts all the @media sections, and checks to make sure they have no inner custom styling/theme CONSTANTS.