// twister_actions.js // 2013 Miguel Freitas // // This file contains some twister "actions" like requesting // posts from dht, sending posts, replies. It seems to be a // intermediate layer between twister_io and interface, but // separation is not clearly defined. Perhaps it would be better // to get rid of this file altogether. // global variables var postsPerRefresh = 10; var maxExpandPost = 8; var maxExpandPostTop = 4; // ---------------- function requestRepliedBefore(postLi) { if(postLi.siblings().length >= maxExpandPostTop) return; var originalPost = postLi.find(".post-data"); var reply_n = originalPost.attr('data-replied-to-screen-name'); var reply_k = originalPost.attr('data-replied-to-id'); if( reply_n != undefined && reply_k != undefined ) { if (reply_n[0] !== '!') { twisterRpc("peekpost", [reply_n, parseInt(reply_k)], function (postLi, postFromJson) { if (postFromJson) { postLi.find('textarea').textcomplete('destroy'); // FIXME maybe we need to reset position instead (but curently it's cheaper) var newStreamPost = postToElem(postFromJson, "related"); newStreamPost.hide(); postLi.before(newStreamPost); newStreamPost.slideDown("fast"); $.MAL.relatedPostLoaded(); requestRepliedBefore(newStreamPost); } }, postLi, function(arg,ret) {console.log(ret)}); } else { //replied to a promoted post... try to get it.. var params = [1, parseInt(reply_k)]; twisterRpc("getspamposts", params, function (postLi, postFromJson) { if (postFromJson) { postLi.find('textarea').textcomplete('destroy'); // FIXME maybe we need to reset position instead (but curently it's cheaper) var newStreamPost = postToElem(postFromJson[0], "related", 1); newStreamPost.hide(); postLi.before(newStreamPost); newStreamPost.slideDown("fast"); $.MAL.relatedPostLoaded(); requestRepliedBefore(newStreamPost); } }, postLi, function(arg,ret) {console.log(ret)}); } } } function requestRepliesAfter(postLi) { if($.MAL.getExpandedPostsCount(postLi) >= maxExpandPost) return; var originalPost = postLi.find(".post-data"); var original_n = originalPost.attr('data-screen-name'); var original_k = originalPost.attr('data-id'); if( original_n != undefined && original_k != undefined ) { dhtget( original_n, "replies" + original_k, "m", $.MAL.reqRepAfterCB, postLi); } } function getTopPostOfConversation(postLi, post, postboard) { var reply_n; var reply_k; if (post && typeof(post) !== 'undefined' && "reply" in post["userpost"]) { reply_k = post["userpost"]["reply"]["k"]; reply_n = post["userpost"]["reply"]["n"]; } else if (postLi && typeof(postLi) !== 'undefined') { var originalPost = postLi.find(".post-data"); reply_n = originalPost.attr('data-replied-to-screen-name'); reply_k = originalPost.attr('data-replied-to-id'); } if( reply_n != undefined && reply_k != undefined ) { twisterRpc("peekpost", [reply_n, parseInt(reply_k)], function(postLi, postFromJson) { getTopPostOfConversation(null, postFromJson, postboard); }, postLi, function(arg,ret) {console.log(ret)}); } else { var newStreamPost; if (post) newStreamPost = postToElem(post, "related"); else { newStreamPost = postLi.clone(true); newStreamPost.removeClass('original'); newStreamPost.addClass('related'); newStreamPost.find('.expanded-content').hide(); newStreamPost.find('.show-more').hide(); } requestRepliesAfterAll(newStreamPost); newStreamPost.find('.post-expand').remove(); newStreamPost.off('click'); newStreamPost.hide(); postboard.append(newStreamPost); newStreamPost.slideDown("fast"); } } function requestRepliesAfterAll(postLi) { var originalPost = postLi.find(".post-data"); var original_n = originalPost.attr('data-screen-name'); var original_k = originalPost.attr('data-id'); if( original_n != undefined && original_k != undefined ) { dhtget( original_n, "replies" + original_k, "m", $.MAL.reqRepAfterCB, postLi); } } function requestRTs(post_n, post_k) { if (!post_n || !post_k) return; dhtget(post_n, 'rts' + post_k, 'm', function (req, ret) { if (!ret.length) return; var postDataElem = getElem('.expanded-post .post-data' + '[data-screen-name=\'' + req.post_n + '\']' + '[data-id=\'' + req.post_k + '\']'); if (!postDataElem.length) return; var postStatsElem = postDataElem.find('.post-stats'); postStatsElem.find('.stat-count-value').text(ret.length); var avatarRowElem = postStatsElem.find('.avatar-row').empty(); var avatarsAppended = []; for (var i = 0; i < ret.length && i < 12; i++) { if (avatarsAppended.indexOf(ret[i].userpost.n) !