mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 21:11:02 +00:00
add missing flags to clone event too from DM template textareas, code restyling
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,41 +5,37 @@
function requestDMsnippetList(dmThreadList) {
var followList = [];
for( var i = 0; i < followingUsers.length; i++ ) {
for (var i = 0; i < followingUsers.length; i++)
for( var i = 0; i < groupChatAliases.length; i++ ) {
for (var i = 0; i < groupChatAliases.length; i++)
twisterRpc("getdirectmsgs", [defaultScreenName, 1, followList],
function(req, ret) {processDMsnippet(ret, dmThreadList);}, dmThreadList,
function(req, ret) {console.log("ajax error:" + ret);}, null);
twisterRpc('getdirectmsgs', [defaultScreenName, 1, followList],
function(req, ret) {processDMsnippet(ret, dmThreadList);}, dmThreadList,
function(req, ret) {console.log('ajax error:' + ret);}, null
function processDMsnippet(dmUsers, dmThreadList) {
for( var u in dmUsers ) {
if( dmUsers.hasOwnProperty(u) ) {
for (var u in dmUsers) {
if (dmUsers[u]) {
// convert snipped to html and add it to date-sorted list
var dmItem = dmDataToSnippetItem(dmUsers[u][0], u);
var timeDmItem = parseInt(dmItem.attr("data-time"));
var timeDmItem = parseInt(dmItem.attr('data-time'));
var existingItems = dmThreadList.children();
var j = 0;
for( j = 0; j < existingItems.length; j++) {
for (var j = 0; j < existingItems.length; j++) {
var streamItem = existingItems.eq(j);
var timeExisting = streamItem.attr("data-time");
if( timeExisting == undefined ||
timeDmItem > parseInt(timeExisting) ) {
var timeExisting = streamItem.attr('data-time');
if (typeof timeExisting === 'undefined' || timeDmItem > parseInt(timeExisting)) {
// this post in stream is older, so post must be inserted above
if( j == existingItems.length ) {
if (j === existingItems.length)
@ -52,84 +48,86 @@ function requestDmConversationModal(postboard, dm_screenname) {
function requestDmConversation(dmConvo,dm_screenname) {
function requestDmConversation(postboard, dm_screenname) {
var since_id = undefined;
var oldItems = dmConvo.children();
if( oldItems.length ) {
since_id = parseInt(oldItems.eq(oldItems.length-1).attr("data-id"));
var oldItems = postboard.children();
if (oldItems.length)
since_id = parseInt(oldItems.eq(oldItems.length - 1).attr('data-id'));
var userDmReq = [{username: dm_screenname}];
if (typeof since_id !== 'undefined')
userDmReq[0].since_id = since_id;
var userDmReq = [{username:dm_screenname}];
if( since_id != undefined ) userDmReq[0].since_id = since_id;
var count = 100;
twisterRpc("getdirectmsgs", [defaultScreenName,count,userDmReq],
function(args, ret) { processDmConversation(args.dmConvo, args.dmUser, ret); },
function(arg, ret) { var msg = ("message" in ret) ? ret.message : ret;
alert(polyglot.t("ajax_error", { error: msg })); }, null);
twisterRpc('getdirectmsgs', [defaultScreenName, count, userDmReq],
function(args, ret) {processDmConversation(args.postboard, args.dm_screenname, ret);},
{postboard: postboard, dm_screenname: dm_screenname},
function(arg, ret) {
var msg = (ret.message) ? ret.message : ret;
alert(polyglot.t('ajax_error', {error: msg}));
}, null
function processDmConversation(dmConvo, dm_screenname, dmData) {
function processDmConversation(postboard, dm_screenname, dmData) {
var lastId = undefined;
if(dm_screenname in dmData) {
if (dmData[dm_screenname]) {
var dmList = dmData[dm_screenname];
if( dmList.length ) {
for( var i = 0; i < dmList.length; i++) {;
var dmItem = dmDataToConversationItem(dmList[i],defaultScreenName,dm_screenname);
if (dmList.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < dmList.length; i++) {
