// tmobile.js // 2013 Miguel Freitas // // mobile interface for twister using jquery mobile + router var twisterInitialized = false; var handlersInstalled = false; function initializeTwister( redirectNetwork, redirectLogin, cbFunc, cbArg ) { if( !handlersInstalled ) { interfaceNetworkHandlers(); installUserSearchHandler(); installProfileEditHandlers(); // install scrollbottom handler to load more posts as needed $(window).scroll(function(){ if ($(window).scrollTop() >= $(document).height() - $(window).height() - 20){ reachedScrollBottom(); } }); // home screen timeline refresh button $( ".timeline-refresh").click(function(e) { $.MAL.setPostTemplate( $("#post-template-home") ); requestTimelineUpdate("latest",postsPerRefresh,followingUsers); $.mobile.silentScroll(0); }); // reply text counter both newmsg and dmchat $('.post-area-new textarea') .off('input keyup') .on('focus', poseTextareaPostTools) .on('keyup', replyTextInput) .on('keyup', function() { replyTextUpdateRemaining(this); }) ; handlersInstalled = true; } if( twisterInitialized ) { if( cbFunc ) cbFunc(cbArg); } else { networkUpdate( function() { if( redirectNetwork && !twisterdConnectedAndUptodate ) { $.MAL.goNetwork(); return; } initUser(function() { if( redirectLogin && !defaultScreenName ) { $.MAL.goLogin(); return; } if( defaultScreenName ) { loadFollowing( function(args) { requestLastHave(); initMentionsCount(); initDMsCount(); twisterFollowingO = TwisterFollowing(defaultScreenName); twisterInitialized = true; if( cbFunc ) cbFunc(cbArg); setInterval("tmobileTick()", 2000); }); } else { if( cbFunc ) cbFunc(cbArg); } }); }); } } var router=new $.mobile.Router( [ { "#index" : {handler: "index", events: "bc"} }, { "#home": {handler: "home", events: "bs" } }, { "#profile": {handler: "profile", events: "bs" } }, { "#profile-edit": {handler: "profileedit", events: "bs" } }, { "#following": {handler: "following", events: "bs" } }, { "#post": {handler: "post", events: "bs" } }, { "#newmsg": {handler: "newmsg", events: "bs" } }, { "#rt": {handler: "rt", events: "bs" } }, { "#mentions": {handler: "mentions", events: "bs" } }, { "#hashtag": {handler: "hashtag", events: "bs" } }, { "#login": {handler: "login", events: "bs" } }, { "#network": {handler: "network", events: "bs" } }, { "#directmsg": {handler: "directmsg", events: "bs" } }, { "#dmchat": {handler: "dmchat", events: "bs" } }, { "#search": {handler: "search", events: "bs" } }, { "#new-user-modal": {handler: "newusermodal", events: "bs" } }, ],{ index: function(type,match,ui) { $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { //$.MAL.goHome(); }); }, home: function(type,match,ui) { $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { if( !$("#home .posts").children().length ) { $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); cleanupStorage(); getFullname( defaultScreenName, $("#home .rtitle")); $(".mentions-count").attr("href","#mentions?user="+defaultScreenName ); $.MAL.setPostTemplate( $("#post-template-home") ); requestTimelineUpdate("latestFirstTime",postsPerRefresh,followingUsers); } }); }, profile: function(type,match,ui) { var params=router.getParams(match[1]); clearProfilePage(); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { var user; if( params && params.hasOwnProperty("user") ) { user = params.user; } else { user = defaultScreenName; } var $newmsgLink = $("a.profile-newmsg"); if( user != defaultScreenName ) { $newmsgLink.attr("href",$.MAL.newPostToUrl(user)).show(); } else { $newmsgLink.hide(); } $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); $.MAL.setPostTemplate( $("#post-template-home") ); updateProfileData( $("#profile"), user); }); }, profileedit: function(type,match,ui) { $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { loadAvatarForEdit(); loadProfileForEdit(); dumpPrivkey(defaultScreenName, function(args, key) { $(".secret-key").text(key); }, {}); }); }, following: function(type,match,ui) { var params=router.getParams(match[1]); clearProfilePage(); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { var user; if( params && params.hasOwnProperty("user") ) { user = params.user; } else { user = defaultScreenName; } if( params && params.hasOwnProperty("follow") ) { follow(params.follow); } if( params && params.hasOwnProperty("unfollow") ) { unfollow(params.unfollow); } $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); $("#following a.ui-btn").removeClass("ui-btn-active"); var followingList = twister.tmpl.followingList.clone(true).appendTo($("#following .content")) .closest('.following-list').listview(); appendFollowingToElem(followingList); followingList.find('[data-role="button"]').button(); }); }, post: function(type,match,ui) { var params=router.getParams(match[1]); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { var $ulPost = $("#post ul.posts"); $ulPost.text(""); $.MAL.setPostTemplate( $("#post-template-post") ); var originalLi = postToElem($.evalJSON(params.userpost), "original"); $ulPost.append(originalLi); $ulPost.find(".post-interactions").trigger('create'); $ulPost.listview('refresh'); installReplyClick(); installRetransmitClick(); // insert replies to this post after requestRepliesAfter(originalLi); // RTs faces and counter requestRTs(originalLi); }); }, newmsg: function(type,match,ui) { var params=router.getParams(match[1]); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { var $replyTextarea = $("#newmsg .post-area-new textarea"); $replyTextarea.attr("placeholder", polyglot.t("New Post...")); if( params && params.hasOwnProperty("replyto") ) { $replyTextarea.val(params.replyto); } else { $replyTextarea.val(""); } $.MAL.disableButton($("#newmsg .post-submit")); var $replyOriginal = $(".reply-original-post") $replyOriginal.html(""); if( params && params.hasOwnProperty("userpost") ) { $.MAL.setPostTemplate( $("#post-template-home") ); var originalLi = postToElem($.evalJSON(params.userpost), "original"); $replyOriginal.append(originalLi); $replyOriginal.listview('refresh'); } installSubmitClick(); }); }, rt: function(type,match,ui) { var params=router.getParams(match[1]); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { var $rtOriginal = $(".rt-original-post") $rtOriginal.html(""); $.MAL.setPostTemplate( $("#post-template-home") ); var originalLi = postToElem($.evalJSON(params.userpost), "original"); $rtOriginal.append(originalLi); $rtOriginal.listview('refresh'); installRetransmitConfirmClick(); }); }, mentions: function(type,match,ui) { var params=router.getParams(match[1]); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { var user; var $newmsgLink = $("a.mention-newmsg"); if( params && params.hasOwnProperty("user") ) { user = params.user; $newmsgLink.attr("href",$.MAL.newPostToUrl(user)); } else { user = defaultScreenName; $newmsgLink.attr("href","#newmsg"); resetMentionsCount(); } $("#mentions .rtitle").text(polyglot.t("mentions_at", { user: user })); var $ulMentions = $("#mentions ul.posts"); setupHashtagOrMention( $ulMentions, user, "mention"); }); }, hashtag: function(type,match,ui) { var params=router.getParams(match[1]); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { $("#hashtag .rtitle").text("#" + params.hashtag); $("a.hashtag-newmsg").attr("href",$.MAL.newPostHashtagToUrl(params.hashtag)); var $ulHashtag = $("#hashtag ul.posts"); setupHashtagOrMention($ulHashtag,params.hashtag,"hashtag"); }); }, login: function(type,match,ui) { if (!$('#login .content').children().length) $('#login .content').append(twister.tmpl.loginMC.clone(true)).trigger('create'); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( true, false, function() { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); $("select.local-usernames").selectmenu("refresh", true); }); }, network: function(type,match,ui) { $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( false, false, function() { $.mobile.hidePageLoadingMsg(); $("select.local-usernames.spam-user").selectmenu("refresh", true); getSpamMsg(); getGenerate(); }); }, directmsg: function(type,match,ui) { $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); requestDMsnippetList($('#directmsg .direct-messages-list')); }); }, dmchat: function(type,match,ui) { var params=router.getParams(match[1]); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); initializeTwister( true, true, function() { var user = params.user; var dmConvo = $('#dmchat .direct-messages-thread'); $("#dmchat .rtitle").text("Chat @" + user); $("#dmchat textarea").val(""); dmConvo.html(""); installDMSendClick(); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); dmChatUser = user; requestDmConversation(dmConvo,user); }); }, search: function(type,match,ui) { initializeTwister( true, true, function() { /**/ }); }, newusermodal: function(type,match,ui) { initializeTwister( false, false, function() { /* dumpPrivkey(defaultScreenName, function(args, key) { $(".secret-key").text(key); }, {}); */ }); }, }, { defaultHandler: function(type, ui, page) { console.log("Default handler called due to unknown route (" + type + ", " + ui + ", " + page + ")" ); console.log(ui); console.log(page); }, defaultHandlerEvents: "s", defaultArgsRe: true } ); function installPostboardClick() { var $postDatas = $(".post-data"); $postDatas.unbind('click').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var userpost = $(this).attr("data-userpost"); var url = "#post?userpost=" + encodeURIComponent(userpost); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); $.mobile.navigate( url ); }); $(".post a").unbind('click').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); // stopPropagation is supposed to be enough, but in Android the // default action is not called so we reimplement it here as a hack. e.preventDefault(); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); $.mobile.navigate( $(this).attr("href") ); }); } function installReplyClick() { var $postReply = $("#post .post-reply"); $postReply.unbind('click').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $postData = $(this).closest(".post-data"); var userpost = $postData.attr("data-userpost"); var replyTo = $postData.attr("data-reply-to"); var url = "#newmsg?replyto=" + encodeURIComponent(replyTo) + "&userpost=" + encodeURIComponent(userpost); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); $.mobile.navigate( url ); }); } function installRetransmitClick() { var $postRt = $("#post .post-propagate"); $postRt.unbind('click').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $postData = $(this).closest(".post-data"); var userpost = $postData.attr("data-userpost"); var url = "#rt?userpost=" + encodeURIComponent(userpost); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); $.mobile.navigate( url ); }); } function installSubmitClick() { var $postSubmit = $(".post-submit"); $postSubmit.unbind('click').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); var $replyText = $this.closest(".post-area-new").find("textarea"); var $postOrig = $("#newmsg .reply-original-post .post-data"); var s = encode_utf8($replyText.val()); newPostMsg(s, $postOrig); $replyText.val(""); $replyText.attr("placeholder", polyglot.t("Your message was sent!")); setTimeout( function() {$.MAL.goHome();}, 1000); }); } function installDMSendClick() { var $postSubmit = $(".dm-submit"); $postSubmit.unbind('click').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); var $replyText = $this.closest(".post-area-new").find("textarea"); var $dmConversation = $(".directMessages"); var s = encode_utf8($replyText.val()); newDirectMsg(s, dmChatUser); $replyText.val(""); }); } function installRetransmitConfirmClick() { var $postConfirmRt = $(".retransmit-confirm"); $postConfirmRt.unbind('click').