# Auto-following/reading bot written in Python 2 has a mission to safe distributed data shared in the twister network
# (https://github.com/twisterarmy/twister-data-guard)
# This script based on the official usernameCrawler
# (https://github.com/miguelfreitas/twister-core/blob/master/contrib/usernameCrawler.py)
# Downloaded data is cached in a python pickle file, so it may be executed
# again and it won't need to get everything all over again (you may run it
# from cron scripts, for example)
import sys, cPickle
dbFileName = "twisterDataGuard.pickle" # service database file
nodeUserName = "twisterdataguard" # twister wallet (user)
blocksInStep = 100 # blocks processing by the one step
squattersStop = 20 # max users per block. Reset the blocksInStep on this quantity to prevent CPU overload
class MyDb:
nextBlockHash = False
from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy
except ImportError as exc:
sys.stderr.write("Error: install python-bitcoinrpc (https://github.com/jgarzik/python-bitcoinrpc)\n")
serverUrl = "http://user:pwd@"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
serverUrl = sys.argv[1]
squattersStopCurrent = squattersStop
twister = AuthServiceProxy(serverUrl)
db = cPickle.load(open(dbFileName))
db = MyDb()
print "blockchain reading..."
while True:
block = twister.getblock(db.nextBlockHash)
if squattersStopCurrent < 0:
blocksInStep = blocksInStep - 1
if blocksInStep < 0:
print "read block", str(block["height"])# + "\r",
squattersStopCurrent = squattersStop
for u in block["usernames"]:
print "follow", u
twister.follow(nodeUserName, [u])
squattersStopCurrent = squattersStopCurrent - 1
if block.has_key("nextblockhash"):
db.nextBlockHash = block["nextblockhash"]
print "save block state."
cPickle.dump(db, open(dbFileName, "w"))
print "database is up to date..."
print "task completed."
print "operation locked by the running process."