var dmItem = dmDataToConversationItem(dmList[i], defaultScreenName, dm_screenname)
.attr('data-id', dmList[i].id)
lastId = dmList[i].id;
if( lastId != undefined ) {
if (typeof lastId !== 'undefined')
resetNewDMsCountForUser(dm_screenname, lastId);
function directMsgSubmit(e)
function directMsgSubmit(e) {
var $this = $( this );
var $replyText = $this.closest(".post-area-new").find("textarea");
var $dmConversation = $(".directMessages");
var replyText = $(this).closest('.post-area-new textarea');
newDirectMsg($replyText.val(), $dmConversation.attr("data-dm-screen-name"));
newDirectMsg(replyText.val(), $('.directMessages').attr('data-dm-screen-name'));
function newDirectMsg(msg, dm_screenname) {
if( lastPostId != undefined ) {
var paramsOrig = [defaultScreenName, lastPostId + 1, dm_screenname, msg]
var paramsOpt = paramsOrig
var copySelf = ($.Options.dmCopySelf.val === 'enable')
if( copySelf && dm_screenname[0] !== '*' ) {
if (typeof lastPostId !== 'undefined') {
var paramsOrig = [defaultScreenName, lastPostId + 1, dm_screenname, msg];
var paramsOpt = paramsOrig;
var copySelf = $.Options.dmCopySelf.val === 'enable';
if (copySelf && dm_screenname[0] !== '*')
paramsOpt = paramsOrig.concat(true)
twisterRpc("newdirectmsg", paramsOpt,
function(arg, ret) {
if( arg.copySelf ) incLastPostId();
}, {copySelf:copySelf},
function(arg, ret) {
// fallback for older twisterd (error: no copy_self parameter)
twisterRpc("newdirectmsg", arg.paramsOrig,
function(arg, ret) { incLastPostId(); }, null,
function(arg, ret) {
var msg = ("message" in ret) ? ret.message : ret;
alert("Ajax error: " + msg);
}, null);
}, {paramsOrig:paramsOrig}
twisterRpc('newdirectmsg', paramsOpt,
function(arg, ret) {
if (arg.copySelf)
}, {copySelf: copySelf},
function(arg, ret) {
// fallback for older twisterd (error: no copy_self parameter)
twisterRpc('newdirectmsg', arg.paramsOrig,
function(arg, ret) {incLastPostId();}, null,
function(arg, ret) {
var msg = (ret.message) ? ret.message : ret;
alert('Ajax error: ' + msg);
}, null
}, {paramsOrig: paramsOrig}
} else {
alert(polyglot.t("Internal error: lastPostId unknown (following yourself may fix!)"));
} else
alert(polyglot.t('Internal error: lastPostId unknown (following yourself may fix!)'));
// dispara o modal de direct messages
@ -141,7 +139,7 @@ function directMessagesPopup() {
modal = openModal({
classAdd: 'directMessages',
content: $('.direct-messages-template').children().clone(),
content: $('.direct-messages-template').children().clone(true),
title: polyglot.t('Direct Messages')
@ -151,8 +149,8 @@ function directMessagesPopup() {
.css('display', 'inline')
.attr('title', polyglot.t('Mark all as read'))
.on('click', function() {
for (var k in _newDMsPerUser) {
_newDMsPerUser[k] = 0;
for (var user in _newDMsPerUser) {
_newDMsPerUser[user] = 0;
@ -168,7 +166,7 @@ function openDmWithUserModal(dm_screenname) {
modal = openModal({
classAdd: 'directMessages',
content: $('.messages-thread-template').children().clone(),
content: $('.messages-thread-template').children().clone(true),
title: polyglot.t('direct_messages_with', {username: '<span>' + dm_screenname + '</span>'})
@ -181,24 +179,22 @@ function openDmWithUserModal(dm_screenname) {
requestDmConversationModal(modal.self.find('.direct-messages-thread').empty(), dm_screenname);
function initInterfaceDirectMsg() {
$('.userMenu-messages a').attr('href','#directmessages');
$( ".direct-messages" ).attr("href","#directmessages");
$( ".userMenu-messages a" ).attr("href","#directmessages");
$( "#dm-snippet-template" ).bind( "click", function(){
} );
