/* Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Arvid Norberg All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "libtorrent/config.hpp" #include "libtorrent/socket.hpp" #include "libtorrent/udp_socket.hpp" #include "libtorrent/connection_queue.hpp" #include "libtorrent/socket_io.hpp" #include "libtorrent/error.hpp" #include "libtorrent/string_util.hpp" // for allocate_string_copy #include #include #include #if BOOST_VERSION < 103500 #include #else #include #endif #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING #include "libtorrent/debug.hpp" #endif using namespace libtorrent; udp_socket::udp_socket(asio::io_service& ios , connection_queue& cc) : m_observers_locked(false) , m_ipv4_sock(ios) , m_buf_size(0) , m_new_buf_size(0) , m_buf(0) #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 , m_ipv6_sock(ios) #endif , m_bind_port(0) , m_v4_outstanding(0) #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 , m_v6_outstanding(0) #endif , m_socks5_sock(ios) , m_connection_ticket(-1) , m_cc(cc) , m_resolver(ios) , m_queue_packets(false) , m_tunnel_packets(false) , m_force_proxy(false) , m_abort(false) , m_outstanding_ops(0) #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 , m_v6_write_subscribed(false) #endif , m_v4_write_subscribed(false) { #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS m_magic = 0x1337; m_started = false; m_outstanding_when_aborted = -1; m_outstanding_connect_queue = 0; m_outstanding_connect = 0; m_outstanding_timeout = 0; m_outstanding_resolve = 0; m_outstanding_socks = 0; #if defined BOOST_HAS_PTHREADS m_thread = 0; #endif #endif m_buf_size = 10000; m_new_buf_size = m_buf_size; m_buf = (char*)malloc(m_buf_size); } udp_socket::~udp_socket() { free(m_buf); #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(m_v6_outstanding == 0, m_v6_outstanding); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(m_v4_outstanding == 0, m_v4_outstanding); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_magic == 0x1337); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_observers_locked == false); #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS m_magic = 0; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == 0); } #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS #define CHECK_MAGIC check_magic_ cm_(m_magic) struct check_magic_ { check_magic_(int& m_): m(m_) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m == 0x1337); } ~check_magic_() { TORRENT_ASSERT(m == 0x1337); } int& m; }; #else #define CHECK_MAGIC do {} while (false) #endif void udp_socket::send_hostname(char const* hostname, int port , char const* p, int len, error_code& ec) { CHECK_MAGIC; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); // if the sockets are closed, the udp_socket is closing too if (!is_open()) { ec = error_code(boost::system::errc::bad_file_descriptor, boost::system::generic_category()); return; } if (m_tunnel_packets) { // send udp packets through SOCKS5 server wrap(hostname, port, p, len, ec); return; } else if (m_force_proxy) { return; } // this function is only supported when we're using a proxy if (!m_queue_packets) { address target = address::from_string(hostname, ec); if (!ec) send(udp::endpoint(target, port), p, len, ec, 0); return; } if (m_queue.size() > 1000) return; m_queue.push_back(queued_packet()); queued_packet& qp = m_queue.back(); qp.ep.port(port); qp.hostname = allocate_string_copy(hostname); qp.buf.insert(qp.buf.begin(), p, p + len); qp.flags = 0; } void udp_socket::send(udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* p, int len , error_code& ec, int flags) { CHECK_MAGIC; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); // if the sockets are closed, the udp_socket is closing too if (!is_open()) { ec = error_code(boost::system::errc::bad_file_descriptor, boost::system::generic_category()); return; } if (!