== -1) continue; avatarsAppended.push(ret[i].userpost.n); appendPeerAvatarToRTsRowElem(ret[i].userpost.n, avatarRowElem); } if (avatarsAppended.length) postStatsElem.slideDown('fast'); }, {post_n: post_n, post_k: post_k} ); } function updateRTsWithOwnOne(req, ret) { if (!ret || !ret.userpost || !ret.userpost.rt || !ret.userpost.rt.n || !ret.userpost.rt.k) return; var postDataElem = getElem('.expanded-post .post-data' + '[data-screen-name=\'' + ret.userpost.rt.n + '\']' + '[data-id=\'' + ret.userpost.rt.k + '\']'); for (var i = 0; i < postDataElem.length; i++) { var postStatsElem = postDataElem.eq(i).find('.post-stats'); var statCountValueElem = postStatsElem.find('.stat-count-value'); var avatarRowElem = postStatsElem.find('.avatar-row'); var ownAvatarElem = avatarRowElem.find('[data-peer-alias="' + defaultScreenName + '"]'); if (ownAvatarElem.length) { if (avatarRowElem.children().length > 1) ownAvatarElem.prependTo(avatarRowElem); statCountValueElem.text(parseInt(statCountValueElem.text()) + 1); continue; } appendPeerAvatarToRTsRowElem(defaultScreenName, avatarRowElem); if (avatarRowElem.children().length === 1) { statCountValueElem.text('1'); postStatsElem.slideDown('fast'); continue; } statCountValueElem.text(parseInt(statCountValueElem.text()) + 1); avatarRowElem.children().last().prependTo(avatarRowElem); if (avatarRowElem.children().length > 12) avatarRowElem.children().eq(12).remove(); } } function appendPeerAvatarToRTsRowElem(peerAlias, rowElem) { var elem = twister.tmpl.avatarTiny.clone(true) .attr('data-peer-alias', peerAlias) .attr('href', $.MAL.userUrl(peerAlias)) .appendTo(rowElem) ; getFullname(peerAlias, elem.find('.user-name-tooltip')); getAvatar(peerAlias, elem.find('.avatar.tiny')); } function appendPostToElem(post, elem) { // posts without non-empty strings in both 'msg' and 'rt.msg' may be used for metadata like 'url' and are not meant to be displayed if ((typeof post.userpost.msg !== 'string' || post.userpost.msg === '') && (typeof post.userpost.rt !== 'object' || typeof post.userpost.rt.msg !== 'string' || post.userpost.rt.msg === '')) return; postToElem(post, 'original').hide().appendTo(elem).slideDown('fast'); $.MAL.postboardLoaded(); } var profilePostsLoading = false; function requestPost(containerToAppend,username,resource,cbFunc,cbArgs){ //console.log('dhtget '+username+' '+resource); dhtget( username, resource, "s", function(args, postFromJson) { if( postFromJson ) { //console.log(postFromJson); appendPostToElem(postFromJson, args.containerToAppend); if(args.cbFunc!=undefined) args.cbFunc(args.cbArgs); } }, {containerToAppend:containerToAppend,cbFunc:cbFunc,cbArgs:cbArgs} ); } function requestPostRecursively(containerToAppend,username,resource,count,useGetposts) { var max_id = -1; if( !resource ) { var streamItems = containerToAppend.children(); if( streamItems.length != 0 ) { var lastItem = streamItems.eq(streamItems.length-1); resource = "post" + lastItem.find(".post-data").attr("data-lastk"); max_id = parseInt(lastItem.find(".post-data").attr("data-lastk")); } } profilePostsLoading = true; if( useGetposts ) { req = {username: username} if( max_id != -1 ) { req.max_id = max_id; } twisterRpc("getposts", [count,[req]], function(args, posts) { for( var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++ ) { appendPostToElem(posts[i], args.containerToAppend); } profilePostsLoading = false; }, {containerToAppend:containerToAppend}, function(args, ret) { profilePostsLoading = false; }, {}); } else { dhtget( username, resource, "s", function(args, postFromJson) { if( postFromJson ) { appendPostToElem(postFromJson, args.containerToAppend); if( args.count > 1 ) { var userpost = postFromJson["userpost"]; var n = userpost["n"]; var lastk = userpost["lastk"]; if( lastk == undefined ) lastk = userpost["k"] - 1; // not true with directmsgs in stream requestPostRecursively(args.containerToAppend, n, "post"+lastk, count-1); } else { profilePostsLoading = false; args.containerToAppend.trigger('scroll'); } } else { profilePostsLoading = false; } }, {containerToAppend:containerToAppend, count:count} ); } } function newPostMsg(msg, reply_n, reply_k, cbFunc, cbReq) { if (typeof lastPostId === 'undefined') { alertPopup({ //txtTitle: polyglot.t(''), add some title (not 'error', please) or just KISS txtMessage: 'Can\'t handle the twisting of a new twist —\n' + polyglot.t('Internal error: lastPostId unknown (following yourself may fix!)') }); return; } if (typeof _sendedPostIDs !