$( ".dm-submit").click( directMsgSubmit );
$( ".direct-messages-with-user" ).bind( "click", function() {
} );
$('#dm-snippet-template').on('click', function() {
window.location.hash = '#directmessages?user=' + $(this).attr('data-dm-screen-name');
$('.dm-submit').on('click', directMsgSubmit);
$('.direct-messages-with-user').on('click', function() {
window.location.hash = '#directmessages?user=' +
@ -17,20 +17,20 @@ var groupChatAliases = []
// process a mention received to check if it is really new
function processMention(user, mentionTime, data) {
var key = user + ";" + mentionTime;
var key = user + ';' + mentionTime;
var curTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
if( mentionTime > curTime + 3600 * 2 ) {
console.log("mention from the future will be ignored");
} else {
if( !(key in _knownMentions) ) {
if (mentionTime > curTime + 7200) // 3600 * 2
console.warn('ignoring mention from the future');
else {
if (!_knownMentions[key]) {
// mention must be somewhat recent compared to last known one to be considered new
if( mentionTime + 3600 * 24 * 3 > _lastMentionTime ) {
if (mentionTime + 259200 > _lastMentionTime) { // 3600 * 24 * 3
_newMentionsUpdated = true;
_lastMentionTime = Math.max(mentionTime,_lastMentionTime);
data["isNew"] = true;
_lastMentionTime = Math.max(mentionTime, _lastMentionTime);
data.isNew = true;
_knownMentions[key] = {mentionTime:mentionTime, data:data};
_knownMentions[key] = {mentionTime: mentionTime, data: data};
@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ function processMention(user, mentionTime, data) {
function purgeOldMentions() {
for( var key in _knownMentions ) {
if( _knownMentions.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
if( !_knownMentions[key].mentionTime || !_knownMentions[key].data ||
_knownMentions[key].mentionTime + PURGE_OLD_MENTIONS_TIMEOUT < _lastMentionTime ) {
for (var key in _knownMentions) {
if (_knownMentions[key]) {
if (!_knownMentions[key].mentionTime || !_knownMentions[key].data ||
_knownMentions[key].mentionTime + PURGE_OLD_MENTIONS_TIMEOUT < _lastMentionTime) {
delete _knownMentions[key];
@ -49,87 +49,85 @@ function purgeOldMentions() {
function saveMentionsToStorage() {
var ns=$.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName);
ns.localStorage.set("knownMentions", _knownMentions);
ns.localStorage.set("lastMentionTime", _lastMentionTime);
ns.localStorage.set("newMentions", _newMentions);
var ns = $.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName);
ns.localStorage.set('knownMentions', _knownMentions);
ns.localStorage.set('lastMentionTime', _lastMentionTime);
ns.localStorage.set('newMentions', _newMentions);
ns.localStorage.set('lastLocalMentionId', _lastLocalMentionId);
function loadMentionsFromStorage() {
var ns=$.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName);
if( ns.localStorage.isSet("knownMentions") )
_knownMentions = ns.localStorage.get("knownMentions");
if( ns.localStorage.isSet("lastMentionTime") )
_lastMentionTime = ns.localStorage.get("lastMentionTime");
if( ns.localStorage.isSet("newMentions") )
_newMentions = ns.localStorage.get("newMentions");
if( ns.localStorage.isSet("lastLocalMentionId") )
_lastLocalMentionId = ns.localStorage.get("lastLocalMentionId");
var ns = $.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName);
if (ns.localStorage.isSet('knownMentions'))
_knownMentions = ns.localStorage.get('knownMentions');
if (ns.localStorage.isSet('lastMentionTime'))
_lastMentionTime = ns.localStorage.get('lastMentionTime');
if (ns.localStorage.isSet('newMentions'))
_newMentions = ns.localStorage.get('newMentions');
