twister-html authors

Miguel Freitas
    Original javascript code and basic UI functionality

Lucas Leal
    Original theme, CSS + artwork

    Polyglot support (internationalization), multiple fixes

erkan yüksel
    Image preview, automatic unicode conversion, split long posts, hiding posts with mentions and more.

    Calm theme, CSS + artwork and more.

Denis Ryabov
    Tox and bitmessage profile fields, multiple fixes

Giacomo Lacava
    i18n branch maintainer, fixes

    Secret key button, exit button, fixes

Dionysis Zindros
    Several visual fixes

    Guest mode browsing

Mylène Bressan
    Nin theme

Julian Steinwachs
    UI navigation overhaul with proper browser's back button support

Сёма Мрачный
    Desktop notifications, language filtering, multiple fixes.