== 'object') { alertPopup({ //txtTitle: polyglot.t(''), add some title (not 'error', please) or just KISS txtMessage: 'Can\'t handle the twisting of a new twist —\n' + polyglot.t('this is undefined', {'this': '_sendedPostIDs'}) }); return; } _sendedPostIDs.push(lastPostId + 1); var req = [defaultScreenName, lastPostId + 1, msg]; if (reply_n) req.push(reply_n, reply_k); twisterRpc('newpostmsg', req, function(req, ret) { incLastPostId(); if (typeof req.cbFunc === 'function') req.cbFunc(req.cbReq, ret); }, {cbFunc: cbFunc, cbReq: cbReq}, function(req, ret) { alertPopup({ //txtTitle: polyglot.t(''), add some title (not 'error', please) or just KISS txtMessage: 'Can\'t handle the twisting of a new twist —\n' + polyglot.t('ajax_error', {error: (ret.message) ? ret.message : ret}) }); } ); } function newRtMsg(userpost, sig_userpost, comment, cbFunc, cbReq) { if (typeof lastPostId === 'undefined') { alertPopup({ //txtTitle: polyglot.t(''), add some title (not 'error', please) or just KISS txtMessage: 'Can\'t handle the retwisting of a twist —\n' + polyglot.t('Internal error: lastPostId unknown (following yourself may fix!)') }); return; } if (typeof _sendedPostIDs !== 'object') { alertPopup({ //txtTitle: polyglot.t(''), add some title (not 'error', please) or just KISS txtMessage: 'Can\'t handle the retwisting of a twist —\n' + polyglot.t('this is undefined', {'this': '_sendedPostIDs'}) }); return; } if (typeof userpost !== 'object') { alertPopup({ //txtTitle: polyglot.t(''), add some title (not 'error', please) or just KISS txtMessage: 'Can\'t handle the retwisting of a twist —\n' + polyglot.t('this is undefined', {'this': 'userpost'}) }); return; } if (userpost.rt) { if (parseInt(twisterVersion) <= 93000) { alertPopup({ //txtTitle: polyglot.t(''), add some title (not 'error', please) or just KISS txtMessage: 'Can\'t handle the retwisting of commented retwisted twists —\n' + polyglot.t('daemon_is_obsolete', {versionReq: '0.9.3+'}) }); return; } else { // dropping of rt to avoid overquoting sig_userpost = userpost.sig_wort; userpost.rt = undefined; userpost.sig_rt = undefined; } } if (!sig_userpost) { alertPopup({ //txtTitle: polyglot.t(''), add some title (not 'error', please) or just KISS txtMessage: 'Can\'t handle the retwisting of a twist —\n' + polyglot.t('this is undefined', {'this': 'sig_userpost'}) }); return; } userpost.sig_wort = undefined; _sendedPostIDs.push(lastPostId + 1); var req = [defaultScreenName, lastPostId + 1, {sig_userpost: sig_userpost, userpost: userpost}]; if (typeof comment !== 'undefined') req.push(comment); twisterRpc('newrtmsg', req, function(req, ret) { incLastPostId(); if (typeof req.cbFunc === 'function') req.cbFunc(req.cbReq, ret); }, {cbFunc: cbFunc, cbReq: cbReq}, function(req, ret) { alertPopup({ //txtTitle: polyglot.t(''), add some title (not 'error', please) or just KISS txtMessage: 'Can\'t handle the retwisting of a twist —\n' + polyglot.t('ajax_error', {error: (ret.message) ? ret.message : ret}) }); } ); } function newFavMsg(postData, priv, msg) { var userpost = JSON.parse(postData.attr('data-content_to_rt')); var sig_userpost = postData.attr('data-content_to_sigrt'); if (!sig_userpost) { alertPopup({ //txtTitle: polyglot.t(''), add some title (not 'error', please) or just KISS txtMessage: 'Can\'t handle favoriting of a twist —\n' + polyglot.t('this is undefined', {'this': 'sig_userpost'}) }); return; } var rtObj = {sig_userpost: sig_userpost, userpost: userpost}; if (typeof lastPostId !== 'undefined') { if (typeof _sendedPostIDs !== 'undefined') _sendedPostIDs.push(lastPostId + 1); var params = [defaultScreenName, lastPostId + 1, rtObj, priv]; if (typeof msg !