mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:51:44 +00:00
1853 lines
63 KiB
1853 lines
63 KiB
#include "twister.h"
#include "twister_utils.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "bitcoinrpc.h"
#include "txdb.h"
#include "utf8core.h"
using namespace json_spirit;
using namespace std;
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <time.h>
// ===================== LIBTORRENT & DHT ===========================
#include "libtorrent/config.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/entry.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/session.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/alert_types.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/aux_/session_impl.hpp"
using namespace libtorrent;
static session *ses = NULL;
static int num_outstanding_resume_data;
static CCriticalSection cs_dhtgetMap;
static map<sha1_hash, alert_manager*> m_dhtgetMap;
static CCriticalSection cs_twister;
static map<std::string, bool> m_specialResources;
enum ExpireResType { SimpleNoExpire, NumberedNoExpire, PostNoExpireRecent };
static map<std::string, ExpireResType> m_noExpireResources;
static map<std::string, torrent_handle> m_userTorrent;
static boost::scoped_ptr<CLevelDB> m_swarmDb;
static CCriticalSection cs_spamMsg;
static std::string m_preferredSpamLang = "[en]";
static std::string m_receivedSpamMsgStr;
static std::string m_receivedSpamUserStr;
static int64 m_lastSpamTime = 0;
static std::map<std::string,UserData> m_users;
#define USER_DATA_FILE "user_data"
#define GLOBAL_DATA_FILE "global_data"
sha1_hash dhtTargetHash(std::string const &username, std::string const &resource, std::string const &type)
entry target;
target["n"] = username;
target["r"] = resource;
target["t"] = type;
std::vector<char> buf;
bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), target);
return hasher(buf.data(), buf.size()).final();
torrent_handle startTorrentUser(std::string const &username, bool following)
bool userInTxDb = usernameExists(username); // keep this outside cs_twister to avoid deadlock
if( !userInTxDb )
return torrent_handle();
if( !m_userTorrent.count(username) ) {
sha1_hash ih = dhtTargetHash(username, "tracker", "m");
printf("adding torrent for [%s,tracker]\n", username.c_str());
add_torrent_params tparams;
tparams.info_hash = ih;
tparams.name = username;
boost::filesystem::path torrentPath = GetDataDir() / "swarm";
tparams.save_path= torrentPath.string();
libtorrent::error_code ec;
create_directory(tparams.save_path, ec);
std::string filename = combine_path(tparams.save_path, to_hex(ih.to_string()) + ".resume");
load_file(filename.c_str(), tparams.resume_data);
m_userTorrent[username] = ses->add_torrent(tparams);
if( following )
return m_userTorrent[username];
torrent_handle getTorrentUser(std::string const &username)
if( m_userTorrent.count(username) )
return m_userTorrent[username];
return torrent_handle();
int torrentLastHave(std::string const &username)
torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(username);
if( !h.is_valid() )
return -1;
torrent_status status = h.status();
return status.last_have;
int torrentNumPieces(std::string const &username)
torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(username);
if( !h.is_valid() )
return -1;
torrent_status status = h.status();
return status.num_pieces;
int saveGlobalData(std::string const& filename)
entry globalDict;
globalDict["preferredSpamLang"] = m_preferredSpamLang;
globalDict["receivedSpamMsg"] = m_receivedSpamMsgStr;
globalDict["receivedSpamUser"] = m_receivedSpamUserStr;
globalDict["lastSpamTime"] = m_lastSpamTime;
globalDict["sendSpamMsg"] = strSpamMessage;
globalDict["sendSpamUser"] = strSpamUser;
globalDict["generate"] = GetBoolArg("-gen", false);
int genproclimit = GetArg("-genproclimit", -1);
if( genproclimit > 0 )
globalDict["genproclimit"] = genproclimit;
std::vector<char> buf;
bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), globalDict);
return save_file(filename, buf);
int loadGlobalData(std::string const& filename)
std::vector<char> in;
if (load_file(filename, in) == 0) {
lazy_entry userDict;
libtorrent::error_code ec;
if (lazy_bdecode(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), userDict, ec) == 0) {
if( userDict.type() != lazy_entry::dict_t ) goto data_error;
m_preferredSpamLang = userDict.dict_find_string_value("preferredSpamLang");
m_receivedSpamMsgStr = userDict.dict_find_string_value("receivedSpamMsg");
m_receivedSpamUserStr = userDict.dict_find_string_value("receivedSpamUser");
m_lastSpamTime = userDict.dict_find_int_value("lastSpamTime");
string sendSpamMsg = userDict.dict_find_string_value("sendSpamMsg");
if( sendSpamMsg.size() ) strSpamMessage = sendSpamMsg;
string sendSpamUser = userDict.dict_find_string_value("sendSpamUser");
if( sendSpamUser.size() ) strSpamUser = sendSpamUser;
bool generate = userDict.dict_find_int_value("generate");
int genproclimit = userDict.dict_find_int_value("genproclimit");
if( generate ) {
Array params;
params.push_back( generate );
if( genproclimit > 0 )
params.push_back( genproclimit );
setgenerate(params, false);
return 0;
return -1;
printf("loadGlobalData: unexpected bencode type - global_data corrupt!\n");
return -2;
void ThreadWaitExtIP()
