// twister_formatpost.js
// 2013 Miguel Freitas
// Format JSON posts and DMs to HTML.
var _htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateExternal;
var _htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateUser;
var _htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateHashtag;
$(function () {
// we're setting it here for perfomance improvement purpose
// to not search and prepare it for for every post every time
_htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateExternal = $('#external-page-link-template')
if (_htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateExternal.length) {
_htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateExternal = _htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateExternal[0].cloneNode();
_htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateUser = $('#msg-user-link-template')
if (_htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateUser.length) {
_htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateUser = _htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateUser[0].cloneNode();
_htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateHashtag = $('#hashtag-link-template')
if (_htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateHashtag.length) {
_htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateHashtag = _htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateHashtag[0].cloneNode();
twister.tmpl.linkShortened = extractTemplate('#template-link-shortened')[0];
// format "userpost" to html element
// kind = "original"/"ancestor"/"descendant"
function postToElem(post, kind, promoted, templatePost) {
"userpost" :
"n" : username,
"k" : seq number,
"t" : "post" / "dm" / "rt"
"msg" : message (post/rt)
"time" : unix utc
"height" : best height at user
"dm" : encrypted message (dm) -opt
"rt" : original userpost - opt
"sig_rt" : sig of rt - opt
"fav" : original userpost - opt
"sif_fav" : sig of fav - opt
"reply" : - opt
"n" : reference username
"k" : reference k
"sig_userpost" : signature by userpost.n
/*if (!twister.twists[post.userpost.n])
twister.twists[post.userpost.n] = {};
else {
var i = post.sig_userpost ? post.userpost.k : - post.userpost.k;
if (twister.twists[post.userpost.n][i])
return twister.twists[post.userpost.n][i].elem.clone(true);
var username, k, time, msg, rt, content_to_rt, content_to_sigrt, retweeted_by;
// Obtain data from userpost
var userpost = post.userpost;
//TODO: favorites may have comment also...
if (userpost.fav)
userpost = userpost.fav;
if (post.sig_wort)
userpost.sig_wort = post.sig_wort;
if (userpost.rt && typeof userpost.rt.msg === 'string' && userpost.rt.msg !== '') {
rt = userpost.rt;
if (userpost.msg) {
username = userpost.n;
k = userpost.k;
time = userpost.time;
msg = userpost.msg + (userpost.msg2 || '');
content_to_rt = JSON.stringify(userpost);
content_to_sigrt = post.sig_userpost;
} else {
username = rt.n;
k = rt.k;
time = rt.time;
msg = rt.msg + (rt.msg2 || '');
content_to_rt = JSON.stringify(rt);
content_to_sigrt = userpost.sig_rt;
retweeted_by = userpost.n;
} else {
username = userpost.n;
k = userpost.k;
time = userpost.time;
msg = userpost.msg + (userpost.msg2 || '');
content_to_rt = JSON.stringify(userpost);
content_to_sigrt = post.sig_userpost;
if (typeof msg !== 'string')
msg = '';
if (msg.length > $.Options.MaxPostDisplayChars.val) {
msg = msg.slice(0,$.Options.MaxPostDisplayChars.val) + "\u2026";
if (!templatePost)
templatePost = twister.tmpl.post;
// Now create the html elements