== 'undefined') params.push(msg); twisterRpc('newfavmsg', params, function(arg, ret) {incLastPostId();}, null, function(arg, ret) {var msg = ('message' in ret) ? ret.message : ret; alert(polyglot.t('ajax_error', {error: msg})); }, null ); } else { alert(polyglot.t('Internal error: lastPostId unknown (following yourself may fix!)')); } } function newShortURI(uri, cbFunc, cbReq) { if (!uri || !defaultScreenName) return; if (parseInt(twisterVersion) < 93500) { console.warn('can\'t shorten URI "' + uri + '" — ' + polyglot.t('daemon_is_obsolete', {versionReq: '0.9.35'})); return; } for (var short in twister.URIs) if (twister.URIs[short] instanceof Array ? twister.URIs[short][0] === uri : twister.URIs[short] === uri) { if (typeof cbFunc === 'function') cbFunc(uri, short, cbReq); return; } twisterRpc('newshorturl', [defaultScreenName, lastPostId + 1, uri], function (req, ret) { if (ret) { ret = ret[0]; // FIXME there should be 1 element anyway for daemon version 93500 twister.URIs[ret] = req.uri; $.localStorage.set('twistaURIs', twister.URIs); incLastPostId(); } else console.warn('RPC "newshorturl" error: empty response'); if (typeof req.cbFunc === 'function') req.cbFunc(req.uri, ret, req.cbReq); }, {uri: uri, cbFunc: cbFunc, cbReq: cbReq}, function (req, ret) { console.warn('RPC "newshorturl" error: ' + (ret && ret.message ? ret.message : ret)); if (typeof req.cbFunc === 'function') req.cbFunc(req.uri, ret, req.cbReq); }, {uri: uri, cbFunc: cbFunc, cbReq: cbReq} ); } function updateProfileData(profileModalContent, username) { //profileModalContent.find("a").attr("href",$.MAL.userUrl(username)); profileModalContent.filter(".profile-card").attr("data-screen-name", username); profileModalContent.find(".profile-screen-name b").text(username); profileModalContent.find("a.follow").attr("href", $.MAL.followUrl(username)); profileModalContent.find("a.direct-messages-with-user").attr("href", $.MAL.dmchatUrl(username)); profileModalContent.find("a.new-post-to").attr("href", $.MAL.newPostToUrl(username)); profileModalContent.find("a.mentions-from-user").attr("href", $.MAL.mentionsUrl(username)); getFullname( username, profileModalContent.find(".profile-name") ); getLocation( username, profileModalContent.find(".profile-location") ); getWebpage( username, profileModalContent.find(".profile-url") ); getBioToElem(username, profileModalContent.find('.profile-bio')); getTox( username, profileModalContent.find(".profile-tox") ); getBitmessage( username, profileModalContent.find(".profile-bitmessage") ); getAvatar( username, profileModalContent.find(".profile-card-photo") ); getPostsCount( username, profileModalContent.find(".posts-count") ); getFollowers( username, profileModalContent.find(".followers-count") ); getNumFollowing( username, profileModalContent.find(".following-count") ); getWhoFollows ( username, profileModalContent.find(".who-follow") ); profileModalContent.find(".following-count").parent().attr("href", $.MAL.followingUrl(username)); var postsView = profileModalContent.find(".postboard-posts"); // try using getposts first. fallback to dht. twisterRpc("getposts", [1,[{username: username}]], function(args, posts) { updateProfilePosts(postsView, username, posts.length); }, {}, function(args, ret) { updateProfilePosts(postsView, username, false); }, {}); } function updateProfilePosts(postsView, username, useGetposts) { requestPostRecursively(postsView,username,"status",postsPerRefresh, useGetposts); postsView.on('scroll', function () { if (!profilePostsLoading) { var $this = $(this); if ($this.scrollTop() >= this.scrollHeight - $this.height() - 20) { requestPostRecursively($this,username,"",postsPerRefresh, useGetposts); } } }); } function loadProfileForEdit(peerAlias, req) { loadProfile(peerAlias, function (peerAlias, req, res) { for (var i in req) if (req[i].length && res[i]) req[i].val(res[i]); }, req ); } function loadAvatarForEdit(peerAlias, req) { loadAvatar(peerAlias, function (peerAlias, req, res) { req.attr('src', res); }, req ); } function redrawProfileAndAvatar(peerAlias, profileData, avatarData) { var containerElem; if (!profileData.fullname) profileData.fullname = peerAlias; if (peerAlias === defaultScreenName) { containerElem = $('.module .mini-profile-info, .userMenu .mini-profile-info'); containerElem.find('.mini-profile-name').