# twister-stat ⠀ Statistic tools for twister network ⠀ ## Blockchain crawler ⠀ Script written in python v2, that scans the blockchain and dump the data to the MySQL database. ⠀ Index contain: ⠀ - block number ⠀ - block hash ⠀ - time created ⠀ - usernames ⠀ ### Configuration ⠀ line 5 - MySQL database ⠀ line 13 - blocks per step ⠀ line 31 - twister API ⠀ ### Requirements ⠀ `apt install python2 python2-dev php-mysql mysql-server` ⠀ `pip2 install python-bitcoinrpc` ⠀ `pip2 install mysqlclient` ⠀ ### Running ⠀ `python2 crawler/blockchain.py` ⠀ ## Charts ⠀ Tools for the data dumped visualization written in PHP ⠀ ![demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/twisterarmy/twister-stat/main/media/demo.png) ### Configuration ⠀ line 8 - MySQL database ⠀ ### Requirements ⠀ `apt install php-fpm php-curl php-mysql mysql-server` ⠀ ### Running ⠀ create new server instance ⠀ `cd twister-stat` ⠀ `php -S localhost:8081` ⠀ open in browser ⠀ `http://localhost:8081/index.php` ⠀ todo: ⠀ ## Static dumps directory ⠀ https://github.com/twisterarmy/twister-stat/tree/main/dump ⠀ ## Alternative languages ⠀ https://github.com/twisterarmy/cloud-server/blob/main/tool/crawler/blockchain.php