var elem = templatePost.clone(true).appendTo(twister.html.detached);
.attr('data-time', time)
/*var i = post.sig_userpost ? post.userpost.k : - post.userpost.k;
twister.twists[post.userpost.n][i] = {
data: post,
elem: elem
var twistId = post.userpost.n + '/' + i;
elem.attr('data-twist-id', twistId);*/
if (post.isNew)
var postData = elem.find('.post-data');
.attr('data-userpost', JSON.stringify(post))
.attr('data-content_to_rt', content_to_rt)
.attr('data-content_to_sigrt', content_to_sigrt)
.attr('data-screen-name', username)
.attr('data-id', k)
.attr('data-lastk', userpost.lastk)
.attr('data-text', msg)
if (userpost.reply) {
postData.attr('data-replied-to-screen-name', userpost.reply.n)
.attr('data-replied-to-id', userpost.reply.k)
.find('.post-expand').text(polyglot.t('Show conversation'))
} else if (userpost.rt && userpost.rt.reply) {
postData.attr('data-replied-to-screen-name', userpost.rt.reply.n)
.attr('data-replied-to-id', userpost.rt.reply.k)
.find('.post-expand').text(polyglot.t('Show conversation'))
setPostCommon(elem, username, time);
msg = fillElemWithTxt(elem.find('.post-text'), msg); // fillElemWithTxt() returns result of htmlFormatMsg(msg)
postData.attr('data-text-mentions', msg.mentions.join()); // FIXME no idea why do we need this attribute since we don't use it but use data-reply-to instead
if (username !== defaultScreenName) {
if (msg.mentions.indexOf(username) === -1)
msg.mentions.splice(0, 0, username);
for (var i = msg.mentions.indexOf(defaultScreenName); i !== -1; i = msg.mentions.indexOf(defaultScreenName))
msg.mentions.splice(i, 1);
if (msg.mentions.length)
var replyTo = '@' + msg.mentions.join(' @') + ' ';
var replyTo = '';
var postTextArea = elem.find('.post-area-new textarea');
postTextArea.attr('data-reply-to', replyTo);
if (!defaultScreenName)
postTextArea.attr('placeholder', polyglot.t('You have to log in to post replies.'));
postTextArea.attr('placeholder', polyglot.t('reply_to', {fullname: replyTo})+ '...');
postData.attr('data-reply-to', replyTo);
if (typeof retweeted_by !== 'undefined') {
var postContext = elem.find('.post-context');
if (userpost.msg) {
setPostReference(postContext, rt, userpost.sig_rt);
} else {
.find('.post-rt-sign .prep').text(polyglot.t('post_rt_sign_prep'))
.attr('href', $.MAL.userUrl(retweeted_by)).text('@' + retweeted_by)
postContext.find('.post-rt-time .prep').text(polyglot.t('post_rt_time_prep'))
// let's check original post and grab some possible RT
dhtget(username, 'post' + k, 's',
function(args, post) {
if (post && post.userpost.msg && post.userpost.rt) {
var postContext = $('
setPostReference(postContext, post.userpost.rt, post.userpost.sig_rt);
}, {elem: elem}
if (typeof promoted !== 'undefined' && promoted) {
postData.attr('data-promoted', 1);
postData.attr('data-screen-name', '!' + username);
} else if (!post.sig_userpost) { // .sig_userpost of promoted twists is empty so let's assume this one is promoted
.find('.post-text').attr('data-promoted', polyglot.t('promoted'));
} else {
setPostInfoSent(userpost.n, userpost.k, elem.find('.post-info-sent'));
if ($.Options.filterLang.val !== 'disable' && $.Options.filterLangSimulate.val) {
// FIXME it's must be stuff from template actually
if (typeof post.langFilter !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof post.langFilter.prob[0] !== 'undefined')
var mlm = ' // ' + polyglot.t('Most possible language: this',
{'this': '' + post.langFilter.prob[0].toString() + ''});
var mlm = '';
+ polyglot.t('This post is treated by language filter',
