mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 21:11:12 +00:00
nicer output, dns modular
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
dnsseed: dns.o bitcoin.cpp netbase.cpp protocol.cpp db.cpp main.cpp bitcoin.h netbase.h protocol.h db.h serialize.h uint256.h util.h
g++ -pthread -lssl -O3 -ggdb3 -march=nocona -Wno-invalid-offsetof -o dnsseed bitcoin.cpp netbase.cpp protocol.cpp db.cpp main.cpp dns.o
dnsseed: dns.o bitcoin.o netbase.o protocol.o db.o main.o
g++ -pthread -lssl -o dnsseed dns.o bitcoin.o netbase.o protocol.o db.o main.o
strip -s dnsseed
dnsseed.dbg: dns.o bitcoin.o netbase.o protocol.o db.o main.o
g++ -pthread -lssl -o dnsseed.dbg dns.o bitcoin.o netbase.o protocol.o db.o main.o
%.o: %.cpp bitcoin.h netbase.h protocol.h db.h serialize.h uint256.h util.h
g++ -pthread -O3 -ggdb3 -march=nocona -Wno-invalid-offsetof -c -o $@ $<
dns.o: dns.c
gcc -std=c99 -O3 -g0 -march=nocona dns.c -c -o dns.o
gcc -pthread -std=c99 -O3 -g0 -march=nocona dns.c -c -o dns.o
%.o: %.cpp
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class CNode {
nHeaderStart = vSend.size();
vSend << CMessageHeader(pszCommand, 0);
nMessageStart = vSend.size();
printf("%s: SEND %s\n", you.ToString().c_str(), pszCommand);
// printf("%s: SEND %s\n", ToString(you).c_str(), pszCommand);
void AbortMessage() {
@ -83,18 +83,18 @@ class CNode {
void GotVersion() {
if (nVersion < MIN_VERSION) {
printf("%s: BAD (version %i is below %i)\n", you.ToString().c_str(), nVersion, MIN_VERSION);
printf("%s: BAD (version %i is below %i)\n", ToString(you).c_str(), nVersion, MIN_VERSION);
ban = 1000000;
printf("%s: version %i\n", you.ToString().c_str(), nVersion);
printf("%s: version %i\n", ToString(you).c_str(), nVersion);
doneAfter = time(NULL) + 10;
bool ProcessMessage(string strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv) {
printf("%s: RECV %s\n", you.ToString().c_str(), strCommand.c_str());
// printf("%s: RECV %s\n", ToString(you).c_str(), strCommand.c_str());
if (strCommand == "version") {
int64 nTime;
CAddress addrMe;
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class CNode {
vRecv >> nStartingHeight;
if (!(you.nServices & NODE_NETWORK)) {
printf("%s: BAD (no NODE_NETWORK)\n", you.ToString().c_str());
printf("%s: BAD (no NODE_NETWORK)\n", ToString(you).c_str());
ban = 1000000;
return true;
@ -136,20 +136,20 @@ class CNode {
if (strCommand == "addr") {
vector<CAddress> vAddrNew;
vRecv >> vAddrNew;
printf("%s: got %i addresses\n", you.ToString().c_str(), (int)vAddrNew.size());
printf("%s: got %i addresses\n", ToString(you).c_str(), (int)vAddrNew.size());
int64 now = time(NULL);
vector<CAddress>::iterator it = vAddrNew.begin();
if (doneAfter == 0 || doneAfter > now + 1) doneAfter = now + 1;
while (it != vAddrNew.end()) {
CAddress &addr = *it;
// printf("%s: got address %s\n", you.ToString().c_str(), addr.ToString().c_str(), (int)(vAddr->size()));
// printf("%s: got address %s\n", ToString(you).c_str(), addr.ToString().c_str(), (int)(vAddr->size()));
if (!addr.IsIPv4())
if (addr.nTime <= 100000000 || addr.nTime > now + 600)
addr.nTime = now - 5 * 86400;
// printf("%s: added address %s (#%i)\n", you.ToString().c_str(), addr.ToString().c_str(), (int)(vAddr->size()));