if (ns.localStorage.isSet('lastLocalMentionId'))
_lastLocalMentionId = ns.localStorage.get('lastLocalMentionId');
function requestMentionsCount() {
// first: getmentions from torrents we follow
twisterRpc("getmentions", [defaultScreenName, 100, {"since_id":_lastLocalMentionId}],
function(args, data) {
if( data ) {
for( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
_lastLocalMentionId = Math.max(_lastLocalMentionId, data[i]["id"]);
var userpost = data[i]["userpost"];
processMention( userpost["n"], userpost["time"], data[i]);
}, null,
function(req, ret) {console.log("getmentions API requires twister-core > 0.9.27");}, null);
twisterRpc('getmentions', [defaultScreenName, 100, {since_id: _lastLocalMentionId}],
function(args, data) {
if (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
_lastLocalMentionId = Math.max(_lastLocalMentionId, data[i].id);
var userpost = data[i].userpost;
processMention(userpost.n, userpost.time, data[i]);
}, null,
function(req, ret) {console.warn('getmentions API requires twister-core > 0.9.27');}, null
// second: get mentions from dht (not-following)
dhtget( defaultScreenName, "mention", "m",
function(args, data) {
if( data ) {
for( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
var userpost = data[i]["userpost"];
processMention( userpost["n"], userpost["time"], data[i]);
}, {},
[10000,2000,3]); // use extended timeout parameters (requires twister_core >= 0.9.14)
dhtget(defaultScreenName, 'mention', 'm',
function(args, data) {
if (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var userpost = data[i].userpost;
processMention(userpost.n, userpost.time, data[i]);
}, {},
[10000, 2000, 3] // use extended timeout parameters (requires twister_core >= 0.9.14)
if( _newMentionsUpdated ) {
if (_newMentionsUpdated) {
_newMentionsUpdated = false;
if ( _newMentions ) {
if (_newMentions) {
if ($.Options.showDesktopNotifMentions.val === 'enable') {
if ($.Options.showDesktopNotifMentions.val === 'enable')
$.MAL.showDesktopNotif(false, polyglot.t('You got')+' '+polyglot.t('new_mentions', _newMentions)+'.', false,'twister_notification_new_mentions', $.Options.showDesktopNotifMentionsTimer.val, function(){$.MAL.showMentions(defaultScreenName)}, false)
// was moved here from requestDMsCount() because that is not ticking right
// we would place it with other notifications into separate notification center
if( _newDMsUpdated ) {
if (_newDMsUpdated) {
_newDMsUpdated = false;
var newDMs = getNewDMsCount();
if ( newDMs ) {
if (newDMs) {
if ($.Options.showDesktopNotifDMs.val === 'enable') {
if ($.Options.showDesktopNotifDMs.val === 'enable')
$.MAL.showDesktopNotif(false, polyglot.t('You got')+' '+polyglot.t('new_direct_messages', newDMs)+'.', false, 'twister_notification_new_DMs', $.Options.showDesktopNotifDMsTimer.val, function(){$.MAL.showDMchat()}, false)
function resetMentionsCount() {
_newMentions = 0;
for( var key in _knownMentions ) {
if( _knownMentions.hasOwnProperty(key) && _knownMentions[key].data ) {
delete _knownMentions[key].data["isNew"]
for (var key in _knownMentions) {
if (_knownMentions[key] && _knownMentions[key].data)
delete _knownMentions[key].data.isNew
@ -140,13 +138,13 @@ function initMentionsCount() {
setInterval("requestMentionsCount()", 10000);
setInterval(requestMentionsCount, 10000);
function getMentionsData() {
mentions = []
for( var key in _knownMentions ) {
if( _knownMentions.hasOwnProperty(key) && _knownMentions[key].data ) {
for (var key in _knownMentions) {
if (_knownMentions[key] && _knownMentions[key].data) {
@ -159,61 +157,60 @@ var _lastDMIdPerUser = {};
var _newDMsPerUser = {};