std::string ipStr;
// wait up to 5 seconds for bitcoin to get the external IP
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
const CNetAddr paddrPeer("");
CAddress addr( GetLocalAddress(&paddrPeer) );
if( addr.IsValid() ) {
ipStr = addr.ToStringIP();
libtorrent::error_code ec;
boost::filesystem::path swarmDbPath = GetDataDir() / "swarm" / "db";
create_directories(swarmDbPath.string(), ec);
m_swarmDb.reset(new CLevelDB(swarmDbPath.string(), 256*1024, false, false));
int listen_port = GetListenPort() + LIBTORRENT_PORT_OFFSET;
std::string bind_to_interface = "";
printf("Creating new libtorrent session ext_ip=%s port=%d\n", ipStr.c_str(), listen_port);
ses = new session(*m_swarmDb, fingerprint("TW", LIBTORRENT_VERSION_MAJOR, LIBTORRENT_VERSION_MINOR, 0, 0)
, session::add_default_plugins
, alert::dht_notification
, ipStr.size() ? ipStr.c_str() : NULL
, std::make_pair(listen_port, listen_port));
// session will be paused until we have an up-to-date blockchain
std::vector<char> in;
boost::filesystem::path sesStatePath = GetDataDir() / "ses_state";
if (load_file(sesStatePath.string(), in) == 0)
lazy_entry e;
if (lazy_bdecode(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), e, ec) == 0)
ses->listen_on(std::make_pair(listen_port, listen_port)
, ec, bind_to_interface.c_str());
if (ec)
fprintf(stderr, "failed to listen%s%s on ports %d-%d: %s\n"
, bind_to_interface.empty() ? "" : " on ", bind_to_interface.c_str()
, listen_port, listen_port+1, ec.message().c_str());
dht_settings dhts;
// settings to test local connections
dhts.restrict_routing_ips = false;
dhts.restrict_search_ips = false;
session_settings settings;
// settings to test local connections
settings.allow_multiple_connections_per_ip = true;
//settings.enable_outgoing_utp = false; // (false to see connections in netstat)
//settings.dht_announce_interval = 60; // test
//settings.min_announce_interval = 60; // test
settings.anonymous_mode = false; // (false => send peer_id, avoid connecting to itself)
// disable read cache => there is still some bug due to twister piece size changes
settings.use_read_cache = false;
settings.cache_size = 0;
printf("libtorrent + dht started\n");
// wait up to 10 seconds for dht nodes to be set
for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
session_status ss = ses->status();
if( ss.dht_nodes )
boost::filesystem::path globalDataPath = GetDataDir() / GLOBAL_DATA_FILE;
std::set<std::string> torrentsToStart;
boost::filesystem::path userDataPath = GetDataDir() / USER_DATA_FILE;
loadUserData(userDataPath.string(), m_users);
printf("loaded user_data for %zd users\n", m_users.size());
// add all user torrents to a std::set (all m_following)
std::map<std::string,UserData>::const_iterator i;
for (i = m_users.begin(); i != m_users.end(); ++i) {
UserData const &data = i->second;
BOOST_FOREACH(string username, data.m_following) {
// now restart the user torrents
BOOST_FOREACH(string username, torrentsToStart) {
startTorrentUser(username, true);
bool isBlockChainUptodate() {
if( !pindexBest )
return false;
return (pindexBest->GetBlockTime() > GetTime() - 2 * 60 * 60);
bool yes(libtorrent::torrent_status const&)
{ return true; }
void saveTorrentResumeData()
if( ses ){
printf("saving resume data\n");
std::vector<torrent_status> temp;
ses->get_torrent_status(&temp, &yes, 0);
for (std::vector<torrent_status>::iterator i = temp.begin();
i != temp.end(); ++i)
torrent_status& st = *i;
if (!st.handle.is_valid())
printf(" skipping, invalid handle\n");
if (!st.has_metadata)
printf(" skipping %s, no metadata\n", st.name.c_str());
if (!st.need_save_resume)
printf(" skipping %s, resume file up-to-date\n", st.name.c_str());
// save_resume_data will generate an alert when it's done
void lockAndSaveUserData()
if( m_users.size() ) {
printf("saving user_data (followers and DMs)...\n");
boost::filesystem::path userDataPath = GetDataDir() / USER_DATA_FILE;
saveUserData(userDataPath.string(), m_users);
int getDhtNodes(boost::int64_t *dht_global_nodes)
if( !ses )
return 0;
session_status ss = ses->status();
if( dht_global_nodes )
*dht_global_nodes = ss.dht_global_nodes;
return ss.dht_nodes;
void ThreadMaintainDHTNodes()
while(!ses) {
int64 lastSaveResumeTime = GetTime();
int lastTotalNodesCandidates = 0;
while(1) {
session_status ss = ses->status();
int dht_nodes = ss.dht_nodes;
bool nodesAdded = false;
int vNodesSize = 0;
vNodesSize = vNodes.size();
if( !ses->is_paused() ) {
vector<CAddress> vAddr = addrman.GetAddr();
int totalNodesCandidates = (int)(vNodesSize + vAddr.size());
if( ((!dht_nodes && totalNodesCandidates) ||
(dht_nodes < 5 && totalNodesCandidates > 10)) &&
totalNodesCandidates != lastTotalNodesCandidates ) {
lastTotalNodesCandidates = totalNodesCandidates;
printf("ThreadMaintainDHTNodes: too few dht_nodes, trying to add some...\n");
BOOST_FOREACH(const CAddress &a, vAddr) {
std::string addr = a.ToStringIP();
int port = a.GetPort() + LIBTORRENT_PORT_OFFSET;
printf("Adding dht node (addrman) %s:%d\n", addr.c_str(), port);
ses->add_dht_node(std::pair<std::string, int>(addr, port));
nodesAdded = true;
BOOST_FOREACH(CNode* pnode, vNodes) {
// if !fInbound we created this connection so ip is reachable.
// we can't use port number of inbound connection, so try standard port.
