2015-04-29 11:02:32 +02:00
'use strict' ;
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var _classCallCheck = function ( instance , Constructor ) { if ( ! ( instance instanceof Constructor ) ) { throw new TypeError ( 'Cannot call a class as a function' ) ; } } ;
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var _createClass = ( function ( ) { function defineProperties ( target , props ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < props . length ; i ++ ) { var descriptor = props [ i ] ; descriptor . enumerable = descriptor . enumerable || false ; descriptor . configurable = true ; if ( 'value' in descriptor ) descriptor . writable = true ; Object . defineProperty ( target , descriptor . key , descriptor ) ; } } return function ( Constructor , protoProps , staticProps ) { if ( protoProps ) defineProperties ( Constructor . prototype , protoProps ) ; if ( staticProps ) defineProperties ( Constructor , staticProps ) ; return Constructor ; } ; } ) ( ) ;
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2015-04-29 11:02:32 +02:00
var assign = require ( 'react/lib/Object.assign' ) ;
var invariant = require ( 'react/lib/invariant' ) ;
var warning = require ( 'react/lib/warning' ) ;
var PathUtils = require ( './PathUtils' ) ;
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var _currentRoute ;
var Route = ( function ( ) {
function Route ( name , path , ignoreScrollBehavior , isDefault , isNotFound , onEnter , onLeave , handler ) {
_classCallCheck ( this , Route ) ;
this . name = name ;
this . path = path ;
this . paramNames = PathUtils . extractParamNames ( this . path ) ;
this . ignoreScrollBehavior = ! ! ignoreScrollBehavior ;
this . isDefault = ! ! isDefault ;
this . isNotFound = ! ! isNotFound ;
this . onEnter = onEnter ;
this . onLeave = onLeave ;
this . handler = handler ;
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_createClass ( Route , [ {
key : 'appendChild' ,
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/ * *
* Appends the given route to this route ' s child routes .
* /
value : function appendChild ( route ) {
invariant ( route instanceof Route , 'route.appendChild must use a valid Route' ) ;
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if ( ! this . childRoutes ) this . childRoutes = [ ] ;
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this . childRoutes . push ( route ) ;
} , {
key : 'toString' ,
value : function toString ( ) {
var string = '<Route' ;
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if ( this . name ) string += ' name="' + this . name + '"' ;
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string += ' path="' + this . path + '">' ;
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return string ;
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2015-04-29 11:02:32 +02:00
} ] , [ {
key : 'createRoute' ,
/ * *
* Creates and returns a new route . Options may be a URL pathname string
* with placeholders for named params or an object with any of the following
* properties :
* - name The name of the route . This is used to lookup a
* route relative to its parent route and should be
* unique among all child routes of the same parent
* - path A URL pathname string with optional placeholders
* that specify the names of params to extract from
* the URL when the path matches . Defaults to ` / ${ name } `
* when there is a name given , or the path of the parent
* route , or /
* - ignoreScrollBehavior True to make this route ( and all descendants ) ignore
* the scroll behavior of the router
* - isDefault True to make this route the default route among all
* its siblings
* - isNotFound True to make this route the "not found" route among
* all its siblings
* - onEnter A transition hook that will be called when the
* router is going to enter this route
* - onLeave A transition hook that will be called when the
* router is going to leave this route
* - handler A React component that will be rendered when
* this route is active
* - parentRoute The parent route to use for this route . This option
* is automatically supplied when creating routes inside
* the callback to another invocation of createRoute . You
* only ever need to use this when declaring routes
* independently of one another to manually piece together
* the route hierarchy
* The callback may be used to structure your route hierarchy . Any call to
* createRoute , createDefaultRoute , createNotFoundRoute , or createRedirect
* inside the callback automatically uses this route as its parent .
* /
value : function createRoute ( options , callback ) {
options = options || { } ;
if ( typeof options === 'string' ) options = { path : options } ;
var parentRoute = _currentRoute ;
if ( parentRoute ) {
warning ( options . parentRoute == null || options . parentRoute === parentRoute , 'You should not use parentRoute with createRoute inside another route\'s child callback; it is ignored' ) ;
} else {
parentRoute = options . parentRoute ;
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var name = options . name ;
var path = options . path || name ;
if ( path && ! ( options . isDefault || options . isNotFound ) ) {
if ( PathUtils . isAbsolute ( path ) ) {
if ( parentRoute ) {
invariant ( path === parentRoute . path || parentRoute . paramNames . length === 0 , 'You cannot nest path "%s" inside "%s"; the parent requires URL parameters' , path , parentRoute . path ) ;
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} else if ( parentRoute ) {
// Relative paths extend their parent.
path = PathUtils . join ( parentRoute . path , path ) ;
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} else {
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path = '/' + path ;
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} else {
path = parentRoute ? parentRoute . path : '/' ;
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if ( options . isNotFound && ! /\*$/ . test ( path ) ) path += '*' ; // Auto-append * to the path of not found routes.
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var route = new Route ( name , path , options . ignoreScrollBehavior , options . isDefault , options . isNotFound , options . onEnter , options . onLeave , options . handler ) ;
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if ( parentRoute ) {
if ( route . isDefault ) {
invariant ( parentRoute . defaultRoute == null , '%s may not have more than one default route' , parentRoute ) ;
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parentRoute . defaultRoute = route ;
} else if ( route . isNotFound ) {
invariant ( parentRoute . notFoundRoute == null , '%s may not have more than one not found route' , parentRoute ) ;
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parentRoute . notFoundRoute = route ;
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parentRoute . appendChild ( route ) ;
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// Any routes created in the callback
// use this route as their parent.
if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) {
var currentRoute = _currentRoute ;
_currentRoute = route ;
callback . call ( route , route ) ;
_currentRoute = currentRoute ;
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return route ;
} , {
key : 'createDefaultRoute' ,
/ * *
* Creates and returns a route that is rendered when its parent matches
* the current URL .
* /
value : function createDefaultRoute ( options ) {
return Route . createRoute ( assign ( { } , options , { isDefault : true } ) ) ;
} , {
key : 'createNotFoundRoute' ,
/ * *
* Creates and returns a route that is rendered when its parent matches
* the current URL but none of its siblings do .
* /
value : function createNotFoundRoute ( options ) {
return Route . createRoute ( assign ( { } , options , { isNotFound : true } ) ) ;
} , {
key : 'createRedirect' ,
/ * *
* Creates and returns a route that automatically redirects the transition
* to another route . In addition to the normal options to createRoute , this
* function accepts the following options :
* - from An alias for the ` path ` option . Defaults to *
* - to The path / route / route name to redirect to
* - params The params to use in the redirect URL . Defaults
* to using the current params
* - query The query to use in the redirect URL . Defaults
* to using the current query
* /
value : function createRedirect ( options ) {
return Route . createRoute ( assign ( { } , options , {
path : options . path || options . from || '*' ,
onEnter : function onEnter ( transition , params , query ) {
transition . redirect ( options . to , options . params || params , options . query || query ) ;
} ) ) ;
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} ] ) ;
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return Route ;
} ) ( ) ;
module . exports = Route ;