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synced 2025-03-12 21:41:02 +00:00

still a lot to do: using the "from" field from group messages to display who sent each message, options to invite, display members, change group description, leave etc.
450 lines
17 KiB
450 lines
17 KiB
// twister_io.js
// 2013 Miguel Freitas
// low-level twister i/o.
// implements requests of dht resources. multiple pending requests to the same resource are joined.
// cache results (profile, avatar, etc) in memory.
// avatars are cached in localstored (expiration = 24 hours)
// main json rpc method. receives callbacks for success and error
function twisterRpc(method, params, resultFunc, resultArg, errorFunc, errorArg) {
// removing hardcoded username from javascript: please use url http://user:pwd@localhost:28332 instead
//var foo = new $.JsonRpcClient({ ajaxUrl: '/', username: 'user', password: 'pwd'});
var foo = new $.JsonRpcClient({ ajaxUrl: window.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]*$/, '') });
foo.call(method, params,
function(ret) { resultFunc(resultArg, ret); },
function(ret) { if(ret != null) errorFunc(errorArg, ret); }
// join multiple dhtgets to the same resources in this map
var _dhtgetPendingMap = {};
// memory cache for profile and avatar
var _profileMap = {};
var _avatarMap = {};
var _pubkeyMap = {};
// number of dhtgets in progress (requests to the daemon)
var _dhtgetsInProgress = 0;
// keep _maxDhtgets smaller than the number of daemon/browser sockets
// most browsers limit to 6 per domain (see http://www.browserscope.org/?category=network)
var _maxDhtgets = 5;
// requests not yet sent to the daemon due to _maxDhtgets limit
var _queuedDhtgets = [];
// private function to define a key in _dhtgetPendingMap
function _dhtgetLocator(username, resource, multi) {
return username+";"+resource+";"+multi;
function _dhtgetAddPending(locator, cbFunc, cbArg)
if( !(locator in _dhtgetPendingMap) ) {
_dhtgetPendingMap[locator] = [];
_dhtgetPendingMap[locator].push( {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg} );
function _dhtgetProcessPending(locator, multi, ret)
if( locator in _dhtgetPendingMap ) {
for( var i = 0; i < _dhtgetPendingMap[locator].length; i++) {
var cbFunc = _dhtgetPendingMap[locator][i].cbFunc;
var cbArg = _dhtgetPendingMap[locator][i].cbArg;
if( multi == 's' ) {
if( ret[0] != undefined ) {
cbFunc(cbArg, ret[0]["p"]["v"], ret);
} else {
cbFunc(cbArg, null);
} else {
var multiret = [];
for (var j = 0; j < ret.length; j++) {
cbFunc(cbArg, multiret, ret);
delete _dhtgetPendingMap[locator];
} else {
console.log("warning: _dhtgetProcessPending with unknown locator "+locator);
function _dhtgetAbortPending(locator)
if( locator in _dhtgetPendingMap ) {
for( var i = 0; i < _dhtgetPendingMap[locator].length; i++) {
var cbFunc = _dhtgetPendingMap[locator][i].cbFunc;
var cbArg = _dhtgetPendingMap[locator][i].cbArg;
cbFunc(cbArg, null);
delete _dhtgetPendingMap[locator];
} else {
console.log("warning: _dhtgetAbortPending with unknown locator "+locator);
// get data from dht resource
// the value ["v"] is extracted from response and returned to callback
// null is passed to callback in case of an error
function dhtget( username, resource, multi, cbFunc, cbArg, timeoutArgs ) {
//console.log('dhtget '+username+' '+resource+' '+multi);
var locator = _dhtgetLocator(username, resource, multi);
if( locator in _dhtgetPendingMap) {
_dhtgetAddPending(locator, cbFunc, cbArg);
} else {
_dhtgetAddPending(locator, cbFunc, cbArg);
// limit the number of simultaneous dhtgets.
