You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
296 lines
12 KiB
296 lines
12 KiB
// twister_formatpost.js |
// 2013 Miguel Freitas |
// |
// Format JSON posts and DMs to HTML. |
// format "userpost" to html element |
// kind = "original"/"ancestor"/"descendant" |
function postToElem( post, kind, promoted ) { |
/* |
"userpost" : |
{ |
"n" : username, |
"k" : seq number, |
"t" : "post" / "dm" / "rt" |
"msg" : message (post/rt) |
"time" : unix utc |
"height" : best height at user |
"dm" : encrypted message (dm) -opt |
"rt" : original userpost - opt |
"sig_rt" : sig of rt - opt |
"reply" : - opt |
{ |
"n" : reference username |
"k" : reference k |
} |
} |
"sig_userpost" : signature by userpost.n |
*/ |
// Obtain data from userpost |
var postJson = $.toJSON(post); |
var userpost = post["userpost"]; |
if( "rt" in userpost ) { |
var rt = userpost["rt"]; |
var n = rt["n"]; |
var k = rt["k"]; |
var t = rt["time"]; |
var msg = rt["msg"]; |
var content_to_rt = $.toJSON(rt); |
var content_to_sigrt = userpost["sig_rt"]; |
var retweeted_by = userpost["n"]; |
} else { |
var n = userpost["n"]; |
var k = userpost["k"]; |
var t = userpost["time"]; |
var msg = userpost["msg"] |
var content_to_rt = $.toJSON(userpost); |
var content_to_sigrt = post["sig_userpost"]; |
var retweeted_by = undefined; |
} |
// Now create the html elements |
var elem = $.MAL.getPostTemplate().clone(true); |
elem.removeAttr('id') |
.addClass(kind) |
.attr('data-time', t) |
; |
if( post['isNew'] ) |
elem.addClass('new'); |
var postData = elem.find('.post-data'); |
postData.addClass(kind) |
.attr('data-userpost', postJson) |
.attr('data-content_to_rt', content_to_rt) |
.attr('data-content_to_sigrt', content_to_sigrt) |
.attr('data-screen-name', n) |
.attr('data-id', k) |
.attr('data-lastk', userpost["lastk"]) |
.attr('data-text', msg) |
; |
if( 'reply' in userpost ) { |
postData.attr('data-replied-to-screen-name', userpost.reply.n) |
.attr('data-replied-to-id', userpost.reply.k) |
.find('.post-expand').text(polyglot.t('Show conversation')) |
; |
} else if ( 'rt' in userpost && 'reply' in userpost.rt ) { |
postData.attr('data-replied-to-screen-name', userpost.rt.reply.n) |
.attr('data-replied-to-id', userpost.rt.reply.k) |
.find('.post-expand').text(polyglot.t('Show conversation')) |
; |
} |
var postInfoName = elem.find('.post-info-name'); |
postInfoName.text(n).attr('href', $.MAL.userUrl(n)); |
getFullname( n, postInfoName ); |
//elem.find('.post-info-tag').text("@" + n); |
getAvatar( n, elem.find('.avatar') ); |
elem.find('.post-info-time').text(timeGmtToText(t)).attr('title', timeSincePost(t)); |
var mentions = []; |
elem.find('.post-text').html(htmlFormatMsg(msg, mentions)); |
postData.attr('data-text-mentions', mentions); |
var replyTo = []; |
if( n !== defaultScreenName ) |
replyTo.push(['@', n, ' '].join('')); |
for (var i = 0; i < mentions.length; i++) { |
if (mentions[i] !== n && mentions[i] !== defaultScreenName) |
replyTo.push(['@', mentions[i], ' '].join('')); |
} |
replyTo = replyTo.join(''); |
var postTextArea = elem.find('.post-area-new textarea'); |
postTextArea.attr('data-reply-to', replyTo); |
if (!defaultScreenName) |
postTextArea.attr('placeholder', polyglot.t('You have to log in to post replies.')); |
else |
postTextArea.attr('placeholder', polyglot.t('reply_to', { fullname: replyTo })+ '...'); |
postData.attr('data-reply-to', replyTo); |
if( retweeted_by != undefined ) { |
elem.find('.post-context').show(); |
elem.find('.post-retransmited-by') |
.attr('href', $.MAL.userUrl(retweeted_by)) |
.text('@' + retweeted_by) |
; |
} |
if (typeof(promoted) !== 'undefined' && promoted) { |
elem.find('.post-propagate').remove(); |
