// mobile_abstract.js // 2013 Miguel Freitas // // Mobile Abstration Layer // Try to sort out lowlevel differences between jquery and jquery mobile twister interfaces var MAL = function() { this.postboardLoading = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); /* setTimeout(function(){ $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); }, 10 * 1000); */ } else { $(".postboard-loading").show(); } } this.postboardLoaded = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); var curPage = $.mobile.activePage.attr("id"); $( '#'+curPage+' .content ul.posts').listview('refresh'); installPostboardClick(); } else { $(".postboard-loading").hide(); // FIXME need to decide which one we need to hide actually } } this.dmThreadListLoaded = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); var $dmThreadList = $("#directmsg ul.direct-messages-thread"); $dmThreadList.listview('refresh'); } else { } } this.dmChatListLoaded = function(dmConvo) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); var $dmChatList = $("#dmchat ul.direct-messages-list"); $dmChatList.listview('refresh'); $.mobile.silentScroll( $(".dm-form").offset().top ); } else { var modalContent = dmConvo.closest(".modal-content"); modalContent.scrollTop(modalContent[0].scrollHeight); } } this.relatedPostLoaded = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); var curPage = $.mobile.activePage.attr("id"); $( '#'+curPage+' .content ul.posts').listview('refresh'); } else { $(".postboard-loading").hide(); } } this.followingListLoaded = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); $(".following-list").listview('refresh'); } else { $(".postboard-loading").hide(); } } this.searchUserListLoaded = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); $(".userMenu-search-profiles").listview('refresh'); } else { var $searchResultsModal = $( ".search-results" ); $searchResultsModal.slideDown( "fast" ); } } this.reportNewPosts = function(newPosts) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { var newTweetsBar = $(".timeline-refresh .ui-btn-text"); if( newPosts ) { document.title = "(" + String(newPosts) + ") twister"; newTweetsBar.text("(" + String(newPosts) + ")"); } else { document.title = "twister"; newTweetsBar.text("Refresh"); } } else { var newTweetsBar = $(".wrapper").find(".postboard-news"); var newTweetsBarMenu = $(".userMenu").find(".menu-news"); // added for home menu entry if( newPosts ) { document.title = "(" + String(newPosts) + ") twister"; newTweetsBar.text(polyglot.t("new_posts", newPosts)); newTweetsBar.fadeIn("slow"); newTweetsBarMenu.text(String(newPosts)); newTweetsBarMenu.addClass("show"); if ($.Options.showDesktopNotifPosts.val === 'enable') { this.showDesktopNotification({ body: polyglot.t('You got') + ' ' + polyglot.t('new_posts', newPosts) + ' ' + polyglot.t('in postboard') + '.', tag: 'twister_notification_new_posts', timeout: $.Options.showDesktopNotifPostsTimer.val, funcClick: (function() { requestTimelineUpdate('pending', this.postsCount, followingUsers, promotedPostsOnly); }).bind({postsCount: newPosts}) }); } } else { newTweetsBar.hide(); newTweetsBar.text(""); newTweetsBarMenu.text(""); newTweetsBarMenu.removeClass("show"); document.title = "twister"; } } } this.getStreamPostsParent = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { return $( '.timeline ul'); } else { return $("#posts"); } } this.setPostTemplate = function(p) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { this.postTemplate = p; } } this.getPostTemplate = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { return this.postTemplate; } else { return $("#post-template"); } } // how do we map usernames into urls this.userUrl = function(username) { //if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { // return "#profile?user=" + username; //} else { if (username[0] === '*') return "#profile?group=" + username; else return "#profile?user=" + username; //} }; // recover username from url (only for hash) this.urlToUser = function(url) { var dummyUrl = this.userUrl(""); var urlIdx = url.indexOf(dummyUrl); if( urlIdx >= 0 ) return url.substr(urlIdx + dummyUrl.length); else return ""; } this.followingUrlToUser = function(url) { var dummyUrl = this.followingUrl(""); var urlIdx = url.indexOf(dummyUrl); if( urlIdx >= 0 ) return url.substr(urlIdx + dummyUrl.length); else return ""; } this.mentionsUrl = function(username) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { return "#mentions?user=" + username; } else { return "#mentions?user=" + username; } } this.hashtagUrl = function(h) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { return "#hashtag?hashtag=" + h; } else { return "#hashtag?hashtag=" + h; } } this.dmchatUrl = function (alias) { if ($.hasOwnProperty('mobile')) { return '#dmchat?user=' + alias; } else { return '#directmessages?' + (alias[0] === '*' ? 'group' : 'user') + '=' + alias; } }; this.followingUrl = function(username) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { return "#following?user=" + username; } else { return "#following?user=" + username; } } this.followUrl = function(username) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { return "#following?follow=" + username; } else { return "#following?follow=" + username; } } this.unfollowUrl = function(username) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { return "#following?unfollow=" + username; } else { return "#following?unfollow=" + username; } } this.newPostToUrl = function(username) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { return "#newmsg?replyto=" + encodeURIComponent("@"+username); } else { return "#newmsg?replyto=" + encodeURIComponent("@"+username); } } this.newPostHashtagToUrl = function(hashtag) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { return "#newmsg?replyto=" + encodeURIComponent("#"+hashtag); } else { return "#newmsg?replyto=" + encodeURIComponent("#"+hashtag); } } this.updateNewMentionsUI = function(newMentions) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { var $mentionsCounterBtnText = $(".mentions-count .ui-btn-text"); if( newMentions ) { $mentionsCounterBtnText.text("@ (" + newMentions + ")"); } else { $mentionsCounterBtnText.text("@"); } } else { var $mentionsCounter = $(".userMenu-connections .messages-qtd"); if( newMentions ) { $mentionsCounter.text(newMentions); $mentionsCounter.fadeIn(); } else { $mentionsCounter.hide(); } } } this.updateNewDMsUI = function(newDMs) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { var $DMsCounterAllPages = $(".newdms-count"); for( var i = 0; i < $DMsCounterAllPages.length; i++) { var $textElement = $DMsCounterAllPages.eq(i).find(".ui-btn-text"); if( !$textElement.length ) $textElement = $DMsCounterAllPages.eq(i); if( newDMs ) { $textElement.text("Direct Msg (" + newDMs + ")"); } else { $textElement.text("Direct Msg"); } } } else { var $DMsCounter = $(".userMenu-messages .messages-qtd"); if( newDMs ) { $DMsCounter.text(newDMs); $DMsCounter.fadeIn(); } else { $DMsCounter.hide(); } } } this.updateNewGroupDMsUI = function(newDMs) { if( $.hasOwnProperty('mobile') ) { } else { var DMsCounter = $('.userMenu-groupmessages .messages-qtd'); if (newDMs) { DMsCounter.text(newDMs).fadeIn(); } else { DMsCounter.hide(); } } } this.updateMyOwnPostCount = function(numPosts) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { console.log("FIXME: implement MAL_updateMyOwnPostCount"); } else { $(".mini-profile .posts-count").text(numPosts); } } this.goHome = function(clearTimeline) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.navigate( "#home" ); } else { window.location.href = "home.html"; } } this.goLogin = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.navigate( "#login" ); } else { window.location.href = "login.html"; } } this.goNetwork = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.navigate( "#network" ); } else { window.location.href = "network.html"; } } this.goProfileEdit = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.navigate( "#profile-edit" ); } else { window.location.href = "profile-edit.html"; } } this.showMentions = function(username) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $.mobile.navigate( this.mentionsUrl(username) ); } else { if ($(".postboard").length) { openMentionsModal(); } else { window.location.href = 'home.html'+this.mentionsUrl(username); } } } this.showDMchat = function(req) { if (req.alias) { if ($.hasOwnProperty('mobile')) { $.mobile.navigate(this.dmchatUrl(req.alias)); } else { if ($('.postboard').length) { window.location.hash = this.dmchatUrl(req.alias); } else { window.location.href = 'home.html'+this.dmchatUrl(req.alias); } } } else { if ($.hasOwnProperty('mobile')) { $.mobile.navigate('#' + (req.group ? '' : 'directmsg')); // FIXME add group messages to tmobile } else { if ($('.postboard').length) { window.location.hash = '#' + (req.group ? 'groupmessages' : 'directmessages'); } else { window.location.href = 'home.html#' + (req.group ? 'groupmessages' : 'directmessages'); } } } }; this.setNetworkStatusMsg = function(msg, statusGood) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $(".network-status").text(msg); if( statusGood ) { $(".connection-status").addClass("connected"); } else { $(".connection-status").removeClass("connected"); } } else { $(".network-status").text(msg); if( statusGood ) { $(".connection-status").addClass("connected"); } else { $(".connection-status").removeClass("connected"); } } } this.enableButton = function( $button ) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $button.button("enable"); } else { $button.removeClass("disabled"); $button.removeAttr("disabled"); } } this.disableButton = function( $button ) { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { $button.button("disable"); } else { $button.addClass("disabled"); $button.attr("disabled","true"); } } this.changedUser = function() { if( $.hasOwnProperty("mobile") ) { timelineChangedUser(); $("#home .posts").html(""); newmsgsChangedUser(); followingChangedUser(); twisterInitialized = false; } else { window.location.href = "home.html"; } } this.soundNotifyMentions = function() { if ($.mobile) { } else { if ($.Options.sndMention.val !== 'false') playSound('player', $.Options.sndMention.val); } }; this.soundNotifyDM = function() { if ($.mobile) { } else { if ($.Options.sndDM.val !== 'false') playSound('playerSec', $.Options.sndDM.val); } }; this.showDesktopNotification = function(req) { if (Notify.needsPermission) { Notify.requestPermission(false, req.funcPermDenied); return; } if (!req.title) req.title = polyglot.t('notify_desktop_title'); if (!req.icon) req.icon = '../img/twister_mini.png'; if (!req.tag) req.tag = 'twister_notification'; if (!req.timeout) req.timeout = 2592000; // 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, one month if (typeof req.funcClick === 'function') req.funcClick = (function() {window.focus(); this.funcClick();}) .bind({funcClick: req.funcClick}); else req.funcClick = function() {window.focus();} var desktopNotification = new Notify(req.title, { body: req.body, icon: req.icon, tag: req.tag, timeout: req.timeout, notifyClick: req.funcClick, notifyError: function() {alert(polyglot.t('notify_desktop_error'));} }); desktopNotification.show(); }; this.reqRepAfterCB = function(postLi, postsFromJson) { if ($.hasOwnProperty("mobile")) { for( var i = 0; i < postsFromJson.length; i++) { var newStreamPost = postToElem(postsFromJson[i], "related"); newStreamPost.hide(); postLi.after(newStreamPost); newStreamPost.slideDown("fast"); } } else { var $replist = $('