# This Jamfile requires boost-build v2 to build. # The version shipped with boost 1.34.0 import modules ; import path ; import os ; import errors ; import feature : feature ; import package ; import virtual-target ; BOOST_ROOT = [ modules.peek : BOOST_ROOT ] ; CXXFLAGS = [ modules.peek : CXXFLAGS ] ; LDFLAGS = [ modules.peek : LDFLAGS ] ; ECHO "BOOST_ROOT =" $(BOOST_ROOT) ; ECHO "CXXFLAGS =" $(CXXFLAGS) ; ECHO "LDFLAGS =" $(LDFLAGS) ; ECHO "OS =" [ os.name ] ; if $(BOOST_ROOT) { use-project /boost : $(BOOST_ROOT) ; } VERSION = 1.0.0 ; # rule for linking the correct libraries depending # on features and target-os rule linking ( properties * ) { local result ; # openssl libraries, if enabled if <encryption>openssl in $(properties) { # exclude gcc from a regular windows build to make mingw # link against the regular unix library name if <target-os>windows in $(properties) { result += <library>gdi32 ; } if <target-os>windows in $(properties) { result += <library>ssleay32 <library>libeay32 <library>advapi32 <library>user32 <library>shell32 ; } else { result += <library>crypto <library>ssl <library>z ; } if <target-os>linux in $(properties) { # linker library on linux, required when using openssl result += <library>dl ; } } # dbghelp doesn't appear to exist in mingw if <target-os>windows in $(properties) && ! <toolset>gcc in $(properties) && ( <variant>debug in $(properties) || <asserts>on in $(properties) || <asserts>production in $(properties) || <asio-debugging>on in $(properties) ) { result += <library>dbghelp ; } # gcrypt libraries, if enabled if <encryption>gcrypt in $(properties) { # on mac os x, adding the /opt/local/include path # would include openssl headers incompatible with # the system library. Only add this include path # if we're not using openssl (which we're most # likely not if we're using libgcrypt) result += <library>gcrypt <include>/opt/local/include ; } if <geoip>shared in $(properties) { result += <library>GeoIP ; } # socket functions on windows require winsock libraries if <target-os>windows in $(properties) || <target-os>cygwin in $(properties) { result += <library>ws2_32 <library>wsock32 <library>iphlpapi <define>WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN <define>__USE_W32_SOCKETS <define>WIN32 <define>_WIN32 ; } if <target-os>beos in $(properties) { result += <library>netkit <library>gcc ; } if <target-os>solaris in $(properties) { result += <library>libsocket <library>libnsl ; } if <test-coverage>on in $(properties) && ( <toolset>gcc in $(properties) || <toolset>darwin in $(properties) ) { result += <cxxflags>-fprofile-arcs <cxxflags>-ftest-coverage <linkflags>-lgcov <define>NDEBUG ; } # clock_gettime on linux requires librt if <need-librt>yes in $(properties) { result += <library>librt ; } if <iconv>on in $(properties) { result += <library>libiconv ; } if <tcmalloc>yes in $(properties) { result += <library>tcmalloc ; } if <toolset>gcc in $(properties) && <target-os>linux in $(properties) && ( <variant>debug in $(properties) || <asserts>on in $(properties) || <asserts>production in $(properties) || <asio-debugging>on in $(properties) ) { # for backtraces in assertion failures # which only works on ELF targets with gcc result += <linkflags>-export-dynamic <cxxflags>-rdynamic ; } if <boost>source in $(properties) { if <boost-link>static in $(properties) { if <link>shared in $(properties) { # if libtorrent is being built as a shared library # but we're linking against boost statically, we still # need to make boost think it's being built as a shared # library, so that it properly exports its symbols result += <define>BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK ; result += <library>/boost/system//boost_system/<link>static/<define>BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK ; } else { result += <library>/boost/system//boost_system/<link>static ; } if <toolset>gcc in $(properties) && <link>shared in $(properties) { result += <fpic>on ; } } else { result += <library>/boost/system//boost_system/<link>shared ; # when building a shared library with openssl, for some reason we really need # boost date time (at least on windows). Hopefully a future version of asio # will allow disabling this dependency if <encryption>openssl in $(properties) { result += <library>/boost/date_time//boost_date_time/<link>shared ; } } result += <include>$(BOOST_ROOT) <define>BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB ; } else { result += <library>boost_system ; if <boost-link>shared in $(properties) && <encryption>openssl in $(properties) { result += <library>boost_date_time ; } # on mac the boost headers are installed in # a directory that isn't automatically accessable # on open indiana, boost is install at /usr/g++/include result += <include>/opt/local/include/boost-1_35 <include>/opt/local/include <include>/usr/g++/include ; } return $(result) ; } # rule for adding the right source files # depending on target-os and features rule building ( properties * ) { local result ; if <link>shared in $(properties) && <export-extra>on in $(properties) { # export some internal libtorrent functions # in order to me able to unit test them. # this is off by default to keep the export # symbol table reasonably small result += <define>TORRENT_EXPORT_EXTRA ; } if ( <variant>debug in $(properties) || <asserts>on in $(properties) ) { result += <source>src/assert.cpp ; } if <encryption>openssl in $(properties) { result += <source>src/asio_ssl.cpp ; } if <encryption>tommath in $(properties) { result += <source>src/mpi.c ; } if <geoip>static in $(properties) { result += <source>src/GeoIP.c ; } if <encryption>off in $(properties) || <encryption>tommath in $(properties) { result += <source>src/sha1.cpp ; } if ! ( <encryption>off in $(properties) ) { result += <source>src/pe_crypto.cpp ; } if ( <toolset>darwin in $(properties) || <toolset>gcc in $(properties) || <toolset>clang in $(propertoes) || <toolset>clang-darwin in $(propertoes) ) && <link>shared in $(properties) # on GCC, enabling debugging in libstdc++ # breaks the ABI and its ability to appear # in shared object interfaces, so when it's # enabled, just export everything (since we're) # probably not a production build anyway && ! <debug-iterators>on in $(properties) { # hide non-external symbols # use ms-compat because boost.asio (as of 1.47.0 # appears to have some types not fully exported) result += <cflags>-fvisibility=hidden ; result += <cxxflags>-fvisibility-inlines-hidden ; result += <linkflags>-Wl,-Bsymbolic ; } return $(result) ; } rule tag ( name : type ? : property-set ) { name = [ virtual-target.add-prefix-and-suffix $(name) : $(type) : $(property-set) ] ; if $(type) = SHARED_LIB && ( ! ( [ $(property-set).get <target-os> ] in windows cygwin ) ) { name = $(name).$(VERSION) ; } return $(name) ; } feature tcmalloc : no yes : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature timer : auto boost absolute performance clock system_time : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <timer>boost : <define>TORRENT_USE_BOOST_DATE_TIME=1 ; feature.compose <timer>absolute : <define>TORRENT_USE_ABSOLUTE_TIME=1 ; feature.compose <timer>performance : <define>TORRENT_USE_PERFORMANCE_TIMER=1 ; feature.compose <timer>clock : <define>TORRENT_USE_CLOCK_GETTIME=1 ; feature.compose <timer>system_time : <define>TORRENT_USE_SYSTEM_TIME=1 ; feature ipv6 : on off : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <ipv6>off : <define>TORRENT_USE_IPV6=0 ; feature need-librt : no yes : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature fiemap : off on : composite propagated ; feature.compose <fiemap>on : <define>HAVE_LINUX_FIEMAP_H ; feature i2p : on off : composite propagated ; feature.compose <i2p>on : <define>TORRENT_USE_I2P=1 ; feature.compose <i2p>off : <define>TORRENT_USE_I2P=0 ; feature iconv : auto on off : composite propagated ; feature.compose <iconv>on : <define>TORRENT_USE_ICONV=1 ; feature.compose <iconv>off : <define>TORRENT_USE_ICONV=0 ; feature full-stats : on off : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <full-stats>off : <define>TORRENT_DISABLE_FULL_STATS ; feature asserts : auto on off production system : composite propagated ; feature.compose <asserts>on : <define>TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS=1 ; feature.compose <asserts>production : <define>TORRENT_PRODUCTION_ASSERTS=1 <define>TORRENT_RELEASE_ASSERTS=1 ; feature.compose <asserts>off : <define>TORRENT_NO_ASSERTS=1 ; feature.compose <asserts>system : <define>TORRENT_USE_SYSTEM_ASSERTS=1 ; feature windows-version : 2k xp vista win7 : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <windows-version>2k : <define>_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 ; feature.compose <windows-version>xp : <define>_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 ; feature.compose <windows-version>vista : <define>_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 ; feature.compose <windows-version>win7 : <define>_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 ; feature extensions : on off : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <extensions>off : <define>TORRENT_DISABLE_EXTENSION ; feature asio-debugging : off on : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <asio-debugging>on : <define>TORRENT_ASIO_DEBUGGING ; feature pool-allocators : on off : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <pool-allocators>off : <define>TORRENT_DISABLE_POOL_ALLOCATOR ; feature piece-allocator : valloc memalign posix_memalign : composite propagated ; feature.compose <piece-allocator>memalign : <define>TORRENT_USE_MEMALIGN=1 ; feature.compose <piece-allocator>posix_memalign : <define>TORRENT_USE_POSIX_MEMALIGN=1 ; feature geoip : off static shared : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <geoip>off : <define>TORRENT_DISABLE_GEO_IP ; feature bandwidth-limit-logging : off on : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <bandwidth-limit-logging>on : <define>TORRENT_VERBOSE_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT ; feature invariant-checks : on off full : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <invariant-checks>off : <define>TORRENT_DISABLE_INVARIANT_CHECKS ; feature.compose <invariant-checks>full : <define>TORRENT_EXPENSIVE_INVARIANT_CHECKS ; feature request-log : off on : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <request-log>on : <define>TORRENT_REQUEST_LOGGING ; feature disk-stats : off on : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <disk-stats>on : <define>TORRENT_DISK_STATS ; feature simulate-slow-read : off on : composite propagated ; feature.compose <simulate-slow-read>on : <define>TORRENT_SIMULATE_SLOW_READ ; feature logging : none default errors verbose : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <logging>default : <define>TORRENT_LOGGING ; feature.compose <logging>errors : <define>TORRENT_ERROR_LOGGING ; feature.compose <logging>verbose : <define>TORRENT_VERBOSE_LOGGING ; feature dht : on off logging : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <dht>off : <define>TORRENT_DISABLE_DHT ; feature.compose <dht>logging : <define>TORRENT_DHT_VERBOSE_LOGGING ; feature encryption : tommath off openssl gcrypt : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <encryption>openssl : <define>TORRENT_USE_OPENSSL ; feature.compose <encryption>gcrypt : <define>TORRENT_USE_GCRYPT ; feature.compose <encryption>tommath : <define>TORRENT_USE_TOMMATH ; feature.compose <encryption>off : <define>TORRENT_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION ; feature resolve-countries : on off : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <resolve-countries>off : <define>TORRENT_DISABLE_RESOLVE_COUNTRIES ; feature character-set : unicode ansi : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <character-set>unicode : <define>_UNICODE <define>UNICODE ; feature deprecated-functions : on off : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <deprecated-functions>off : <define>TORRENT_NO_DEPRECATE ; feature statistics : off on : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <statistics>on : <define>TORRENT_STATS ; feature upnp-logging : off on : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <upnp-logging>on : <define>TORRENT_UPNP_LOGGING ; feature boost : system source : link-incompatible propagated ; feature boost-link : static shared : composite ; feature debug-iterators : off on : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <debug-iterators>on : <define>_SCL_SECURE=1 <define>_GLIBCXX_DEBUG ; feature test-coverage : off on : composite propagated ; feature fpic : off on : composite propagated link-incompatible ; feature.compose <fpic>on : <cflags>-fPIC ; feature.compose <fpic>off : <toolset>darwin:<cflags>-mdynamic-no-pic ; # controls whether or not to export some internal # libtorrent functions. Used for unit testing feature export-extra : off on : composite propagated ; # required for openssl on windows lib ssleay32 : : <name>ssleay32 ; lib libeay32 : : <name>libeay32 ; lib advapi32 : : <name>Advapi32 ; lib user32 : : <name>User32 ; lib shell32 : : <name>shell32 ; lib gdi32 : : <name>gdi32 ; lib dbghelp : : <name>dbghelp ; # required for networking on beos lib netkit : : <name>net <search>/boot/system/lib <link>shared ; lib gcc : : <name>gcc <link>static ; # when using iconv lib libiconv : : <name>iconv <link>shared <search>/usr/local/lib ; local boost-library-search-path = <search>/opt/local/lib <search>/usr/lib <search>/usr/local/lib <search>/sw/lib <search>/usr/g++/lib ; lib boost_system : : <target-os>darwin <name>boost_system-mt $(boost-library-search-path) ; lib boost_system : : <target-os>solaris <name>boost_system $(boost-library-search-path) ; lib boost_system : : <name>boost_system ; lib boost_date_time : : <target-os>darwin <name>boost_date_time-mt $(boost-library-search-path) ; lib boost_date_time : : <target-os>solaris <name>boost_date_time $(boost-library-search-path) ; lib boost_date_time : : <name>boost_date_time ; # openssl on linux/bsd/macos etc. lib gcrypt : : <name>gcrypt <link>shared <search>/opt/local/lib ; lib z : : <link>shared <name>z <search>/lib ; lib crypto : : <name>crypto <search>/lib <use>z ; lib ssl : : <name>ssl <link>shared <use>crypto <search>/opt/local/lib ; lib dl : : <link>shared <name>dl ; # time functions used on linux require librt lib librt : : <name>rt <link>shared ; lib libsocket : : <use>libnsl <name>socket <link>shared <search>/usr/sfw/lib <link>shared ; lib libnsl : : <name>nsl <link>shared <search>/usr/sfw/lib <link>shared ; lib tcmalloc : : <name>tcmalloc <link>shared ; # GeoIP shared library lib GeoIP : : <name>GeoIP <link>shared ; # socket libraries on windows lib wsock32 : : <name>wsock32 <link>shared ; lib ws2_32 : : <name>ws2_32 <link>shared ; lib iphlpapi : : <name>iphlpapi <link>shared ; SOURCES = alert alert_manager allocator asio assert bandwidth_limit bandwidth_manager bandwidth_queue_entry bloom_filter chained_buffer connection_queue create_torrent disk_buffer_holder entry error_code file_storage lazy_bdecode escape_string string_util file gzip hasher http_connection http_stream http_parser identify_client ip_filter ip_voter peer_connection bt_peer_connection web_connection_base web_peer_connection http_seed_connection i2p_stream instantiate_connection natpmp packet_buffer piece_picker policy puff random rsa rss session session_impl settings socket_io socket_type socks5_stream stat storage torrent torrent_handle torrent_info time tracker_manager http_tracker_connection udp_tracker_connection sha1 timestamp_history udp_socket upnp utf8 utp_socket_manager utp_stream logger file_pool lsd disk_buffer_pool disk_io_thread enum_net broadcast_socket magnet_uri parse_url ConvertUTF thread # -- extensions -- metadata_transfer ut_pex ut_metadata lt_trackers smart_ban ; KADEMLIA_SOURCES = dht_tracker node refresh rpc_manager find_data node_id routing_table traversal_algorithm logging ; local usage-requirements = <include>./include <include>./include/libtorrent <include>/usr/sfw/include # freebsd doesn't seem to include this automatically # and iconv.h is installed there <include>/usr/local/include <variant>release:<define>NDEBUG <variant>debug:<define>TORRENT_DEBUG <define>_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 <define>BOOST_EXCEPTION_DISABLE # enable cancel support in asio <define>BOOST_ASIO_ENABLE_CANCELIO <conditional>@linking # these compiler settings just makes the compiler standard conforming <toolset>msvc:<cflags>/Zc:wchar_t <toolset>msvc:<cflags>/Zc:forScope # disable bogus deprecation warnings on msvc8 <toolset>msvc:<define>_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE <toolset>msvc:<define>_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE # msvc optimizations <toolset>msvc,<variant>release:<linkflags>/OPT:ICF=5 <toolset>msvc,<variant>release:<linkflags>/OPT:REF # disable warning C4503: decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4503 # disable warning C4275: non-dll interface class 'x' used as base for dll-interface struct 'y' <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4275 # disable warning C4251: 'x' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'y' <toolset>msvc:<cxxflags>/wd4251 # disable some warnings for gcc <toolset>gcc:<cflags>-fno-strict-aliasing <toolset>gcc:<cflags>-Wno-missing-braces # assert on integer overflow <toolset>gcc,<variant>debug:<cflags>-ftrapv <toolset>darwin,<variant>debug:<cflags>-ftrapv <toolset>clang:<cflags>-Wno-invalid-offsetof <toolset>clang-darwin:<cflags>-Wno-invalid-offsetof <boost>system:<cxxflags>$(CXXFLAGS) <boost>system:<linkflags>$(LDFLAGS) # this works around a bug in asio in boost-1.39 <define>BOOST_ASIO_HASH_MAP_BUCKETS=1021 # make sure asio symbols are properly exported # and imported <link>shared:<define>BOOST_ASIO_DYN_LINK <define>BOOST_ASIO_SEPARATE_COMPILATION <tag>@tag ; project torrent ; lib torrent : # sources src/$(SOURCES).cpp : # requirements <threading>multi <link>shared:<define>TORRENT_BUILDING_SHARED # on windows, when linking statically against asio # but producing a DLL, everything inside the DLL needs # to declare the symbol as being exported <link>shared:<define>BOOST_ASIO_SOURCE <link>shared:<define>BOOST_SYSTEM_SOURCE <dht>on:<source>src/kademlia/$(KADEMLIA_SOURCES).cpp <dht>logging:<source>src/kademlia/$(KADEMLIA_SOURCES).cpp <conditional>@building <boost>system:<cxxflags>$(CXXFLAGS) $(usage-requirements) : # default build <link>static <threading>multi : # usage requirements $(usage-requirements) <link>shared:<define>TORRENT_LINKING_SHARED ; headers = [ path.glob-tree include/libtorrent : *.hpp ] ; package.install install : <install-source-root>libtorrent <install-no-version-symlinks>on : : torrent : $(headers) ;