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem.find('.mini-profile-photo img').attr('src', avatarData); } containerElem = getElem('.profile-modal[data-modal-id="#profile?user=' + peerAlias + '"]') .find('.profile-card-main'); if (containerElem.length) { containerElem.find('.profile-name').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem.find('.profile-bio').text(profileData.bio); containerElem.find('.profile-location').text(profileData.location); containerElem.find('.profile-url').text(profileData.url).attr('href', profileData.url); containerElem.find('.profile-tox').text(profileData.tox); containerElem.find('.profile-bitmessage').text(profileData.bitmessage); containerElem.find('img.profile-card-photo').attr('src', avatarData); } containerElem = getElem('.post-data[data-screen-name="' + peerAlias + '"]'); if (containerElem.length) { containerElem.find('.post-info-name').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem.find('.post-photo img').attr('src', avatarData); } containerElem = getElem('.directMessages .direct-messages-thread .post.sent'); if (containerElem.length) { containerElem.find('.post-info-name').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem.find('.post-photo img').attr('src', avatarData); } getElem('.directMessages .direct-messages-list .post-photo' + '[data-peer-alias="' + peerAlias + '"] img').attr('src', avatarData); containerElem = getElem('.twister-user-info[data-screen-name="' + peerAlias + '"]') .closest('.twister-user'); if (containerElem.length) { containerElem.find('.twister-user-full').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem.find('.bio').text(profileData.bio); containerElem.find('img.twister-user-photo').attr('src', avatarData); } containerElem = getElem('.twister-peer[data-peer-alias="' + peerAlias + '"]'); if (containerElem.length) { containerElem.find('.fullname').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem.find('.bio').text(profileData.bio); containerElem.find('.avatar img').attr('src', avatarData); } containerElem = getElem('.avatar-row [data-peer-alias="' + peerAlias + '"]'); if (containerElem.length) { containerElem.find('.user-name-tooltip').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem.find('img.avatar').attr('src', avatarData); } } function redrawProfile(peerAlias, profileData) { var containerElem; if (!profileData.fullname) profileData.fullname = peerAlias; if (peerAlias === defaultScreenName) $('.module .mini-profile-info, .userMenu .mini-profile-info') .find('.mini-profile-name').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem = getElem('.profile-modal[data-modal-id="#profile?user=' + peerAlias + '"]') .find('.profile-card-main'); if (containerElem.length) { containerElem.find('.profile-name').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem.find('.profile-bio').text(profileData.bio); containerElem.find('.profile-location').text(profileData.location); containerElem.find('.profile-url').text(profileData.url).attr('href', profileData.url); containerElem.find('.profile-tox').text(profileData.tox); containerElem.find('.profile-bitmessage').text(profileData.bitmessage); } getElem('.post-data[data-screen-name="' + peerAlias + '"]') .find('.post-info-name').text(profileData.fullname); getElem('.directMessages .direct-messages-thread .post.sent') .find('.post-info-name').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem = getElem('.twister-user-info[data-screen-name="' + peerAlias + '"]') .closest('.twister-user'); if (containerElem.length) { containerElem.find('.twister-user-full').