// interface_profile-edit.js // 2013 Miguel Freitas // // Profile editing interface (profile-edit.html) var newUserWarnDisplayed = false; function initProfileEdit() { // Check for the various File API support. if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) { // Great success! All the File APIs are supported. } else { alert(polyglot.t("The File APIs are not fully supported in this browser.")); } initInterfaceCommon(); $(".profile-card-photo.forEdition").click( function() { $('#avatar-file').click(); } ); $("#avatar-file").bind( "change", handleAvatarFileSelect); $(".submit-changes").click( saveProfile ); $(".cancel-changes").click( $.MAL.goHome ); initUser( function() { if( !defaultScreenName ) { alert(polyglot.t("username_undefined")); $.MAL.goLogin(); return; } checkNetworkStatusAndAskRedirect(verifyUserAlreadyInBlockchain); if( defaultScreenName ) { loadFollowing( function() { initMentionsCount(); initDMsCount(); }); } $(".profile-card-main h2").text("@" + defaultScreenName); loadAvatarForEdit(); loadProfileForEdit(); dumpPrivkey(defaultScreenName, function(args, key) { $(".secret-key").text(key); }, {}); }); } function handleAvatarFileSelect(evt) { var files = evt.target.files; // FileList object var f = files[0]; // Only process image files. if (f.type.match('image.*')) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload=function(e){ var img=new Image(); img.onload=function(){ var MAXWidthHeight=64; var r=MAXWidthHeight/Math.max(this.width,this.height), w=Math.round(this.width*r), h=Math.round(this.height*r), c=document.createElement("canvas"); c.width=w;c.height=h; c.getContext("2d").drawImage(this,0,0,w,h); var imgURL = undefined; for(var q = 0.9; (!imgURL || imgURL.length > 4096) && q > 0.1; q -= 0.01) { imgURL = c.toDataURL("image/jpeg", q); } $(".profile-card-photo.forEdition").attr("src", imgURL ); } img.src=e.target.result; } // Read in the image file as a data URL. reader.readAsDataURL(f); } } function verifyUserAlreadyInBlockchain() { $.MAL.disableButton($(".submit-changes")); dumpPubkey(defaultScreenName, function(args, pubkey) { //pubkey = ""; if( pubkey.length > 0 ) { follow('twister', true, function() { $.MAL.enableButton($(".submit-changes")); }); } else { if( !newUserWarnDisplayed ) { alert(polyglot.t("user_not_yet_accepted")); newUserWarnDisplayed = true; } setTimeout("verifyUserAlreadyInBlockchain()", 5000); } }, {} ); }