2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
// twister_network.js
// 2013 Miguel Freitas
// Provides functions for periodic network status check
// Interface to network.html page.
2015-08-12 22:10:42 +05:00
var twisterVersion;
var twisterDisplayVersion;
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
var twisterdConnections = 0;
var twisterdAddrman = 0;
var twisterDhtNodes = 0;
var twisterdBlocks = 0;
var twisterdLastBlockTime = 0;
var twisterdConnectedAndUptodate = false;
2015-01-04 11:31:22 +01:00
var genproclimit = 1;
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
// ---
2014-12-16 03:30:08 +03:00
function formatDecimal(value) {
if (!value) return '0';
var exponent = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN10),
scale = (exponent < 2) ? Math.pow(10, 2 - exponent) : 1;
return Math.round(value * scale) / scale;
function formatSize(value) {
if (value<1024) return value + ' b';
if (value<1024*1024) return formatDecimal(value/1024) + ' Kb';
if (value<1024*1024*1024) return formatDecimal(value/(1024*1024)) + ' Mb';
if (value<1024*1024*1024*1024) return formatDecimal(value/(1024*1024*1024)) + ' Gb';
return formatDecimal(value/(1024*1024*1024*1024)) + ' Tb';
function formatSpeed(total, rate) {
return formatSize(total) + ' @ ' + formatSize(rate) + '/s'
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
function requestNetInfo(cbFunc, cbArg) {
twisterRpc("getinfo", [],
function(args, ret) {
twisterdConnections = ret.connections;
twisterdAddrman = ret.addrman_total;
twisterdBlocks = ret.blocks;
twisterDhtNodes = ret.dht_nodes;
2014-01-15 23:26:13 +00:00
twisterVersion = ("0000000" + ret.version).slice(-8);
2015-08-12 22:10:42 +05:00
twisterDisplayVersion = twisterVersion.slice(0,2) + '.' +
twisterVersion.slice(2,4) + '.' +
twisterVersion.slice(4,6) + '.' +
2014-01-15 23:26:13 +00:00
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
2014-03-16 23:08:58 -03:00
$(".userMenu-dhtindicator a").text(twisterDhtNodes);
2014-01-15 23:26:13 +00:00
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
2014-12-16 03:30:08 +03:00
$(".download-rate").text(formatSpeed(ret.total_download, ret.download_rate));
$(".upload-rate").text(formatSpeed(ret.total_upload, ret.upload_rate));
$(".dht-download-rate").text(formatSpeed(ret.total_dht_download, ret.dht_download_rate));
$(".dht-upload-rate").text(formatSpeed(ret.total_dht_upload, ret.dht_upload_rate));
$(".ip-overhead-download-rate").text(formatSpeed(ret.total_ip_overhead_download, ret.ip_overhead_download_rate));
$(".ip-overhead-upload-rate").text(formatSpeed(ret.total_ip_overhead_upload, ret.ip_overhead_upload_rate));
$(".payload-download-rate").text(formatSpeed(ret.total_payload_download, ret.payload_download_rate));
$(".payload-upload-rate").text(formatSpeed(ret.total_payload_upload, ret.payload_upload_rate));
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
if( !twisterdConnections ) {
2014-01-12 18:48:39 -06:00
$.MAL.setNetworkStatusMsg(polyglot.t("Connection lost."), false);
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
twisterdConnectedAndUptodate = false;
if( args.cbFunc )
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("Error connecting to local twister daemon.");
}, {});
function peerKeypress() {
var peer = $(".new-peer-addr").val();
var $button = $(".add-peer");
if( peer.length ) {
$.MAL.enableButton( $button );
} else {
$.MAL.disableButton( $button );
function dnsKeypress() {
var peer = $(".new-dns-addr").val();
var $button = $(".add-dns");
if( peer.length ) {
$.MAL.enableButton( $button );
} else {
$.MAL.disableButton( $button );
function addPeerClick() {
var peer = $(".new-peer-addr").val();
twisterRpc("addnode", [peer, "onetry"],
function(args, ret) {
}, {},
function(args, ret) {
2014-01-12 18:48:39 -06:00
alert(polyglot.t("error", { error: ret.message }));
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
}, {});
function addDNSClick() {
var dns = $(".new-dns-addr").val();
twisterRpc("adddnsseed", [dns],
function(args, ret) {
}, {},
function(args, ret) {
2014-01-12 18:48:39 -06:00
alert(polyglot.t("error", { error: ret.message }));
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
}, {});
function requestBestBlock(cbFunc, cbArg) {
twisterRpc("getbestblockhash", [],
function(args, hash) {
requestBlock(hash, args.cbFunc, args.cbArg);
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("getbestblockhash error");
}, {});
function requestBlock(hash, cbFunc, cbArg) {
twisterRpc("getblock", [hash],
function(args, block) {
twisterdLastBlockTime = block.time;
$(".last-block-time").text( timeGmtToText(twisterdLastBlockTime) );
if( args.cbFunc )
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("requestBlock error");
}, {});
function networkUpdate(cbFunc, cbArg) {
requestNetInfo(function () {
requestBestBlock(function(args) {
var curTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
if( twisterdConnections ) {
if( twisterdLastBlockTime > curTime + 3600 ) {
2014-01-12 18:48:39 -06:00