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem.find('.bio').text(profileData.bio); } containerElem = getElem('.twister-peer[data-peer-alias="' + peerAlias + '"]'); if (containerElem.length) { containerElem.find('.fullname').text(profileData.fullname); containerElem.find('.bio').text(profileData.bio); } getElem('.avatar-row [data-peer-alias="' + peerAlias + '"]') .find('.user-name-tooltip').text(profileData.fullname); } function redrawAvatar(peerAlias, avatarData) { if (peerAlias === defaultScreenName) $('.module .mini-profile-info, .userMenu .mini-profile-info') .find('.mini-profile-photo img').attr('src', avatarData); getElem('.profile-modal[data-modal-id="#profile?user=' + peerAlias + '"]').find('.profile-card-main') .find('img.profile-card-photo').attr('src', avatarData); getElem('.post-data[data-screen-name="' + peerAlias + '"]') .find('.post-photo img').attr('src', avatarData); getElem('.directMessages .direct-messages-thread .post.sent') .find('.post-photo img').attr('src', avatarData); getElem('.directMessages .direct-messages-list .post-photo' + '[data-peer-alias="' + peerAlias + '"] img').attr('src', avatarData); getElem('.twister-user-info[data-screen-name="' + peerAlias + '"]').closest('.twister-user') .find('img.twister-user-photo').attr('src', avatarData); getElem('.twister-peer[data-peer-alias="' + peerAlias + '"]') .find('.avatar img').attr('src', avatarData); getElem('.avatar-row [data-peer-alias="' + peerAlias + '"]') .find('img.avatar').attr('src', avatarData); } function queryCreateRes(query, resource, extra) { var req = query + '@' + resource; twister.res[req] = { query: query, resource: resource, lengthCached: 0, twists: { cached: {}, pending: [] } }; if (extra) for (i in extra) twister.res[req][i] = extra[i]; return twister.res[req]; } function queryStart(board, query, resource, timeoutArgs, intervalTimeout, extra) { var req = query + '@' + resource; if (typeof twister.res[req] !== 'object') { twister.res[req] = { board: board, query: query, resource: resource, lengthCached: 0, twists: { cached: {}, pending: [] } }; if (extra) { for (i in extra) twister.res[req][i] = extra[i]; if (typeof extra.ready === 'function') extra.ready(req, extra.readyReq); } } else { twister.res[req].board = board; for (var i in twister.res[req].twists.cached) if (twister.res[req].twists.pending.indexOf(i) === -1) twister.res[req].twists.pending.push(i); if (extra) { if (typeof extra.drawFinish === 'function') { twister.res[req].drawFinish = extra.drawFinish; twister.res[req].drawFinishReq = extra.drawFinishReq; } if (typeof extra.skidoo === 'function') twister.res[req].skidoo = extra.skidoo; } queryPendingDraw(req); } if (twister.res[req].interval) return req; queryRequest(req); // use extended timeout parameters on modal refresh (requires twister_core >= 0.9.14). // our first query above should be faster (with default timeoutArgs of twisterd), // then we may possibly collect more posts on our second try by waiting more. twister.res[req].timeoutArgs = timeoutArgs ? timeoutArgs : [10000, 2000, 3]; twister.res[req].interval = setInterval(queryTick, intervalTimeout ? intervalTimeout : 5000, req); return req; } function queryTick(req) { if (typeof twister.res[req].skidoo === 'function' ? twister.res[req].skidoo(req) : !isModalWithElemExists(twister.res[req].board)) { clearInterval(twister.res[req].interval); twister.res[req].interval = 0; queryPendingClear(req); return; } queryRequest(req); } function queryPendingClear(req) { twister.res[req].twists.pending = []; } function queryRequest(req) { if (twister.res[req].board && isModalWithElemExists(twister.res[req].board)) twister.res[req].board.closest('div').find('.postboard-loading').show(); if (twister.res[req].resource === 'mention' && twister.res[req].query === defaultScreenName) { twisterRpc('getmentions', [twister.res[req].query, 100, {since_id: twister.res[req].lastTorrentId}], queryProcess, req, function () {console.warn('getmentions API requires twister-core > 0.9.27');} ); dhtget(twister.res[req].query, twister.res[req].resource, 'm', queryProcess, req, twister.res[req].timeoutArgs); } else if (twister.res[req].resource === 'fav') twisterRpc('getfavs', [twister.res[req].query, 1000], queryProcess, req); else if (twister.res[req].resource === 'direct') { var lengthStandard = 100; // FIXME there may be the gap between .lastId and the lesser twist.id in response greater than 100 (very rare case) if (twister.res[req].lengthCached < Math.min(twister.res[req].lastId, lengthStandard) && !twister.res[req].triedToReCache) { twister.res[req].triedToReCache = true; var length = Math.min(twister.res[req].lastId + 1, lengthStandard); var query = [{username: twister.res[req].query, max_id: twister.res[req].lastId}]; } else var length = lengthStandard, query = [{username: twister.res[req].query, since_id: twister.res[req].lastId}]; twisterRpc('getdirectmsgs', [defaultScreenName, length, query], queryProcess, req, function (req, res) { console.warn(polyglot.t('ajax_error', {error: (res && res.message) ? res.message : res})); } ); } else dhtget(twister.res[req].query, twister.res[req].resource, 'm', queryProcess, req, twister.res[req].timeoutArgs); } function queryProcess(req, res) { if (!req || !twister.res[req] || typeof res !