mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:51:03 +00:00
filtering of Searching & TopTrends, checkboxes, autoupdating of TopTrends in 2 min, not filtering retwists of our own posts, localization for tr
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,22 +67,6 @@ var InterfaceFunctions = function()
$(".dropdown-menu-following").bind("click", function()
{ alert(polyglot.t("You are not following anyone because you are not logged in."))} );
twisterRpc("gettrendinghashtags", [10],
function(args, ret) {
for( var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++ ) {
var $li = $("<li>");
var hashtagLinkTemplate = $("#hashtag-link-template").clone(true);
}, {},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("Error with gettrendinghashtags. Older twister daemon?");
}, {});
@ -119,23 +103,6 @@ var InterfaceFunctions = function()
setTimeout("getRandomFollowSuggestion(processSuggestion)", 1000);
setTimeout("getRandomFollowSuggestion(processSuggestion)", 1000);
twisterRpc("gettrendinghashtags", [10],
function(args, ret) {
for( var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++ ) {
var $li = $("<li>");
var hashtagLinkTemplate = $("#hashtag-link-template").clone(true);
}, {},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("Error with gettrendinghashtags. Older twister daemon?");
}, {});
if( args.cbFunc )
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg});
@ -154,9 +121,47 @@ var InterfaceFunctions = function()
setTimeout(updateTrendingHashtags, 1000);
setInterval(updateTrendingHashtags, 120*1000); // FIXME should be an option for this
function updateTrendingHashtags() {
twisterRpc('gettrendinghashtags', [10],
function(args, ret) {
//console.log('hashtags trends: '+ret);
for( var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++ ) {
if ($.Options.getFilterLangForTopTrendsOpt())
var langFilterData = filterLang(ret[i]);
if (!$.Options.getFilterLangForTopTrendsOpt() || langFilterData['pass'] || $.Options.getFilterLangSimulateOpt()) {
var $li = $('<li>');
var hashtagLinkTemplate = $('#hashtag-link-template').clone(true);
if ($.Options.getFilterLangSimulateOpt()) {
if (typeof(langFilterData) !== 'undefined') {
$li.append(' <span class="langFilterSimData"><em>'+((langFilterData['pass']) ? polyglot.t('passed') : polyglot.t('blocked'))+'</em>: '+langFilterData['prob'][0].toString()+'</span>');
} else {
$li.append(' <span class="langFilterSimData"><em>'+polyglot.t('not analyzed')+'</em></span>');
}, {},
function(args, ret) {
console.log('Error with gettrendinghashtags. Older twister daemon?');
}, {}
//******************* INIT **************
@ -3125,25 +3125,25 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "tr"){
"hour(s)": "saat",
"second(s)": "saniye",
"only numbers are allowed!": "sadece rakam girilebilir!",
"Language filtering": "Language filtering",
"By blacklist": "By blacklist",
"By whitelist": "By whitelist",
"Comma separated ISO 639-3 language codes": "Comma separated ISO 639-3 language codes",
"Accuracy": "Accuracy",
"Simulation mode": "Simulation mode",
"This post is treated by language filter": "This post is %{treated} by language filter.",
"blocked": "blocked",
"passed": "passed",
"not analyzed": "not analyzed",
"Reason: this": "Reason: %{this}",
"this doesnt contain that": "%{this} does not contain %{that}",
"blacklist": "blacklist",
"whitelist": "whitelist",
"language of this": "language of this",
"its undefined language": "it is undefined language",
"its this, blacklisted": "it is %{this}, blacklisted",
"its this, whitelisted": "it is %{this}, whitelisted",
"Most possible language: this": "Most possible language: %{this}",
"Language filtering": "Dile göre süzme",
"By blacklist": "Kara liste ile",
"By whitelist": "Beyaz liste ile",
