* Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @providesModule getMarkupWrap
var ExecutionEnvironment = require("./ExecutionEnvironment");
var invariant = require("./invariant");
* Dummy container used to detect which wraps are necessary.
var dummyNode =
ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM ? document.createElement('div') : null;
* Some browsers cannot use `innerHTML` to render certain elements standalone,
* so we wrap them, render the wrapped nodes, then extract the desired node.
* In IE8, certain elements cannot render alone, so wrap all elements ('*').
var shouldWrap = {
// Force wrapping for SVG elements because if they get created inside a
// they will be initialized in the wrong namespace (and will not display).
'circle': true,
'defs': true,
'ellipse': true,
'g': true,
'line': true,
'linearGradient': true,
'path': true,
'polygon': true,
'polyline': true,
'radialGradient': true,
'rect': true,
'stop': true,
'text': true
var selectWrap = [1, ''];
var tableWrap = [1, '
', '
var trWrap = [3, '
', '
var svgWrap = [1, ''];
var markupWrap = {
'*': [1, '?