== 'object' || $.isEmptyObject(res)) return; var lengthNew = 0; var lengthPending = twister.res[req].twists.pending.length; if (twister.res[req].resource === 'mention' && twister.res[req].query === defaultScreenName) lengthNew = queryPendingPushMentions(req, res); else if (twister.res[req].resource === 'direct') lengthNew = queryPendingPushDMs(res); else lengthNew = queryPendingPush(req, res); if (typeof twister.res[req].skidoo === 'function' && twister.res[req].skidoo(req)) return; if (lengthNew) { if (twister.res[req].resource === 'mention' && twister.res[req].query === defaultScreenName) { $.MAL.updateNewMentionsUI(twister.res[req].lengthNew); $.MAL.soundNotifyMentions(); if (!$.mobile && $.Options.showDesktopNotifMentions.val === 'enable') $.MAL.showDesktopNotification({ body: polyglot.t('You got') + ' ' + polyglot.t('new_mentions', twister.res[req].lengthNew) + '.', tag: 'twister_notification_new_mentions', timeout: $.Options.showDesktopNotifMentionsTimer.val, funcClick: (function () { if (!twister.res[this.req].board || !focusModalWithElement(twister.res[this.req].board, function (req) { twister.res[req].board.closest('.postboard') .find('.postboard-news').trigger('click'); }, this.req )) $.MAL.showMentions(defaultScreenName); }).bind({req: req}) }); for (var i = 0; i < twister.res[req].twists.pending.length; i++) { var twist = twister.res[req].twists.cached[twister.res[req].twists.pending[i]]; if (!twist.userpost.reply) // not '|| twist.userpost.reply.n !== defaultScreenName' too because a reply twist can be a bit deeper than a twist of the current user continue; var postDataElem = getElem('.expanded-post .post-data' // FIXME need to rewrite the appending of .post-replies to do it for not expanded twists too + '[data-screen-name=\'' + twist.userpost.reply.n + '\']' + '[data-id=\'' + twist.userpost.reply.k + '\']'); if (!postDataElem.length) continue; for (var k = 0, twistElem = undefined; k < postDataElem.length; k++) { var formerPostElem = postDataElem.eq(k).closest('li.post'); if (!formerPostElem.next().hasClass('post-replies')) var containerElem = $('
    1. ') // FIXME replace with template as like as a reqRepAfterCB()'s similar thing .insertAfter(formerPostElem) .children('.sub-replies') ; else { var containerElem = formerPostElem.next().children('.sub-replies'); if (containerElem.find('.post-data' + '[data-screen-name=\'' + twist.userpost.n + '\']' + '[data-id=\'' + twist.userpost.k + '\']').length) continue; } if (typeof twistElem !== 'undefined') twistElem.clone(true).appendTo(containerElem); else twistElem = postToElem(twist, 'related').hide() .addClass('new pending') .appendTo(containerElem); while (formerPostElem.hasClass('pending')) formerPostElem = formerPostElem.closest('.post-replies').prev('li.post'); formerPostElem.find('.new-replies-available button') .text(polyglot.t('new_mentions', formerPostElem.next().find('.post.pending').length)) .slideDown('fast') ; } } } else if (twister.res[req].resource === 'direct') { if (twister.res[req].query[0] !== '*') $.MAL.updateNewDMsUI(getNewDMsCount()); else $.MAL.updateNewGroupDMsUI(getNewGroupDMsCount()); $.MAL.soundNotifyDM(); if (!$.mobile && $.Options.showDesktopNotifDMs.val === 'enable') $.MAL.showDesktopNotification({ body: twister.res[req].query[0] === '*' ? polyglot.t('You got') + ' ' + polyglot.t('new_group_messages', getNewGroupDMsCount()) + '.' : polyglot.t('You got') + ' ' + polyglot.t('new_direct_messages', getNewDMsCount()) + '.', tag: 'twister_notification_new_DMs', timeout: $.Options.showDesktopNotifDMsTimer.val, funcClick: (function () { focusModalWithElement(twister.res[this.req].board); }).bind({req: req}) }); // TODO new DMs counters on minimized modals' } else if (!