define(["exports", "module", "react"], function (exports, module, _react) { "use strict"; var _interopRequire = function (obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj["default"] : obj; }; var React = _interopRequire(_react); /** * Maps children that are typically specified as `props.children`, * but only iterates over children that are "valid components". * * The mapFunction provided index will be normalised to the components mapped, * so an invalid component would not increase the index. * * @param {?*} children Children tree container. * @param {function(*, int)} mapFunction. * @param {*} mapContext Context for mapFunction. * @return {object} Object containing the ordered map of results. */ function mapValidComponents(children, func, context) { var index = 0; return, function (child) { if (React.isValidElement(child)) { var lastIndex = index; index++; return, child, lastIndex); } return child; }); } /** * Iterates through children that are typically specified as `props.children`, * but only iterates over children that are "valid components". * * The provided forEachFunc(child, index) will be called for each * leaf child with the index reflecting the position relative to "valid components". * * @param {?*} children Children tree container. * @param {function(*, int)} forEachFunc. * @param {*} forEachContext Context for forEachContext. */ function forEachValidComponents(children, func, context) { var index = 0; return React.Children.forEach(children, function (child) { if (React.isValidElement(child)) {, child, index); index++; } }); } /** * Count the number of "valid components" in the Children container. * * @param {?*} children Children tree container. * @returns {number} */ function numberOfValidComponents(children) { var count = 0; React.Children.forEach(children, function (child) { if (React.isValidElement(child)) { count++; } }); return count; } /** * Determine if the Child container has one or more "valid components". * * @param {?*} children Children tree container. * @returns {boolean} */ function hasValidComponent(children) { var hasValid = false; React.Children.forEach(children, function (child) { if (!hasValid && React.isValidElement(child)) { hasValid = true; } }); return hasValid; } module.exports = { map: mapValidComponents, forEach: forEachValidComponents, numberOf: numberOfValidComponents, hasValidComponent: hasValidComponent }; });