{'treated': '' + (post.langFilter.pass ? polyglot.t('passed') : polyglot.t('blocked')) + ''})
+ '
+ polyglot.t('Reason: this', {'this': '' + post.langFilter.reason + ''})
+ mlm +'
} else {
+ polyglot.t('This post is treated by language filter',
{'treated': '' + polyglot.t('not analyzed') + ''})
+ '
return elem; //.clone(true);
function setPostCommon(elem, username, time) {
var postInfoName = elem.find('.post-info-name')
.text(username).attr('href', $.MAL.userUrl(username));
getFullname(username, postInfoName);
//elem.find('.post-info-tag').text("@" + username); // FIXME
getAvatar(username, elem.find('.avatar'));
.attr('title', timeSincePost(time))
function setPostReference(elem, rt, sig_rt) {
.attr('data-screen-name', rt.n)
.attr('data-id', rt.k)
.attr('data-userpost', JSON.stringify({userpost: rt, sig_userpost: sig_rt}))
.find('.post-text').each(function (i, elem) {fillElemWithTxt($(elem), rt.msg + (rt.msg2 || ''));})
setPostCommon(elem, rt.n, rt.time);
function setPostInfoSent(n, k, item) {
if( n === defaultScreenName && k >= 0 ) {
function(args,count) {
if( count >= 3 ) { // assume 3 peers (me + 2) is enough for "sent"
args.item.text("\u2713"); // check mark
} else {
args.item.text("\u231B"); // hour glass
}, {n:n,k:k,item:item});
// format dmdata (returned by getdirectmsgs) to display in conversation thread
function postToElemDM(dmData, localUser, remoteUser) {
var senderAlias = (dmData.from && dmData.from.length && dmData.from.charCodeAt(0))
? dmData.from : (dmData.fromMe || dmData.from === localUser ? localUser : remoteUser);
var elem = $('#dm-chat-template').clone(true).appendTo(twister.html.detached)
.addClass(dmData.fromMe || dmData.from === localUser ? 'sent' : 'received')
var elemName = elem.find('.post-info-name')
.attr('href', $.MAL.userUrl(senderAlias));
if (senderAlias[0] === '*' )
getGroupChatName(senderAlias, elemName);
getFullname(senderAlias, elemName);
getAvatar(senderAlias, elem.find('.post-photo').find('img'));
.attr('title', timeSincePost(dmData.time))
setPostInfoSent(senderAlias, dmData.k, elem.find('.post-info-sent'));
fillElemWithTxt(elem.find('.post-text'), dmData.text);
return elem;
// convert message text to html, featuring @users and links formating.
function htmlFormatMsg(msg, opt) {
// TODO: add options for emotions; msg = $.emotions(msg);
function getSubStrStart(str, startPoint, stopChars, isStopCharMustExist, stopCharsTrailing) {
for (var i = startPoint; i > -1; i--) {
if (stopChars.indexOf(str[i]) > -1)
if (i !== -1 || !isStopCharMustExist) {
for (i += 1; i < startPoint + 1; i++) {
if (stopCharsTrailing.indexOf(str[i]) === -1)
} else
i = startPoint + 1;
return i;
function getSubStrEnd(str, startPoint, stopChars, isStopCharMustExist, stopCharsTrailing) {
for (var i = startPoint; i < str.length; i++) {
if (stopChars.indexOf(str[i]) > -1)
if (i !== str.length || !isStopCharMustExist) {
for (i -= 1; i > startPoint - 1; i--) {
if (stopCharsTrailing.indexOf(str[i]) === -1)
} else
i = startPoint - 1;
return i;
function markout(msg, markoutOpt, chr, tag) {
if (markoutOpt === 'ignore')
return msg;
function isWhiteSpacesBetween(i, j) {
for (i += 1; i < j; i++) {
if (p[i].w)
return true;
return false;
function kindOfL(i) {
if (stopCharsMarkout.indexOf(msg.str[i]) > -1) {
for (var j = i - 1; j > -1; j--) {
if (msg.str[j] === chr) {
return -1;
} else if (stopCharsMarkout.indexOf(msg.str[j]) === -1) {
return whiteSpaces.indexOf(msg.str[j]);
} else if (msg.str[i] === '<') {
for (var j = i - 1; j > -1; j--) {
