mirror of https://github.com/twisterarmy/twister-core.git synced 2025-03-13 05:51:44 +00:00
2013-07-28 20:41:06 -03:00

72 lines
1.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import glob
import os
import sys
# usage: parse_peer_log <path-to-libtorrent-peer-logs>
log_files = []
for p in glob.iglob(os.path.join(sys.argv[1], '*.log')):
name = os.path.split(p)[1]
if name == 'main_session.log': continue
print name
f = open(p, 'r')
out_file = p + '.dat'
out = open(out_file, 'w+')
uploaded_blocks = 0;
downloaded_blocks = 0;
for l in f:
t = l.split(': ')[0].split('.')[0]
log_line = False
if ' ==> PIECE' in l:
uploaded_blocks+= 1
log_line = True
if ' <== PIECE' in l:
downloaded_blocks+= 1
log_line = True
if log_line:
print >>out, '%s\t%d\t%d' % (t, uploaded_blocks, downloaded_blocks)
out = open('peers.gnuplot', 'wb')
print >>out, "set term png size 1200,700"
print >>out, 'set xrange [0:*]'
print >>out, 'set xlabel "time"'
print >>out, 'set ylabel "blocks"'
print >>out, 'set key box'
print >>out, 'set xdata time'
print >>out, 'set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"'
print >>out, 'set title "uploaded blocks"'
print >>out, 'set output "peers_upload.png"'
print >>out, 'plot',
first = True
for n in log_files:
if not first:
print >>out, ',',
first = False
print >>out, ' "%s" using 1:2 title "%s" with steps' % (n, os.path.split(n)[1].split('.log')[0]),
print >>out, ''
print >>out, 'set title "downloaded blocks"'
print >>out, 'set output "peers_download.png"'
print >>out, 'plot',
first = True
for n in log_files:
if not first:
print >>out, ',',
first = False
print >>out, ' "%s" using 1:3 title "%s" with steps' % (n, os.path.split(n)[1].split('.log')[0]),
print >>out, ''
os.system('gnuplot peers.gnuplot');