#include "twister_utils.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace boost; twister_utils::twister_utils() { } int load_file(std::string const& filename, std::vector& v, int limit) { FILE* f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb"); if (f == NULL) return -1; int r = fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); if (r != 0) { fclose(f); return -1; } long s = ftell(f); if (s < 0) { fclose(f); return -1; } if (s > limit) { fclose(f); return -2; } r = fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); if (r != 0) { fclose(f); return -1; } v.resize(s); if (s == 0) { fclose(f); return 0; } r = fread(&v[0], 1, v.size(), f); if (r < 0) { fclose(f); return -1; } fclose(f); if (r != s) return -3; return 0; } int save_file(std::string const& filename, std::vector& v) { using namespace libtorrent; // TODO: don't use internal file type here. use fopen() file f; libtorrent::error_code ec; if (!f.open(filename, file::write_only, ec)) return -1; if (ec) return -1; f.set_size(0, ec); file::iovec_t b = {&v[0], v.size()}; size_type written = f.writev(0, &b, 1, ec); if (written != int(v.size())) return -3; if (ec) return -3; return 0; } using namespace json_spirit; using namespace libtorrent; Value entryToJson(const entry &e) { Array lst; Object o; switch( e.type() ) { case entry::int_t: return e.integer(); case entry::string_t: return e.string(); case entry::list_t: for (entry::list_type::const_iterator i = e.list().begin(); i != e.list().end(); ++i) { lst.push_back( entryToJson(*i) ); } return lst; case entry::dictionary_t: for (entry::dictionary_type::const_iterator i = e.dict().begin(); i != e.dict().end(); ++i) { o.push_back(Pair(i->first, entryToJson(i->second))); } return o; default: return string(""); } } entry jsonToEntry(const Value &v) { entry::list_type lst; entry::dictionary_type dict; switch( v.type() ) { case int_type: return v.get_int(); case str_type: return v.get_str(); case array_type: for (Array::const_iterator i = v.get_array().begin(); i != v.get_array().end(); ++i) { lst.push_back( jsonToEntry(*i) ); } return lst; case obj_type: for (Object::const_iterator i = v.get_obj().begin(); i != v.get_obj().end(); ++i) { dict[ i->name_ ] = jsonToEntry(i->value_); } return dict; default: return string(""); } } int saveUserData(std::string const& filename, std::map const &users) { entry userDict; std::map::const_iterator i; for (i = users.begin(); i != users.end(); ++i) { UserData const &udata = i->second; if( udata.m_following.size() ) { entry &userData = userDict[i->first]; entry &followingList = userData["following"]; BOOST_FOREACH( std::string const &n, udata.m_following) { followingList.list().push_back(n); } } if( udata.m_mentionsPosts.size() ) { entry &userData = userDict[i->first]; entry &mentionsList = userData["mentions"]; BOOST_FOREACH( libtorrent::entry const &mention, udata.m_mentionsPosts) { mentionsList.list().push_back(mention); } } if( udata.m_directmsg.size() ) { entry &userData = userDict[i->first]; entry &dmDict = userData["dm"]; std::map >::const_iterator j; for (j = udata.m_directmsg.begin(); j != udata.m_directmsg.end(); ++j) { entry &dmList = dmDict[j->first]; BOOST_FOREACH( StoredDirectMsg const &stoDm, j->second) { entry dmElem; dmElem["time"] = stoDm.m_utcTime; dmElem["text"] = stoDm.m_text; dmElem["fromMe"] = stoDm.m_fromMe; dmElem["from"] = stoDm.m_from; dmElem["k"] = stoDm.m_k; dmList.list().push_back(dmElem); } } } if( udata.m_ignoreGroups.size() ) { entry &userData = userDict[i->first]; entry &ignoreGroupsList = userData["ignore_groups"]; BOOST_FOREACH( std::string const &n, udata.m_ignoreGroups) { ignoreGroupsList.list().push_back(n); } } } std::vector buf; if( userDict.type() == entry::dictionary_t ) { bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), userDict); return save_file(filename, buf); } else { return 0; } } int loadUserData(std::string const& filename, std::map &users) { std::vector in; if (load_file(filename, in) == 0) { lazy_entry userDict; libtorrent::error_code ec; if (lazy_bdecode(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), userDict, ec) == 0) { if( userDict.type() != lazy_entry::dict_t ) goto data_error; for( int