$.mobile && $.Options.showDesktopNotifPostsModal.val === 'enable' && (twister.res[req].resource !== 'mention' || twister.res[req].query !== defaultScreenName) && twister.res[req].board && isModalWithElemExists(twister.res[req].board) && twister.res[req].board.children().length) $.MAL.showDesktopNotification({ body: polyglot.t('You got') + ' ' + polyglot.t('new_posts', twister.res[req].twists.pending.length) + ' ' + polyglot.t('in search result') + '.', tag: 'twister_notification_new_posts_modal', timeout: $.Options.showDesktopNotifPostsModalTimer.val, funcClick: (function () { focusModalWithElement(twister.res[this.req].board, function (req) { twister.res[req].board.closest('.postboard') .find('.postboard-news').trigger('click'); }, this.req ); }).bind({req: req}) }); } if (twister.res[req].twists.pending.length > lengthPending) { // there is some twists may be which are not considered new so lengthNew equals zero (mentions thing) if (!twister.res[req].board || (!$.mobile && !isModalWithElemExists(twister.res[req].board))) return; if (!twister.res[req].board.children().length || twister.res[req].boardAutoAppend) queryPendingDraw(req); else { twister.res[req].board.closest('div').find('.postboard-news') // FIXME we'd replace 'div' with '.postboard' but need to dig through tmobile first .text(polyglot.t('new_posts', twister.res[req].twists.pending.length)) .fadeIn('slow') ; twister.res[req].board.closest('div').find('.postboard-loading').hide(); } } } function queryPendingPush(req, twists) { var lengthNew = 0; var needForFilter = $.Options.filterLang.val !== 'disable' && $.Options.filterLangForSearching.val; for (var i = twists.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var userpost = twists[i].userpost; var j = userpost.n + '/' + userpost.time; if (typeof twister.res[req].twists.cached[j] === 'undefined') { if (userpost.fav) userpost = userpost.fav; if ((typeof userpost.msg !== 'string' || userpost.msg === '') && (typeof userpost.rt !== 'object' || typeof userpost.rt.msg !== 'string' || userpost.rt.msg === '')) continue; if (needForFilter) { if (typeof userpost.msg === 'string' && userpost.msg !== '') langFilterData = filterLang(userpost.msg); else langFilterData = filterLang(userpost.rt.msg); if ($.Options.filterLangSimulate.val) { twists[i].langFilter = langFilterData; } else { if (!langFilterData.pass) continue; } } lengthNew++; twister.res[req].twists.cached[j] = twists[i]; twister.res[req].lengthCached++; twister.res[req].twists.pending.push(j); } } return lengthNew; } function queryPendingDraw(req) { var twists = [], length = 0; if (twister.res[req].resource === 'direct') { for (var j = 0; j < twister.res[req].twists.pending.length; j++) { var twist = twister.res[req].twists.cached[twister.res[req].twists.pending[j]]; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) if (twist.id < twists[i].id) { twists.splice(i, 0, twist); break; } if (length === twists.length) twists.push(twist); length++; } attachPostsToStream(twister.res[req].board, twists, false, function (twist, req) { return {item: postToElemDM(twist, req.peerAliasLocal, req.peerAliasRemote) .attr('data-id', twist.id), time: twist.time}; }, {peerAliasLocal: defaultScreenName, peerAliasRemote: twister.res[req].query} ); resetNewDMsCountForPeer(twister.res[req].query); } else { for (var j = 0; j < twister.res[req].twists.pending.length; j++) { var twist = twister.res[req].twists.cached[twister.res[req].twists.pending[j]]; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) if (twist.userpost.time > twists[i].userpost.time) { twists.splice(i, 0, twist); break; } if (length === twists.length) twists.push(twist); length++; } attachPostsToStream(twister.res[req].board, twists, true, function (twist) { return {item: postToElem(twist, 'original'), time: twist.userpost.time}; } ); if (twister.res[req].resource === 'mention' && twister.res[req].query === defaultScreenName) resetMentionsCount(); } queryPendingClear(req); if (typeof twister.res[req].drawFinish === 'function') twister.res[req].drawFinish(req, twister.res[req].drawFinishReq); else $.MAL.postboardLoaded(); }