} else { |
if ($.Options.getFilterLangOpt() !== 'disable' && $.Options.getFilterLangSimulateOpt()) { |
// FIXME it's must be stuff from template actually |
if (typeof(post['langFilter']) !== 'undefined') { |
if (typeof(post['langFilter']['prob'][0]) !== 'undefined') |
var mlm = ' // '+polyglot.t('Most possible language: this', {'this': '<em>'+post['langFilter']['prob'][0].toString()+'</em>'}); |
else |
var mlm = ''; |
elem.append('<div class="langFilterSimData">'+polyglot.t('This post is treated by language filter', {'treated': '<em>'+((post['langFilter']['pass']) ? polyglot.t('passed') : polyglot.t('blocked'))+'</em>'})+'</div>') |
.append('<div class="langFilterSimData">'+polyglot.t('Reason: this', {'this': '<em>'+post['langFilter']['reason']+'</em>'})+mlm+'</div>') |
; |
} else { |
elem.append('<div class="langFilterSimData">'+polyglot.t('This post is treated by language filter', {'treated': '<em>'+polyglot.t('not analyzed')+'</em>'})+'</div>'); |
} |
} |
} |
return elem; |
} |
// format dmdata (returned by getdirectmsgs) to display in "snippet" per user list |
function dmDataToSnippetItem(dmData, remoteUser) { |
var dmItem = $("#dm-snippet-template").clone(true); |
dmItem.removeAttr('id'); |
dmItem.attr("data-dm-screen-name",remoteUser); |
dmItem.attr("data-last_id",; |
dmItem.attr("data-time", dmData.time); |
dmItem.find(".post-info-tag").text("@" + remoteUser); |
dmItem.find("").attr("href", $.MAL.userUrl(remoteUser)); |
dmItem.find("").attr("href", $.MAL.dmchatUrl(remoteUser)); |
getAvatar( remoteUser, dmItem.find(".post-photo").find("img") ); |
if( remoteUser.length && remoteUser[0] === '*' ) |
getGroupChatName( remoteUser, dmItem.find("") ); |
else |
getFullname( remoteUser, dmItem.find("") ); |
dmItem.find(".post-text").html(escapeHtmlEntities(dmData.text)); |
dmItem.find(".post-info-time").text(timeGmtToText(dmData.time)).attr("title",timeSincePost(dmData.time)); |
return dmItem; |
} |
// format dmdata (returned by getdirectmsgs) to display in conversation thread |
function dmDataToConversationItem(dmData, localUser, remoteUser) { |
var classDm = dmData.fromMe ? "sent" : "received"; |
var dmItem = $("#dm-chat-template").clone(true); |
dmItem.removeAttr('id'); |
dmItem.addClass(classDm); |
getAvatar(dmData.fromMe ? localUser : remoteUser, dmItem.find(".post-photo").find("img") ); |
dmItem.find(".post-info-time").text(timeGmtToText(dmData.time)).attr("title",timeSincePost(dmData.time)); |
var mentions = []; |
dmItem.find('.post-text').html(htmlFormatMsg(dmData.text, mentions)); |
return dmItem; |
} |
// convert message text to html, featuring @users and links formating. |
function htmlFormatMsg(msg, mentions) { |
function htmlMention(str, pre) { |
str = str.replace(new RegExp(['^', pre, '@'].join('')), '').toLowerCase(); |
mentions.push(str); // FIXME feel the pain of the scope chain |
// FIXME we're trying to not interact with DOM, coz' we want to run really fast [to hell of RegExps] |
// FIXME actually we should avoid it by dropping a template idea and construct html right here |
html.push($('#msg-user-link-template')[0].outerHTML |
.replace(/\bid\s*=\s*"[^]*?"+/ig, '') // $().removeAttr('id') |
//.replace(/\bhref\s*=\s*"[^]*?"+/ig, '') // $().removeAttr('href') |
.replace(/<a\s+(?=[^>]*?\bclass\s*=\s*"(?=[^"]*?\bopen-profile-modal\b))/ig, ['<a href="', $.MAL.userUrl(str), '" '].join('')) // $().closest('').attr('href', $.MAL.userUrl(username)) |
.replace(/(<a\s+(?=[^>]*?\bclass\s*=\s*"(?=[^"]*?\bopen-profile-modal\b))[^]*?>)[^]*?(<\/a>)/ig, [pre, '$1@', str, '$2'].join('')) // $().closest('').text('@'+username) |
); |
return ['>', html.length - 1, '<'].join(''); |
} |