// only use inbound as last resort (if dht_nodes empty)
if( !pnode->fInbound || !dht_nodes ) {
std::string addr = pnode->addr.ToStringIP();
int port = (!pnode->fInbound) ? pnode->addr.GetPort() : Params().GetDefaultPort();
printf("Adding dht node (%sbound) %s:%d\n", (!pnode->fInbound) ? "out" : "in",
addr.c_str(), port);
ses->add_dht_node(std::pair<std::string, int>(addr, port));
nodesAdded = true;
if( ses->is_paused() ) {
if( vNodesSize && isBlockChainUptodate() ) {
printf("BlockChain is now up-to-date: unpausing libtorrent session\n");
} else {
if( !vNodesSize || !isBlockChainUptodate() ) {
printf("Outdated BlockChain detected: pausing libtorrent session\n");
if( nodesAdded ) {
ss = ses->status();
if( ss.dht_nodes > dht_nodes ) {
// new nodes were added to dht: force updating peers from dht so torrents may start faster
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(std::string, torrent_handle)& item, m_userTorrent) {
if( !vNodesSize && dht_nodes ) {
printf("ThreadMaintainDHTNodes: registration network is down, trying to add nodes from DHT...\n");
for( size_t i = 0; i < ss.dht_routing_table.size(); i++ ) {
dht_routing_bucket &bucket = ss.dht_routing_table[i];
if( bucket.num_nodes ) {
printf("DHT bucket [%zd] random node = %s:%d\n", i,
char nodeStr[64];
sprintf(nodeStr,"%s:%d", bucket.random_node.address().to_string().c_str(),
bucket.random_node.port - LIBTORRENT_PORT_OFFSET);
CAddress addr;
ConnectNode(addr, nodeStr);
// periodically save resume data. if daemon crashes we don't lose everything.
if( GetTime() > lastSaveResumeTime + 15 * 60 ) {
lastSaveResumeTime = GetTime();
void ThreadSessionAlerts()
static map<sha1_hash, entry> neighborCheck;
while(!ses) {
while (ses) {
alert const* a = ses->wait_for_alert(seconds(10));
if (a == 0) continue;
std::deque<alert*> alerts;
std::string now = time_now_string();
for (std::deque<alert*>::iterator i = alerts.begin()
, end(alerts.end()); i != end; ++i)
// make sure to delete each alert
std::auto_ptr<alert> a(*i);
dht_reply_data_alert const* rd = alert_cast<dht_reply_data_alert>(*i);
if (rd)
if( rd->m_lst.size() ) {
// use first one to recover target
entry const *p = rd->m_lst.begin()->find_key("p");
if( p && p->type() == entry::dictionary_t ) {
entry const *target = p->find_key("target");
if( target && target->type() == entry::dictionary_t ) {
entry const *n = target->find_key("n");
entry const *r = target->find_key("r");
entry const *t = target->find_key("t");
if( n && n->type() == entry::string_t &&
r && r->type() == entry::string_t &&
t && t->type() == entry::string_t) {
sha1_hash ih = dhtTargetHash(n->string(), r->string(), t->string());
std::map<sha1_hash, alert_manager*>::iterator mi = m_dhtgetMap.find(ih);
if( mi != m_dhtgetMap.end() ) {
alert_manager *am = (*mi).second;
} else {
/* FIXME: we could use multiple dht responses instead of ignoring here.
printf("ThreadSessionAlerts: received dht [%s,%s,%s] but no alert_manager registered\n",
n->string().c_str(), r->string().c_str(), t->string().c_str() );
dht_get_data_alert const* gd = alert_cast<dht_get_data_alert>(*i);
if (gd)
if( gd->m_possiblyNeighbor ) {
entry const *n = gd->m_target.find_key("n");
entry const *r = gd->m_target.find_key("r");
entry const *t = gd->m_target.find_key("t");
if( n && n->type() == entry::string_t &&
r && r->type() == entry::string_t &&
t && t->type() == entry::string_t) {
// if this is a special resource then start another dhtget to make
// sure we are really its neighbor. don't do it needless.
if( m_specialResources.count(r->string()) ) {
// check if user exists
CTransaction txOut;
uint256 hashBlock;
if( !GetTransaction(n->string(), txOut, hashBlock) ) {
printf("Special Resource but username is unknown - ignoring\n");
} else {
// now we do our own search to make sure we are really close to this target
sha1_hash ih = dhtTargetHash(n->string(), r->string(), t->string());
bool knownTorrent = false;
knownTorrent = m_userTorrent.count(n->string());
if( !neighborCheck.count(ih) && !knownTorrent ) {
printf("possiblyNeighbor of [%s,%s,%s] - starting a new dhtget to be sure\n",
neighborCheck[ih] = gd->m_target;
ses->dht_getData(n->string(), r->string(), t->string() == "m");
dht_reply_data_done_alert const* dd = alert_cast<dht_reply_data_done_alert>(*i);
if (dd)
printf("get_data_done [%s,%s,%s] is_neighbor=%d got_data=%d\n",
dd->m_username.c_str(), dd->m_resource.c_str(), dd->m_multi ? "m" : "s",
dd->m_is_neighbor, dd->m_got_data);
sha1_hash ih = dhtTargetHash(dd->m_username, dd->m_resource, dd->m_multi ? "m" : "s");
std::map<sha1_hash, alert_manager*>::iterator mi = m_dhtgetMap.find(ih);
if( mi != m_dhtgetMap.end() && !dd->m_got_data ) {
// post alert to return from wait_for_alert in dhtget()
alert_manager *am = (*mi).second;
if( dd->m_is_neighbor && m_specialResources.count(dd->m_resource) &&
neighborCheck.count(ih) ) {
// Do something!