// printf("%s: added address %s (#%i)\n", ToString(you).c_str(), addr.ToString().c_str(), (int)(vAddr->size()));
if (vAddr->size() > 1000) {doneAfter = 1; return true; }
return false;
@ -174,13 +174,13 @@ class CNode {
CMessageHeader hdr;
vRecv >> hdr;
if (!hdr.IsValid()) {
printf("%s: BAD (invalid header)\n", you.ToString().c_str());
printf("%s: BAD (invalid header)\n", ToString(you).c_str());
ban = 100000; return true;
string strCommand = hdr.GetCommand();
unsigned int nMessageSize = hdr.nMessageSize;
if (nMessageSize > MAX_SIZE) {
printf("%s: BAD (message too large)\n", you.ToString().c_str());
printf("%s: BAD (message too large)\n", ToString(you).c_str());
ban = 100000;
return true;
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class CNode {
if (ProcessMessage(strCommand, vMsg))
return true;
printf("%s: done processing %s\n", you.ToString().c_str(), strCommand.c_str());
// printf("%s: done processing %s\n", ToString(you).c_str(), strCommand.c_str());
} while(1);
return false;
@ -244,8 +244,12 @@ public:
vRecv.resize(nPos + nBytes);
memcpy(&vRecv[nPos], pchBuf, nBytes);
} else if (nBytes == 0) {
printf("%s: BAD (connection closed prematurely)\n", ToString(you).c_str());
res = false;
} else {
printf("%s: BAD (connection error)\n", ToString(you).c_str());
res = false;
@ -270,7 +274,7 @@ bool TestNode(const CIPPort &cip, int &ban, vector<CAddress>& vAddr) {
} else {
ban = 0;
printf("%s: %s!!!\n", cip.ToString().c_str(), ret ? "GOOD" : "BAD");
// printf("%s: %s!!!\n", cip.ToString().c_str(), ret ? "GOOD" : "BAD");
return ret;
@ -284,3 +288,4 @@ int main(void) {
printf("ret=%s ban=%i vAddr.size()=%i\n", ret ? "good" : "bad", ban, (int)vAddr.size());
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ using namespace std;
void CAddrInfo::Update(bool good) {
uint32_t now = time(NULL);
if (ourLastTry == 0)
ourLastTry = now - MIN_RETRY;
double f = exp(-(now-ourLastTry)/TAU);
reliability = reliability * f + (good ? (1.0-f) : 0);
timing = (timing + (now-ourLastTry) * weight) * f;
@ -14,44 +16,41 @@ void CAddrInfo::Update(bool good) {
ourLastTry = now;
if (good) success++;
printf("%s: got %s result: weight=%g reliability=%g avgage=%g count=%g success=%i/%i\n", ip.ToString().c_str(), good ? "good" : "bad", weight, reliability/weight, timing/weight, count/weight, success, total);
printf("%s: got %s result: weight=%g reliability=%g avgage=%g count=%g success=%i/%i\n", ToString(ip).c_str(), good ? "good" : "bad", weight, GetReliability(), GetAvgAge(), GetCount(), success, total);
bool CAddrDb::Get_(CIPPort &ip, int &wait) {
int cont = 0;
int64 now = time(NULL);
do {
cont = 0;
int tot = unkId.size();
deque<int>::iterator it = ourId.begin();
while (it < ourId.end()) {
if (now - idToInfo[*it].ourLastTry > MIN_RETRY) {
} else {
if (tot == 0) {
if (ourId.size() > 0) {
wait = MIN_RETRY - (now - idToInfo[ourId.front()].ourLastTry);
return false;
int rnd = rand() % tot;
if (rnd < unkId.size()) {
set<int>::iterator it = unkId.begin();
ip = idToInfo[*it].ip;
printf("From UNK: %s\n", ip.ToString().c_str());
int tot = unkId.size();
deque<int>::iterator it = ourId.begin();
while (it < ourId.end()) {
if (now - idToInfo[*it].ourLastTry > MIN_RETRY) {
} else {
int ret = ourId.front();
if (time(NULL) - idToInfo[ret].ourLastTry < MIN_RETRY) return false;
