#!/bin/bash TWISTER_CORE_PATH='/home/vagrant/twister-core' TWISTER_HOME='/home/vagrant/.twister' AS_VAGRANT='sudo -u vagrant' if [ -n "$1" ]; then timezone=$1 else timezone="UTC" fi bootstrap=$2 compile=$3 run=$4 function failed { echo echo 'Something failed !!!!!' echo exit 1 } function checkfail { if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then failed fi sleep 3 } echo echo 'Running bootstrap for twister-core' echo " bootstrap=$bootstrap compile=$compile run=$run " echo echo ".. setting timezone" service ntp stop ntpdate ntp1.sp.se service ntp start echo "$timezone" | sudo tee /etc/timezone && dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata #$AS_VAGRANT ln -s /vagrant $TWISTER_CORE_PATH echo '.. fixing permissions' cd $TWISTER_CORE_PATH find /vagrant/scripts -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find /vagrant/scripts -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; chmod 755 /vagrant/scripts/bin/* echo '.. checking apt cache' timestamp_file="$(mktemp)" touch -d "$(date -R -d '1 day ago')" $timestamp_file file=/var/cache/apt if [ $file -ot $timestamp_file ]; then apt-get update fi echo '.. configuration & web gui' if [ ! -d "$TWISTER_HOME" ]; then $AS_VAGRANT mkdir $TWISTER_HOME cd $TWISTER_HOME $AS_VAGRANT touch twister.conf echo -e "rpcuser=user\nrpcpassword=pwd\nrpcallowip=*" > twister.conf chmod 600 twister.conf fi if [ ! -d "$TWISTER_HOME/html" ]; then cd "$TWISTER_HOME" git clone https://github.com/miguelfreitas/twister-html.git html checkfail fi if [ $bootstrap -eq 1 ]; then echo '.. bootstrapping' echo '.. installing tools and libraries' apt-get install -y git build-essential autoconf libtool libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev openssl checkfail cd $TWISTER_CORE_PATH $AS_VAGRANT ./bootstrap.sh checkfail fi if [ $compile -eq 1 ]; then echo '.. compiling' $AS_VAGRANT make checkfail fi if [ $run -eq 1 ]; then echo '.. launching twisterd' cd $TWISTER_CORE_PATH $AS_VAGRANT -H ./twisterd -debug -daemon fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo echo '==================================================================' echo " Done. Open and use the user/pwd credentials Create your account ! If you want to do some development or other stuff then... $ vargrant ssh $ source twister-core/contrib/buildenv/scripts/activate This will give you some nice to have commands like * twister start|stop - to start and stop the server * twisted - alias to ~/twisted-core/twisted Good luck! " else failed fi