(flags & peer_connection) || m_proxy_settings.proxy_peer_connections) { if (m_tunnel_packets) { // send udp packets through SOCKS5 server wrap(ep, p, len, ec); return; } if (m_queue_packets) { if (m_queue.size() > 1000) return; m_queue.push_back(queued_packet()); queued_packet& qp = m_queue.back(); qp.ep = ep; qp.hostname = 0; qp.flags = flags; qp.buf.insert(qp.buf.begin(), p, p + len); return; } } if (m_force_proxy) return; #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (ep.address().is_v6() && m_ipv6_sock.is_open()) m_ipv6_sock.send_to(asio::buffer(p, len), ep, 0, ec); else #endif m_ipv4_sock.send_to(asio::buffer(p, len), ep, 0, ec); if (ec == error::would_block || ec == error::try_again) { #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (ep.address().is_v6() && m_ipv6_sock.is_open()) { if (!m_v6_write_subscribed) { m_ipv6_sock.async_send(asio::null_buffers() , boost::bind(&udp_socket::on_writable, this, _1, &m_ipv6_sock)); m_v6_write_subscribed = true; } } else #endif { if (!m_v4_write_subscribed) { m_ipv4_sock.async_send(asio::null_buffers() , boost::bind(&udp_socket::on_writable, this, _1, &m_ipv4_sock)); m_v4_write_subscribed = true; } } } } void udp_socket::on_writable(error_code const& ec, udp::socket* s) { #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (s == &m_ipv6_sock) m_v6_write_subscribed = false; else #endif m_v4_write_subscribed = false; call_writable_handler(); } // called whenever the socket is readable void udp_socket::on_read(error_code const& ec, udp::socket* s) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("udp_socket::on_read"); #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_magic == 0x1337); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (s == &m_ipv6_sock) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_v6_outstanding > 0); --m_v6_outstanding; } else #endif { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_v4_outstanding > 0); --m_v4_outstanding; } if (ec == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; if (m_abort) return; CHECK_MAGIC; for (;;) { error_code ec; udp::endpoint ep; size_t bytes_transferred = s->receive_from(asio::buffer(m_buf, m_buf_size), ep, 0, ec); if (ec == asio::error::would_block || ec == asio::error::try_again) break; on_read_impl(s, ep, ec, bytes_transferred); } call_drained_handler(); setup_read(s); } void udp_socket::call_handler(error_code const& ec, udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* buf, int size) { m_observers_locked = true; for (std::vector::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end();) { bool ret = false; TORRENT_TRY { ret = (*i)->incoming_packet(ec, ep, buf, size); } TORRENT_CATCH (std::exception&) {} if (*i == NULL) i = m_observers.erase(i); else ++i; if (ret) break; } if (!m_added_observers.empty()) { m_observers.insert(m_observers.end(), m_added_observers.begin(), m_added_observers.end()); m_added_observers.clear(); } m_observers_locked = false; if (m_new_buf_size != m_buf_size) set_buf_size(m_new_buf_size); } void udp_socket::call_handler(error_code const& ec, const char* host, char const* buf, int size) { m_observers_locked = true; for (std::vector::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end();) { bool ret = false; TORRENT_TRY { ret = (*i)->incoming_packet(ec, host, buf, size); } TORRENT_CATCH (std::exception&) {} if (*i == NULL) i = m_observers.erase(i); else ++i; if (ret) break; } if (!m_added_observers.empty()) { m_observers.insert(m_observers.end(), m_added_observers.begin(), m_added_observers.end()); m_added_observers.clear(); } m_observers_locked = false; if (m_new_buf_size != m_buf_size) set_buf_size(m_new_buf_size); } void udp_socket::call_drained_handler() { m_observers_locked = true; for (std::vector::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end();) { TORRENT_TRY { (*i)->socket_drained(); } TORRENT_CATCH (std::exception&) {} if (*i == NULL) i = m_observers.erase(i); else ++i; } if (!m_added_observers.empty()) { m_observers.insert(m_observers.end(), m_added_observers.begin(), m_added_observers.end()); m_added_observers.clear(); } m_observers_locked = false; if (m_new_buf_size != m_buf_size) set_buf_size(m_new_buf_size); } void udp_socket::call_writable_handler() { m_observers_locked = true; for (std::vector::iterator i = m_observers.begin(); i != m_observers.end();) { TORRENT_TRY { (*i)->writable(); } TORRENT_CATCH (std::exception&) {} if (*i == NULL) i = m_observers.erase(i); else ++i; } if (!m_added_observers.empty()) { m_observers.insert(m_observers.end(), m_added_observers.begin(), m_added_observers.end()); m_added_observers.clear(); } m_observers_locked = false; if (m_new_buf_size != m_buf_size) set_buf_size(m_new_buf_size); } void udp_socket::subscribe(udp_socket_observer* o) { TORRENT_ASSERT(std::find(m_observers.begin(), m_observers.end(), o) == m_observers.end()); if (m_observers_locked) m_added_observers.push_back(o); else m_observers.push_back(o); } void udp_socket::unsubscribe(udp_socket_observer* o) { std::vector::iterator i = std::find(m_observers.begin(), m_observers.end(), o); if (i == m_observers.end()) return; if (m_observers_locked) *i = NULL; else m_observers.erase(i); } void udp_socket::on_read_impl(udp::socket* s, udp::endpoint const& ep , error_code const& e, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { TORRENT_ASSERT(m_magic == 0x1337); TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (e) { call_handler(e, ep, 0, 0); // don't stop listening on recoverable errors if (e != asio::error::host_unreachable && e != asio::error::fault && e != asio::error::connection_reset && e != asio::error::connection_refused && e != asio::error::connection_aborted && e != asio::error::operation_aborted && e != asio::error::network_reset && e != asio::error::network_unreachable #ifdef WIN32 // ERROR_MORE_DATA means the same thing as EMSGSIZE && e != error_code(ERROR_MORE_DATA, get_system_category()) && e != error_code(ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE, get_system_category()) && e != error_code(ERROR_PORT_UNREACHABLE, get_system_category()) && e != error_code(ERROR_RETRY, get_system_category()) && e != error_code(ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE, get_system_category()) && e != error_code(ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, get_system_category()) && e != error_code(ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED, get_system_category()) #endif && e != asio::error::message_size) { return; } if (m_abort) return; return; } TORRENT_TRY { if (m_tunnel_packets) { // if the source IP doesn't match the proxy's, ignore the packet if (ep == m_udp_proxy_addr) unwrap(e, m_buf, bytes_transferred); } else if (!m_force_proxy) // block incoming packets that aren't coming via the proxy { call_handler(e, ep, m_buf, bytes_transferred); } } TORRENT_CATCH (std::exception&) {} } void udp_socket::setup_read(udp::socket* s) { if (m_abort) return; #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (s == &m_ipv6_sock) ++m_v6_outstanding; else #endif ++m_v4_outstanding; #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("udp_socket::on_read"); #endif udp::endpoint ep; s->async_receive_from(asio::null_buffers() , ep, boost::bind(&udp_socket::on_read, this, _1, s)); } void udp_socket::wrap(udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* p, int len, error_code& ec) { CHECK_MAGIC; using namespace libtorrent::detail; char header[25]; char* h = header; write_uint16(0, h); // reserved write_uint8(0, h); // fragment write_uint8(ep.address().is_v4()?1:4, h); // atyp write_endpoint(ep, h); boost::array iovec; iovec[0] = asio::const_buffer(header, h - header); iovec[1] = asio::const_buffer(p, len); #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (m_udp_proxy_addr.address().is_v4() && m_ipv4_sock.is_open()) #endif m_ipv4_sock.send_to(iovec, m_udp_proxy_addr, 0, ec); #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 else m_ipv6_sock.send_to(iovec, m_udp_proxy_addr, 0, ec); #endif } void udp_socket::wrap(char const* hostname, int port, char const* p, int len, error_code& ec) { CHECK_MAGIC; using namespace libtorrent::detail; char header[270]; char* h = header; write_uint16(0, h); // reserved write_uint8(0, h); // fragment write_uint8(3, h); // atyp int hostlen = (std::min)(strlen(hostname), size_t(255)); write_uint8(hostlen, h); // hostname len memcpy(h, hostname, hostlen); h += hostlen; write_uint16(port, h); boost::array iovec; iovec[0] = asio::const_buffer(header, h - header); iovec[1] = asio::const_buffer(p, len); #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (m_udp_proxy_addr.address().is_v4() && m_ipv4_sock.is_open()) #endif m_ipv4_sock.send_to(iovec, m_udp_proxy_addr, 0, ec); #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 else m_ipv6_sock.send_to(iovec, m_udp_proxy_addr, 0, ec); #endif } // unwrap the UDP packet from the SOCKS5 header void