var ReactBootstrap = require('react-bootstrap') , Button = ReactBootstrap.Button , ButtonGroup = ReactBootstrap.ButtonGroup , Glyphicon = ReactBootstrap.Glyphicon , Modal = ReactBootstrap.Modal , Input = ReactBootstrap.Input var React = require('react'); var SafeStateChangeMixin = require('../common/SafeStateChangeMixin.js'); var SetIntervalMixin = require("../common/SetIntervalMixin.js"); module.exports = EditAvatarModalButton = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function () { return { isModalOpen: false, avatar: this.props.avatar }; }, handleAvatarChange: function(event) {[0]; var thisComponent = this; var targetWidth = 64; var dataUrl = ""; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = function () { dataUrl = reader.result; var sourceImage = new Image(); sourceImage.onload = function () { // Create a canvas with the desired dimensions var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var imWidth = sourceImage.width; var imHeight = sourceImage.height; var sx = 0; var sy = 0; sourceWidth = imWidth; if (imWidth > imHeight) { sx = (imWidth - imHeight) / 2; sourceWidth = imHeight; } else { sy = (imHeight - imWidth) / 2; } canvas.width = targetWidth; canvas.height = targetWidth; // Scale and draw the source image to the canvas canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(sourceImage, sx, sy, sourceWidth, sourceWidth, 0, 0, targetWidth, targetWidth); var imgURL = undefined; for (var quality = 1.0; (!imgURL || imgURL.length > 4096) && quality > 0.1; quality -= 0.05) { imgURL = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', quality); } thisComponent.setState({avatar: imgURL}); }; sourceImage.src = dataUrl; }; reader.readAsDataURL(selectedFile); }, handleToggle: function () { this.setState({ isModalOpen: !this.state.isModalOpen }); }, handleAvatarEdit: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var newavatar = this.state.avatar; if(newavatar == "img/genericPerson.png") newavatar = ""; var thisComponent = this; Twister.getAccount(this.props.activeAccount).updateAvatar(newavatar,function(avatar){ console.log(avatar._data); var event = new CustomEvent('avatarupdatebyuser',{detail: avatar}); //alert("scrolled to bottom") window.dispatchEvent(event); }); this.handleToggle(); return; }, render: function() { if(this.props.activeAccount!=this.props.username){ return ( ) } return ( ); } });