if( dd->m_resource == "tracker" ) {
startTorrentUser(dd->m_username, false);
} else {
printf("Neighbor of special resource - do something!\n");
save_resume_data_alert const* rda = alert_cast<save_resume_data_alert>(*i);
if (rda) {
if (!rda->resume_data) continue;
torrent_handle h = rda->handle;
torrent_status st = h.status(torrent_handle::query_save_path);
std::vector<char> out;
bencode(std::back_inserter(out), *rda->resume_data);
save_file(combine_path(st.save_path, to_hex(st.info_hash.to_string()) + ".resume"), out);
if (alert_cast<save_resume_data_failed_alert>(*i))
void startSessionTorrent(boost::thread_group& threadGroup)
printf("startSessionTorrent (waiting for external IP)\n");
m_specialResources["tracker"] = true;
//m_specialResources["swarm"] = true;
// these are the resources which shouldn't expire
m_noExpireResources["avatar"] = SimpleNoExpire;
m_noExpireResources["profile"] = SimpleNoExpire;
m_noExpireResources["following"] = NumberedNoExpire;
m_noExpireResources["status"] = SimpleNoExpire;
m_noExpireResources["post"] = PostNoExpireRecent;
void stopSessionTorrent()
if( ses ){
printf("\nwaiting for resume data [%d]\n", num_outstanding_resume_data);
while (num_outstanding_resume_data > 0)
printf("\nsaving session state\n");
entry session_state;
std::vector<char> out;
bencode(std::back_inserter(out), session_state);
boost::filesystem::path sesStatePath = GetDataDir() / "ses_state";
save_file(sesStatePath.string(), out);
delete ses;
ses = NULL;
boost::filesystem::path globalDataPath = GetDataDir() / GLOBAL_DATA_FILE;
printf("libtorrent + dht stopped\n");
std::string createSignature(std::string const &strMessage, CKeyID &keyID)
if (pwalletMain->IsLocked()) {
printf("createSignature: Error please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.\n");
return std::string();
CKey key;
if (!pwalletMain->GetKey(keyID, key)) {
printf("createSignature: private key not available for given keyid.\n");
return std::string();
CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, 0);
ss << strMessageMagic;
ss << strMessage;
vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
if (!key.SignCompact(ss.GetHash(), vchSig)) {
printf("createSignature: sign failed.\n");
return std::string();
return std::string((const char *)&vchSig[0], vchSig.size());
std::string createSignature(std::string const &strMessage, std::string const &strUsername)
if (pwalletMain->IsLocked()) {
printf("createSignature: Error please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.\n");
return std::string();
CKeyID keyID;
if( !pwalletMain->GetKeyIdFromUsername(strUsername, keyID) ) {
printf("createSignature: user '%s' unknown.\n", strUsername.c_str());
return std::string();
return createSignature( strMessage, keyID );
bool getUserPubKey(std::string const &strUsername, CPubKey &pubkey, int maxHeight)
CTransaction txOut;
uint256 hashBlock;
if( !GetTransaction(strUsername, txOut, hashBlock, maxHeight) ) {
//printf("getUserPubKey: user unknown '%s'\n", strUsername.c_str());
return false;
std::vector< std::vector<unsigned char> > vData;
if( !txOut.pubKey.ExtractPushData(vData) || vData.size() < 1 ) {
printf("getUserPubKey: broken pubkey for user '%s'\n", strUsername.c_str());
return false;
pubkey = CPubKey(vData[0]);
if( !pubkey.IsValid() ) {
printf("getUserPubKey: invalid pubkey for user '%s'\n", strUsername.c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool verifySignature(std::string const &strMessage, std::string const &strUsername, std::string const &strSign, int maxHeight)
CPubKey pubkey;
if( !getUserPubKey(strUsername, pubkey, maxHeight) ) {
printf("verifySignature: no pubkey for user '%s'\n", strUsername.c_str());
return false;
vector<unsigned char> vchSig((const unsigned char*)strSign.data(),
(const unsigned char*)strSign.data() + strSign.size());
CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, 0);
ss << strMessageMagic;
ss << strMessage;
CPubKey pubkeyRec;
if (!pubkeyRec.RecoverCompact(ss.GetHash(), vchSig))
return false;
return (pubkeyRec.GetID() == pubkey.GetID());
bool processReceivedDM(lazy_entry const* post)
lazy_entry const* dm = post->dict_find_dict("dm");
if( dm ) {
ecies_secure_t sec;
sec.key = dm->dict_find_string_value("key");
sec.mac = dm->dict_find_string_value("mac");
sec.orig = dm->dict_find_int_value("orig");
sec.body = dm->dict_find_string_value("body");
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CKeyID, CKeyMetadata)& item, pwalletMain->mapKeyMetadata)
CKey key;
if (!pwalletMain->GetKey(item.first, key)) {
printf("acceptSignedPost: private key not available trying to decrypt DM.\n");
} else {
std::string textOut;
if( key.Decrypt(sec, textOut) ) {
/* this printf is good for debug, but bad for security.
printf("Received DM for user '%s' text = '%s'\n",
std::string n = post->dict_find_string_value("n");
StoredDirectMsg stoDM;
stoDM.m_fromMe = false;
stoDM.m_text = textOut;
stoDM.m_utcTime = post->dict_find_int_value("time");;
// store this dm in memory list, but prevent duplicates
std::vector<StoredDirectMsg> &dmsFromToUser = m_users[item.second.username].m_directmsg[n];
std::vector<StoredDirectMsg>::iterator it;
for( it = dmsFromToUser.begin(); it != dmsFromToUser.end(); ++it ) {
if( stoDM.m_utcTime == (*it).m_utcTime &&
stoDM.m_text == (*it).m_text ) {
if( stoDM.m_utcTime < (*it).m_utcTime && !(*it).m_fromMe) {
dmsFromToUser.insert(it, stoDM);
if( it == dmsFromToUser.end() ) {
return true;
return false;
bool acceptSignedPost(char const *data, int data_size, std::string username, int seq, std::string &errmsg, boost::uint32_t *flags)
bool ret = false;
char errbuf[200]="";
if( flags ) *flags = 0;
lazy_entry v;
int pos;
libtorrent::error_code ec;
if (data_size <= 0 || data_size > 2048 ) {
sprintf(errbuf,"bad bencoded post size");
} else if (lazy_bdecode(data, data + data_size, v, ec, &pos) == 0) {
if( v.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t ) {