if (msg.str[j] === '>') {
if (j === 0) {
return -10;
} else {
if (msg.str[j - 1] === chr) {
return -1;
} else {
return kindOfL(j - 1);
} else {
return whiteSpaces.indexOf(msg.str[i]);
return 0;
function kindOfR(i) {
if (stopCharsMarkout.indexOf(msg.str[i]) > -1) {
for (var j = i + 1; j < msg.str.length; j++) {
if (msg.str[j] === chr) {
return -1;
} else if (stopCharsMarkout.indexOf(msg.str[j]) === -1) {
return whiteSpaces.indexOf(msg.str[j]);
} else if (msg.str[i] === '>') {
for (var j = i + 1; j < msg.str.length; j++) {
if (msg.str[j] === '<') {
if (j === msg.str.length - 1) {
return -10;
} else {
if (msg.str[j + 1] === chr) {
return -1;
} else {
return kindOfR(j + 1);
} else {
return whiteSpaces.indexOf(msg.str[i]);
return 0;
var i, j, t, l, r, htmlEntityEncoded;
var w = false;
var p = [];
// collecting chars position data
for (i = 0; i < msg.str.length; i++) {
if (msg.str[i] === chr) {
for (j = i + 1; j < msg.str.length; j++) {
if (msg.str[j] !== chr)
if (i !== 0) {
l = kindOfL(i - 1);
} else {
l = 0;
if (j !== msg.str.length) {
r = kindOfR(j);
} else {
r = 0;
if ((i === 0 && r < 0) || l === -10) {
p.push({i: i, k: j - i, t: -1, w: w, a: -1, p: -1});
w = false;
} else if ((j === msg.str.length && l < 0) || r === -10) {
p.push({i: i, k: j - i, t: 1, w: w, a: -1, p: -1});
w = false;
} else {
if (l > -1) {
if (r > -1) {
if (j - i > 2) {
l = p.push({i: i, k: j - i - 1, t: -1, w: w, a: -1, p: -1}) - 1;
p[l].a = p.push({i: j - 1, k: 1, t: 1, w: false, a: l, p: -1}) - 1;
t = 10;
} else
t = -1;
} else {
if (r > -1)
t = 1;
t = 0;
if (t !== 10)
p.push({i: i, k: j - i, t: t, w: w, a: -1, p: -1});
w = false;
i = j - 1;
} else if (!w && whiteSpaces.indexOf(msg.str[i]) > -1) {
w = true;
// calculating dependencies
for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (p[i].t < 1 && p[i].a === -1) {
t = i;
for (j = i + 1; j < p.length; j++) {
if (p[i].t === 0 && isWhiteSpacesBetween(i, j)) {
i = j - 1;
} else if (p[j].t < 1 && p[j].a === -1) {
p[t].p = j;
t = j;
} else if (p[j].t === 1 && p[j].a === -1) {
p[i].a = j;
p[j].a = i;
i = j;
for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (p[i].t === -1 && p[i].a === -1) {
for (j = p[i].p; j > -1; j = p[j].p) {
if (isWhiteSpacesBetween(i, j)) {
i = j - 1;
} else if (p[j].t === 0
&& !(p[j].p > -1 && p[p[j].p].t === 0 && !isWhiteSpacesBetween(j, p[j].p))) {
p[j].a = i;
p[i].a = j;
i = j;
// changing the string
if (markoutOpt === 'apply') {
t = '' + tag + '>';
tag = '<' + tag + '>';
} else { // markoutOpt === 'clear' so we're clearing markup
t = '';
tag = '';
for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (p[i].a > -1) {
if (p[i].t === -1 || (p[i].t === 0 && p[i].a > i)) {
if (p[i].k > 1)
msg.htmlEntities.push(tag + Array(p[i].k).join(chr));
} else if (p[i].t === 1 || (p[i].t === 0 && p[i].a < i)) {
if (p[i].k > 1)
msg.htmlEntities.push(Array(p[i].k).join(chr) + t);
htmlEntityEncoded = '>' + (msg.htmlEntities.length - 1).toString() + '<';
msg.str = msg.str.slice(0, p[i].i) + htmlEntityEncoded + msg.str.slice(p[i].i + p[i].k);
l = htmlEntityEncoded.length - p[i].k;
for (j = i + 1; j < p.length; j++)
p[j].i += l;
return msg;
function newHtmlEntityLink(template, urlTarget, urlName) {
template.href = urlTarget;
template.innerHTML = urlName; // .innerHTML instead .text to allow markup inside [] of [url name](target)
return template.outerHTML;
function msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, strSliceLeft, strSliceRigth, htmlEntity) {
var htmlEntityEncoded = '>' + (msg.htmlEntities.length - 1).toString() + '<';