udp_socket::unwrap(error_code const& e, char const* buf, int size) { CHECK_MAGIC; using namespace libtorrent::detail; // the minimum socks5 header size if (size <= 10) return; char const* p = buf; p += 2; // reserved int frag = read_uint8(p); // fragmentation is not supported if (frag != 0) return; udp::endpoint sender; int atyp = read_uint8(p); if (atyp == 1) { // IPv4 sender = read_v4_endpoint(p); } #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 else if (atyp == 4) { // IPv6 sender = read_v6_endpoint(p); } #endif else { int len = read_uint8(p); if (len > (buf + size) - p) return; std::string hostname(p, p + len); p += len; call_handler(e, hostname.c_str(), p, size - (p - buf)); return; } call_handler(e, sender, p, size - (p - buf)); } #if !defined BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO && defined TORRENT_WINDOWS #error BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO needs to be defined when building libtorrent to enable cancel() in asio on windows #endif void udp_socket::close() { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_magic == 0x1337); error_code ec; // if we close the socket here, we can't shut down // utp connections or NAT-PMP. We need to cancel the // outstanding operations m_ipv4_sock.cancel(ec); if (ec == error::operation_not_supported) m_ipv4_sock.close(ec); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(!ec || ec == error::bad_descriptor, ec); #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 m_ipv6_sock.cancel(ec); if (ec == error::operation_not_supported) m_ipv6_sock.close(ec); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(!ec || ec == error::bad_descriptor, ec); #endif m_socks5_sock.cancel(ec); if (ec == error::operation_not_supported) m_socks5_sock.close(ec); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(!ec || ec == error::bad_descriptor, ec); m_resolver.cancel(); m_abort = true; #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG m_outstanding_when_aborted = num_outstanding(); #endif if (m_connection_ticket >= 0) { m_cc.done(m_connection_ticket); m_connection_ticket = -1; // we just called done, which means on_timeout // won't be called. Decrement the outstanding // ops counter for that #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_timeout > 0); --m_outstanding_timeout; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) return; } } void udp_socket::set_buf_size(int s) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (m_observers_locked) { // we can't actually reallocate the buffer while // it's being used by the observers, we have to // do that once we're done iterating over them m_new_buf_size = s; return; } if (s == m_buf_size) return; bool no_mem = false; void* tmp = realloc(m_buf, s); if (tmp != 0) { m_buf = (char*)tmp; m_buf_size = s; m_new_buf_size = s; } else { no_mem = true; } if (no_mem) { free(m_buf); m_buf = 0; m_buf_size = 0; m_new_buf_size = 0; udp::endpoint ep; call_handler(error::no_memory, ep, 0, 0); close(); } } void udp_socket::bind(udp::endpoint const& ep, error_code& ec) { CHECK_MAGIC; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); TORRENT_ASSERT(m_abort == false); if (m_abort) { ec = boost::asio::error::operation_aborted; return; } if (m_ipv4_sock.is_open()) m_ipv4_sock.close(ec); #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 if (m_ipv6_sock.is_open()) m_ipv6_sock.close(ec); #endif if (ep.address().is_v4()) { m_ipv4_sock.open(udp::v4(), ec); if (ec) return; m_ipv4_sock.bind(ep, ec); if (ec) return; udp::socket::non_blocking_io ioc(true); m_ipv4_sock.io_control(ioc, ec); if (ec) return; setup_read(&m_ipv4_sock); } #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 else { #ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY m_ipv6_sock.set_option(v6only(true), ec); if (ec) return; #endif m_ipv6_sock.bind(ep, ec); if (ec) return; udp::socket::non_blocking_io ioc(true); m_ipv6_sock.io_control(ioc, ec); if (ec) return; setup_read(&m_ipv6_sock); } #endif #ifdef TORRENT_DEBUG m_started = true; #endif m_bind_port = ep.port(); } void udp_socket::set_proxy_settings(proxy_settings const& ps) { CHECK_MAGIC; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); error_code ec; m_socks5_sock.close(ec); m_tunnel_packets = false; m_proxy_settings = ps; if (m_abort) return; if (ps.type == proxy_settings::socks5 || ps.type == proxy_settings::socks5_pw) { m_queue_packets = true; // connect to socks5 server and open up the UDP tunnel tcp::resolver::query q(ps.hostname, to_string(ps.port).elems); ++m_outstanding_ops; #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS ++m_outstanding_resolve; #endif m_resolver.async_resolve(q, boost::bind( &udp_socket::on_name_lookup, this, _1, _2)); } } void udp_socket::on_name_lookup(error_code const& e, tcp::resolver::iterator i) { #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_resolve > 0); --m_outstanding_resolve; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) return; CHECK_MAGIC; if (e == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (e) { call_handler(e, udp::endpoint(), 0, 0); drain_queue(); return; } m_proxy_addr.address(i->endpoint().address()); m_proxy_addr.port(i->endpoint().port()); // on_connect may be called from within this thread // the semantics for on_connect and on_timeout is // a bit complicated. See comments in connection_queue.hpp // for more details. This semantic determines how and // when m_outstanding_ops may be decremented // To simplyfy this, it's probably a good idea to // merge on_connect and on_timeout to a single function // on_timeout may be called before on_connected // so increment the outstanding ops // it may also not be called in case we call // connection_queue::done first, so be sure to // decrement if that happens m_outstanding_ops += 2; #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS ++m_outstanding_timeout; ++m_outstanding_connect_queue; #endif m_cc.enqueue(boost::bind(&udp_socket::on_connect, this, _1) , boost::bind(&udp_socket::on_timeout, this), seconds(10)); } void udp_socket::on_timeout() { #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_timeout > 0); --m_outstanding_timeout; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); m_queue_packets = false; if (m_abort) return; CHECK_MAGIC; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); error_code ec; m_socks5_sock.close(ec); m_connection_ticket = -1; } void udp_socket::on_connect(int ticket) { TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_connect_queue > 0); --m_outstanding_connect_queue; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); CHECK_MAGIC; if (ticket == -1) { #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_timeout > 0); --m_outstanding_timeout; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); close(); return; } if (m_abort) return; if (is_closed()) return; #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("udp_socket::on_connected"); #endif m_connection_ticket = ticket; error_code ec; m_socks5_sock.open(m_proxy_addr.address().is_v4()?tcp::v4():tcp::v6(), ec); ++m_outstanding_ops; #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS ++m_outstanding_connect; #endif m_socks5_sock.async_connect(tcp::endpoint(m_proxy_addr.address(), m_proxy_addr.port()) , boost::bind(&udp_socket::on_connected, this, _1)); } void udp_socket::on_connected(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("udp_socket::on_connected"); #endif #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_connect > 0); --m_outstanding_connect; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) return; CHECK_MAGIC; if (e == asio::error::operation_aborted) return; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); m_cc.done(m_connection_ticket); m_connection_ticket = -1; // we just called done, which means on_timeout // won't be called. Decrement the outstanding // ops counter for that #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_timeout > 0); --m_outstanding_timeout; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) return; if (e) { call_handler(e, udp::endpoint(), 0, 0); return; } using namespace libtorrent::detail; // send SOCKS5 authentication methods char* p = &m_tmp_buf[0]; write_uint8(5, p); // SOCKS VERSION 5 if (m_proxy_settings.username.empty() || m_proxy_settings.type == proxy_settings::socks5) { write_uint8(1, p); // 1 authentication method (no auth) write_uint8(0, p); // no authentication } else { write_uint8(2, p); // 2 authentication methods write_uint8(0, p); // no authentication