lazy_entry const* post = v.dict_find_dict("userpost");
std::string sig = v.dict_find_string_value("sig_userpost");
if( !post || !sig.size() ) {
sprintf(errbuf,"missing post or signature.");
} else {
std::string n = post->dict_find_string_value("n");
std::string msg = post->dict_find_string_value("msg");
int msgUtf8Chars = utf8::num_characters(msg.begin(), msg.end());
int k = post->dict_find_int_value("k",-1);
int height = post->dict_find_int_value("height",-1);
if( n != username ) {
sprintf(errbuf,"expected username '%s' got '%s'",
} else if( k != seq ) {
sprintf(errbuf,"expected piece '%d' got '%d'",
seq, k);
} else if( !validatePostNumberForUser(username, k) ) {
sprintf(errbuf,"too much posts from user '%s' rejecting post",
} else if( height < 0 || (height > getBestHeight() && getBestHeight() > 0) ) {
sprintf(errbuf,"post from future not accepted (height: %d > %d)",
height, getBestHeight());
} else if( msgUtf8Chars < 0 ) {
sprintf(errbuf,"invalid utf8 string");
} else if( msgUtf8Chars > 140 ) {
sprintf(errbuf,"msg too big (%d > 140)", msgUtf8Chars);
} else {
std::pair<char const*, int> postbuf = post->data_section();
ret = verifySignature(
username, sig, height);
if( !ret ) {
sprintf(errbuf,"bad post signature");
} else {
lazy_entry const* rt = post->dict_find_dict("rt");
std::string sig_rt = post->dict_find_string_value("sig_rt");
if( rt ) {
if( flags ) (*flags) |= USERPOST_FLAG_RT;
std::string username_rt = rt->dict_find_string_value("n");
int height_rt = rt->dict_find_int_value("height",-1);
std::pair<char const*, int> rtbuf = rt->data_section();
ret = verifySignature(
username_rt, sig_rt, height_rt);
if( !ret ) {
sprintf(errbuf,"bad RT signature");
lazy_entry const* dm = post->dict_find_dict("dm");
if( dm && flags ) {
(*flags) |= USERPOST_FLAG_DM;
errmsg = errbuf;
if( !ret ) {
printf("acceptSignedPost: %s\n",errbuf);
return ret;
bool validatePostNumberForUser(std::string const &username, int k)
CTransaction txOut;
uint256 hashBlock;
if( !GetTransaction(username, txOut, hashBlock) ) {
printf("validatePostNumberForUser: username is unknown\n");
return false;
CBlockIndex* pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hashBlock];
if( k < 0 )
return false;
if( getBestHeight() > 0 && k > 2*(getBestHeight() - pblockindex->nHeight) + 20)
return false;
return true;
bool usernameExists(std::string const &username)
CTransaction txOut;
uint256 hashBlock;
return GetTransaction(username, txOut, hashBlock);
"userpost" :
"n" : username,
"k" : seq number,
"t" : "post" / "dm" / "rt"
"msg" : message (post/rt)
"time" : unix utc
"height" : best height at user
"dm" : encrypted message (dm) -opt
"rt" : original userpost - opt
"sig_rt" : sig of rt - opt
"reply" : - opt
"n" : reference username
"k" : reference k
"sig_userpost" : signature by userpost.n
bool createSignedUserpost(entry &v, std::string const &username, int k,
std::string const &msg, // either msg.size() or
entry const *rt, entry const *sig_rt, // rt != NULL or
entry const *dm, // dm != NULL.
std::string const &reply_n, int reply_k
entry &userpost = v["userpost"];
userpost["n"] = username;
userpost["k"] = k;
userpost["time"] = GetAdjustedTime();
userpost["height"] = getBestHeight() - 1; // be conservative
if( msg.size() ) {
//userpost["t"] = "post";
userpost["msg"] = msg;
} else if ( rt != NULL && sig_rt != NULL ) {
//userpost["t"] = "rt";
userpost["rt"] = *rt;
userpost["sig_rt"] = *sig_rt;
} else if ( dm != NULL ) {
//userpost["t"] = "dm";
userpost["dm"] = *dm;
} else {
printf("createSignedUserpost: unknown type\n");
return false;
if( reply_n.size() ) {
entry &reply = userpost["reply"];
std::vector<char> buf;
bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), userpost);
std::string sig = createSignature(std::string(buf.data(),buf.size()), username);
if( sig.size() ) {
v["sig_userpost"] = sig;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool createDirectMessage(entry &dm, std::string const &to, std::string const &msg)
CPubKey pubkey;
if( !getUserPubKey(to, pubkey) ) {
printf("createDirectMessage: no pubkey for user '%s'\n", to.c_str());
return false;
ecies_secure_t sec;
bool encrypted = pubkey.Encrypt(msg, sec);
if( encrypted ) {
dm["key"] = sec.key;
dm["mac"] = sec.mac;
dm["orig"] = sec.orig;
dm["body"] = sec.body;
return encrypted;
int getBestHeight()
return nBestHeight;
bool shouldDhtResourceExpire(std::string resource, bool multi, int height)
if ((height + BLOCK_AGE_TO_EXPIRE_DHT_ENTRY) < getBestHeight() ) {
if( multi ) {
printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring resource multi '%s'\n", resource.c_str());
return true;
// extract basic resource string (without numbering)
std::string resourceBasic;
for(size_t i = 0; i < resource.size() && isalpha(resource.at(i)); i++) {
int resourceNumber = -1;
if( resource.length() > resourceBasic.length() ) {
// make sure it is a valid number following (all digits)
if( resource.at(resourceBasic.length()) == '0' &&
resource.size() > resourceBasic.length() + 1 ){
// leading zeros not allowed
} else {
size_t i;
for(i = resourceBasic.length(); i < resource.size() &&
isdigit(resource.at(i)); i++) {
if(i == resource.size()) {
resourceNumber = atoi( resource.c_str() + resourceBasic.length() );
if( !m_noExpireResources.count(resourceBasic) ) {
// unknown resource. expire it.
printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring non-special resource '%s'\n", resource.c_str());
return true;
} else {
if( m_noExpireResources[resourceBasic] == SimpleNoExpire &&
resource.length() > resourceBasic.length() ) {
// this resource admits no number. expire it!
printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring resource with unexpected numbering '%s'\n", resource.c_str());
return true;
if( m_noExpireResources[resourceBasic] == NumberedNoExpire &&
(resourceNumber < 0 || resourceNumber > 200) ) {
// try keeping a sane number here, otherwise expire it!
printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring numbered resource with no sane number '%s'\n", resource.c_str());
return true;
if( m_noExpireResources[resourceBasic] == PostNoExpireRecent && resourceNumber < 0 ) {
printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring post with invalid numbering '%s'\n", resource.c_str());
return true;
if( m_noExpireResources[resourceBasic] == PostNoExpireRecent &&
(height + BLOCK_AGE_TO_EXPIRE_DHT_POSTS) < getBestHeight() ) {
printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring old post resource '%s' (height %d cur %d)\n",
resource.c_str(), height, getBestHeight());
return true;
return false;
void receivedSpamMessage(std::string const &message, std::string const &user)
bool hasSingleLangCode = (message.find("[") == message.rfind("["));
bool hasPreferredLang = m_preferredSpamLang.length();
bool isSameLang = hasPreferredLang && hasSingleLangCode &&
message.find(m_preferredSpamLang) != string::npos;
bool currentlyEmpty = !m_receivedSpamMsgStr.length();
if( currentlyEmpty || (isSameLang && rand() < (RAND_MAX/2)) ) {
m_receivedSpamMsgStr = message;
m_receivedSpamUserStr = user;
Value dhtput(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 5 || params.size() > 6)
throw runtime_error(
"dhtput <username> <resource> <s(ingle)/m(ulti)> <value> <sig_user> <seq>\n"
"Store resource in dht network");
if( !ses )
return Value();
string strUsername = params[0].get_str();
string strResource = params[1].get_str();
string strMulti = params[2].get_str();
entry value = jsonToEntry(params[3]);
// value is already "p":"v": contents, so post may be unhexcaped directly
string strSigUser = params[4].get_str();
// Test for private key here to avoid going into dht
CKeyID keyID;
if( !pwalletMain->GetKeyIdFromUsername(strSigUser, keyID) )
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME, "Error: no sig_user in wallet");
CKey key;
if (!pwalletMain->GetKey(keyID, key))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Private key of sig_user not available");
bool multi = (strMulti == "m");
if( !multi && params.size() != 6 )
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Seq parameter required for single");
int seq = -1;
if( params.size() == 6 )
seq = params[5].get_int();
if( !multi && strUsername != strSigUser )
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Username must be the same as sig_user for single");
boost::int64_t timeutc = GetAdjustedTime();
ses->dht_putData(strUsername, strResource, multi, value, strSigUser, timeutc, seq);
return Value();
Value dhtget(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 3)
throw runtime_error(
"dhtget <username> <resource> <s(ingle)/m(ulti)>\n"
"Get resource from dht network");
if( !ses )
return Array();
string strUsername = params[0].get_str();
string strResource = params[1].get_str();
string strMulti = params[2].get_str();
bool multi = (strMulti == "m");
alert_manager am(10, alert::dht_notification);
sha1_hash ih = dhtTargetHash(strUsername,strResource,strMulti);
m_dhtgetMap[ih] = &am;
ses->dht_getData(strUsername, strResource, multi);
Array ret;
std::set<std::string> uniqueSigPs;
time_duration timeToWait = seconds(10);
int repliesReceived = 0;
while( am.wait_for_alert(timeToWait) ) {
std::auto_ptr<alert> a(am.get());
dht_reply_data_alert const* rd = alert_cast<dht_reply_data_alert>(&(*a));
if( rd ) {
entry::list_type dhtLst = rd->m_lst;
entry::list_type::iterator it;
for( it = dhtLst.begin(); it != dhtLst.end(); ++it ) {
libtorrent::entry &e = *it;
hexcapeDht( e );
string sig_p = safeGetEntryString(e, "sig_p");
if( !sig_p.length() ) {
ret.push_back( entryToJson(e) );
} else {
if( !uniqueSigPs.count(sig_p) ) {
ret.push_back( entryToJson(e) );
//printf("dhtget: got %zd entries %zd unique\n", dhtLst.size(), uniqueSigPs.size());
} else {
// cast failed => dht_reply_data_done_alert => no data
if( multi ) {
if( repliesReceived++ < 3 && uniqueSigPs.size() ) {
timeToWait = milliseconds(100 / repliesReceived);
//printf("dhtget: wait again %d\n", repliesReceived);
} else {
} else {
return ret;
int findLastPublicPostLocalUser( std::string strUsername )
int lastk = -1;
torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(strUsername);
if( h.is_valid() ){
std::vector<std::string> pieces;
int max_id = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int since_id = -1;
h.get_pieces(pieces, 1, max_id, since_id, USERPOST_FLAG_RT);
if( pieces.size() ) {
string const& piece = pieces.front();
lazy_entry v;
int pos;
libtorrent::error_code ec;
if (lazy_bdecode(piece.data(), piece.data()+piece.size(), v, ec, &pos) == 0) {
lazy_entry const* post = v.dict_find_dict("userpost");
lastk = post->dict_find_int_value("k",-1);
return lastk;
Value newpostmsg(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 3 && params.size() != 5))
throw runtime_error(
"newpostmsg <username> <k> <msg> [reply_n] [reply_k]\n"
"Post a new message to swarm");
string strUsername = params[0].get_str();
int k = params[1].get_int();
string strK = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(k);
string strMsg = params[2].get_str();
string strReplyN, strReplyK;
int replyK = 0;
if( params.size() == 5 ) {
strReplyN = params[3].get_str();
replyK = params[4].get_int();
strReplyK = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(replyK);
entry v;
// [MF] Warning: findLastPublicPostLocalUser requires that we follow ourselves
int lastk = findLastPublicPostLocalUser(strUsername);
if( lastk >= 0 )
v["userpost"]["lastk"] = lastk;
if( !createSignedUserpost(v, strUsername, k, strMsg,
strReplyN, replyK) )
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR,"error signing post with private key of user");
vector<char> buf;
bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), v);
std::string errmsg;
if( !acceptSignedPost(buf.data(),buf.size(),strUsername,k,errmsg,NULL) )
torrent_handle h = startTorrentUser(strUsername, true);
if( h.is_valid() ) {
// if member of torrent post it directly
} else {
// TODO: swarm resource forwarding not implemented
ses->dht_putData(strUsername, "swarm", false,
v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 1);
// post to dht as well
ses->dht_putData(strUsername, string("post")+strK, false,
v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 1);
ses->dht_putData(strUsername, string("status"), false,
v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), k);
// is this a reply? notify
if( strReplyN.length() ) {
ses->dht_putData(strReplyN, string("replies")+strReplyK, true,
v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 0);
// split and look for mentions and hashtags
vector<string> tokens;
boost::algorithm::split(tokens,strMsg,boost::algorithm::is_any_of(" \n\t.,:/?!"),
BOOST_FOREACH(string const& token, tokens) {
if( token.length() >= 2 ) {
string word = token.substr(1);
if( token.at(0) == '#') {
ses->dht_putData(word, "hashtag", true,
v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 0);
} else if( token.at(0) == '@') {
ses->dht_putData(word, "mention", true,
v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 0);
return entryToJson(v);
Value newdirectmsg(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 4)
throw runtime_error(
"newdirectmsg <from> <k> <to> <msg>\n"
"Post a new dm to swarm");
string strFrom = params[0].get_str();
int k = params[1].get_int();
string strTo = params[2].get_str();
string strMsg = params[3].get_str();
entry dm;
if( !createDirectMessage(dm, strTo, strMsg) )
"error encrypting to pubkey of destination user");
entry v;
if( !createSignedUserpost(v, strFrom, k, "",
NULL, NULL, &dm,
std::string(""), 0) )
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR,"error signing post with private key of user");
std::vector<char> buf;
bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), v);
std::string errmsg;
if( !acceptSignedPost(buf.data(),buf.size(),strFrom,k,errmsg,NULL) )
StoredDirectMsg stoDM;
stoDM.m_fromMe = true;
stoDM.m_text = strMsg;
stoDM.m_utcTime = v["userpost"]["time"].integer();
torrent_handle h = startTorrentUser(strFrom, true);
return entryToJson(v);
Value newrtmsg(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 3))
throw runtime_error(
"newrtmsg <username> <k> <rt_v_object>\n"
"Post a new RT to swarm");
string strUsername = params[0].get_str();
int k = params[1].get_int();
string strK = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(k);
entry vrt = jsonToEntry(params[2].get_obj());
entry const *rt = vrt.find_key("userpost");
entry const *sig_rt= vrt.find_key("sig_userpost");
entry v;
// [MF] Warning: findLastPublicPostLocalUser requires that we follow ourselves
int lastk = findLastPublicPostLocalUser(strUsername);
if( lastk >= 0 )
v["userpost"]["lastk"] = lastk;
if( !createSignedUserpost(v, strUsername, k, "",
rt, sig_rt, NULL,
std::string(""), 0) )
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR,"error signing post with private key of user");
vector<char> buf;
bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), v);
std::string errmsg;
if( !acceptSignedPost(buf.data(),buf.size(),strUsername,k,errmsg,NULL) )
torrent_handle h = startTorrentUser(strUsername, true);
if( h.is_valid() ) {
// if member of torrent post it directly
} else {
// TODO: swarm resource forwarding not implemented
ses->dht_putData(strUsername, "swarm", false,
v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 1);
// post to dht as well
ses->dht_putData(strUsername, string("post")+strK, false,
v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 1);
ses->dht_putData(strUsername, string("status"), false,
v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), k);
// notification to keep track of RTs of the original post
if( rt ) {
string rt_user = rt->find_key("n")->string();
string rt_k = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(rt->find_key("k")->integer());
ses->dht_putData(rt_user, string("rts")+rt_k, true,
v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 0);
return entryToJson(v);
Value getposts(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3)
throw runtime_error(
"getposts <count> '[{\"username\":username,\"max_id\":max_id,\"since_id\":since_id},...]' [flags]\n"
"get posts from users\n"
"max_id and since_id may be omited");
int count = params[0].get_int();
Array users = params[1].get_array();
int flags = (params.size() > 2) ? params[2].get_int() : USERPOST_FLAG_RT;
std::multimap<int64,entry> postsByTime;
for( unsigned int u = 0; u < users.size(); u++ ) {
Object user = users[u].get_obj();
string strUsername;
int max_id = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int since_id = -1;
for (Object::const_iterator i = user.begin(); i != user.end(); ++i) {
if( i->name_ == "username" ) strUsername = i->value_.get_str();
if( i->name_ == "max_id" ) max_id = i->value_.get_int();
if( i->name_ == "since_id" ) since_id = i->value_.get_int();
torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(strUsername);
if( h.is_valid() ){
std::vector<std::string> pieces;
h.get_pieces(pieces, count, max_id, since_id, flags);
BOOST_FOREACH(string const& piece, pieces) {
lazy_entry v;
int pos;
libtorrent::error_code ec;
if (lazy_bdecode(piece.data(), piece.data()+piece.size(), v, ec, &pos) == 0) {
lazy_entry const* post = v.dict_find_dict("userpost");
int64 time = post->dict_find_int_value("time",-1);
entry vEntry;
vEntry = v;
postsByTime.insert( pair<int64,entry>(time, vEntry) );
Array ret;
std::multimap<int64,entry>::reverse_iterator rit;
for (rit=postsByTime.rbegin(); rit!=postsByTime.rend() && (int)ret.size() < count; ++rit) {
ret.push_back( entryToJson(rit->second) );
// we must agree on an acceptable level here
// what about one every eight hours? (not cumulative)
if( m_receivedSpamMsgStr.length() && GetAdjustedTime() > m_lastSpamTime + (8*3600) ) {
m_lastSpamTime = GetAdjustedTime();
entry v;
entry &userpost = v["userpost"];
userpost["n"] = m_receivedSpamUserStr;
userpost["k"] = 1;
userpost["time"] = GetAdjustedTime();
userpost["height"] = getBestHeight();
userpost["msg"] = m_receivedSpamMsgStr;
unsigned char vchSig[65];
v["sig_userpost"] = HexStr( string((const char *)vchSig, sizeof(vchSig)) );
m_receivedSpamMsgStr = "";
m_receivedSpamUserStr = "";
return ret;
Value getdirectmsgs(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3)
throw runtime_error(
"getdirectmsgs <localuser> <count_per_user> '[{\"username\":username,\"max_id\":max_id,\"since_id\":since_id},...]'\n"