ip = idToInfo[ret].ip;
printf("From OUR: %s (size = %i)\n", ip.ToString().c_str(), (int)ourId.size());
} while(cont);
if (tot == 0) {
if (ourId.size() > 0) {
wait = MIN_RETRY - (now - idToInfo[ourId.front()].ourLastTry);
return false;
int rnd = rand() % tot;
if (rnd < unkId.size()) {
set<int>::reverse_iterator it = unkId.rbegin();
ip = idToInfo[*it].ip;
printf("%s: new node\n", ToString(ip).c_str());
} else {
int ret = ourId.front();
if (time(NULL) - idToInfo[ret].ourLastTry < MIN_RETRY) return false;
ip = idToInfo[ret].ip;
printf("%s: old node\n", ToString(ip).c_str());
fDirty = true;
return true;
@ -62,18 +61,17 @@ int CAddrDb::Lookup_(const CIPPort &ip) {
void CAddrDb::Good_(const CIPPort &addr) {
printf("%s: good!\n", addr.ToString().c_str());
int id = Lookup_(addr);
printf("%s: good (id=%i)!\n", addr.ToString().c_str(), id);
if (id == -1) return;
CAddrInfo &info = idToInfo[id];
if (info.IsGood()) {
if (info.IsGood() && goodId.count(id)==0) {
printf("%s: good; %i good nodes now\n", addr.ToString().c_str(), (int)goodId.size());
printf("%s: good; %i good nodes now\n", ToString(addr).c_str(), (int)goodId.size());
fDirty = true;
@ -86,22 +84,23 @@ void CAddrDb::Bad_(const CIPPort &addr, int ban)
uint32_t now = time(NULL);
if (info.IsTerrible()) {
printf("%s: terrible\n", addr.ToString().c_str());
printf("%s: terrible\n", ToString(addr).c_str());
if (ban < 604800) ban = 604800;
if (ban > 0) {
printf("%s: ban %i seconds\n", addr.ToString().c_str(), ban);
printf("%s: ban for %i seconds\n", ToString(addr).c_str(), ban);
banned[info.ip] = ban + now;
} else {
if (!info.IsGood()) {
if (!info.IsGood() && goodId.count(id)==1) {
printf("%s: not good; %i good nodes left\n", addr.ToString().c_str(), (int)goodId.size());
printf("%s: not good; %i good nodes left\n", ToString(addr).c_str(), (int)goodId.size());
fDirty = true;
void CAddrDb::Skipped_(const CIPPort &addr)
@ -110,7 +109,8 @@ void CAddrDb::Skipped_(const CIPPort &addr)
if (id == -1) return;
printf("%s: skipped\n", addr.ToString().c_str());
printf("%s: skipped\n", ToString(addr).c_str());
fDirty = true;
@ -127,10 +127,12 @@ void CAddrDb::Add_(const CAddress &addr) {
if (ipToId.count(ipp)) {
CAddrInfo &ai = idToInfo[ipToId[ipp]];
if (addr.nTime > ai.lastTry)
if (addr.nTime > ai.lastTry || ai.services != addr.nServices)
ai.lastTry = addr.nTime;
ai.services |= addr.nServices;
printf("%s: updated\n", addr.ToString().c_str());
ai.services |= addr.nServices;
// printf("%s: updated\n", ToString(addr).c_str());
CAddrInfo ai;
@ -145,8 +147,9 @@ void CAddrDb::Add_(const CAddress &addr) {
int id = nId++;
idToInfo[id] = ai;
ipToId[ipp] = id;
printf("%s: added as id %i\n", ipp.ToString().c_str(), ipToId[ipp]);
printf("%s: added\n", ToString(ipp).c_str(), ipToId[ipp]);
fDirty = true;
void CAddrDb::GetIPs_(set<CIP>& ips, int max, bool fOnlyIPv4) {
@ -13,6 +13,12 @@
#define TAU 86400.0
#define MIN_RETRY 1000
std::string static inline ToString(const CIPPort &ip) {
std::string str = ip.ToString();
while (str.size() < 22) str += ' ';
return str;
class CAddrInfo {
CIPPort ip;
@ -26,11 +32,14 @@ private:
int total;
int success;
double GetCount() const { return count; }
double GetAvgAge() const { return timing/weight; }
