function twisterOptions() { this.add({ name: 'locLang', selector: '#language', valDefault: 'auto', tickMethod: function (elem) { if (elem.value !== 'auto') twisterRpc('setpreferredspamlang', [elem.value]); location.reload(); }, tickNotOnInit: 1 }); this.add({ name: 'theme', valDefault: 'original', tickMethod: function () {location.reload();}, tickNotOnInit: 1 }); this.add({ name: 'TopTrends', valDefault: 'enable', tickMethod: function (elem) { $('#TopTrendsCont').css('display', (elem.value === 'enable') ? 'block' : 'none'); } }); this.add({ name: 'TopTrendsAutoUpdate', valDefault: 'enable', tickMethod: function (elem) { $('#TopTrendsAutoUpdateOpt').css('display', (elem.value === 'enable') ? 'inline' : 'none'); } }); this.add({ name: 'TopTrendsAutoUpdateTimer', type: 'numeric', valDefault: '120', valMes: 'second(s)', getMethod: function (val) {return parseInt(val);} }); this.add({ name: 'WhoToFollow', valDefault: 'enable' }); this.add({ name: 'TwistdayReminder', valDefault: 'enable', tickMethod: function (elem) { $('#TwistdayReminderCont').css('display', (elem.value === 'enable') ? 'block' : 'none'); } }); this.add({ name: 'TwistdayReminderAutoUpdate', valDefault: 'enable', tickMethod: function (elem) { $('#TwistdayReminderAutoUpdateOpt').css('display', (elem.value === 'enable') ? 'inline' : 'none'); } }); this.add({ name: 'TwistdayReminderAutoUpdateTimer', type: 'numeric', valDefault: '3600', valMes: 'second(s)', getMethod: function (val) {return parseInt(val);} }); this.add({ name: 'TwistdayReminderShowUpcoming', valDefault: 'enable', tickMethod: function (elem) { $('#TwistdayReminderShowUpcomingOpt').css('display', (elem.value === 'enable') ? 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'none' : 'block'); } }); this.add({ name: 'filterLangList', valDefault: '', getMethod: function (val) {return val.split(/\s*,\s*/);} }); this.add({ name: 'filterLangAccuracy', valDefault: '0.82', getMethod: function (val) {return parseFloat(val);}, tickMethod: function (elem) {$('#filterLangAccuracyVal').text(elem.value);} }); this.add({ name: 'filterLangForPostboard', type: 'checkbox', valDefault: true }); this.add({ name: 'filterLangForSearching', type: 'checkbox', valDefault: true }); this.add({ name: 'filterLangForTopTrends', type: 'checkbox', valDefault: true }); this.add({ name: 'filterLangSimulate', type: 'checkbox', valDefault: true }); this.add({ name: 'keysSend', valDefault: 'ctrlenter' }); this.add({ name: 'sndMention', valDefault: 'false', tickMethod: function () {$.MAL.soundNotifyMentions();}, // FIXME it's wrapped because $.MAL may be not loaded yet; $.MAL methods should be static tickNotOnInit: 1 }); this.add({ name: 'sndDM', valDefault: 'false', tickMethod: function () {$.MAL.soundNotifyDM();}, // FIXME it's wrapped because $.MAL may be not loaded yet; $.MAL methods should be static tickNotOnInit: 1 }); this.add({ name: 'playerVol', valDefault: 1, getMethod: function (val) {return parseFloat(val);}, tickMethod: function (elem) {$('.volValue').text((elem.value * 100).toFixed());} }); } twisterOptions.prototype.add = function (option) { if ( && !this[]) this[] = new twisterOption(option); }; twisterOptions.prototype.initControls = function () { var elem; for (var option in this) { if (typeof this[option] === 'object') { elem = $(this[option].option.selector); if (elem.length) { if (elem.attr('type') && elem.attr('type').toLowerCase() === 'checkbox') elem.prop('checked', /^\s*1|true\s*$/i.test(this[option].val)) .on('change', (this[option].tick).bind(this[option])) ; else { elem.val(this[option].val) .on((elem[0].tagName === 'SELECT') ? 'change' : 'input', (this[option].tick).bind(this[option])) ; } if (!this[option].option.tickNotOnInit && typeof this[option].option.tickMethod === 'function') this[option].option.tickMethod(elem[0]); } else console.warn('cannot find option \''+option+'\' controls, selector: '+this[option].option.selector); } } $('#testDesktopNotif').on('click', function () { $.MAL.showDesktopNotification({ body: polyglot.t('notify_desktop_test'), tag: 'twister_notification_test', funcClick: function () { alert(polyglot.t('notify_desktop_perm_denied', {'this_domain': document.domain})); } }); }); tickOptionsPostPreview(); $('#opt-mod-posts-display').find('select').on('change', tickOptionsPostPreview); }; function twisterOption(option) { this.option = option; if (!option.selector) this.option.selector = '#' +; if (option.valRaw) { this.set(option.valRaw); } else { var keyName = 'options:' +; if ($.localStorage.isSet(keyName)) this.option.valRaw = $.localStorage.get(keyName); else this.option.valRaw = option.valDefault; this.val = (this.option.getMethod) ? this.option.getMethod(this.option.valRaw) : this.option.valRaw; } } twisterOption.prototype.val = undefined; twisterOption.prototype.set = function (val) { this.val = (this.option.getMethod) ? this.option.getMethod(val) : val; this.option.valRaw = val; $.localStorage.set('options:' +, val); }; twisterOption.prototype.tick = function (event) { if (this.option.type !== 'numeric' || checkForNumeric( { this.set((this.option.type === 'checkbox') ? :; if (this.option.valMes) $('span').text(polyglot.t(this.option.valMes)); if (typeof this.option.tickMethod === 'function') this.option.tickMethod(; } }; jQuery.Options = new twisterOptions(); function checkForNumeric(elem) { if (/^\d+\.?\d*$/.test(elem.value) && parseFloat(elem.value) > 0) { = ''; return true; } else { = '#f00'; $(elem).next('span').text(polyglot.t('only positive numbers!')); return false; } } function tickOptionsPostPreview() { var elem = $('#opt-mod-posts-display #post-preview'); var imgPreviewCont = elem.find('.preview-container'); fillElemWithTxt(elem.children().first(), polyglot.t('post_preview_dummy', {logo: '/img/twister_mini.png', site: ''})); if ($.Options.displayPreview.val === 'enable') { imgPreviewCont.empty(); setPostImagePreview(elem, elem.children().first().find('a')); } else { imgPreviewCont.hide(); } }