"Comma separated ISO 639-3 language codes": "Virgülle ayrılmış ISO 639-3 dil kodları",
"Accuracy": "Hassasiyet",
"Simulation mode": "Benzetim yap",
"This post is treated by language filter": "Bu gönderi dil süzgeci tarafından %{treated}.",
"blocked": "engellendi",
"passed": "kabul edildi",
"not analyzed": "incelenmedi",
"Reason: this": "Sebep: %{this}",
"this doesnt contain that": "%{that} %{this} tarafından kapsanmıyor",
"blacklist": "beyaz liste",
"whitelist": "kara liste",
"language of this": "dili",
"its undefined language": "belirsiz dil",
"its this, blacklisted": "%{this}, engellendi",
"its this, whitelisted": "%{this}, kabul edildi",
"Most possible language: this": "Muhtemel dil: %{this}",
"Show with every user name": "Tüm kullanıcı adlarının yanında göster",
"Show at profile modal only": "Sadece profilinde göster",
"Show if a user follows me": "Bir kullanıcının beni takip edip etmediğini göster",
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ var MAL = function()
jQuery.MAL = new MAL;
function filterLangPost(post) {
function filterLang(string) {
if ($.Options.getFilterLangOpt() !== 'disable' && $.Options.getFilterLangListOpt().length > 0) {
var langFilterAccuracy = $.Options.getFilterLangAccuracyOpt();
var langFilterList = $.Options.getFilterLangListOpt();
@ -497,14 +497,18 @@ function filterLangPost(post) {
var langFilterPass = ($.Options.getFilterLangOpt() === 'whitelist') ? false : true;
var langFilterReason = polyglot.t('this doesnt contain that', {'this': polyglot.t($.Options.getFilterLangOpt()), 'that': polyglot.t('language of this')});
if (typeof(post['userpost']['rt']) !== 'undefined') {
langFilterSubj = post['userpost']['rt']['msg'];
} else {
langFilterSubj = post['userpost']['msg'];
// we cut out any mentions, links and # symbols from hashtags and clear spaces before detection attempts:
langFilterSubj = langFilterSubj.replace(/\@\S\w*|https?:\/\/\S*|\#/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
langFilterProb = franc.all(langFilterSubj, {'minLength': 4}); // FIXME minLength may become configurable option at some time
// before detection attempts we cut out any mentions and links, and replace _ with space
langFilterSubj = string.replace(/@\S\w*|https?:\/\/\S*/g, '').replace(/_+/g, ' ')
// replace zero-width word boundaries, such as between letters from different alphabets [or other symbols], with spaces
// FIXME not so good idea because 'Za pomocą białej listy' may turn into 'Za pomoc ą bia ł ej listy' for e.g.
// FIXME but first one was recognized as 'hrv' and second as 'pol' and you know it's 'pol' actually
.replace(/\b/g, ' ')
// cut out some more symbols
.replace(/[#\[\]\(\)\{\}\-\+\=\^\:\;\\\/]/g, '')
// clear unwanted spaces
.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim();
langFilterProb = franc.all(langFilterSubj, {'minLength': 2}); // FIXME minLength may become configurable option at some time
for (var i = 0; i < langFilterProb.length; i++) {
if (langFilterProb[i][1] > langFilterAccuracy) {
if (langFilterProb[i][0] === 'und') { // e.g. digits-only string will be detected as undefined and thereby will be allowed
@ -524,14 +528,9 @@ function filterLangPost(post) {
post['langFilter'] = {};
post['langFilter']['subj'] = langFilterSubj;
post['langFilter']['prob'] = langFilterProb;
post['langFilter']['pass'] = langFilterPass;
post['langFilter']['reason'] = langFilterReason;
//console.log('langFilter | status: '+((langFilterPass === true) ? polyglot.t('passed') : polyglot.t('blocked'))+' | reason: '+langFilterReason+' | subject: \''+langFilterSubj+'\'');
return ($.Options.getFilterLangSimulateOpt()) ? true : langFilterPass;
return {'subj': langFilterSubj, 'prob': langFilterProb, 'pass': langFilterPass, 'reason': langFilterReason};
