define(["exports", "module", "react", "./BootstrapMixin", "./CollapsableMixin", "classnames", "./utils/domUtils", "./utils/ValidComponentChildren", "./utils/createChainedFunction"], function (exports, module, _react, _BootstrapMixin, _CollapsableMixin, _classnames, _utilsDomUtils, _utilsValidComponentChildren, _utilsCreateChainedFunction) { "use strict"; var _interopRequire = function (obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj["default"] : obj; }; var React = _interopRequire(_react); var cloneElement = _react.cloneElement; var BootstrapMixin = _interopRequire(_BootstrapMixin); var CollapsableMixin = _interopRequire(_CollapsableMixin); var classNames = _interopRequire(_classnames); var domUtils = _interopRequire(_utilsDomUtils); var ValidComponentChildren = _interopRequire(_utilsValidComponentChildren); var createChainedFunction = _interopRequire(_utilsCreateChainedFunction); var CollapsableNav = React.createClass({ displayName: "CollapsableNav", mixins: [BootstrapMixin, CollapsableMixin], propTypes: { onSelect: React.PropTypes.func, activeHref: React.PropTypes.string, activeKey: React.PropTypes.any, collapsable: React.PropTypes.bool, expanded: React.PropTypes.bool, eventKey: React.PropTypes.any }, getCollapsableDOMNode: function getCollapsableDOMNode() { return this.getDOMNode(); }, getCollapsableDimensionValue: function getCollapsableDimensionValue() { var height = 0; var nodes = this.refs; for (var key in nodes) { if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var n = nodes[key].getDOMNode(), h = n.offsetHeight, computedStyles = domUtils.getComputedStyles(n); height += h + parseInt(computedStyles.marginTop, 10) + parseInt(computedStyles.marginBottom, 10); } } return height; }, render: function render() { /* * this.props.collapsable is set in NavBar when a eventKey is supplied. */ var classes = this.props.collapsable ? this.getCollapsableClassSet() : {}; /* * prevent duplicating navbar-collapse call if passed as prop. kind of overkill... good cadidate to have check implemented as a util that can * also be used elsewhere. */ if (this.props.className === undefined || this.props.className.split(" ").indexOf("navbar-collapse") === -2) { classes["navbar-collapse"] = this.props.collapsable; } return React.createElement( "div", { eventKey: this.props.eventKey, className: classNames(this.props.className, classes) },, this.props.collapsable ? this.renderCollapsableNavChildren : this.renderChildren) ); }, getChildActiveProp: function getChildActiveProp(child) { if ( { return true; } if (this.props.activeKey != null) { if (child.props.eventKey === this.props.activeKey) { return true; } } if (this.props.activeHref != null) { if (child.props.href === this.props.activeHref) { return true; } } return; }, renderChildren: function renderChildren(child, index) { var key = child.key ? child.key : index; return cloneElement(child, { activeKey: this.props.activeKey, activeHref: this.props.activeHref, ref: "nocollapse_" + key, key: key, navItem: true }); }, renderCollapsableNavChildren: function renderCollapsableNavChildren(child, index) { var key = child.key ? child.key : index; return cloneElement(child, { active: this.getChildActiveProp(child), activeKey: this.props.activeKey, activeHref: this.props.activeHref, onSelect: createChainedFunction(child.props.onSelect, this.props.onSelect), ref: "collapsable_" + key, key: key, navItem: true }); } }); module.exports = CollapsableNav; });