mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:51:03 +00:00
translate some ukrainian strings and fixed few syntactic bugs
This commit is contained in:
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "en"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "You have to log in to use direct messages.",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "You have to log in to follow users.",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "No one can mention you because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.",
"Options": "Options",
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "es"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "Debes estar logueado para usar mensajes directos.",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "Debes estar logueado para seguir usuarios.",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "No estás siguiendo a nadie porque no estás logueado.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "No tienes ningun seguidor porque no estás logueado.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "No tienes ningun seguidor porque no estás logueado.",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "Nadie te puede mencionar porque no estás logueado.",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "No tienes ningún perfil porque noe estás logueado.",
"Options": "Opciones",
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "uk"){
"Collapse": "Згорнути", // smaller view of a post
"Configure block generation": "Налаштувати генерацію блоку",
"Connections:": "З’єднання: ", // to network
"Connection lost.": "З’єднання втрачеон.",
"Connection lost.": "З’єднання втрачено.",
"days": "%{smart_count} день |||| %{smart_count} днів",
"Detailed information": "Детальна інформація",
"DHT network down.": "Мережа DHT недоступна.",
@ -607,8 +607,8 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "uk"){
"Display mentions to @": "Показати згадування @",
"Display retransmissions": "Показати пересилання",
"DNS to obtain list of peers:": "DNS для отримання пірів:",
"dns address": "адреса dns",
"downloading_block_chain": "Завантаження ланцюга блоків, будьласка, зачекайте перед продовженням (ланцюг блоків віком %{days} днів).",
"dns address": "адреса DNS",
"downloading_block_chain": "Завантаження ланцюга блоків, будь ласка, зачекайте перед продовженням (ланцюг блоків віком %{days} днів).",
"download_posts_status": "Завантажено %{portion} повідомлень", // Downloaded 10/30 posts
"Enable": "Включено",
"error": "Помилка: %{error}",
@ -623,9 +623,9 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "uk"){
"Following config": "Following config",
"Which way do you want to follow": "Which way do you want to follow",
"Followed by": "Підписаний на",
"followed_by": "%{username} підписан",
"followed_by": "%{username} підписаний",
"Followers": "Читачі",
"Following": "Читаємі",
"Following": "Читає",
"Following users": "Підписані користувачі",
"Force connection to peer:": "Примусове з’єднання з піром:",
"General information": "Загальна інформація",
@ -643,14 +643,14 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "uk"){
"Network status": "Статус мережі",
"New direct message...": "Нове особисте повідомлення...",
"New Post...": "Нове повідомлення...",
"You got": "You got",
"in postboard": "in postboard",
"in search result": "in search result",
"in top trends": "in top trends",
"You got": "Ви отримали",
"in postboard": "в стрічці",
"in search result": "в пошуковому запиті",
"in top trends": "в трендах",
"new_posts": "%{smart_count} нове повідомлення |||| %{smart_count} нових повідомлень",
"new_mentions": "%{smart_count} new mention |||| %{smart_count} new mentions",
"new_direct_messages": "%{smart_count} new direct message |||| %{smart_count} new direct messages",
"nobody": "nobody", // used to promote a post without attaching the user
"nobody": "ніхто", // used to promote a post without attaching the user
"Not available": "Не доступне", // username is not available
"notify_desktop_error": "Twister cannot perform desktop notification: unknown error occured.",
"notify_desktop_perm_denied": "Twister cannot perform desktop notification: permission denied.\n\nIf you want to get notifications, allow them for %{this_domain} in settings of your browser.",
@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "uk"){
"Private": "Особистий",
"Profile": "Проіфль",
"Postboard": "Стрічка оновлень",
"post": "відістати", // verb - button to post a message
"post": "надіслати", // verb - button to post a message
"Post to promote:": "Рекламне повідомлення: ",
"Posts": "Повідомлення",
"propagating_nickname": "Поширення інформації шо до %{username} у мережі...",
@ -736,111 +736,111 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "uk"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "You have to log in to use direct messages.",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "You have to log in to follow users.",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "No one can mention you because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.",
"Options": "Options",
"Switch to Promoted posts": "Switch to Promoted posts",
"Switch to Normal posts": "Switch to Normal posts",
"Use language": "Use language",
"Ignore": "Ignore",
"Theme": "Theme",
"Keys": "Keys",
"Options": "Опції",
"Switch to Promoted posts": "Рекламні пости",
"Switch to Normal posts": "Звичайні пости",
"Use language": "Використати мову",
"Ignore": "Ігнорувати",
"Theme": "Тема",
"Keys": "Ключі",
"Notifications": "Оповіщення",
"Desktop notifications": "Настільні повідомлення",
"Sound notifications": "Звукові сповіщення",
"Volume": "Гучність",
"Test": "Випроба",
"Send key": "Send key",
"Posts display": "Posts display",
"Post editor": "Post editor",
"Send key": "Надіслати ключ",
