twister-rss =========== ![alt tag](IMG/Снимок_экрана_2014-08-07_в_12_36_32.jpg) PHP scripts for tranfering RSS feeds to twister Support English/Russian language. INSTALL =========== 1) You need your own server, installed twisterd daemon, http server, MYSQL, crontab 2) Go to htdocs main directory 3) git clone 4) make new database in MYSQL import twistercms.sql 5) Edit files: settings.php (in $domain add full URL to directory with script - example: you have local server on and htdocs directory on /var/www, after git pull you have /var/www/twister-rss/cms/ and you need to add in $domain without cms and http) 6) login to your server consol and type crontab -e then add new line "*/5 * * * * wget -q -o /dev/null FULL_URL_to_YOUR_site_/update.php" example: */5 * * * * wget -q -o 7) Open in browser, login with RPC login/password 8) Добавьте новую RSS ленту, обратите внимание аккаунт указанный в поле "Публиковать от имени" должен быть зарегистрирован на сервере с которого будет идти публикация. 9) Profit