// twister_newmsgs.js // 2013 Miguel Freitas // // Periodically check for new mentions and private messages (DMs) // Update UI counters in top bar. Load/save state to localStorage. // --- mentions --- var groupChatAliases = [] function saveMentionsToStorage() { var twists = [], length = 0; for (var j in twister.mentions.twists.cached) { for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) if (twister.mentions.twists.cached[j].userpost.time > twists[i].userpost.time) { twists.splice(i, 0, twister.mentions.twists.cached[j]); break; } if (length === twists.length) twists.push(twister.mentions.twists.cached[j]); length++; } $.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName).localStorage .set('mentions', { twists: twists.slice(0, 100), // TODO add an option to specify number of mentions to cache lastTime: twister.mentions.lastTime, lastTorrentId: twister.mentions.lastTorrentId }) ; } function loadMentionsFromStorage() { var storage = $.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName).localStorage; if (storage.isSet('mentions')) { var mentions = storage.get('mentions'); if (typeof mentions === 'object') { for (var i = 0; i < mentions.twists.length; i++) { var j = mentions.twists[i].userpost.n + '/' + mentions.twists[i].userpost.time; if (typeof twister.mentions.twists.cached[j] === 'undefined') { twister.mentions.twists.cached[j] = mentions.twists[i]; if (twister.mentions.twists.cached[j].isNew) twister.mentions.lengthNew++; twister.mentions.lengthFromTorrent++; } } twister.mentions.lastTime = mentions.lastTime; twister.mentions.lastTorrentId = mentions.lastTorrentId; } } // WARN all following storage keys are deprecated (see commit dc8cfc20ef10ff3008b4abfdb30d31e7fcbec0cd) if (storage.isSet('knownMentions')) { var mentions = storage.get('knownMentions'); if (typeof mentions === 'object') for (var i in mentions) { var j = mentions[i].data.userpost.n + '/' + mentions[i].mentionTime; if (typeof twister.mentions.twists.cached[j] === 'undefined') { twister.mentions.twists.cached[j] = mentions[i].data; if (twister.mentions.twists.cached[j].isNew) twister.mentions.lengthNew++; twister.mentions.lengthFromTorrent++; } } storage.remove('knownMentions'); } if (storage.isSet('lastMentionTime')) { twister.mentions.lastTime = storage.get('lastMentionTime'); storage.remove('lastMentionTime'); } if (storage.isSet('lastLocalMentionId')) { twister.mentions.lastTorrentId = storage.get('lastLocalMentionId'); storage.remove('lastLocalMentionId'); } if (storage.isSet('newMentions')) storage.remove('newMentions'); } function queryPendingPushMentions(req, res) { var lengthNew = 0; var lengthPending = twister.res[req].twists.pending.length; var timeCurrent = new Date().getTime() / 1000 + 7200; // 60 * 60 * 2 var timeLastMention = twister.res[req].lastTime; for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { if (res[i].userpost.time > timeCurrent) { console.warn('ignoring mention from the future:'); console.log(res[i]); continue; } if (res[i].id) { twister.res[req].lastTorrentId = Math.max(twister.res[req].lastTorrentId, res[i].id); delete res[i].id; twister.res[req].lengthFromTorrent++; } var j = res[i].userpost.n + '/' + res[i].userpost.time; if (typeof twister.res[req].twists.cached[j] === 'undefined') { twister.res[req].twists.cached[j] = res[i]; twister.res[req].twists.pending.push(j); // mention must be somewhat recent compared to last known one to be considered new if (res[i].userpost.time + 259200 > timeLastMention) { // 3600 * 24 * 3 lengthNew++; twister.res[req].lastTime = Math.max(res[i].userpost.time, twister.res[req].lastTime); twister.res[req].twists.cached[j].isNew = true; } } } if (lengthNew) twister.res[req].lengthNew += lengthNew; if (twister.res[req].twists.pending.length > lengthPending) saveMentionsToStorage(); return lengthNew; } function resetMentionsCount() { twister.mentions.lengthNew = 0; for (var j in twister.mentions.twists.cached) if (twister.mentions.twists.cached[j].isNew) delete twister.mentions.twists.cached[j].isNew; saveMentionsToStorage(); $.MAL.updateNewMentionsUI(twister.mentions.lengthNew); } function initMentionsCount() { var req = queryStart('', defaultScreenName, 'mention', [10000, 2000, 3], 10000, { lastTime: 0, lastTorrentId: -1, lengthNew: 0, ready: function (req) { twister.mentions = twister.res[req]; twister.mentions.lengthFromTorrent = 0; loadMentionsFromStorage(); }, skidoo: function () {return false;} }); $.MAL.updateNewMentionsUI(twister.mentions.lengthNew); } function handleMentionsModalScroll(event) { if (!event || twister.mentions.scrollQueryActive) return; var elem = $(event.target); if (elem.scrollTop() >= elem[0].scrollHeight - elem.height() - 50) { twister.mentions.scrollQueryActive = true; twisterRpc('getmentions', [twister.mentions.query, 10, {max_id: twister.mentions.lastTorrentId - twister.mentions.lengthFromTorrent}], function (req, res) { twister.mentions.scrollQueryActive = false; twister.res[req].boardAutoAppend = true; // FIXME all pending twists will be appended queryProcess(req, res); twister.res[req].boardAutoAppend = false; }, twister.mentions.query + '@' + twister.mentions.resource, function () {console.warn('getmentions API requires twister-core > 0.9.27');} ); } } // --- direct messages --- var _lastDMIdPerUser = {}; var _newDMsPerUser = {}; function saveDMsToStorage() { var ns = $.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName); ns.localStorage.set('lastDMIdPerUser', _lastDMIdPerUser); ns.localStorage.set('newDMsPerUser', _newDMsPerUser); } function loadDMsFromStorage() { var ns = $.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName); if (ns.localStorage.isSet('lastDMIdPerUser')) _lastDMIdPerUser = ns.localStorage.get('lastDMIdPerUser'); if (ns.localStorage.isSet('newDMsPerUser')) _newDMsPerUser = ns.localStorage.get('newDMsPerUser'); } function requestDMsCount() { var followList = []; for (var i = 0; i < followingUsers.length; i++) followList.push({username: followingUsers[i]}); for (var i = 0; i < groupChatAliases.length; i++ ) followList.push({username: groupChatAliases[i]}); twisterRpc('getdirectmsgs', [defaultScreenName, 1, followList], function(req, dmUsers) { var newDMsUpdated; for (var u in dmUsers) { if (dmUsers[u]) { var dmData = dmUsers[u][0]; if (u in _lastDMIdPerUser && u in _newDMsPerUser) { if (dmData.id !== _lastDMIdPerUser[u]) { _newDMsPerUser[u] += dmData.id - _lastDMIdPerUser[u]; newDMsUpdated = true; } } else { _newDMsPerUser[u] = dmData.id + 1; newDMsUpdated = true; } _lastDMIdPerUser[u] = dmData.id; } } if (newDMsUpdated) { saveDMsToStorage(); var newDMs = getNewDMsCount(); if (newDMs) { $.MAL.updateNewDMsUI(newDMs); $.MAL.soundNotifyDM(); if (!$.mobile && $.Options.showDesktopNotifDMs.val === 'enable') { $.MAL.showDesktopNotification({ body: polyglot.t('You got') + ' ' + polyglot.t('new_direct_messages', newDMs) + '.', tag: 'twister_notification_new_DMs', timeout: $.Options.showDesktopNotifDMsTimer.val, funcClick: function () {$.MAL.showDMchat();} }); } } var newDMs = getNewGroupDMsCount(); if (newDMs) { $.MAL.updateNewGroupDMsUI(newDMs); $.MAL.soundNotifyDM(); if (!$.mobile && $.Options.showDesktopNotifDMs.val === 'enable') { $.MAL.showDesktopNotification({ body: polyglot.t('You got') + ' ' + polyglot.t('new_group_messages', newDMs) + '.', tag: 'twister_notification_new_DMs', timeout: $.Options.showDesktopNotifDMsTimer.val, funcClick: function () {$.MAL.showDMchat({group: true});} }); } } } }, null, function(req, ret) {console.warn('ajax error:' + ret);}, null ); } function getNewDMsCount() { var newDMs = 0; for (var user in _newDMsPerUser) { if (user[0] !== '*' && _newDMsPerUser[user]) newDMs += _newDMsPerUser[user]; } return newDMs; } function getNewGroupDMsCount() { var newDMs = 0; for (var user in _newDMsPerUser) { if (user[0] === '*' && _newDMsPerUser[user]) newDMs += _newDMsPerUser[user]; } return newDMs; } function resetNewDMsCountForUser(user, lastId) { _newDMsPerUser[user] = 0; _lastDMIdPerUser[user] = lastId; saveDMsToStorage(); $.MAL.updateNewDMsUI(getNewDMsCount()); $.MAL.updateNewGroupDMsUI(getNewGroupDMsCount()); } function updateGroupList() { twisterRpc('listgroups', [], function(req, ret) {groupChatAliases = ret;}, null, function(req, ret) {console.warn('twisterd >= 0.9.30 required for listgroups');}, null ); } function initDMsCount() { loadDMsFromStorage(); $.MAL.updateNewDMsUI(getNewDMsCount()); $.MAL.updateNewGroupDMsUI(getNewGroupDMsCount()); //quick hack to obtain list of group chat aliases updateGroupList(); setInterval(updateGroupList, 60000); setTimeout(requestDMsCount, 200); //polling not needed: processNewPostsConfirmation will call requestDMsCount. //setInterval('requestDMsCount()', 5000); } function newmsgsChangedUser() { clearInterval(twister.mentions.interval); }