"Posts display": "Відображення постів",
"Post editor": "Редактор посту",
"Inline image preview": "Inline image preview",
"Display": "Display",
"Display": "Відображати",
"Line feeds": "Line feeds",
"Supported punctuations:": "Supported punctuations:",
"Supported emotions:": "Supported emotions:",
"Supported signs:": "Supported signs:",
"Supported fractions:": "Supported fractions:",
"Supported signs:": "Підтримувані підписи:",
"Supported fractions:": "Підтримувані фракції:",
"Automatic unicode conversion options": "Automatic unicode conversion options",
"Convert punctuations to unicode": "Convert punctuations to unicode",
"Convert emotions codes to unicode symbols": "Convert emotions codes to unicode symbols",
"Convert emotions codes to unicode symbols": "Конвертувати смайли в символи Unicode",
"Convert common signs to unicode": "Convert common signs to unicode",
"Convert fractions to unicode": "Convert fractions to unicode",
"Convert all": "Convert all",
"Auto": "Auto",
"Original": "Original",
"none": "none",
"Custom": "Custom",
"Convert fractions to unicode": "Конвертувати фракції в Unicode",
"Convert all": "Конвертувати усі",
"Auto": "Автоматично",
"Original": "Оригінал",
"none": "немає",
"Custom": "Вибірково",
"Mentions": "Mentions",
"Use proxy for image preview only": "Use proxy for image preview only",
"Use external links behind a proxy": "Use external links behind a proxy",
"There aren't any posts with this hashtag.": "There aren't any posts with this hashtag.",
"Split only new post": "Split only new post",
"Split all": "Split all",
"Don't split": "Don't split",
"Split long posts": "Split long posts",
"Split only new post": "Розділяти тільки нові публікації",
"Split all": "Поєднати усі",
"Don't split": "Не розділювати",
"Split long posts": "Розділити довгі повідомлення",
"Posts that begin with mention": "Posts that begin with mention",
"Show all": "Show all",
"Show all": "Відображати усі",
"Show only if I am in": "Show only if I am in",
"Show if it's between users I follow": "Show if it's between users I follow",
"Postboard displays": "Postboard displays",
"Postboard displays": "Відображення публікацій",
"RTs those are close to original twist": "RTs those are close to original twist",
"Show if the original is older than": "Show if the original is older than",
"hour(s)": "hour(s)",
"second(s)": "second(s)",
"only positive numbers!": "only positive numbers are allowed!",
"Language filtering": "Language filtering",
"By blacklist": "By blacklist",
"By whitelist": "By whitelist",
"Comma separated ISO 639-3 language codes": "Comma separated ISO 639-3 language codes",
"Accuracy": "Accuracy",
"Simulation mode": "Simulation mode",
"This post is treated by language filter": "This post is %{treated} by language filter.",
"blocked": "blocked",
"passed": "passed",
"not analyzed": "not analyzed",
"Reason: this": "Reason: %{this}",
"this doesnt contain that": "%{this} does not contain %{that}",
"this is undefined": "%{this} is undefined",
"blacklist": "blacklist",
"whitelist": "whitelist",
"Show if the original is older than": "Показувати, якщо оригінал старіше за",
"hour(s)": "годин",
"second(s)": "секунд",
"only positive numbers!": "Дозволені тільки позитивні числа!",
"Language filtering": "Фільтрування за мовою",
"By blacklist": "За чорним списком",
"By whitelist": "За білим списком",
"Comma separated ISO 639-3 language codes": "Розділені комою у мовному кодуванні ISO 639-3",
"Accuracy": "Точність",
"Simulation mode": "Режим симуляції",
"This post is treated by language filter": "Цю публікацію %{treated} за мовним фільтром.",
"blocked": "заблоковано",
"passed": "пройшло",
"not analyzed": "не проаналізовано",
"Reason: this": "Причина: %{this}",
"this doesnt contain that": "%{this} не містить %{that}",
"this is undefined": "%{this} невідомо",
"blacklist": "чорний список",
"whitelist": "білий список",
"language of this": "language of this",
"its undefined language": "it is undefined language",
"its this, blacklisted": "it is %{this}, blacklisted",
"its this, whitelisted": "it is %{this}, whitelisted",
"Most possible language: this": "Most possible language: %{this}",
"Scope of usage": "Scope of usage",
"its undefined language": "це невідома мова",
"its this, blacklisted": "%{this} занесено до чорного списку",
"its this, whitelisted": "%{this} занесено до білого списку",
"Most possible language: this": "Найбільш вірогідні мови: %{this}",
"Scope of usage": "Сфера використання",
"Show with every user name": "Show with every user name",
"Show at profile modal only": "Show at profile modal only",
"Show if a user follows me": "Show if a user follows me",
"follows you": "follows you",
"Show conversation": "Show conversation",
"Mark all as read": "Mark all as read",
"show_more_count": "%{smart_count} more...",
"hide": "hide",
"Show more in this conversation...": "Show more in this conversation...",
"conversation_title": "Conversation of @%{username}",
"copy_to_clipboard": "Press Ctrl/Cmd+C to copy then Enter to close",
"Normal posts": "Normal posts",
"Promoted posts": "Promoted posts",
"Messages": "Messages",
"Edit profile": "Edit profile",
"Top Trends": "Top Trends",
"Show if a user follows me": "Якщо користувач підписався на мене",
"follows you": "стежить за тобою",
"Show conversation": "Показати бесіду",
"Mark all as read": "Позначити усі як прочитані",
"show_more_count": "%{smart_count} більше...",
"hide": "сховати",
"Show more in this conversation...": "Показати більше у цій бесіді...",
"conversation_title": "Розмова з @%{username}",
"copy_to_clipboard": "Щоб скопіювати, натисніть Ctrl/Cmd+C а потім Enter щоб закрити",
"Normal posts": "Звичайні пости",
"Promoted posts": "Рекламні пости",
"Messages": "Повідомлення",
"Edit profile": "Редагувати профіль",
"Top Trends": "Тренди",