@ -477,6 +477,36 @@ var TwisterOptions = function()
this.getFilterLangForPostboardOpt = function () {
return $.Options.getOption('filterLangForPostboard', true);
this.setFilterLangForPostboardOpt = function () {
$('#filterLangForPostboard').prop('checked', $.Options.getFilterLangForPostboardOpt());
$('#filterLangForPostboard').on('click', function () {$.Options.setOption(this.id, this.checked);});
this.getFilterLangForSearchingOpt = function () {
return $.Options.getOption('filterLangForSearching', true);
this.setFilterLangForSearchingOpt = function () {
$('#filterLangForSearching').prop('checked', $.Options.getFilterLangForSearchingOpt());
$('#filterLangForSearching').on('click', function () {$.Options.setOption(this.id, this.checked);});
this.getFilterLangForTopTrendsOpt = function () {
return $.Options.getOption('filterLangForTopTrends', true);
this.setFilterLangForTopTrendsOpt = function () {
$('#filterLangForTopTrends').prop('checked', $.Options.getFilterLangForTopTrendsOpt());
$('#filterLangForTopTrends').on('click', function () {$.Options.setOption(this.id, this.checked);});
this.getFilterLangSimulateOpt = function () {
return $.Options.getOption('filterLangSimulate', false);
@ -538,6 +568,9 @@ var TwisterOptions = function()
@ -340,6 +340,22 @@ function processHashtag(postboard, hashtag, data) {
var key = userpost["n"] + ";" + userpost["time"];
if( !(key in _hashtagProcessedMap) ) {
_hashtagProcessedMap[key] = true;
if ($.Options.getFilterLangForSearchingOpt()) {
if (typeof(userpost['rt']) !== 'undefined') {
var msg = userpost['rt']['msg'];
} else {
var msg = userpost['msg'];
langFilterData = filterLang(msg);
if ($.Options.getFilterLangSimulateOpt()) {
data[i]['langFilter'] = langFilterData;
} else {
if (!langFilterData['pass'])
@ -363,8 +379,11 @@ function processHashtag(postboard, hashtag, data) {
function displayHashtagPending(postboard) {
for( var i = 0; i < _hashtagPendingPosts.length; i++ ) {
var streamPost = postToElem(_hashtagPendingPosts[i], "original");
var timePost = _hashtagPendingPosts[i]["userpost"]["time"];
var post = _hashtagPendingPosts[i];
var streamPost = postToElem(post, "original");
var timePost = post["userpost"]["time"];
var streamItems = postboard.children();
if( streamItems.length == 0) {
@ -119,8 +119,19 @@ function postToElem( post, kind, promoted ) {
if (typeof(promoted) !== 'undefined' && promoted)
if (typeof(promoted) !== 'undefined' && promoted) {
} else {
if ($.Options.getFilterLangSimulateOpt()) {
// FIXME it's must be stuff from template actually
if (typeof(post['langFilter']) !== 'undefined') {
elem.append('<div class="langFilterSimData">'+polyglot.t('This post is treated by language filter', {'treated': '<em>'+((post['langFilter']['pass']) ? polyglot.t('passed') : polyglot.t('blocked'))+'</em>'})+'</div>');
elem.append('<div class="langFilterSimData">'+polyglot.t('Reason: this', {'this': '<em>'+post['langFilter']['reason']+'</em>'})+' // '+polyglot.t('Most possible language: this', {'this': '<em>'+post['langFilter']['prob'][0].toString()+'</em>'})+'</div>');
} else {
elem.append('<div class="langFilterSimData">'+polyglot.t('This post is treated by language filter', {'treated': '<em>'+polyglot.t('not analyzed')+'</em>'})+'</div>');
return elem;
@ -235,15 +235,6 @@ function showPosts(req, posts)
if( streamPostAppended ) {
if ($.Options.getFilterLangSimulateOpt()) {
// FIXME it's should be stuff from template actually
if (typeof(post['langFilter']) !== 'undefined') {
streamPost.append('<div class="langFilterSimData">'+polyglot.t('This post is treated by language filter', {'treated': '<em>'+((post['langFilter']['pass'] === true) ? polyglot.t('passed') : polyglot.t('blocked'))+'</em>'})+'</div>');