double GetReliability() const { return reliability/weight; }
bool IsGood() {
return (weight > 0 && reliability/weight > 0.8 && timing/weight < 86400) && ip.GetPort() == 8333;
return (weight > 0 && GetReliability() > 0.8 && GetAvgAge() < 86400 && ip.GetPort() == 8333 && ip.IsRoutable());
bool IsTerrible() {
return (weight > 0.5 & reliability/weight < 0.2 && timing/weight < 86400 && count/weight > 2.0);
return ((weight > 0.1 && GetCount() > 5 && GetReliability() < 0.05) || (weight > 0.5 && GetReliability() < 0.2 && GetAvgAge() > 7200 && GetCount() > 5));
void Update(bool good);
@ -54,9 +63,9 @@ public:
// seen nodes
// / \
// (a) banned nodes tracked nodes
// / \
// tried nodes (b) unknown nodes
// (a) banned nodes available nodes--------------
// / | \
// tracked nodes (b) unknown nodes (e) active nodes
// / \
// (d) good nodes (c) non-good nodes
@ -64,24 +73,36 @@ class CAddrDb {
mutable CCriticalSection cs;
int nId; // number of address id's
std::map<int, CAddrInfo> idToInfo; // map address id to address info (b,c,d)
std::map<CIPPort, int> ipToId; // map ip to id (b,c,d)
std::map<int, CAddrInfo> idToInfo; // map address id to address info (b,c,d,e)
std::map<CIPPort, int> ipToId; // map ip to id (b,c,d,e)
std::deque<int> ourId; // sequence of tried nodes, in order we have tried connecting to them (c,d)
std::set<int> unkId; // set of nodes not yet tried (b)
std::set<int> goodId; // set of good nodes (d)
std::set<int> goodId; // set of good nodes (d, good e)
std::map<CIPPort, time_t> banned; // nodes that are banned, with their unban time (a)
bool fDirty;
void Add_(const CAddress &addr);
void Good_(const CIPPort &ip);
void Bad_(const CIPPort &ip, int ban);
void Skipped_(const CIPPort &ip);
bool Get_(CIPPort &ip, int& wait);
int Lookup_(const CIPPort &ip);
void GetIPs_(std::set<CIP>& ips, int max, bool fOnlyIPv4);
// internal routines that assume proper locks are acquired
void Add_(const CAddress &addr); // add an address
bool Get_(CIPPort &ip, int& wait); // get an IP to test (must call Good_, Bad_, or Skipped_ on result afterwards)
void Good_(const CIPPort &ip); // mark an IP as good (must have been returned by Get_)
void Bad_(const CIPPort &ip, int ban); // mark an IP as bad (and optionally ban it) (must have been returned by Get_)
void Skipped_(const CIPPort &ip); // mark an IP as skipped (must have been returned by Get_)
int Lookup_(const CIPPort &ip); // look up id of an IP
void GetIPs_(std::set<CIP>& ips, int max, bool fOnlyIPv4); // get a random set of IPs (shared lock only)
// seriazlization code
// format:
// nVersion (0 for now)
// nOur (number of ips in (c,d))
// nUnk (number of ips in (b))
// CAddrInfo[nOur]
// CAddrInfo[nUnk]
// banned
// acquires a shared lock (this does not suffice for read mode, but we assume that only happens at startup, single-threaded)
// this way, dumping does not interfere with GetIPs_, which is called from the DNS thread
int nVersion = 0;
@ -109,28 +130,44 @@ public:
for (int i=0; i<nOur; i++) {
CAddrInfo info;
int id = db->nId++;
db->idToInfo[id] = info;
db->ipToId[info.ip] = id;
if (info.IsGood()) db->goodId.insert(id);
if (!info.IsTerrible()) {
int id = db->nId++;
db->idToInfo[id] = info;
db->ipToId[info.ip] = id;
if (info.IsGood()) db->goodId.insert(id);