// this should leave some sockets for other non-blocking daemon requests.
if( _dhtgetsInProgress < _maxDhtgets ) {
_dhtgetInternal( username, resource, multi, timeoutArgs );
} else {
// just queue the locator. it will be unqueue when some dhtget completes.
function _dhtgetInternal( username, resource, multi, timeoutArgs ) {
var locator = _dhtgetLocator(username, resource, multi);
argsList = [username,resource,multi];
if( typeof timeoutArgs !== 'undefined' ) {
argsList = argsList.concat(timeoutArgs);
twisterRpc("dhtget", argsList,
function(args, ret) {
_dhtgetProcessPending(args.locator, args.multi, ret);
}, {locator:locator,multi:multi},
function(cbArg, ret) {
console.log("ajax error:" + ret);
}, locator);
function _dhtgetDequeue() {
if( _queuedDhtgets.length ) {
var locatorSplit = _queuedDhtgets.pop().split(";");
_dhtgetInternal(locatorSplit[0], locatorSplit[1], locatorSplit[2]);
// removes queued dhtgets (requests that have not been made to the daemon)
// this is used by user search dropdown to discard old users we are not interested anymore
function removeUserFromDhtgetQueue(username) {
var resources = ["profile","avatar"]
for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
var locator = _dhtgetLocator(username,resources[i],"s");
var locatorIndex = _queuedDhtgets.indexOf(locator);
if( locatorIndex > -1 ) {
delete _dhtgetPendingMap[locator];
function removeUsersFromDhtgetQueue(users) {
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++ ) {
removeUserFromDhtgetQueue( users[i] );
// store value at the dht resource
function dhtput( username, resource, multi, value, sig_user, seq, cbFunc, cbArg ) {
twisterRpc("dhtput", [username,resource,multi, value, sig_user, seq],
function(args, ret) {
if( args.cbFunc )
args.cbFunc(args.cbArg, true);
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("ajax error:" + ret);
if( args.cbFunc )
args.cbFunc(args.cbArg, false);
}, cbArg);
// get something from profile and store it in item.text or do callback
function getProfileResource( username, resource, item, cbFunc, cbArg ){
var profile = undefined;
if( username in _profileMap ) {
profile = _profileMap[username];
} else {
profile = _getResourceFromStorage("profile:" + username);
if( profile ) {
_profileMap[username] = profile;
if( item )
if( cbFunc )
cbFunc(cbArg, profile[resource]);
} else {
dhtget( username, "profile", "s",
function(args, profile) {
if( profile ) {
_profileMap[args.username] = profile;
_putResourceIntoStorage("profile:" + username, profile);
if( args.item )
if( args.cbFunc )
args.cbFunc(args.cbArg, profile[resource]);
} else {
if( args.cbFunc )
args.cbFunc(args.cbArg, null);
}, {username:username,item:item,cbFunc:cbFunc,cbArg:cbArg});
// get fullname and store it in item.text
function getFullname( username, item ){
// Set the username first in case the profile has no fullname
getProfileResource( username, "fullname", undefined,
function(args, value) {
if( value ) {
value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if( value.length )
}, {item: item} );
if (typeof(twisterFollowingO) !== 'undefined' &&
($.Options.getIsFollowingMeOpt() === 'everywhere' || item.hasClass('profile-name'))) {
if (twisterFollowingO.knownFollowers.indexOf(username) > -1) {
item.attr("title", polyglot.t("follows you"));
} else if (twisterFollowingO.notFollowers.indexOf(username) === -1) {
if (typeof(twisterFollowingO.followingsFollowings[username]) !== 'undefined' &&
typeof(twisterFollowingO.followingsFollowings[username]["following"]) !== 'undefined') {
if (twisterFollowingO.followingsFollowings[username]["following"].indexOf(defaultScreenName) > -1) {
item.attr("title", polyglot.t("follows you"));
} else {
loadFollowingFromDht(username, 1, [], 0, function (args, following, seqNum) {
if (following.indexOf(args.user) > -1) {
item.attr("title", polyglot.t("follows you"));
if (twisterFollowingO.knownFollowers.indexOf(args.username) < 0)
} else
}, {"user": defaultScreenName, "item": item, "username": username});
$(".open-followers").attr("title", twisterFollowingO.knownFollowers.length.toString());
// get bio and store it in item.text
function getBio( username, item ){
getProfileResource( username, "bio", item);
// get tox address and store it in item.text
function getTox( username, item ){
getProfileResource( username, "tox", false, function(item, text){
if(text) {
item.attr('href', 'tox:'+text);
item.next().attr('data', text).attr('title', 'Copy to clipboard');
}, item);
// get bitmessage address and store it in item.text
function getBitmessage( username, item ){
getProfileResource( username, "bitmessage", false, function(item, text){
if(text) {
item.attr('href', 'bitmsg:'+text+'?action=add&label='+username);
item.next().attr('data', text).attr('title', 'Copy to clipboard');
}, item);
// get location and store it in item.text
function getLocation( username, item ){
getProfileResource( username, "location", item);
// get location and store it in item.text
function getWebpage( username, item ){
getProfileResource( username, "url", item,
function(args, val) {
if(typeof(val) !== 'undefined') {
if (val.indexOf("://") < 0) {
val = "http://" + val;
args.item.attr("href", val);
}, {item:item} );
function getGroupChatName( groupalias, item ){
twisterRpc("getgroupinfo", [groupalias],
function(args, ret) {
}, {item:item},
function(args, ret) {
args.item.text("getgroupinfo error");
}, {item:item});
// we must cache avatar results to disk to lower bandwidth on
// other peers. dht server limits udp rate so requesting too much
// data will only cause new requests to fail.