msg.str = msg.str.slice(0, strSliceLeft) + htmlEntityEncoded + msg.str.slice(strSliceRigth);
msg.i = strSliceLeft + htmlEntityEncoded.length - 1;
return msg;
function applyHtml(msg) {
var t;
for (var i = 0; i < msg.str.length - 2; i++) {
if (msg.str[i] === '>') {
for (var j = i + 2; j < msg.str.length; j++) {
if (msg.str[j] === '<')
t = msg.htmlEntities[parseInt(msg.str.slice(i + 1, j))];
msg.str = msg.str.slice(0, i) + t + msg.str.slice(j + 1);
i = i + t.length - 1;
return msg.str;
if (!msg)
return {html: '', mentions: []};
if (opt && opt.markout)
var markoutOpt = opt.markout;
var markoutOpt = $.Options.postsMarkout.val;
var mentionsChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_0123456789';
var stopCharsTrailing = '/\\*~_-`.,:;?!%\'"[](){}^|«»…\u201C\u201D\u2026\u2014\u4E00\u3002\uFF0C\uFF1A\uFF1F\uFF01\u3010\u3011\u2047\u2048\u2049';
var stopCharsTrailingUrl = stopCharsTrailing.slice(1);
var whiteSpaces = ' \f\n\r\t\v\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000';
var whiteSpacesUrl = '\'\"' + whiteSpaces;
var stopCharsLeft = '<' + whiteSpaces;
var stopCharsRight = '>' + whiteSpaces;
var stopCharsRightHashtags = '>/\\.,:;?!%\'"[](){}^|«»…\u201C\u201D\u2026\u2014\u4E00\u3002\uFF0C\uFF1A\uFF1F\uFF01\u3010\u3011\u2047\u2048\u2049' // same as stopCharsTrailing but without '*~_-`' plus '>'
+ whiteSpaces;
var stopCharsRightHashtagsBase64 = stopCharsRightHashtags.replace('/','').replace('+','') // exclude valid base64 chars used in shortened urls
var stopCharsMarkout = '/\\*~_-`.,:;?!%+=&\'"[](){}^|«»…\u201C\u201D\u2026\u2014\u4E00\u3002\uFF0C\uFF1A\uFF1F\uFF01\u3010\u3011\u2047\u2048\u2049';
var i, j, k, str;
var mentions = [];
msg = {str: escapeHtmlEntities(msg), htmlEntities: []};
// markout is not applied for chars inside of ``; to escape ` use backslash
if (markoutOpt === 'apply')
msg.str = msg.str.replace(/`(?:[^`\\]|\\.)*`/g, function (s) {
msg.htmlEntities.push('' + s.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\`/g, '`')
.replace(/&(?!lt;|gt;)/g, '&') + '');
return '>' + (msg.htmlEntities.length - 1).toString() + '<';
else if (markoutOpt === 'clear')
msg.str = msg.str.replace(/`((?:[^`\\]|\\.)*)`/g, function (s) {
return s.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\`/g, '`');
// handling links
for (i = 0; i < msg.str.length - 7; i++) {
if (msg.str.slice(i, i + 2) === '](' && markoutOpt !== 'ignore') {
// FIXME there can be text with [] inside [] or links with () we need to handle it too
j = getSubStrStart(msg.str, i - 2, '[', true, '');
if (j < i - 1) {
k = getSubStrEnd(msg.str, i + 3, ')', true, whiteSpaces);
if (k > i + 2) {
var linkName = msg.str.slice(j, i); // name of possiible link
for (i += 2; i < k; i++) {
if (whiteSpacesUrl.indexOf(msg.str[i]) === -1) // drop whitespaces and ' and " // apostrophes and quotes to prevent injection of js events
if (i < k) {
// following check is NOT for real protection (we have blocking CSP rule instead), it's just to aware people
if (isUriSuspicious(msg.str.slice(i, k + 1))) {
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, j - 1, getSubStrEnd(msg.str, k + 1, ')', true, '') + 2,
' + polyglot.t('busted_oh') + ' '
+ polyglot.t('busted_avowal') + ':
+ linkName
.replace(/&(?!lt;|gt;)/g, '&')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, ''')
+ ']('
+ msg.str.slice(i, k + 1)
.replace(/&(?!lt;|gt;)/g, '&')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, ''')
+ ')
} else {
var x = getSubStrEnd(msg.str, i + 1, whiteSpacesUrl, false, '');