for (int i=0; i<nUnk; i++) {
CAddrInfo info;
int id = db->nId++;
db->idToInfo[id] = info;
db->ipToId[info.ip] = id;
if (!info.IsTerrible()) {
int id = db->nId++;
db->idToInfo[id] = info;
db->ipToId[info.ip] = id;
db->fDirty = true;
// print statistics
void Stats() {
printf("**** %i good, %lu our, %i unk, %i banned; %i known ips\n", (int)goodId.size(), (unsigned long)ourId.size(), (int)unkId.size(), (int)banned.size(), (int)ipToId.size());
if (fDirty) {
printf("**** %i available (%i tracked, %i new, %i active), %i banned; %i good\n",
(int)idToInfo.size() - (int)ourId.size() - (int)unkId.size(),
fDirty = false; // hopefully atomic
void Add(const CAddress &addr) {
@ -9,17 +9,10 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "dns.h"
#define BUFLEN 512
int port = 53;
int datattl = 60;
int nsttl = 30583;
char *host = "seedtest.bitcoin.sipa.be";
char *ns = "vps.sipa.be";
char *mbox = "sipa.ulyssis.org";
extern int GetIPList(struct in_addr *addr, int max, int ipv4only);
typedef enum {
@ -88,10 +81,10 @@ int static parse_name(const unsigned char **inpos, const unsigned char *inend, c
// -1: component > 63 characters
// -2: insufficent space in output
// -3: two subsequent dots
int static write_name(unsigned char** outpos, unsigned char *outend, char *name, int offset) {
int static write_name(unsigned char** outpos, const unsigned char *outend, const char *name, int offset) {
while (*name != 0) {
char *dot = strchr(name, '.');
char *fin = dot;
const char *fin = dot;
if (!dot) fin = name + strlen(name);
if (fin - name > 63) return -1;
if (fin == name) return -3;
@ -114,7 +107,7 @@ int static write_name(unsigned char** outpos, unsigned char *outend, char *name,
return 0;
int static write_record(unsigned char** outpos, unsigned char *outend, char *name, int offset, dns_type typ, dns_class cls, int ttl) {
int static write_record(unsigned char** outpos, const unsigned char *outend, const char *name, int offset, dns_type typ, dns_class cls, int ttl) {
unsigned char *oldpos = *outpos;
int error = 0;
// name
@ -134,7 +127,7 @@ error:
int static write_record_a(unsigned char** outpos, unsigned char *outend, char *name, int offset, dns_class cls, int ttl, const struct in_addr *ip) {
int static write_record_a(unsigned char** outpos, const unsigned char *outend, const char *name, int offset, dns_class cls, int ttl, const struct in_addr *ip) {
unsigned char *oldpos = *outpos;
int error = 0;
int ret = write_record(outpos, outend, name, offset, TYPE_A, cls, ttl);
@ -152,7 +145,7 @@ error:
return error;
int static write_record_aaaa(unsigned char** outpos, unsigned char *outend, char *name, int offset, dns_class cls, int ttl, const struct in6_addr *ip) {
int static write_record_aaaa(unsigned char** outpos, const unsigned char *outend, const char *name, int offset, dns_class cls, int ttl, const struct in6_addr *ip) {
unsigned char *oldpos = *outpos;
int error = 0;
int ret = write_record(outpos, outend, name, offset, TYPE_AAAA, cls, ttl);
@ -170,7 +163,7 @@ error:
return error;
int static write_record_ns(unsigned char** outpos, unsigned char *outend, char *name, int offset, dns_class cls, int ttl, char *ns) {
int static write_record_ns(unsigned char** outpos, const unsigned char *outend, char *name, int offset, dns_class cls, int ttl, const char *ns) {