streamPost.append('<div class="langFilterSimData">'+polyglot.t('Reason: this', {'this': '<em>'+post['langFilter']['reason']+'</em>'})+' // '+polyglot.t('Most possible language: this', {'this': '<em>'+post['langFilter']['prob'][0].toString()+'</em>'})+'</div>');
} else {
streamPost.append('<div class="langFilterSimData">'+polyglot.t('This post is treated by language filter', {'treated': '<em>'+polyglot.t('not analyzed')+'</em>'})+'</div>');
req.reportProcessedPost(post["userpost"]["n"],post["userpost"]["k"], streamPostAppended);
@ -371,14 +362,21 @@ function willBeHidden(post){
return false;
if (typeof(post['userpost']['rt']) !== 'undefined') {
// hope it is not too egocentric to overcome HideCloseRTsOpt this way
if (post['userpost']['rt']['n'] === defaultScreenName)
return false;
if ($.Options.getHideCloseRTsOpt() != 'disable' &&
followingUsers.indexOf(post['userpost']['rt']['n']) > -1 &&
parseInt(post['userpost']['time']) - parseInt(post['userpost']['rt']['time']) < $.Options.getHideCloseRTsHourOpt() * 3600)
return true;
var msg = post['userpost']['rt']['msg'];
} else {
var msg = post['userpost']['msg'];
if ($.Options.getHideRepliesOpt() !== 'disable' &&
/^\@/.test(msg) &&
!(new RegExp('@' + defaultScreenName + '( |,|;|\\.|:|\\/|\\?|\\!|\\\\|\'|"|\\n|\\t|$)').test(msg)))
@ -392,10 +390,13 @@ function willBeHidden(post){
if (filterLangPost(post) === false) {
// TODO maybe we need a counter of posts blocked by language filter and even caching of them and button to show?
//console.log('post by @'+post['userpost']['n']+' was hidden because it didn\'t passed by language filter:');
return true;
if ($.Options.getFilterLangForPostboardOpt()) {
post['langFilter'] = filterLang(msg);
if (!post['langFilter']['pass'] && !$.Options.getFilterLangSimulateOpt()) {
// TODO maybe we need a counter of posts blocked by language filter and even caching of them and button to show?
//console.log('post by @'+post['userpost']['n']+' was hidden because it didn\'t passed by language filter:');
return true;
return false;
@ -240,24 +240,30 @@
<div class="module">
<p class="label label-h">Language filtering</p>
<div class="container">
<form action="" id="filterLangOpt">
<p class="label">Language filtering</p>
<div class="container">
<select name="" id="filterLang">
<option value="disable">Disable</option>
<option value="blacklist">By blacklist</option>
<option value="whitelist">By whitelist</option>
<div id="filterLangListCont" class="container">
<p class="label">Comma separated ISO 639-3 language codes</p>
<p><input type="text" id="filterLangList" class="container" /></p>
<p class="label">Accuracy</p>
<p><input type="range" id="filterLangAccuracy" class="container" min="0" max="1" step="0.005"><span id="filterLangAccuracyVal" class="container"></span></p>
<p><span class="label">Simulation mode</span> <input type="checkbox" id="filterLangSimulate" /></p>
<div id="filterLangListCont" class="container">
<p class="label">Comma separated ISO 639-3 language codes</p>
<p><input type="text" id="filterLangList" class="container" /></p>
<p class="label">Accuracy</p>
<p><input type="range" id="filterLangAccuracy" class="container" min="0" max="1" step="0.005"><span id="filterLangAccuracyVal" class="container"></span></p>
<p><span class="label">Scope of using</span></p>
<div class="container">
<p><span class="label">Postboard</span> <input type="checkbox" id="filterLangForPostboard" /></p>
<p><span class="label">Searching</span> <input type="checkbox" id="filterLangForSearching" /></p>
<p><span class="label">Top Trends</span> <input type="checkbox" id="filterLangForTopTrends" /></p>
<p><span class="label">Simulation mode</span> <input type="checkbox" id="filterLangSimulate" /></p>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user