i = 0; i < userDict.dict_size(); i++) { UserData udata; const lazy_entry *userData = userDict.dict_at(i).second; if( userData->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t ) goto data_error; const lazy_entry *followingList = userData->dict_find("following"); if( followingList ) { if( followingList->type() != lazy_entry::list_t ) goto data_error; for( int j = 0; j < followingList->list_size(); j++ ) { udata.m_following.insert( followingList->list_string_value_at(j) ); } } const lazy_entry *mentionsList = userData->dict_find("mentions"); if( mentionsList ) { if( mentionsList->type() != lazy_entry::list_t ) goto data_error; for( int j = 0; j < mentionsList->list_size(); j++ ) { const lazy_entry *v = mentionsList->list_at(j); if( v->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t ) goto data_error; lazy_entry const* post = v->dict_find_dict("userpost"); if( !post ) goto data_error; std::string username = post->dict_find_string_value("n"); int64 time = post->dict_find_int_value("time",-1); std::string postKey = username + ";" + boost::lexical_cast(time); udata.m_mentionsKeys.insert(postKey); entry vEntry; vEntry = *v; udata.m_mentionsPosts.push_back( vEntry ); } } const lazy_entry *dmDict = userData->dict_find("dm"); if( dmDict ) { if( dmDict->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t ) goto data_error; for( int j = 0; j < dmDict->dict_size(); j++ ) { const lazy_entry *dmList = dmDict->dict_at(j).second; if( !dmList || dmList->type() != lazy_entry::list_t ) goto data_error; for( int k = 0; k < dmList->list_size(); k++ ) { const lazy_entry *dmElem = dmList->list_at(k); if( dmElem->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t ) goto data_error; StoredDirectMsg stoDm; stoDm.m_text = dmElem->dict_find_string_value("text"); stoDm.m_utcTime = dmElem->dict_find_int_value("time"); stoDm.m_fromMe = dmElem->dict_find_int_value("fromMe"); stoDm.m_from = dmElem->dict_find_string_value("from"); stoDm.m_k = dmElem->dict_find_int_value("k",-1); udata.m_directmsg[dmDict->dict_at(j).first].push_back(stoDm); } } } const lazy_entry *ignoreGroupsList = userData->dict_find("ignore_groups"); if( ignoreGroupsList ) { if( ignoreGroupsList->type() != lazy_entry::list_t ) goto data_error; for( int j = 0; j < ignoreGroupsList->list_size(); j++ ) { udata.m_ignoreGroups.insert( ignoreGroupsList->list_string_value_at(j) ); } } users[userDict.dict_at(i).first] = udata; } return 0; } } return -1; data_error: printf("loadUserData: unexpected bencode type - user_data corrupt!\n"); return -2; } int saveGroupData(std::string const& filename, std::map const &groups) { entry groupsDict; std::map::const_iterator i; for (i = groups.begin(); i != groups.end(); ++i) { GroupChat const &gchat = i->second; entry &groupData = groupsDict[i->first]; groupData["description"] = gchat.m_description; groupData["privkey"] = gchat.m_privKey; if( gchat.m_members.size() ) { entry &membersList = groupData["members"]; BOOST_FOREACH( std::string const &n, gchat.m_members) { membersList.list().push_back(n); } } } std::vector buf; if( groupsDict.type() == entry::dictionary_t ) { bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), groupsDict); return save_file(filename, buf); } else { return 0; } } int loadGroupData(std::string const& filename, std::map &groups) { std::vector in; if (load_file(filename, in) == 0) { lazy_entry groupsDict; libtorrent::error_code ec; if (lazy_bdecode(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), groupsDict, ec) == 0) { if( groupsDict.type() != lazy_entry::dict_t ) goto data_error; for( int i = 0; i < groupsDict.dict_size(); i++) { GroupChat gchat; const lazy_entry *groupData = groupsDict.dict_at(i).second; if( groupData->type() != lazy_entry::dict_t ) goto data_error; gchat.m_description = groupData->dict_find_string_value("description"); gchat.m_privKey = groupData->dict_find_string_value("privkey"); const lazy_entry *membersList = groupData->dict_find("members"); if( membersList ) { if( membersList->type() != lazy_entry::list_t ) goto data_error; for( int j = 0; j < membersList->list_size(); j++ ) { gchat.m_members.insert( membersList->list_string_value_at(j) ); } } groups[groupsDict.dict_at(i).first] = gchat; } return 0; } } return -1; data_error: printf("loadGroupData: unexpected bencode type - user_data corrupt!