unsigned char *oldpos = *outpos;
int ret = write_record(outpos, outend, name, offset, TYPE_NS, cls, ttl);
if (ret) return ret;
@ -188,7 +181,7 @@ error:
return error;
int static write_record_soa(unsigned char** outpos, unsigned char *outend, char *name, int offset, dns_class cls, int ttl, char* mname, char *rname,
int static write_record_soa(unsigned char** outpos, const unsigned char *outend, char *name, int offset, dns_class cls, int ttl, const char* mname, const char *rname,
uint32_t serial, uint32_t refresh, uint32_t retry, uint32_t expire, uint32_t minimum) {
unsigned char *oldpos = *outpos;
int ret = write_record(outpos, outend, name, offset, TYPE_SOA, cls, ttl);
@ -215,7 +208,7 @@ error:
return error;
ssize_t static dnshandle(const unsigned char *inbuf, size_t insize, unsigned char* outbuf) {
ssize_t static dnshandle(dns_opt_t *opt, const unsigned char *inbuf, size_t insize, unsigned char* outbuf) {
int error = 0;
if (insize < 12) // DNS header
return -1;
@ -248,8 +241,8 @@ ssize_t static dnshandle(const unsigned char *inbuf, size_t insize, unsigned cha
int ret = parse_name(&inpos, inend, inbuf, name, 256);
if (ret == -1) { error = 1; goto error; }
if (ret == -2) { error = 5; goto error; }
int namel = strlen(name), hostl = strlen(host);
if (strcmp(name, host) && (namel<hostl+2 || name[namel-hostl-1]!='.' || strcmp(name+namel-hostl,host))) { error = 5; goto error; }
int namel = strlen(name), hostl = strlen(opt->host);
if (strcmp(name, opt->host) && (namel<hostl+2 || name[namel-hostl-1]!='.' || strcmp(name+namel-hostl,opt->host))) { error = 5; goto error; }
if (inend - inpos < 4) { error = 1; goto error; }
// copy question to output
memcpy(outbuf+12, inbuf+12, inpos+4 - (inbuf+12));
@ -268,7 +261,7 @@ ssize_t static dnshandle(const unsigned char *inbuf, size_t insize, unsigned cha
unsigned char *outpos = outbuf+(inpos-inbuf);
unsigned char *outend = outbuf + BUFLEN;
printf("Request host='%s' type=%i class=%i\n", name, typ, cls);
printf("DNS: Request host='%s' type=%i class=%i\n", name, typ, cls);
// calculate size of authority section
@ -277,7 +270,7 @@ ssize_t static dnshandle(const unsigned char *inbuf, size_t insize, unsigned cha
if (!((typ == TYPE_NS || typ == QTYPE_ANY) && (cls == CLASS_IN || cls == QCLASS_ANY))) {
// authority section will be necessary
unsigned char *oldpos = outpos;
write_record_ns(&oldpos, outend, "", offset, CLASS_IN, 0, ns);
write_record_ns(&oldpos, outend, "", offset, CLASS_IN, 0, opt->ns);
auth_size = oldpos - outpos;
// printf("Authority section will claim %i bytes\n", auth_size);
@ -288,14 +281,14 @@ ssize_t static dnshandle(const unsigned char *inbuf, size_t insize, unsigned cha
// NS records
if ((typ == TYPE_NS || typ == QTYPE_ANY) && (cls == CLASS_IN || cls == QCLASS_ANY)) {
int ret2 = write_record_ns(&outpos, outend - auth_size, "", offset, CLASS_IN, nsttl, ns);
int ret2 = write_record_ns(&outpos, outend - auth_size, "", offset, CLASS_IN, opt->nsttl, opt->ns);
// printf("wrote NS record: %i\n", ret2);
if (!ret2) { outbuf[7]++; have_ns++; }
// SOA records
if ((typ == TYPE_SOA || typ == QTYPE_ANY) && (cls == CLASS_IN || cls == QCLASS_ANY)) {