function _getResourceFromStorage(locator) {
var storage = $.localStorage;
if( storage.isSet(locator) ) {
var storedResource = storage.get(locator);
var curTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
// avatar is downloaded once per day
if( storedResource.time + 3600*24 > curTime ) {
return storedResource.data;
return null;
function _putResourceIntoStorage(locator, data) {
var curTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
var storedResource = {time: curTime, data: data};
var storage = $.localStorage;
storage.set(locator, storedResource);
// get avatar and set it in img.attr("src")
function getAvatar( username, img ){
var theme = $.Options.getTheme();
if( username == "nobody" ) {
if(theme == 'nin') {img.attr('src', "theme_nin/img/tornado_avatar.png");}
else {img.attr('src', "img/tornado_avatar.png");}
if( username in _avatarMap ) {
//img.attr('src', "data:image/jpg;base64,"+avatarMap[username]);
img.attr('src', _avatarMap[username]);
} else {
var data = _getResourceFromStorage("avatar:" + username);
if( data ) {
_avatarMap[username] = data;
img.attr('src', data);
} else {
dhtget( username, "avatar", "s",
function(args, imagedata) {
if( imagedata && imagedata.length ) {
_avatarMap[args.username] = imagedata;
_putResourceIntoStorage("avatar:" + username, imagedata);
args.img.attr('src', imagedata);
}, {username:username,img:img} );
function clearAvatarAndProfileCache(username) {
var storage = $.localStorage;
storage.remove("avatar:" + username);
storage.remove("profile:" + username);
if( username in _avatarMap ) {
delete _avatarMap[username];
if( username in _profileMap ) {
delete _profileMap[username];
// get estimative for number of followers (use known peers of torrent tracker)
function getFollowers( username, item ) {
dhtget( username, "tracker", "m",
function(args, ret) {
if( ret && ret.length && ret[0]["followers"] ) {
}, {username:username,item:item} );
function getPostsCount( username, item ) {
dhtget( username, "status", "s",
function(args, v) {
var count = 0;
if( v && v["userpost"] ) {
count = v["userpost"]["k"]+1;
var oldCount = parseInt(args.item.text());
if( !oldCount || count > oldCount ) {
if( username == defaultScreenName && count ) {
incLastPostId( v["userpost"]["k"] );
}, {username:username,item:item} );
function checkPubkeyExists(username, cbFunc, cbArg) {
// pubkey is checked in block chain db.
// so only accepted registrations are reported (local wallet users are not)
twisterRpc("dumppubkey", [username],
function(args, ret) {
args.cbFunc(args.cbArg, ret.length > 0);
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg},
function(args, ret) {
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg});
// pubkey is obtained from block chain db.
// so only accepted registrations are reported (local wallet users are not)
// cbFunc is called as cbFunc(cbArg, pubkey)
// if user doesn't exist then pubkey.length == 0
function dumpPubkey(username, cbFunc, cbArg) {
if( username in _pubkeyMap ) {
if( cbFunc )
cbFunc(cbArg, _pubkeyMap[username]);
} else {
twisterRpc("dumppubkey", [username],
function(args, ret) {
if( ret.length > 0 ) {
_pubkeyMap[username] = ret;
args.cbFunc(args.cbArg, ret);
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg},
function(args, ret) {
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg});
// privkey is obtained from wallet db
// so privkey is returned even for unsent transactions
function dumpPrivkey(username, cbFunc, cbArg) {
twisterRpc("dumpprivkey", [username],
function(args, ret) {
args.cbFunc(args.cbArg, ret);
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg},
function(args, ret) {
args.cbFunc(args.cbArg, "");
console.log("dumpprivkey: user unknown");
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg});