var React = require('react'); var ContentEditable = require('react-wysiwyg'); var PostContentHelper = require('../common/PostContentHelper.js'); var SafeStateChangeMixin = require('../common/SafeStateChangeMixin.js'); var ReactBootstrap = require('react-bootstrap') , Button = ReactBootstrap.Button , DropdownButton = ReactBootstrap.DropdownButton , MenuItem = ReactBootstrap.MenuItem , ButtonGroup = ReactBootstrap.ButtonGroup , OverlayTrigger = ReactBootstrap.OverlayTrigger , Popover = ReactBootstrap.Popover , Glyphicon = ReactBootstrap.Glyphicon , Grid = ReactBootstrap.Grid , Col = ReactBootstrap.Col , Row = ReactBootstrap.Row var escape = document.createElement('textarea') function escapeHTML(html) { escape.textContent = html; return escape.innerHTML; } module.exports = PostComposer = React.createClass({ mixins:[SafeStateChangeMixin], getInitialState: function(){ var editing = false var defaultValue = '' return { html: defaultValue, editing: true, placeholder: true, maxLength: 140, totalLength: defaultValue.length, queryMention: false, text: defaultValue } }, componentDidMount: function () { // Gives the window a callback to call before the next repaint. window.requestAnimationFrame(this.checkCursor) }, checkCursor: function (timestamp) { var self = this var selection = window.getSelection() if (this.state.editing && selection.focusNode) { var node = selection .getRangeAt(0) .commonAncestorContainer .parentNode if (node.className === 'show-dropdown') { // you could use the node to determine its position, // and show the dropdown inline, too. this.setStateSafe({ queryMention : node.textContent }) } else if (this.state.queryMention) { this.setStateSafe({ queryMention: false }) } } else if (this.state.queryMention) { this.setStateSafe({ queryMention: false }) } window.requestAnimationFrame(self.checkCursor) }, render: function(){ var isValid = (this.state.maxLength >= this.state.totalLength) && (this.state.totalLength > 0) return (
); /*
Show autocomplete? {this.state.queryMention ? 'Yes ' + this.state.queryMention : 'No'}
*/ }, handleSubmit: function(){ this.props.onSubmit(this.state.text); }, autofocus: function () { if (this.state.editing) { this.refs.editable.autofocus() } }, onChange: function(text, setPlaceholder) { // in order to render the updated html, // you need to pass it as a prop to contentEditable. // This gives you increased flexibility. if (setPlaceholder) { this.setState({ placeholder: true, html: '', totalLength: 0, text: '' }) } else { var copy = text.slice(0, this.state.maxLength) var parsedContent = PostContentHelper.parseContent(copy); //console.log(copy,parsedContent); var output = "";,index){ //console.log(item.raw) switch(item.type) { case "mention": output+=(''+item.raw+''); break; case "hashtag": output+=(''+item.raw+''); break; case "url": output+=(''+item.raw+''); break; case "email": output+=(''+item.raw+''); break; default: output+=(item.raw); } }); var rules = [ {regex: /\[([^\[]+)\]\(([^\)]+)\)/g, replacement: '[$1]($2)'}, // hyperlink {regex: /(\s?)(\*)(.*?)(\*)(\s?)/g, replacement: '$1*$3*$5'}, // emphasis {regex: /(\s?)(\~)(.*?)(\~)(\s?)/g, replacement: '$1~$3~$5'}, // emphasis {regex: /(\s?)(\-)(.*?)(\-)(\s?)/g, replacement: '$1-$3-$5'}, // emphasis {regex: /(\s?)(\_)(.*?)(\_)(\s?)/g, replacement: '$1_$3_$5'}, // emphasis ] rules.forEach(function (rule) { output = output.replace(rule.regex, rule.replacement); }); console.log(text.slice(0, this.state.maxLength),output) // text overflow if (text.length > this.state.maxLength) { var overflow = '' + text.slice(this.state.maxLength) + '' output = output + overflow } this.setState({ placeholder: false, html: output, totalLength: text.length, text: copy }) } }, enableEditing: function(){ var editing = !this.state.editing // set your contenteditable field into editing mode. this.setState({ editing: editing }); if (editing) { this.refs.editable.autofocus() this.refs.editable.setCursorToEnd() } } });