function saveDMsToStorage() {
var ns=$.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName);
ns.localStorage.set("lastDMIdPerUser", _lastDMIdPerUser);
ns.localStorage.set("newDMsPerUser", _newDMsPerUser);
var ns = $.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName);
ns.localStorage.set('lastDMIdPerUser', _lastDMIdPerUser);
ns.localStorage.set('newDMsPerUser', _newDMsPerUser);
function loadDMsFromStorage() {
var ns=$.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName);
if( ns.localStorage.isSet("lastDMIdPerUser") )
_lastDMIdPerUser = ns.localStorage.get("lastDMIdPerUser");
if( ns.localStorage.isSet("newDMsPerUser") )
_newDMsPerUser = ns.localStorage.get("newDMsPerUser");
var ns = $.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName);
if (ns.localStorage.isSet('lastDMIdPerUser'))
_lastDMIdPerUser = ns.localStorage.get('lastDMIdPerUser');
if (ns.localStorage.isSet('newDMsPerUser'))
_newDMsPerUser = ns.localStorage.get('newDMsPerUser');
function requestDMsCount() {
var followList = [];
for( var i = 0; i < followingUsers.length; i++ ) {
for( var i = 0; i < groupChatAliases.length; i++ ) {
for (var i = 0; i < followingUsers.length; i++)
followList.push({username: followingUsers[i]});
for (var i = 0; i < groupChatAliases.length; i++ )
followList.push({username: groupChatAliases[i]});
twisterRpc("getdirectmsgs", [defaultScreenName, 1, followList],
function(req, dmUsers) {
for( var u in dmUsers ) {
if( dmUsers.hasOwnProperty(u) ) {
var dmData = dmUsers[u][0];
if( (u in _lastDMIdPerUser) && (u in _newDMsPerUser) ) {
if( dmData.id != _lastDMIdPerUser[u] ) {
_newDMsPerUser[u] += (dmData.id - _lastDMIdPerUser[u]);
_newDMsUpdated = true;
} else {
_newDMsPerUser[u] = dmData.id+1;
_newDMsUpdated = true;
_lastDMIdPerUser[u] = dmData.id;
if( _newDMsUpdated ) {
}, null,
function(req, ret) {console.log("ajax error:" + ret);}, null);
twisterRpc('getdirectmsgs', [defaultScreenName, 1, followList],
function(req, dmUsers) {
for (var u in dmUsers) {
if (dmUsers[u]) {
var dmData = dmUsers[u][0];
if (u in _lastDMIdPerUser && u in _newDMsPerUser) {
if (dmData.id !== _lastDMIdPerUser[u]) {
_newDMsPerUser[u] += dmData.id - _lastDMIdPerUser[u];
_newDMsUpdated = true;
} else {
_newDMsPerUser[u] = dmData.id + 1;
_newDMsUpdated = true;
_lastDMIdPerUser[u] = dmData.id;
if (_newDMsUpdated) {
}, null,
function(req, ret) {console.warn('ajax error:' + ret);}, null
function getNewDMsCount() {
var newDMs = 0;
for( var key in _newDMsPerUser ) {
if( _newDMsPerUser.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
newDMs += _newDMsPerUser[key];
for (var user in _newDMsPerUser) {
if (_newDMsPerUser[user])
newDMs += _newDMsPerUser[user];
return newDMs;
@ -226,22 +223,22 @@ function resetNewDMsCountForUser(user, lastId) {
function updateGroupList() {
twisterRpc("listgroups", [],
function(req, ret) {groupChatAliases=ret;}, null,
function(req, ret) {console.log("twisterd >= 0.9.30 required for listgroups");}, null);
twisterRpc('listgroups', [],
function(req, ret) {groupChatAliases = ret;}, null,
function(req, ret) {console.warn('twisterd >= 0.9.30 required for listgroups');}, null
function initDMsCount() {
//quick hack to obtain list of group chat aliases
setInterval("updateGroupList();", 60000);
setInterval(updateGroupList, 60000);
setTimeout("requestDMsCount();", 200);
setTimeout(requestDMsCount, 200);
//polling not needed: processNewPostsConfirmation will call requestDMsCount.
//setInterval("requestDMsCount()", 5000);
//setInterval('requestDMsCount()', 5000);
function newmsgsChangedUser() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user