if (x < k) // use only first word as href target, others drop silently
k = x;
linkName = applyHtml( // we're handling markup inside [] of []()
{str: linkName, htmlEntities: msg.htmlEntities},
markoutOpt, '*', 'b'), // bold
markoutOpt, '~', 'i'), // italic
markoutOpt, '_', 'u'), // underlined
markoutOpt, '-', 's') // striketrough
.replace(/&(?!lt;|gt;)/g, '&');
if (markoutOpt === 'apply') {
if (msg.str.slice(i, i + 6).toLowerCase() === 'twist:' && msg.str[i + 17] === '='
&& getSubStrStart(msg.str, i + 16, stopCharsRightHashtagsBase64, false, '') === i + 6)
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, j - 1, getSubStrEnd(msg.str, k + 1, ')', true, '') + 2,
msg.str.slice(i, i + 18), linkName)
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, j - 1, getSubStrEnd(msg.str, k + 1, ')', true, '') + 2,
proxyURL(msg.str.slice(i, k + 1)), linkName)
} else { // markoutOpt === 'clear' so we're clearing markup
str = msg.str.slice(i, k + 1);
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, j - 1, getSubStrEnd(msg.str, k + 1, ')', true, '') + 2,
// here we put link target as plain text to handle it usual way (search http[s]:// and so on)
i = msg.i + 1
msg.str = msg.str.slice(0, i) + ' ' + str + msg.str.slice(i);
/* alternatively we could set up it as link itself but I suppose you don't want it
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, msg.i + 1, msg.i + 1,
' ' + newHtmlEntityLink(_htmlFormatMsgLinkTemplateExternal,
proxyURL(str), str)
); */
i = msg.i + 1;
} else if (msg.str.slice(i, i + 4).toLowerCase() === 'http') {
if (msg.str.slice(i + 4, i + 7) === '://' && stopCharsRight.indexOf(msg.str[i + 7]) === -1) {
j = getSubStrEnd(msg.str, i + 7, stopCharsRight, false, stopCharsTrailingUrl);
if (j > i + 6) {
str = msg.str.slice(i, j + 1);
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, i, i + str.length,
proxyURL(str), str)
i = msg.i;
} else if (msg.str.slice(i + 4, i + 8).toLowerCase() === 's://' && stopCharsRight.indexOf(msg.str[i + 8]) === -1) {
j = getSubStrEnd(msg.str, i + 8, stopCharsRight, false, stopCharsTrailingUrl);
if (j > i + 7) {
str = msg.str.slice(i, j + 1);
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, i, i + str.length,
proxyURL(str), str)
i = msg.i;
} else if (msg.str.slice(i, i + 6).toLowerCase() === 'twist:' && msg.str[i + 17] === '='
&& getSubStrStart(msg.str, i + 16, stopCharsRightHashtagsBase64, false, '') === i + 6) {
str = msg.str.slice(i, i + 18);
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, i, i + str.length,
newHtmlEntityLink(twister.tmpl.linkShortened, str, str));
i = msg.i;
// handling mails
for (i = 1; i < msg.str.length - 1; i++) {
if (msg.str[i] === '@' && stopCharsLeft.indexOf(msg.str[i - 1]) === -1
&& stopCharsTrailing.indexOf(msg.str[i - 1]) === -1 && stopCharsRight.indexOf(msg.str[i + 1]) === -1) {
j = getSubStrStart(msg.str, i - 1, stopCharsLeft, false, stopCharsTrailing);
if (j < i) {
k = getSubStrEnd(msg.str, i + 1, stopCharsRight, false, stopCharsTrailing);
if (k > i) {
str = msg.str.slice(j, k + 1);
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, j, j + str.length,
'mailto:' + str.toLowerCase(), str)
i = msg.i;
// handling mentions
for (i = 0; i < msg.str.length - 1; i++) {
if (msg.str[i] === '@' && mentionsChars.indexOf(msg.str[i + 1].toLowerCase()) > -1) {
for (j = i + 2; j < msg.str.length; j++) {
if (mentionsChars.indexOf(msg.str[j].toLowerCase()) === -1)
str = msg.str.slice(i + 1, j).toLowerCase();