"twisted again by": "twisted again by",
"undo": "undo",
"Are you sure you want to exit the daemon?\nThe Twister client will stop working.": "Are you sure you want to exit the daemon?\nThe Twister client will stop working.",
"Daemon exited...": "Daemon exited...",
"Secret Key": "Secret Key",
"Copy to clipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"Full name here": "Full name here",
"Describe yourself": "Describe yourself",
"Location": "Location",
"website": "website",
"Tox address": "Tox address",
"Bitmessage address": "Bitmessage address",
"Language": "Language",
"Sound": "Sound",
"Users": "Users",
"undo": "відмінити",
"Are you sure you want to exit the daemon?\nThe Twister client will stop working.": "Ви впевнені, що бажаєте зупинити системний демон? \nУ такому разі, клієнт Twister буде зупинено допоки ви не запустите його знову.",
"Daemon exited...": "Системний демон припинив роботу...",
"Secret Key": "Секретний ключ",
"Copy to clipboard": "Скопіювати до буферу",
"Full name here": "Повне ім’я",
"Describe yourself": "Розкажи про себе",
"Location": "Розташування",
"website": "Вебсайт",
"Tox address": "Адреса Tox",
"Bitmessage address": "Адреса Bitmessage",
"Language": "Мова",
"Sound": "Звук",
"Users": "Користувачі",
"Direct Message's copy to self": "Direct Message's copy to self",
@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "zh-CN"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "你必须登录才能进行私信。",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "你必须登录才能关注用户。",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "你没有关注任何人,因为你还没登录",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "你没有任何粉丝,因为你还没登录",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "你没有任何粉丝,因为你还没登录",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "没人能提及你,因为你还没登录",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "你没有任何个人简介,因为你还没登录",
"Options": "选项",
@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "nl"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "You have to log in to use direct messages.",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "You have to log in to follow users.",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "No one can mention you because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.",
"Options": "Options",
@ -1550,7 +1550,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "it"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "You have to log in to use direct messages.",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "You have to log in to follow users.",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "No one can mention you because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.",
"Options": "Options",
@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "fr"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "You have to log in to use direct messages.",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "You have to log in to follow users.",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "No one can mention you because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.",
"Options": "Options",
@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "ru"){
"send": "отправить",
"Send post with username": "Отправить сообщение от имени",
"Sent Direct Message": "Отправить личное сообщение",
"Sent Post to @": "Отправить сообщение для @",
"Sent Post to @": "Отправить сообщение для @",
"Setup account": "Настроить аккаунт",
"switch_to_network": "Локальный демон не подключен к сети или\n" +
"цепочка блоков устарела. Если вы останетесь на этой странице\n" +
@ -2359,7 +2359,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "de"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "You have to log in to use direct messages.",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "You have to log in to follow users.",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "No one can mention you because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.",
"Options": "Einstellungen",
@ -2624,7 +2624,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "ja"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "You have to log in to use direct messages.",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "You have to log in to follow users.",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "No one can mention you because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.",
"Options": "Options",
@ -2894,7 +2894,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "pt-BR"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "You have to log in to use direct messages.",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "You have to log in to follow users.",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "No one can mention you because you are not logged in.",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.",
"Options": "Options",
@ -3425,7 +3425,7 @@ if(preferredLanguage == "cs"){
"You have to log in to use direct messages.": "Pro používání přímých zpráv je třeba se přihlásit.",
"You have to log in to follow users.": "Pro sledování jiných uživatelů je třeba se přihlásit.",
"You are not following anyone because you are not logged in.": "Nikoho nesledujete, protože nejste přihlášen(a).",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "Nikdo vás nesleduje, protože nejste přihlášen(a).",
"You don't have any followers because you are not logged in.": "Nikdo vás nesleduje, protože nejste přihlášen(a).",
"No one can mention you because you are not logged in.": "Nikdo se o vás nemůže zmínit, protože nejste přihlášen(a).",
"You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.": "Nemáte žádný profil, protože nejste přihlášen(a).",
"Options": "Možnosti",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user