"get (locally stored) decrypted direct messages sent/received by user <localuser>\n"
"max_id and since_id may be omited. up to <count_per_user> are returned for each remote user.");
string strUsername = params[0].get_str();
int count = params[1].get_int();
Array remoteusers = params[2].get_array();
Object ret;
for( unsigned int u = 0; u < remoteusers.size(); u++ ) {
Object remoteUser = remoteusers[u].get_obj();
string remoteUsername;
int max_id = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
int since_id = -1;
for (Object::const_iterator i = remoteUser.begin(); i != remoteUser.end(); ++i) {
if( i->name_ == "username" ) remoteUsername = i->value_.get_str();
if( i->name_ == "max_id" ) max_id = i->value_.get_int();
if( i->name_ == "since_id" ) since_id = i->value_.get_int();
if( remoteUsername.size() && m_users.count(strUsername) &&
m_users[strUsername].m_directmsg.count(remoteUsername) ){
std::vector<StoredDirectMsg> &dmsFromToUser = m_users[strUsername].m_directmsg[remoteUsername];
max_id = std::min( max_id, (int)dmsFromToUser.size()-1);
since_id = std::max( since_id, max_id - count );
Array userMsgs;
for( int i = std::max(since_id+1,0); i <= max_id; i++) {
Object dmObj;
if( userMsgs.size() ) {
return ret;
Value setspammsg(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 2))
throw runtime_error(
"setspammsg <username> <msg>\n"
"Set spam message attached to generated blocks");
string strUsername = params[0].get_str();
string strMsg = params[1].get_str();
int spamMsgUtf8Size = utf8::num_characters(strMsg.begin(), strMsg.end());
if (spamMsgUtf8Size < 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "spam message invalid utf8");
if (spamMsgUtf8Size == 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "empty spam message");
if (spamMsgUtf8Size > MAX_SPAM_MSG_SIZE)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "spam message too big");
strSpamUser = strUsername;
strSpamMessage = strMsg;
return Value();
Value getspammsg(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 0))
throw runtime_error(
"get spam message attached to generated blocks");
Array ret;
return ret;
Value follow(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 2))
throw runtime_error(
"follow <username> [follow_username1,follow_username2,...]\n"
"start following users");
string localUser = params[0].get_str();
Array users = params[1].get_array();
for( unsigned int u = 0; u < users.size(); u++ ) {
string username = users[u].get_str();
torrent_handle h = startTorrentUser(username, true);
if( h.is_valid() ) {
return Value();
Value unfollow(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 2))
throw runtime_error(
"unfollow <username> [unfollow_username1,unfollow_username2,...]\n"
"stop following users");
string localUser = params[0].get_str();
Array users = params[1].get_array();
for( unsigned int u = 0; u < users.size(); u++ ) {
string username = users[u].get_str();
if( m_users.count(localUser) &&
m_users[localUser].m_following.count(username) ) {
return Value();
Value getfollowing(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1))
throw runtime_error(
"getfollowing <username>\n"
"get list of users we follow");
string localUser = params[0].get_str();
Array ret;
if( m_users.count(localUser) ) {
BOOST_FOREACH(string username, m_users[localUser].m_following) {
return ret;
Value getlasthave(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1))
throw runtime_error(
"getlasthave <username>\n"
"get last 'have' (higher post number) of each user user we follow");
string localUser = params[0].get_str();
std::set<std::string> following;
if( m_users.count(localUser) )
following = m_users[localUser].m_following;
Object ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(string username, following) {
return ret;
Value getnumpieces(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1))
throw runtime_error(
"getnumpieces <username>\n"
"get number of posts already downloaded for each user user we follow");
string localUser = params[0].get_str();
std::set<std::string> following;
if( m_users.count(localUser) )
following = m_users[localUser].m_following;
Object ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(string username, following) {
return ret;
Value listusernamespartial(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3))
throw runtime_error(
"listusernamespartial <username_starts_with> <count> [exact_match=false]\n"
"get list of usernames starting with");
string userStartsWith = params[0].get_str();
size_t count = params[1].get_int();
bool exact_match = false;
if( params.size() > 2 )
exact_match = params[2].get_bool();
set<string> retStrings;
// priorize users in following list
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CKeyID, CKeyMetadata)& item, pwalletMain->mapKeyMetadata) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const string &user, m_users[item.second.username].m_following) {
if( (exact_match && userStartsWith.size() != user.size()) ||
userStartsWith.size() > user.size() ) {
int toCompare = userStartsWith.size();
if( memcmp( user.data(), userStartsWith.data(), toCompare ) == 0 )
retStrings.insert( user );
if( retStrings.size() >= count )
pblocktree->GetNamesFromPartial(userStartsWith, retStrings, count);
Array ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(string username, retStrings) {
return ret;
Value rescandirectmsgs(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1))
throw runtime_error(
"rescandirectmsgs <username>\n"
"rescan all streams of users we follow for new and old directmessages");
string localUser = params[0].get_str();
std::set<std::string> following;
following = m_users[localUser].m_following;
BOOST_FOREACH(string username, following) {
torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(username);
if( h.is_valid() ){
return Value();
Value recheckusertorrent(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1))
throw runtime_error(
"recheckusertorrent <username>\n"
"recheck all posts in a given torrent. this may be useful if\n"
"post validation rules became stricter");
string localUser = params[0].get_str();
torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(localUser);
if( h.is_valid() ){
return Value();