# Conflicts: # js/interface_localization.js
HTML interface for Twister (github). To use it, clone this repo under ~/.twister/html like this:
git clone https://github.com/miguelfreitas/twister-html.git ~/.twister/html
If you'r on Mac OS X - clone to ${HOME}/Library/Application\ Support/Twister/html instead of ~/.twister/html
Feel free to fork and send pull requests!
To make it easier for us to accept your patches, please follow the conventional GitHub workflow:
# after forking, clone your repo
rm -rf ~/.twister/html
git clone git@github.com:yournickname/twister-html.git ~/.twister/html
cd ~/.twister/html
# CREATE A NEW BRANCH, specific to the fix you're implementing
git checkout -b my-fix
# ... make your changes ...
# commit and push
git commit -m "Fixing #1234 - bad foobarizer" && git push
# Now open a pull request from branch my-fix to miguelfreitas:master on github.
# Once the request is accepted, switch back to master and track upstream
git remote add upstream https://github.com/miguelfreitas/twister-html.git # one-off setup
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master # you should get a fast-forward message here
git push
If you want to add your own translation, edit interface_localization.js
like this:
fork the repo and create a new branch
git clone git@github.com:yournickname/twister-html.git ~/.twister/html cd ~/.twister/html git checkout -b Klingon
add your language to the list of available choices. You should use your ISO code here, it should match what the browser reports. The Klingon ISO is "tlh", so:
var knownLanguages = ["en","nl","it","fr","ru","tlh"];`
For multi-region languages, if you want to catch them all, use only the first half (e.g. to match it and it-ch, specify "it").
add a new wordset block after existing ones
if(preferredLanguage == "tlh"){ polyglot.locale("tlh"); wordset = { "Insults": "mu'qaD, .... } }
stage all changes in file
git add interface_localization.js
commit & push
git commit -m "Klingon translation" git push
When opening the pull request on github. For any help, ping @toyg.