A fast and light-weight component library
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
namespace Twister;
7 years ago
class Schema
private static $tables = null;
private static $db = null;
private static $schema = 'DATABASE()';
private static $cache = null;
// Set db to MySQL Connection object - if not set, then procedural style will be used
public static setConn($conn)
self::$db = $conn;
// Set the database schema name
public static setSchema($schema)
self::$schema = $schema != 'DATABASE()' ? '"' . $schema . '"' : 'DATABASE()';
// Set the schema cache directory, where we can store files for the composer autoloader
public static setCache($cache)
self::$cache = $cache;
public static __callStatic(string $table, array $args)
if ( ! isset($tables[$table]))
$class = 'Schema\\' . self::toPascalCase($table);
$tables[$table] = new $class();
catch (\Exception $e)
$tables[$table] = self::build($table);
return $tables[$table];
* Converts $table to PascalCase, preserving leading and trailing underscores '_'
* eg. nation_capitals__ => NationCapitals__
private static toPascalCase($table)
return str_repeat('_', strspn($table, '_')) . str_replace('_', '', ucwords($table, '_')) . str_repeat('_', strspn(strrev($table), '_'));
public static function build($table = null, $db = null, string $cache = null)
mysqli_report( MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT );
$cache = $cache ?: self::$cache;
// here for potential caching possibilities !?!? Hopefully PHP can set an internal ref-counter and not re-define the functions each time!
static $methods = [ 'date' => function ($type, string $value) { return $value === null && $type->nullable || preg_match('~^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$~', $value) === 1; }, // TODO: Add DateTime object validation! ie. instanceof DateTime
'datetime' => function ($type, string $value) { return $value === null && $type->nullable || preg_match('~^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d$~', $value) === 1; },
'time' => function ($type, string $value) { return $value === null && $type->nullable || preg_match('~^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$~', $value) === 1; },
'time_ex' => function ($type, string $value) { return $value === null && $type->nullable || preg_match('~^-?\d?\d\d:\d\d:\d\d$~', $value) === 1; }, // From: http://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-time/ A TIME value ranges from -838:59:59 to 838:59:59. In addition, a TIME value can have fractional seconds part that is up to microseconds precision (6 digits). To define a column whose data type is TIME with a fractional second precision part, you use the following syntax: column_name TIME(N);
'year' => function ($type, string $value) { return $value === null && $type->nullable || preg_match('~^\d\d\d\d$~', $value) === 1; },
'enum' => function ($type, string $value) { return in_array($value, $type->members); },
'int' => function ($type, $value) { return $value === null && $type->nullable || is_numeric($value) && $value >= $type->min && $value <= $type->max; },
'float' => function ($type, $value) { return $value === null && $type->nullable || is_numeric($value); },
'string' => function ($type, $value) { return $value === null && $type->nullable || is_string($value) && ($type->charset); },
// '[0,1]' => function ($type, $value) { return $value === null && $type->nullable || is_numeric($value) && $value >= 0.0 && $value <= 1.0; }, // HYPOTHETICAL 'bit'!
'clamp' => function ($type, $value) { return isset($value) && is_numeric($value) ? min(max($value, $type->min), $type->max) : $type->default ?: ($type->nullable ? null : min(max(0, $type->min), $type->max)); },
'isTrue' => function ($type) { return true; },
'isFalse' => function ($type) { return false; },
'isUnsigned' => function ($type) { return $type->min >= 0; },
$sql = 'SELECT ' .
'DATA_TYPE,' . // varchar
// 'NULLIF(IS_NULLABLE="YES",0),' .// NULL / 1 alternative
// 'IS_NULLABLE,' . // NO / YES
'COALESCE(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, NUMERIC_SCALE) AS scale,' . // These two columns data NEVER overlap!
// 'NUMERIC_PRECISION,' . // eg. decimal(9,5) == NUMERIC_PRECISION = 9 && NUMERIC_SCALE = 5
// 'NUMERIC_SCALE,' . // 5 (the decimal values, or 0 for integers)
'CHARACTER_SET_NAME,' . // utf8 (binary == null)
// 'COLLATION_NAME,' . // utf8_general_ci
'COLUMN_TYPE' . // int(10) unsigned / enum('','right','left')
// 'COLUMN_KEY,' . // PRI / UNI / MUL
// 'EXTRA' . // auto_increment / on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
' WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE()' . ($table ? (is_array($table) ? ' AND TABLE_NAME IN ("' . implode('","', $table) . '")' : ' AND TABLE_NAME = "' . $table . '"') : null);
$result = null;
$rows = $db->query($sql)->fetch_all(MYSQLI_NUM); // MYSQLI_ASSOC || MYSQLI_NUM
foreach ($rows as $row)
//$field = [$row[2], $row[3], $row[4] !== null];
//... would have added more to the array ... but decided to make this realtime only for now!
