Android Twister app.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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(ns twister-renyan.core-test
(:require [cemerick.cljs.test :refer-macros [is are deftest testing use-fixtures done]]
[reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]
[twister-renyan.core :as rc]))
(def isClient (not (nil? (try (.-document js/window)
(catch js/Object e nil)))))
(def rflush reagent/flush)
(defn add-test-div [name]
(let [doc js/document
body (.-body js/document)
div (.createElement doc "div")]
(.appendChild body div)
(defn with-mounted-component [comp f]
(when isClient
(let [div (add-test-div "_testreagent")]
(let [comp (reagent/render-component comp div #(f comp div))]
(reagent/unmount-component-at-node div)
(.removeChild (.-body js/document) div)))))
(defn found-in [re div]
(let [res (.-innerHTML div)]
(if (re-find re res)
(do (println "Not found: " res)
(deftest test-home
(with-mounted-component (rc/home-page)
(fn [c div]
(is (found-in #"Welcome to" div)))))