- removed '+' sign from end of splitted posts

- moved splitted post counter to end
- not forced anymore to add all mentions while replying
This commit is contained in:
erqan 2014-05-11 22:18:33 +03:00
parent 9c8e209f19
commit 2563ce1def
4 changed files with 100 additions and 71 deletions

View File

@ -584,8 +584,14 @@ button.disabled:hover
textarea.splited-post {
box-shadow: none!important;
animation-name: sent-part;
animation-duration: 0,5s;
height: 28px;
transition: height 1s linear;
-webkit-transition: height 0.3s linear;
-moz-transition: height 0.3s linear;
-o-transition: height 0.3s linear;
-ms-transition: height 0.3s linear;
animation-name: splited-part;
animation-duration: 0.5s;
animation-easing-function: linear;
-webkit-animation-name: sent-part;
-webkit-animation-duration: 0.5s;
@ -594,7 +600,7 @@ textarea.splited-post {
-moz-animation-duration: 0.5s;
-moz-animation-easing-function: linear;
@keyframes sent-part {
@keyframes splited-part {
from {
height: 0px;
@ -602,6 +608,13 @@ textarea.splited-post {
height: 80px;
.splited-post-counter {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
font-weight: bold;
.splited-post-counter:before {
content: '\2026';
overflow: hidden;

View File

@ -534,6 +534,12 @@ var unfocusThis = function()
$this.removeClass( "open" );
function checkPostForMentions(post, mentions, max) {
var m = mentions.trim();
var ml = m.split(' ').join('|');
return new RegExp('^.{0,' + max.toString() + '}(' + ml + ')').test(post);
var splitedPostsCount = 1;
var usePostSpliting = false;
@ -548,75 +554,76 @@ function replyTextKeypress(e) {
if (usePostSpliting) {
var $tas = tweetForm.find("textarea");
splitedPostsCount = $tas.length;
if ($tas.length > 1 && $tas[$tas.length - 1].value.length === 0) {
$tas[$tas.length - 1].value = $tas[$tas.length - 2].value;
$($tas[$tas.length - 2]).remove();
if ($this.hasClass('splited-post'))
$this.css('height', '24px');
var reply_to = $this.attr('data-reply-to');
for (var i = 0; i < splitedPostsCount - 1; i++) {
var pml = 140 - (i+1).toString().length - splitedPostsCount.toString().length - 6;
for (var i = 0; i < $tas.length; i++) {
var pml = 140 - (i+1).toString().length - splitedPostsCount.toString().length - 4;
//if mention exists, we shouldn't add it while posting.
if (typeof(reply_to) !== 'undefined' &&
!(new RegExp('^.{0,' + (pml - reply_to.length).toString() + '}' + reply_to).test($tas[i].value))) {
!checkPostForMentions($tas[i].value, reply_to, pml - reply_to.length)) {
pml -= reply_to.length;
if ($tas[i].value.length > pml) {
var ci = $tas[i].value.lastIndexOf(" ", pml);
ci = (ci == -1 ? pml : ci);
$tas[i + 1].value = $tas[i].value.substr(ci) + $tas[i + 1].value;
$tas[i].value = $tas[i].value.substr(0, ci);
var endings = $tas[i].value.match(/ |,|;|\.|:|\/|\?|\!|\\|'|"|\n|\t/g);
var ci = $tas[i].value.lastIndexOf(endings[endings.length - 1]);
for (var j = endings.length - 2; j >= 0 && ci > pml; j--) {
ci = $tas[i].value.lastIndexOf(endings[j], ci - 1);
ci = (ci > pml ? pml : ci);
if (i < splitedPostsCount - 1) {
$tas[i + 1].value = $tas[i].value.substr(ci) + $tas[i + 1].value;
$tas[i].value = $tas[i].value.substr(0, ci);
} else {
var $oldta = $($tas[i]);
var $newta = $($oldta).clone(true);
var cp = $oldta.val();
} else if ($tas[i].value.length === 0) {
$oldta.val(cp.substr(0, ci));
$oldta.on("click", function(e) {
this.style.height = '80px';
$oldta.on("blur", replyTextKeypress);
if ($newta[0].setSelectionRange)
$newta[0].setSelectionRange($newta.val().length, $newta.val().length);
else if ($newta[0].createTextRange)
$newta[0].createTextRange().moveEnd('character', $newta.val().length);
$tas = tweetForm.find("textarea");
splitedPostsCount = $tas.length;
} else if ($tas.length > 1 && $tas[i].value.length === 0) {
if (i === $tas.length - 1) {
$tas[i].value = $tas[i - 1].value;
$($tas[i - 1]).remove();
} else {
$tas = tweetForm.find("textarea");
splitedPostsCount = $tas.length;
c = 140 - $this.val().length - (2 * splitedPostsCount.toString().length) - 6;
c = 140 - $tas[$tas.length - 1].value.length - (2 * splitedPostsCount.toString().length) - 4;
if (typeof(reply_to) !== 'undefined' &&
!(new RegExp('^.{0,' + (140 - c - reply_to.length).toString() + '}' + reply_to).test($this.val())))
!checkPostForMentions($tas[$tas.length - 1].value, reply_to, 140 - c - reply_to.length))
c -= reply_to.length;
var remainingCount = tweetForm.find(".post-area-remaining");
if( c < 0 ) {
if (usePostSpliting){
var pml = 140 - (2 * splitedPostsCount.toString().length) - 6;
var reply_to = $this.attr('data-reply-to');
//if mention exists, we shouldn't add it while posting.
if (typeof(reply_to) !== 'undefined' &&
!(new RegExp('^.{0,' + (pml - reply_to.length).toString() + '}' + reply_to).test(this.value))) {
pml -= reply_to.length;
var cp = this.value;
var ci = cp.lastIndexOf(" ", pml);
ci = (ci == -1 ? pml : ci);
this.value = cp.substr(0, ci);
var $newta = $this.clone(true);
var reply_to = $this.attr('data-reply-to');
$this.on("click", function(e) {e.stopPropagation()});
$this.on("blur", replyTextKeypress);
if ($newta[0].setSelectionRange)
$newta[0].setSelectionRange($newta.val().length, $newta.val().length);
else if ($newta[0].createTextRange)
$newta[0].createTextRange().moveEnd('character', $newta.val().length);
c += ci - 1;
} else
} else
if( c < 0 )
if (usePostSpliting)
@ -1141,12 +1148,10 @@ var postSubmit = function(e)
var postxt = "";
var reply_to = $replyText.attr('data-reply-to');
var val = $replyText.val();
if (typeof(reply_to) === 'undefined' || val.indexOf(reply_to) > 0)
postxt = "(" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ") " + val;
else if (val.indexOf(reply_to) === 0)
postxt = val.replace(reply_to, reply_to + "(" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ") ");
if (typeof(reply_to) === 'undefined' || checkPostForMentions(val, reply_to, 140))
postxt = val + " (" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ")";
postxt = reply_to + "(" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ") " + val;
postxt = reply_to + val + " (" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ")";
newPostMsg(postxt, $postOrig);
} else
@ -1157,17 +1162,14 @@ var postSubmit = function(e)
var postxt = "";
var reply_to = $replyText.attr('data-reply-to');
var val = $replyText[0].value;
if (typeof(reply_to) === 'undefined' || val.indexOf(reply_to) > 0)
postxt = "(" + (splitedPostsCount - $replyText.length + 1).toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ") " + val;
else if (val.indexOf(reply_to) === 0) {
postxt = val.replace(reply_to, reply_to + "(" + (splitedPostsCount - $replyText.length + 1).toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ") ");
} else
postxt = reply_to + "(" + (splitedPostsCount - $replyText.length + 1).toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ") " + val;
if (typeof(reply_to) === 'undefined' || checkPostForMentions(val, reply_to, 140))
postxt = val + " (" + (splitedPostsCount - $replyText.length + 1).toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ")";
postxt = reply_to + val + " (" + (splitedPostsCount - $replyText.length + 1).toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ")";
newPostMsg(postxt + " +", $postOrig);
newPostMsg(postxt, $postOrig);
setTimeout(postSubmit, 1000, $this);