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, i, i + str.length + 1,
$.MAL.userUrl(str), '@' + str)
i = msg.i;
// handling hashtags
for (i = 0; i < msg.str.length - 1; i++) {
if (msg.str[i] === '#' && msg.str[i + 1] !== '#' && stopCharsRight.indexOf(msg.str[i + 1]) === -1) {
j = getSubStrEnd(msg.str, i + 1, stopCharsRightHashtags, false, stopCharsTrailing);
if (j > i) {
str = msg.str.slice(i + 1, j + 1);
msg = msgAddHtmlEntity(msg, i, i + str.length + 1,
$.MAL.hashtagUrl(encodeURIComponent(str.toLowerCase())), '#' + str.replace(/&/g, '&'))
i = msg.i;
// handling text style markup
msg = markout(markout(markout(markout(msg,
markoutOpt, '*', 'b'), // bold
markoutOpt, '~', 'i'), // italic
markoutOpt, '_', 'u'), // underlined
markoutOpt, '-', 's') // striketrough
// handling splitted posts numbering and escaping ampersands, qoutes and apostrophes
msg.str = msg.str
.replace(/\(\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\)$/, function (str) {
msg.htmlEntities.push('' + str + ''); // FIXME
return '>' + (msg.htmlEntities.length - 1).toString() + '<';
.replace(/&(?!lt;|gt;)/g, '&') // FIXME in many cases there is no need to escape ampersand in HTML 5
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, ''')
// applying html entities to msg.str and converting msg to string back
msg = applyHtml(msg);
// handling linebreaks
if ($.Options.displayLineFeeds.val === 'enable')
msg = msg.replace(/\n/g, '
return {html: msg, mentions: mentions};
function isUriSuspicious(req) {
var colonPos = req.search(/:|%3A/gi);
if (colonPos === 0)
return true;
var hashPos = req.search(/#|%23/g);
if (colonPos === -1)
if (hashPos > -1)
return req = req.slice(hashPos + 1),
(req.search(/^(?:hashtag|profile|conversation|mentions|favs|directmessages|groupmessages|newusers|followers|following|whotofollow|groupmessages\+newgroup|groupmessages\+joingroup\/uri\-shortener)\b/) > -1) ? false : true;
return false; //(req.search(/^\s*@[A-Za-z0-9]+\/\d/g) === 0) ? false : true;
if (hashPos > -1 && hashPos < colonPos)
return true;
return req = req.slice(req.search(/\S/g), colonPos),
req.search(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\.\-]/) > -1 || req.search(/(?:script|data)$/i) > -1;
function proxyURL(url) {
var proxyOpt = $.Options.useProxy.val;
if (proxyOpt !== 'disable' && !$.Options.useProxyForImgOnly.val
&& url[0] !== '/' && url.indexOf(location.origin) !== 0) {
// proxy alternatives may be added to options page FIXME currently not; and we need more fresh proxies
if (proxyOpt === 'ssl-proxy-my-addr') {
url = 'https://ssl-proxy.my-addr.org/myaddrproxy.php/' +
url.substring(0, url.indexOf(':')) + url.substr(url.indexOf('/') + 1);
} else if (proxyOpt === 'anonymouse')
url = 'http://anonymouse.org/cgi-bin/anon-www.cgi/' + url;
return url;
function escapeHtmlEntities(str) {
return str
//.replace(/&/g, '&') we do it not here
.replace(//g, '>')
//.replace(/"/g, '"')
//.replace(/'/g, ''')
function reverseHtmlEntities(str) {
return str
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, "'")
.replace(/&/g, '&');
function setPostImagePreview(elem, links) {
if ($.Options.displayPreview.val === 'enable') {
var previewContainer = elem.find('.preview-container');
// was the preview added before...
if (!previewContainer.children().length) {
// is there any links to images in the post?
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (/^[^?]+\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)$/i.test(links[i].href)) {
var url = proxyURL(links[i].href);
if (previewContainer.children().length)