import sys import os import resource import shutil import shlex import time import subprocess import random # this is a disk I/O benchmark script. It runs menchmarks # over different filesystems, different cache sizes and # different number of peers (can be used to find a reasonable # range for unchoke slots). # it also measures performance improvements of re-ordering # read requests based on physical location and OS hints # like posix_fadvice(FADV_WILLNEED). It can also be used # for the AIO branch to measure improvements over the # classic thread based disk I/O # to set up the test, build the example directory in release # with statistics=on and copy fragmentation_test, client_test # and connection_tester to a directory called 'stage_aio' # and 'stage_syncio' (or make a symbolic link to the bjam # output directory). # make sure gnuplot is installed. # the following lists define the space tests will be run in # variables to test. All these are run on the first # entry in the filesystem list. cache_sizes = [0, 32768, 393216] peers = [200, 1000, 2000] builds = ['syncio'] # the drives are assumed to be mounted under ./<name> # or have symbolic links to them. #filesystem = ['ext4', 'ext3', 'reiser', 'xfs'] filesystem = ['ext3'] # the number of peers for the filesystem test. The # idea is to stress test the filesystem by using a lot # of peers, since each peer essentially is a separate # read location on the platter filesystem_peers = 200 # the amount of cache for the filesystem test # 6 GiB of cache filesystem_cache = 393216 # the number of seconds to run each test. It's important that # this is shorter than what it takes to finish downloading # the test torrent, since then the average rate will not # be representative of the peak anymore # this has to be long enough to download a full copy # of the test torrent test_duration = 1000 # make sure the environment is properly set up if resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0] < 4000: print 'please set ulimit -n to at least 4000' sys.exit(1) def build_stage_dirs(): ret = [] for i in builds: ret.append('stage_%s' % i) return ret # make sure we have all the binaries available binaries = ['client_test', 'connection_tester', 'fragmentation_test'] for b in build_stage_dirs(): for i in binaries: p = os.path.join(b, i) if not os.path.exists(p): print 'make sure "%s" is available in ./%s' % (i, b) sys.exit(1) for i in filesystem: if not os.path.exists(i): print ('the path "%s" does not exist. This is directory/mountpoint is ' + 'used as the download directory and is the filesystem that will be benchmarked ' + 'and need to exist.') % i sys.exit(1) # make sure we have a test torrent if not os.path.exists('test.torrent'): print 'generating test torrent' os.system('./stage_%s/connection_tester gen-torrent test.torrent' % builds[0]) # use a new port for each test to make sure they keep working # this port is incremented for each test run port = 10000 + random.randint(0, 5000) def build_commandline(config, port): num_peers = config['num-peers'] no_disk_reorder = ''; if config['allow-disk-reorder'] == False: no_disk_reorder = '-O' no_read_ahead = '' if config['read-ahead'] == False: no_read_ahead = '-j' allocation_mode = config['allocation-mode'] #TODO: take config['coalesce'] into account global test_duration return './stage_%s/client_test -k -z -N -h -H -M -B %d -l %d -S %d -T %d -c %d -C %d -s "%s" %s %s -q %d -p %d -f session_stats/alerts_log.txt -a %s test.torrent' \ % (config['build'], test_duration, num_peers, num_peers, num_peers, num_peers, config['cache-size'], config['save-path'] \ , no_disk_reorder, no_read_ahead, test_duration, port, config['allocation-mode']) def delete_files(files): for i in files: try: os.remove(i) except: try: shutil.rmtree(i) except: try: if os.exists(i): print 'failed to delete %s' % i except: pass def build_test_config(fs, num_peers, cache_size, readahead=True, reorder=True, preallocate=False, coalesce=True, test='upload', build='aio'): config = {'test': test, 'save-path': os.path.join('./', fs), 'num-peers': num_peers, 'allow-disk-reorder': reorder, 'cache-size': cache_size, 'read-ahead': readahead} if preallocate: config['allocation-mode'] = 'allocate' else: config['allocation-mode'] = 