A drop-in-replacement for [twister-html](https://github.com/miguelfreitas/twister-html) written in [React](https://facebook.github.io/react/) using [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) with the [paper theme](https://bootswatch.com/paper/).
letsencrypt will ask you to provide an email address and your domain. It will then save your certificates in /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/ where example.com is your domain.
As last step we have to tell twister-proxy where the certificates are
nano twister-proxy/settings.json
Inside "Server" replace example.com by your domain in a the "ssl_*" properties. Press Crtl+O to save and then Crtl+X to exit.
Now we can start it up. When starting for the first time it will pull the twister docker-image.
twisterd now needs a while (10min to 1h depending on your connection) to download the blockchain. You can check `top` to see if twisterd is still busy. If its not busy anymore (cpu at around 10%) its read to use. Go to https://example.com/index.html where example.com is your domain.