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $postOrig = $("#rt .rt-original-post .post-data"); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); newRtMsg($postOrig); $.MAL.goHome(); }); } function installUserSearchHandler() { $('.userMenu-search-field') .off('click input') .on('keyup', userSearchEnter) .on('click keyup', {hashtags: true, handleRet: processDropdownUserResults, handleRetZero: closeSearchDialog}, userSearchKeypress) ; } function installProfileEditHandlers() { $(".profile-card-photo.forEdition").click( function() { $('#avatar-file').click(); } ); $("#avatar-file").bind( "change", handleAvatarFileSelectMobile); $(".submit-changes").click( function() { saveProfile(); setTimeout( function() {$.MAL.goHome();}, 1000); } ); $(".cancel-changes").click( $.mobile.back ); } function handleAvatarFileSelectMobile(evt) { var files = evt.target.files; // FileList object var f = files[0]; // Only process image files. if (f.type === undefined || f.type.match('image.*')) { var reader; try { reader = new FileReader(); } catch(e) { alert(polyglot.t('File APIs not supported in this browser.')); return; } reader.onload=function(e){ var img=new Image(); img.onload=function(){ var MAXWidthHeight=64; var r=MAXWidthHeight/Math.max(this.width,this.height), w=Math.round(this.width*r), h=Math.round(this.height*r), c=document.createElement("canvas"); c.width=w;c.height=h; c.getContext("2d").drawImage(this,0,0,w,h); var imgURL = undefined; var encoder = new JPEGEncoder(); for(var q = 90; (!imgURL || imgURL.length > 4096) && q > 10; q -= 1) { imgURL = encoder.encode(c.getContext("2d").getImageData(0,0,w,h), q); console.log( "q: " + q + " url size: " + imgURL.length ); } $(".profile-card-photo.forEdition").attr("src", imgURL ); } img.src=e.target.result; } // Read in the image file as a data URL. reader.readAsDataURL(f); } } function handleClickOpenConversation(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); var userpost = $(event.target).closest(event.data.feeder).attr('data-userpost'); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); $.mobile.navigate('#post?userpost=' + encodeURIComponent(userpost)); } function clearProfilePage() { $("#profile .profile-card-photo").attr("src","img/grayed_avatar_placeholder_24.png"); $("#profile .profile-name").text(""); $("#profile .profile-location").text(""); $("#profile .profile-url").text(""); $("#profile .profile-url").attr("href",""); $("#profile .profile-location").text(""); $("#profile .posts").text(""); } // handler of scroll bottom to request older posts function reachedScrollBottom() { var curPage = $.mobile.activePage.attr("id"); if( curPage == "home" ) { if( timelineLoaded ) { $.MAL.setPostTemplate( $("#post-template-home") ); requestTimelineUpdate("older", postsPerRefresh, followingUsers); } } } function encode_utf8(s) { // only needed in android 2.3 - why? var ua = navigator.userAgent; if( ua.indexOf("Android") >= 0 ) { var androidversion = parseFloat(ua.slice(ua.indexOf("Android")+8)); if (androidversion < 3.0) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(s)); } } return s; } var tmobileQueryReq; function setupHashtagOrMention(board, query, resource) { $.MAL.setPostTemplate( $("#post-template-home") ); $.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg(); board.empty(); var req = queryStart(board, query, resource, undefined, undefined, { boardAutoAppend: true, skidoo: function (req) { var curPage = $.mobile.activePage.attr('id'); return (curPage !== 'mentions' && curPage !== 'hashtag') || req !== tmobileQueryReq; } }); tmobileQueryReq = req; } // every 2 seconds do something page specific. function tmobileTick() { var curPage = $.mobile.activePage.attr("id"); if( curPage == "network" ) { networkUpdate(); } if( curPage == "home" ) { requestLastHave(); } if( curPage == "new-user-modal" ) { dumpPubkey(defaultScreenName, function(args, pubkey) { //pubkey = ""; if( pubkey.length > 0 ) { follow('twister', true, function() { $.MAL.goProfileEdit(); }); } }, {} ); } if (curPage === 'dmchat') requestDmConversation($('#dmchat .direct-messages-thread'), dmChatUser); } $(document).bind('mobileinit', function () { $.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages = true; $.mobile.zoom.enabled = false; $.mobile.buttonMarkup.hoverDelay = 0; //defaults 200 $.mobile.defaultDialogTransition = 'none'; $.mobile.defaultPageTransition = 'none'; });