'sparse' if coalesce: config['coalesce'] = True else: config['coalesce'] = False config['build'] = build return config def build_target_folder(config): reorder = 'reorder' if config['allow-disk-reorder'] == False: reorder = 'no-reorder' readahead = 'readahead' if config['read-ahead'] == False: readahead = 'no-readahead' coalesce = 'coalesce' if config['coalesce'] == False: coalesce = 'no-coalesce' test = 'seed' if config['test'] == 'upload': test = 'download' return 'results_%s_%s_%d_%d_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s' % (config['build'], test, config['num-peers'], config['cache-size'], os.path.split(config['save-path'])[1], reorder, readahead, config['allocation-mode'], coalesce) def run_test(config): target_folder = build_target_folder(config) if os.path.exists(target_folder): print 'results already exists, skipping test (%s)' % target_folder return # make sure any previous test file is removed # don't clean up unless we're running a download-test, so that we leave the test file # complete for a seed test. if config['test'] == 'upload': print 'deleting files' delete_files([os.path.join(config['save-path'], 'stress_test_file'), '.ses_state', os.path.join(config['save-path'], '.resume'), '.dht_state', 'session_stats']) try: os.mkdir('session_stats') except: pass # save off the command line for reference global port cmdline = build_commandline(config, port) f = open('session_stats/cmdline.txt', 'w+') f.write(cmdline) f.close() f = open('session_stats/config.txt', 'w+') print >>f, config f.close() print '\n\n*********************************' print '* RUNNING TEST *' print '*********************************\n\n' client_output = open('session_stats/client.output', 'w+') print 'launching: %s' % cmdline client = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmdline), stdout=client_output, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) # enable disk stats printing print >>client.stdin, 'x', # when allocating storage, we have to wait for it to complete before we can connect time.sleep(1) cmdline = './stage_%s/connection_tester %s %d %d test.torrent' % (config['build'], config['test'], config['num-peers'], port) print 'launching: %s' % cmdline tester_output = open('session_stats/tester.output', 'w+') tester = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmdline), stdout=tester_output) tester.wait() client.wait() tester_output.close() client_output.close() if tester.returncode != 0: sys.exit(tester.returncode) if client.returncode != 0: sys.exit(client.returncode) # run fragmentation test print 'analyzing fragmentation' os.system('./stage_%s/fragmentation_test test.torrent %s' % (config['build'], config['save-path'])) shutil.copy('fragmentation.log', 'session_stats/') shutil.copy('fragmentation.png', 'session_stats/') shutil.copy('fragmentation.gnuplot', 'session_stats/') os.chdir('session_stats') # parse session stats print 'parsing session log' os.system('python ../../ *.0000.log') os.chdir('..') # move the results into its final place print 'saving results' os.rename('session_stats', build_target_folder(config)) # clean up # don't clean up unless we ran a seed-test, so that we leave the test file # complete for the seed test. i.e. we don't clean up if we ran a download test # if config['test'] == 'download': # print 'cleaning up' # delete_files([os.path.join(config['save-path'], 'stress_test_file'), '.ses_state', os.path.join(config['save-path'], '.resume'), '.dht_state']) port += 1 #config = build_test_config('ext4', filesystem_peers, filesystem_cache, True, True, False) #run_test(config) #sys.exit(0) for fs in filesystem: # for preallocate in [True, False]: rdahead = True reorder = True preallocate = False for b in builds: for test in ['upload', 'download']: config = build_test_config(fs, filesystem_peers, filesystem_cache, rdahead, reorder, preallocate, test=test, build=b) run_test(config) for c in cache_sizes: for p in peers: # for rdahead in [True, False]: rdahead = False # for reorder in [True, False]: reorder = True # for preallocate in [True, False]: preallocate = False for b in builds: for test in ['upload', 'download']: config = build_test_config(filesystem[0], p, c, rdahead, reorder, preallocate, test=test, build=b) run_test(config)