$.MAL.setNetworkStatusMsg(polyglot.t("Last block is ahead of your computer time, check your clock."), false);
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
twisterdConnectedAndUptodate = false;
} else if( twisterdLastBlockTime > curTime - (2 * 3600) ) {
if( twisterDhtNodes ) {
2014-01-12 18:48:39 -06:00
$.MAL.setNetworkStatusMsg(polyglot.t("Block chain is up-to-date, twister is ready to use!"), true);
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
twisterdConnectedAndUptodate = true;
} else {
2014-01-12 18:48:39 -06:00
$.MAL.setNetworkStatusMsg(polyglot.t("DHT network down."), false);
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
twisterdConnectedAndUptodate = true;
} else {
var daysOld = (curTime - twisterdLastBlockTime) / (3600*24);
2014-01-12 18:48:39 -06:00
$.MAL.setNetworkStatusMsg(polyglot.t("downloading_block_chain", { days: daysOld.toFixed(2) }), false);
2015-01-02 15:14:06 -02:00
// don't alarm user if blockchain is just a little bit behind
twisterdConnectedAndUptodate = (daysOld < 2);
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
if( args.cbFunc )
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg} );
2014-01-15 23:22:27 +00:00
function getMiningInfo(cbFunc, cbArg) {
twisterRpc("getmininginfo", [],
function(args, ret) {
miningDifficulty = ret.difficulty;
miningHashRate = ret.hashespersec;
2015-01-04 11:31:22 +01:00
genproclimit = ret.genproclimit;
2014-01-15 23:22:27 +00:00
if( !twisterdConnections ) {
$.MAL.setNetworkStatusMsg("Connection lost.", false);
twisterdConnectedAndUptodate = false;
if( args.cbFunc )
}, {cbFunc:cbFunc, cbArg:cbArg},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("Error connecting to local twister daemon.");
}, {});
function miningUpdate(cbFunc, cbArg) {
getMiningInfo(cbFunc, cbArg);
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
function getGenerate() {
twisterRpc("getgenerate", [],
function(args, ret) {
var $genblock = $("select.genblock");
if( ret ) {
} else {
}, {},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("getgenerate error");
}, {});
function setGenerate() {
var params = [];
params.push($("select.genblock").val() == "enable");
twisterRpc("setgenerate", params,
function(args, ret) {
console.log("setgenerate updated");
}, {},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("getgenerate error");
}, {});
function getSpamMsg() {
twisterRpc("getspammsg", [],
function(args, ret) {
var $postArea = $(".spam-msg");
var $localUsersList = $("select.local-usernames.spam-user");
}, {},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("getgenerate error");
}, {});
2015-08-18 22:21:03 +05:00
function setSpamMsg(event) {
var btnUpdate = $(event.target);
var params = [$("select.local-usernames.spam-user").val(),
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
twisterRpc("setspammsg", params,
2015-08-18 22:21:03 +05:00
function(args, ret) {console.log("setspammsg updated");}, {},
function(args, ret) {console.log("setspammsg error");}, {}
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
2014-01-17 05:22:06 +00:00
function exitDaemon() {
2014-09-21 14:06:48 +02:00
if (confirm(polyglot.t("Are you sure you want to exit the daemon?\nThe Twister client will stop working."))) {
2014-01-17 07:08:13 +00:00
$( ".terminate-daemon").text("Exiting...");
$( ".terminate-daemon").addClass("disabled");
$.MAL.disableButton( $( ".terminate-daemon") );
twisterRpc("stop", undefined,
function(args, ret) {
console.log("daemon exiting");
setTimeout(function _reload_after_exit() {
window.location.href = '/abort.html';
}, 2000);
}, {},
function(args, ret) {
console.log("error while exiting daemon");
}, {});
2014-01-17 05:22:06 +00:00
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
// handlers common to both desktop and mobile
function interfaceNetworkHandlers() {
$( ".new-peer-addr" ).keyup( peerKeypress );
$( ".new-dns-addr" ).keyup( dnsKeypress );
$( ".add-peer").bind( "click", addPeerClick );
$( ".add-dns").bind( "click", addDNSClick );
$( "select.genblock").change( setGenerate );
2015-01-04 10:08:19 +01:00
$( ".genproclimit").change( setGenerate );
2015-08-18 22:21:03 +05:00
$('.network .post-area-new').off('click').on('click',
function (e) {e.stopPropagation(); $(this).addClass('open'); usePostSpliting = false;});
$('.post-submit.update-spam-msg').off('click').on('click', setSpamMsg);
2014-01-17 05:22:06 +00:00
$( ".terminate-daemon").bind( "click", exitDaemon )
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
function initInterfaceNetwork() {
initUser( function () {
if( defaultScreenName ) {
loadFollowing( function() {
2014-03-29 18:16:24 +01:00
2015-08-12 22:10:42 +05:00
$(".userMenu-profile > a").text(polyglot.t("Login"));
$(".userMenu-profile > a").attr("href","login.html");
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00
setInterval("networkUpdate()", 2000);
2014-01-15 23:22:27 +00:00
2015-01-04 11:31:22 +01:00
miningUpdate( function() {
2014-01-15 23:22:27 +00:00
setInterval("miningUpdate()", 2000);
2013-12-30 12:42:36 -02:00