View File

@ -156,9 +156,11 @@ function htmlFormatMsg( msg, output, mentions ) {
var index;
var strUrlRegexp = "http[s]?://";
var strEmailRegexp = "\\S+@\\S+\\.\\S+";
var reAll = new RegExp("(?:^|[ \\n\\t.,:\\/?!])(#|@|" + strUrlRegexp + "|" + strEmailRegexp + ")");
var strSplitCounterR = "\\(\\d{1,2}\\/\\d{1,2}\\)$";
var reAll = new RegExp("(?:^|[ \\n\\t.,:\\/?!])(#|@|" + strUrlRegexp + "|" + strEmailRegexp + "|" + strSplitCounterR + ")");
var reHttp = new RegExp(strUrlRegexp);
var reEmail = new RegExp(strEmailRegexp);
var reSplitCounter = new RegExp(strSplitCounterR);
msg = escapeHtmlEntities(msg);
@ -259,6 +261,18 @@ function htmlFormatMsg( msg, output, mentions ) {
msg = tmp;
if (reSplitCounter.exec(match[1])) {
output.append(_formatText(msg.substr(0, index)));
tmp = msg.substring(index);
if( tmp.length ) {
var splitCounter = $('<span class="splited-post-counter"></span>');
msg = "";

View File

@ -316,11 +316,11 @@ function willBeHidden(post){
if ($.Options.getHideRepliesOpt() !== 'disable' &&
/^\@/.test(msg) &&
!(new RegExp('@' + defaultScreenName + '( |,|;|\\.|:|\\/|\\?|\\!|\\\\|\'|"|\\n|$)').test(msg)))
!(new RegExp('@' + defaultScreenName + '( |,|;|\\.|:|\\/|\\?|\\!|\\\\|\'|"|\\n|\\t|$)').test(msg)))
if ($.Options.getHideRepliesOpt() === 'only-me' ||
($.Options.getHideRepliesOpt() === 'following' &&
followingUsers.indexOf(msg.substring(1, msg.search(/ |,|;|\.|:|\/|\?|\!|\\|'|"|\n/))) === -1 ))
followingUsers.indexOf(msg.substring(1, msg.search(/ |,|;|\.|:|\/|\?|\!|\\|'|"|\n|\t|$/))) === -1 ))
hidden = true;