\n"); return -2; } void findAndHexcape(libtorrent::entry &e, string const& key) { if( e.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t && e.find_key(key) && e[key].type() == libtorrent::entry::string_t ) { e[key] = HexStr(e[key].string()); } } void findAndUnHexcape(libtorrent::entry &e, string const& key) { if( e.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t && e.find_key(key) && e[key].type() == libtorrent::entry::string_t ) { vector vch = ParseHex(e[key].string()); e[key] = string((const char *)vch.data(), vch.size()); } } void hexcapePost(libtorrent::entry &e) { if( e.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { findAndHexcape(e,"sig_userpost"); if( e.find_key("userpost") ) { entry &userpost = e["userpost"]; if( userpost.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { findAndHexcape(userpost,"sig_rt"); findAndHexcape(userpost, "sig_fav"); if( userpost.find_key("dm") ) { entry &dm = userpost["dm"]; if( dm.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { findAndHexcape(dm,"body"); findAndHexcape(dm,"key"); findAndHexcape(dm,"mac"); } } else if( userpost.find_key("pfav") ) { entry &pfav = userpost["pfav"]; if( pfav.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { findAndHexcape(pfav,"body"); findAndHexcape(pfav,"key"); findAndHexcape(pfav,"mac"); } } } } } } void unHexcapePost(libtorrent::entry &e) { if( e.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { findAndUnHexcape(e,"sig_userpost"); if( e.find_key("userpost") ) { entry &userpost = e["userpost"]; if( userpost.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { findAndUnHexcape(userpost,"sig_rt"); if( userpost.find_key("dm") ) { entry &dm = userpost["dm"]; if( dm.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { findAndUnHexcape(dm,"body"); findAndUnHexcape(dm,"key"); findAndUnHexcape(dm,"mac"); } } } } } } void hexcapeDht(libtorrent::entry &e) { if( e.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { findAndHexcape(e,"sig_p"); if( e.find_key("p") ) { entry &p = e["p"]; if( p.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { if( p.find_key("v") ) { entry &v = p["v"]; if( v.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { hexcapePost(v); // any other possible content to hexcape? } } } } } } void unHexcapeDht(libtorrent::entry &e) { if( e.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { findAndUnHexcape(e,"sig_p"); if( e.find_key("p") ) { entry &p = e["p"]; if( p.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { if( p.find_key("v") ) { entry &v = p["v"]; if( v.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { unHexcapePost(v); // any other possible content to unhexcape? } } } } } } std::string safeGetEntryString(libtorrent::entry const &e, std::string const& key) { if( e.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t && e.find_key(key) && e[key].type() == libtorrent::entry::string_t ) { return e[key].string(); } else { return ""; } } int safeGetEntryInt(libtorrent::entry const &e, std::string const& key) { if( e.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t && e.find_key(key) && e[key].type() == libtorrent::entry::int_t ) { return e[key].integer(); } else { return 0; } } libtorrent::entry safeGetEntryDict(libtorrent::entry const &e, std::string const& key) { static libtorrent::entry::dictionary_type dummy; if( e.type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t && e.find_key(key) && e[key].type() == libtorrent::entry::dictionary_t ) { return e[key].dict(); } else { return dummy; } } sha1_hash dhtTargetHash(std::string const &username, std::string const &resource, std::string const &type) { entry target; target["n"] = username; target["r"] = resource; target["t"] = type; std::vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), target); return hasher(buf.data(), buf.size()).final(); } std::string getRandomGroupAlias() { std::string groupAlias("*xxxxxxxx"); for(int i = 1; i < groupAlias.length(); i++) { groupAlias[i] = 'a' + 26 * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); } return groupAlias; }