//$result[$row[0]][$row[1]] = &$field;
$unsigned = strpos($row[7], 'unsigned') !== false;
{ // 5383 / 5996 fields (406 tables) are NOT nullable (nullable = 11%, NON-nullable = 89%) && 3022 fields have defaults (50%, 658 fields default is empty string, 1752 fields default = 0)
case 'int': $obj = new Type(['int', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'min' => $unsigned ? 0 : -2147483648, 'max' => $unsigned ? 4294967295 : 2147483647, 'isValid' => $methods['int'], 'clamp' => $methods['clamp']]); break;
case 'tinyint': $obj = new Type(['tinyint', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'min' => $unsigned ? 0 : -128, 'max' => $unsigned ? 255 : 127, 'isValid' => $methods['int'], 'clamp' => $methods['clamp']]); break;
case 'float': $obj = new Type(['float', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'precision' => $row[5], 'isValid' => $methods['float']]); break;
case 'varchar': $obj = new Type(['varchar', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => $row[5], 'charset' => $row[6]]); break;
case 'smallint': $obj = new Type(['smallint', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'min' => $unsigned ? 0 : -32768, 'max' => $unsigned ? 65535 : 32767, 'isValid' => $methods['int'], 'clamp' => $methods['clamp']]); break;
case 'enum': $obj = new Type(['enum', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'members' => self::convertToArray($row[7]), 'isValid' => $methods['enum']]); break;
case 'mediumint': $obj = new Type(['mediumint', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'min' => $unsigned ? 0 : -8388608, 'max' => $unsigned ? 16777215 : 8388607, 'isValid' => $methods['int'], 'clamp' => $methods['clamp']]); break;
case 'date': $obj = new Type(['date', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'isValid' => $methods['date']]); break;
case 'bit': $obj = new Type(['bit', $row[3] === null ? null : ($row[3] === "b'0'" ? 0 : 1), $row[4] !== null, 0, 1, 'isValid' => $methods['int'], 'clamp' => $methods['clamp']]); break;
case 'char': $obj = new Type(['char', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => $row[5], 'charset' => $row[6]]); break;
case 'text': $obj = new Type(['text', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => 65535, 'charset' => $row[6]]); break;
case 'timestamp': $obj = new Type(['timestamp', $row[3] === 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' ? null : $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'isValid' => $methods['datetime']]); break;
case 'binary': $obj = new Type(['binary', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => $row[5], 'charset' => null]); break;
case 'double': $obj = new Type(['double', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'precision' => $row[5], 'isValid' => $methods['float']]); break;
case 'tinytext': $obj = new Type(['tinytext', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => 255, 'charset' => $row[6]]); break;
case 'set': $obj = new Type(['set', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, self::convertToArray($row[7])]); break;
case 'decimal': $obj = new Type(['decimal', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'precision' => $row[5], 'isValid' => $methods['float']]); break;
case 'year': $obj = new Type(['year', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'min' => 1970, 'max' => 2070, 'isValid' => $methods['int'], 'clamp' => $methods['clamp']]); break; // 4-digit format = 1901 to 2155, or 0000.
case 'varbinary': $obj = new Type(['varbinary', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => $row[5], 'charset' => null]); break;
case 'bigint': $obj = new Type(['bigint', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'min' => $unsigned ? 0 : -9223372036854775808, 'max' => $unsigned ? 18446744073709551615 : 9223372036854775807, 'isValid' => $methods['int'], 'clamp' => $methods['clamp']]); break;
case 'datetime': $obj = new Type(['datetime', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'isValid' => $methods['datetime']]); break;
case 'time': $obj = new Type(['time', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'isValid' => $methods['time']]); break;
case 'mediumtext': $obj = new Type(['mediumtext', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => 16777215, 'charset' => $row[6]]); break;
case 'longblob': $obj = new Type(['longblob', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => 4294967295, 'charset' => $row[6]]); break;
case 'mediumblob': $obj = new Type(['mediumblob', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => 16777215, 'charset' => $row[6]]); break;
case 'numeric': $obj = new Type(['numeric', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'precision' => $row[5], 'isValid' => $methods['float']]); break;
case 'blob': $obj = new Type(['blob', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => 65535, 'charset' => $row[6]]); break;
case 'tinyblob': $obj = new Type(['tinyblob', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => 255, 'charset' => $row[6]]); break;
case 'longtext': $obj = new Type(['longtext', $row[3], $row[4] !== null, 'maxlen' => 4294967295, 'charset' => $row[6]]); break;
$result[$row[0]][$row[1]] = $obj;
if ( ! empty($cache))
return is_string($table) ? $result[$table] : $result;
// Converts enum() and set() to array
public static function convertToArray($value)
return explode('\',\'', substr($value, strpos($value, '(') + 2, -2));