function htmlHashtag(str, pre) { |
str = str.replace(new RegExp(['^', pre, '#'].join('')), ''); |
html.push($('#hashtag-link-template')[0].outerHTML |
.replace(/\bid\s*=\s*"[^]*?"+/ig, '') // $().removeAttr('id') |
//.replace(/\bhref\s*=\s*"[^]*?"+/ig, '') // $().removeAttr('href') |
.replace(/<a\s+(?=[^>]*?\bclass\s*=\s*"(?=[^"]*?\bopen-hashtag-modal\b))/ig, ['<a href="', $.MAL.hashtagUrl(str.toLowerCase()), '" '].join('')) // $().closest('').attr('href', $.MAL.hashtagUrl(hashtag)) |
.replace(/(<a\s+(?=[^>]*?\bclass\s*=\s*"(?=[^"]*?\bopen-hashtag-modal\b))[^]*?>)[^]*?(<\/a>)/ig, [pre, '$1#', str, '$2'].join('')) // $().closest('').text('#'+hashtag) |
); |
return ['>', html.length - 1, '<'].join(''); |
} |
function htmlHttp(str) { |
html.push($('#external-page-link-template')[0].outerHTML |
.replace(/\bid\s*=\s*"[^]*?"+/ig, '') // $().removeAttr('id') |
//.replace(/\bhref\s*=\s*"[^]*?"+/ig, '') // $().removeAttr('href') |
.replace(/<a\s+/ig, ['<a href="', proxyURL(str), '" '].join('')) // $().closest('a').attr('href', proxyURL(url)) |
.replace(/(<a\s+[^]*?>)[^]*?(<\/a>)/ig, ['$1', str, '$2'].join('')) // $().closest('a').text(url) |
); |
return ['>', html.length - 1, '<'].join(''); |
} |
function htmlEmail(str, pre) { |
str = str.replace(new RegExp(['^', pre].join('')), ''); |
html.push($('#external-page-link-template')[0].outerHTML |
.replace(/\bid\s*=\s*"[^]*?"+/ig, '') // $().removeAttr('id') |
//.replace(/\bhref\s*=\s*"[^]*?"+/ig, '') // $().removeAttr('href') |
.replace(/<a\s+/ig, ['<a href="mailto:', str.toLowerCase(), '" '].join('')) // $().closest('a').attr('href', 'mailto:'+url) |
.replace(/(<a\s+[^]*?>)[^]*?(<\/a>)/ig, [pre, '$1', str, '$2'].join('')) // $().closest('a').text(url) |
); |
return ['>', html.length - 1, '<'].join(''); |
} |
function htmlSplitCounter(str) { |
html.push(['<span class="splited-post-counter">', str, '</span>'].join('')); |
return ['>', html.length - 1, '<'].join(''); |
} |
var html = []; |
return _formatText(escapeHtmlEntities(msg) |
.replace(/(^|[^\/]\B(?!\S*:\/\/\S*@))@\w+\b/g, htmlMention) |
.replace(/(^|[^<\/]\B(?!\S*:\/\/\S*#))#[^#\\\/\.,:;\?\!\*\[\]\(\)\{\}\^\|%'"\u201C\u201D\u2026\u2014\u4E00\u3002\uFF0C\uFF1A\uFF1F\uFF01\u3010\u3011>\s]+/g, htmlHashtag) // unicode escaped stuff is '“”…—一。,:?!【】' for our chinese friends |
.replace(/\bhttps?:\/\/\S[^>\s]+/ig, htmlHttp) |
.replace(/([^<\/])\b(?!\S*:\/\/\S*@)\S+@\S+\.\S[^>\s]+/g, htmlEmail) |
.replace(/\(\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\)$/, htmlSplitCounter) |
.replace(/>(\d+)</g, function(candy, core) {return html[core]}) |
); |
} |
function proxyURL(url) { |
var proxyOpt = $.Options.getUseProxyOpt(); |
if (proxyOpt !== 'disable' && !$.Options.getUseProxyForImgOnlyOpt()) { |
// proxy alternatives may be added to options page |
if (proxyOpt === 'ssl-proxy-my-addr') { |
url = ['', |
url.substring(0, url.indexOf(':')), url.substr(url.indexOf('/') + 1)].join(''); |
} else if (proxyOpt === 'anonymouse') |
url = ['', url].join(''); |
} |
return url; |
} |
// internal function for htmlFormatMsg |
// TODO: add options for emotions; msg = $.emotions(msg); |
// TODO: add at least basic markdown (optional) like *text* -> bold text and _text_ -> italic text |
function _formatText(msg) { |
if ($.Options.getLineFeedsOpt() === 'enable') |
msg = msg.replace(/\n/g, '<br />'); |
return msg; |
} |
function escapeHtmlEntities(str) { |
return str |
.replace(/&/g, '&') |
.replace(/</g, '<') |
.replace(/>/g, '>') |
.replace(/"/g, '"') |
.replace(/'/g, '''); |
} |
function reverseHtmlEntities(str) { |
return str |
.replace(/</g, '<') |
.replace(/>/g, '>') |
.replace(/"/g, '"') |
.replace(/'/g, "'") |
.replace(/&/g, '&'); |
} |