write_uint8(2, p); // username/password } TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(p - m_tmp_buf < int(sizeof(m_tmp_buf)), (p - m_tmp_buf)); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("udp_socket::on_handshake1"); #endif ++m_outstanding_ops; #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS ++m_outstanding_socks; #endif asio::async_write(m_socks5_sock, asio::buffer(m_tmp_buf, p - m_tmp_buf) , boost::bind(&udp_socket::handshake1, this, _1)); } void udp_socket::handshake1(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("udp_socket::on_handshake1"); #endif #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_socks > 0); --m_outstanding_socks; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) return; CHECK_MAGIC; if (e) { drain_queue(); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("udp_socket::on_handshake2"); #endif ++m_outstanding_ops; #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS ++m_outstanding_socks; #endif asio::async_read(m_socks5_sock, asio::buffer(m_tmp_buf, 2) , boost::bind(&udp_socket::handshake2, this, _1)); } void udp_socket::handshake2(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("udp_socket::on_handshake2"); #endif #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_socks > 0); --m_outstanding_socks; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) return; CHECK_MAGIC; if (e) { drain_queue(); return; } using namespace libtorrent::detail; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); char* p = &m_tmp_buf[0]; int version = read_uint8(p); int method = read_uint8(p); if (version < 5) { error_code ec; m_socks5_sock.close(ec); drain_queue(); return; } if (method == 0) { socks_forward_udp(/*l*/); } else if (method == 2) { if (m_proxy_settings.username.empty()) { error_code ec; m_socks5_sock.close(ec); drain_queue(); return; } // start sub-negotiation char* p = &m_tmp_buf[0]; write_uint8(1, p); write_uint8(m_proxy_settings.username.size(), p); write_string(m_proxy_settings.username, p); write_uint8(m_proxy_settings.password.size(), p); write_string(m_proxy_settings.password, p); TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(p - m_tmp_buf < int(sizeof(m_tmp_buf)), (p - m_tmp_buf)); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("udp_socket::on_handshake3"); #endif ++m_outstanding_ops; #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS ++m_outstanding_socks; #endif asio::async_write(m_socks5_sock, asio::buffer(m_tmp_buf, p - m_tmp_buf) , boost::bind(&udp_socket::handshake3, this, _1)); } else { drain_queue(); error_code ec; m_socks5_sock.close(ec); return; } } void udp_socket::handshake3(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("udp_socket::on_handshake3"); #endif #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_socks > 0); --m_outstanding_socks; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) return; CHECK_MAGIC; if (e) { drain_queue(); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("udp_socket::on_handshake4"); #endif ++m_outstanding_ops; #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS ++m_outstanding_socks; #endif asio::async_read(m_socks5_sock, asio::buffer(m_tmp_buf, 2) , boost::bind(&udp_socket::handshake4, this, _1)); } void udp_socket::handshake4(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("udp_socket::on_handshake4"); #endif #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_socks > 0); --m_outstanding_socks; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) return; CHECK_MAGIC; if (e) { drain_queue(); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); using namespace libtorrent::detail; char* p = &m_tmp_buf[0]; int version = read_uint8(p); int status = read_uint8(p); if (version != 1 || status != 0) { drain_queue(); return; } socks_forward_udp(/*l*/); } void udp_socket::socks_forward_udp() { CHECK_MAGIC; using namespace libtorrent::detail; // send SOCKS5 UDP command char* p = &m_tmp_buf[0]; write_uint8(5, p); // SOCKS VERSION 5 write_uint8(3, p); // UDP ASSOCIATE command write_uint8(0, p); // reserved error_code ec; write_uint8(1, p); // ATYP = IPv4 write_uint32(0, p); // write_uint16(0, p); // :0 TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(p - m_tmp_buf < int(sizeof(m_tmp_buf)), (p - m_tmp_buf)); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("udp_socket::connect1"); #endif ++m_outstanding_ops; #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS ++m_outstanding_socks; #endif asio::async_write(m_socks5_sock, asio::buffer(m_tmp_buf, p - m_tmp_buf) , boost::bind(&udp_socket::connect1, this, _1)); } void udp_socket::connect1(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("udp_socket::connect1"); #endif #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_socks > 0); --m_outstanding_socks; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) return; CHECK_MAGIC; if (e) { drain_queue(); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("udp_socket::connect2"); #endif ++m_outstanding_ops; #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS ++m_outstanding_socks; #endif asio::async_read(m_socks5_sock, asio::buffer(m_tmp_buf, 10) , boost::bind(&udp_socket::connect2, this, _1)); } void udp_socket::connect2(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("udp_socket::connect2"); #endif #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_socks > 0); --m_outstanding_socks; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) { m_queue.clear(); return; } CHECK_MAGIC; if (e) { drain_queue(); return; } TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); using namespace libtorrent::detail; char* p = &m_tmp_buf[0]; int version = read_uint8(p); // VERSION int status = read_uint8(p); // STATUS ++p; // RESERVED int atyp = read_uint8(p); // address type if (version != 5 || status != 0) { drain_queue(); return; } if (atyp == 1) { m_udp_proxy_addr.address(address_v4(read_uint32(p))); m_udp_proxy_addr.port(read_uint16(p)); } else { // in this case we need to read more data from the socket TORRENT_ASSERT(false && "not implemented yet!"); drain_queue(); return; } m_tunnel_packets = true; drain_queue(); #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING add_outstanding_async("udp_socket::hung_up"); #endif ++m_outstanding_ops; #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS ++m_outstanding_socks; #endif asio::async_read(m_socks5_sock, asio::buffer(m_tmp_buf, 10) , boost::bind(&udp_socket::hung_up, this, _1)); } void udp_socket::hung_up(error_code const& e) { #if defined TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING complete_async("udp_socket::hung_up"); #endif #if defined TORRENT_DEBUG || TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_socks > 0); --m_outstanding_socks; #endif TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops > 0); --m_outstanding_ops; TORRENT_ASSERT(m_outstanding_ops == m_outstanding_connect + m_outstanding_timeout + m_outstanding_resolve + m_outstanding_connect_queue + m_outstanding_socks); if (m_abort) return; CHECK_MAGIC; TORRENT_ASSERT(is_single_thread()); if (e == asio::error::operation_aborted || m_abort) return; // the socks connection was closed, re-open it set_proxy_settings(m_proxy_settings); } void udp_socket::drain_queue() { m_queue_packets = false; // forward all packets that were put in the queue while (!m_queue.empty()) { queued_packet const& p = m_queue.front(); error_code ec; if (p.hostname) { udp_socket::send_hostname(p.hostname, p.ep.port(), &p.buf[0], p.buf.size(), ec); free(p.hostname); } else if (!m_force_proxy) // block incoming packets that aren't coming via the proxy { udp_socket::send(p.ep, &p.buf[0], p.buf.size(), ec, p.flags); } m_queue.pop_front(); } } rate_limited_udp_socket::rate_limited_udp_socket(io_service& ios , connection_queue& cc) : udp_socket(ios, cc) , m_rate_limit(8000) , m_quota(8000) , m_last_tick(time_now()) { } bool rate_limited_udp_socket::send(udp::endpoint const& ep, char const* p , int len, error_code& ec, int flags) { ptime now = time_now_hires(); time_duration delta = now - m_last_tick; m_last_tick = now; // add any new quota we've accrued since last time m_quota += boost::uint64_t(m_rate_limit) * total_microseconds(delta) / 1000000; // allow 3 seconds worth of burst if (m_quota > 3 * m_rate_limit) m_quota = 3 * m_rate_limit; // if there's no quota, and it's OK to drop, just // drop the packet if (m_quota < len && (flags & dont_drop) == 0) return false; m_quota -= len; if (m_quota < 0) m_quota = 0; udp_socket::send(ep, p, len, ec, flags); return true; }