"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Twister cannot perform desktop notification: permission denied.\n\nIf you want to get notifications, allow them for %{this_domain} in settings of your browser.",
"notify_desktop_test":"All the twisters gonna twist.\nNow you are welcome too.",
"notify_desktop_title":"Watch out, it's twister over here!",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Number of blocks in block chain: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Number of CPUs to use ",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Twister cannot perform desktop notification: permission denied.\n\nIf you want to get notifications, allow them for %{this_domain} in settings of your browser.",
"notify_desktop_test":"All the twisters gonna twist.\nNow you are welcome too.",
"notify_desktop_title":"Watch out, it's twister over here!",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Número de bloques en la cadena de bloques: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Número de CPUs para utilizar ",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Sólo alfanuméricos y subrayados permitido.",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Twister не може створити сповіщення на робочому столі: доступ обмежено.\n\nЯкщо ви бажаєте отримувати сповіщення, дозвольте їх виконання в налаштуваннях браузера для %{this_domain}.",
"notify_desktop_test":"Є дещо новеньке у стрічці.",
"notify_desktop_title":"Погляньте сюди!",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Кількість блоків у ланцюгу: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Кількість CPU до використання ",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Допустимі тільки латинські символи, числа та нижнє підкреслення.",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Twister cannot perform desktop notification: permission denied.\n\nIf you want to get notifications, allow them for %{this_domain} in settings of your browser.",
"notify_desktop_test":"All the twisters gonna twist.\nNow you are welcome too.",
"notify_desktop_title":"Watch out, it's twister over here!",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Aantal blocks in block chain: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Aantal CPUs om te gebruiken ",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Alleen alphanumeriek en underscore toegestaan.",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Twister cannot perform desktop notification: permission denied.\n\nIf you want to get notifications, allow them for %{this_domain} in settings of your browser.",
"notify_desktop_test":"All the twisters gonna twist.\nNow you are welcome too.",
"notify_desktop_title":"Watch out, it's twister over here!",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Numero di blocchi nella catena: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Numero di processori da usare:",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Sono permessi solo caratteri alfanumerici e '_'",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Impossible d'afficher les notifications: autorisation refusée.\n\nSi tu souhaites afficher les notifications, autorise le %{this_domain} dans les paramêtres de ton navigateur.",
"notify_desktop_test":"All the twisters gonna twist.\nBienvenue à toi!",
"notify_desktop_title":"Youhou! Ça bouge sur ton twister!",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Nombre de blocs dans la chaîne de blocs: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Nombre de processeurs à utiliser",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Seuls les caractères alphanumériques et la barre de soulignement sont permis.",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Твистер не может выполнить уведомление: разрешение не получено.\n\nЧтобы получать уведомления, разрешите их для %{this_domain} в настройках вашего браузера.",
"notify_desktop_test":"Одна лягушка сказала:\n'если не буду квакать — лопну'.\nВы нужны нам, берегите себя.",
"notify_desktop_title":"Watch out, it's twister over here!",
"post_preview_dummy":'это *полужирный*, ~курсивный~, -зачёркнутый- и _подчёркнутый_ текст.\n'
+'экранированный: `*полужирный*, ~курсивный~, -зачёркнутый- и _подчёркнутый_`.\n'
+'ссылки на [наш потрясный логотип](%{logo}) и наш великолепный сайт: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Количество блоков в цепочке: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Сколько использовать ядер процессора",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Разрешены только латинские буквы, цифры и подчеркивания.",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Twister kann keine Desktop-Meldungen anzeigen: Keine Berechtigung.\n\nWenn Du Meldungen angezeigt haben möchtest, erlaube sie für %{this_domain} in den Einstellungen Deines Browsers.",
"notify_desktop_test":"All die Twisterer werden twisten..\nDu bist nun auch willkommen!",
"notify_desktop_title":"Achtung, hier ist Twister am Gange!",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Anzahl der Blöcke in der Block-Chain: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Anzahl der zu benutzenden CPU's ",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Nur Buchstaben, Zahlen und Unterstrich erlaubt.",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Twister cannot perform desktop notification: permission denied.\n\nIf you want to get notifications, allow them for %{this_domain} in settings of your browser.",
"notify_desktop_test":"All the twisters gonna twist.\nNow you are welcome too.",
"notify_desktop_title":"Watch out, it's twister over here!",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"全ブロック数: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"利用するCPUの数",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"アルファベットとアンダースコア(_)が利用可能です",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Twister cannot perform desktop notification: permission denied.\n\nIf you want to get notifications, allow them for %{this_domain} in settings of your browser.",
"notify_desktop_test":"All the twisters gonna twist.\nNow you are welcome too.",
"notify_desktop_title":"Watch out, it's twister over here!",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Número de blocos: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Número de CPUs a serem utilizados ",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Permitido apenas caracteres alfanuméricos e underscore '_'.",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Twister cannot perform desktop notification: permission denied.\n\nIf you want to get notifications, allow them for %{this_domain} in settings of your browser.",
"notify_desktop_test":"All the twisters gonna twist.\nNow you are welcome too.",
"notify_desktop_title":"Watch out, it's twister over here!",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Blok zincirindeki blok sayısı: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Kullanılacak CPU sayısı ",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Sadece harf ve alt çizgi kullanılabilir.",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied":"Twisteru se nepodařilo zobrazit upozornění na ploše: přístup byl odepřen.\n\nPokud chcete používat upozornění na ploše, povolte je pro %{this_domain} v nastavení vašeho prohlížeče.",
"notify_desktop_test":"Twister to umí pořádně roztočit.\nKaždý je tu vítán.",
"post_preview_dummy":'here is *bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_ text.\n'
+'same but escaped: `*bold*, ~italic~, -strike-trough- and _underlined_`.\n'
+'links to [our awesome logo](%{logo}) and our gorgeous site: %{site}.',
"Number of blocks in block chain:":"Počet bloků v blockchainu: ",
"Number of CPUs to use":"Kolik jader procesoru použít? ",
"Only alphanumeric and underscore allowed.":"Povolena jsou jen písmena, čísla a podtržítko.",