int ret2 = write_record_soa(&outpos, outend - auth_size, "", offset, CLASS_IN, nsttl, ns, mbox, time(NULL), 604800, 86400, 2592000, 604800);
int ret2 = write_record_soa(&outpos, outend - auth_size, "", offset, CLASS_IN, opt->nsttl, opt->ns, opt->mbox, time(NULL), 604800, 86400, 2592000, 604800);
// printf("wrote SOA record: %i\n", ret2);
if (!ret2) { outbuf[7]++; }
@ -303,10 +296,10 @@ ssize_t static dnshandle(const unsigned char *inbuf, size_t insize, unsigned cha
// A records
if ((typ == TYPE_A || typ == QTYPE_ANY) && (cls == CLASS_IN || cls == QCLASS_ANY)) {
struct in_addr addr[20];
int naddr = GetIPList(addr, 20, 1);
int naddr = opt->cb(addr, 20, 1);
int n = 0;
while (n < naddr) {
int ret = write_record_a(&outpos, outend - auth_size, "", offset, CLASS_IN, datattl, &addr[n]);
int ret = write_record_a(&outpos, outend - auth_size, "", offset, CLASS_IN, opt->datattl, &addr[n]);
// printf("wrote A record: %i\n", ret);
if (!ret) {
@ -318,7 +311,7 @@ ssize_t static dnshandle(const unsigned char *inbuf, size_t insize, unsigned cha
// Authority section
if (!have_ns) {
int ret2 = write_record_ns(&outpos, outend, "", offset, CLASS_IN, nsttl, ns);
int ret2 = write_record_ns(&outpos, outend, "", offset, CLASS_IN, opt->nsttl, opt->ns);
// printf("wrote NS record: %i\n", ret2);
if (!ret2) {
@ -340,7 +333,7 @@ error:
return 12;
int dnsserver(void) {
int dnsserver(dns_opt_t *opt) {
struct sockaddr_in si_me, si_other;
socklen_t s, slen=sizeof(si_other);
unsigned char inbuf[BUFLEN], outbuf[BUFLEN];
@ -348,16 +341,16 @@ int dnsserver(void) {
return -1;
memset((char *) &si_me, 0, sizeof(si_me));
si_me.sin_family = AF_INET;
si_me.sin_port = htons(port);
si_me.sin_port = htons(opt->port);
si_me.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr*)&si_me, sizeof(si_me))==-1)
return -2;
do {
ssize_t insize = recvfrom(s, inbuf, BUFLEN, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&si_other, &slen);
unsigned char *addr = (unsigned char*)&si_other.sin_addr.s_addr;
printf("Request from %i.%i.%i.%i:%i of %i bytes\n", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], ntohs(si_other.sin_port), (int)insize);
printf("DNS: Request from %i.%i.%i.%i:%i of %i bytes\n", addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], ntohs(si_other.sin_port), (int)insize);
if (insize > 0) {
ssize_t ret = dnshandle(inbuf, insize, outbuf);
ssize_t ret = dnshandle(opt, inbuf, insize, outbuf);
if (ret > 0)
sendto(s, outbuf, ret, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&si_other, slen);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
using namespace std;
extern "C" {
// #include "dns.h"
#include "dns.h"
CAddrDb db;
@ -47,10 +47,16 @@ extern "C" int GetIPList(struct in_addr *addr, int max, int ipv4only) {
return n;
extern "C" int dnsserver(void);
extern "C" void* ThreadDNS(void*) {
dns_opt_t opt;
opt.host = "seedtest.bitcoin.sipa.be";
opt.ns = "vps.sipa.be";
opt.mbox = "sipa.ulyssis.org";
opt.datattl = 60;
opt.nsttl = 40000;
opt.cb = GetIPList;
opt.port = 53;
extern "C" void* ThreadDumper(void*) {
@ -274,7 +274,6 @@ bool CIPPort::ConnectSocket(SOCKET& hSocketRet, int nTimeout) const
return false;
printf("%s: connected\n", ToString().c_str());
hSocketRet = hSocket;
return true;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user