// Copyright (c) 2014 Miguel Freitas // TODO: write description for the soft checkpoint // More info: // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/twister-dev/tH3HlVQ_wmo #include // for 'map_list_of()' #include #include #include "softcheckpoint.h" #include "main.h" #include "checkpoints.h" #include "uint256.h" #include "script.h" #include "init.h" #include "twister.h" //#define dbgprintf OutputDebugStringF #define dbgprintf(...) // no debug printf namespace SoftCheckpoints { bool fEnabled = true; CCriticalSection cs_softCP; typedef std::pair Checkpoint; // height, hash typedef std::map CPSigMap; // user, sign typedef std::pair CPSigPair; // user, sign static Checkpoint lastSoftCP; static CPSigMap lastSoftCPSigs; static std::map nextCandidates; static std::map uncheckedCandidates; static std::set uniqueUsersList = boost::assign::list_of ("mf1")("mf1a")("mf2")("mf2a")("mf3") ("wn41")("omgasm")("rantizdani")("rantisluni"); static std::set upcomingUsersList = boost::assign::list_of ("nobody"); void SetSoftCPBestChain() { // requires cs_main and cs_softCP locked (in this order) if( !fEnabled ) return; if( lastSoftCP.first && mapBlockIndex.count(lastSoftCP.second) && !mapBlockIndex[lastSoftCP.second]->IsInMainChain() ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::SetSoftCPBestChain: lastSoftCP %d not in main chain\n", lastSoftCP.first); // ? use !mapOrphanBlocks.count() ? CBlockIndex *pindex = mapBlockIndex[lastSoftCP.second]; while( pindex && !pindex->IsInMainChain() ) { pindex = pindex->pprev; } if( !pindex ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::SetSoftCPBestChain: lastSoftCP %d currently orphaned? strange.\n", lastSoftCP.first); return; } dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::SetSoftCPBestChain: trying SetBestChain with lastSoftCP %d\n", lastSoftCP.first); CValidationState state; if (!SetBestChain(state, mapBlockIndex[lastSoftCP.second])) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::lastSoftCPUpdated: SetBestChain failed\n"); } } } void LastSoftCPUpdated() { //LOCK(cs_main); // FIXME: not needed if called from ProcessMessage. check. wrong mutex order is bad. SetSoftCPBestChain(); } std::string CPtoString(Checkpoint &cp) { CScript cs = CScript() << cp.first << cp.second; return std::string((const char *)cs.data(), cs.size()); } void NewBlockAccepted() { LOCK(cs_softCP); SetSoftCPBestChain(); if( (nBestHeight % SOFT_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD) == 0 && nBestHeight > Checkpoints::GetHighestCheckpoint() && nBestHeight >= lastSoftCP.first + SOFT_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD && !fImporting && !fReindex) { LOCK(pwalletMain->cs_wallet); BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CKeyID, CKeyMetadata)& item, pwalletMain->mapKeyMetadata) { const std::string &username = item.second.username; if(uniqueUsersList.count(username) || upcomingUsersList.count(username)) { int height = nBestHeight - SOFT_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD; dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::NewBlockAccepted: user '%s' will vote for %d\n", username.c_str(), height); CBlockIndex* pblockindex = FindBlockByHeight(height); assert( pblockindex ); Checkpoint cpPair = std::make_pair(height, *pblockindex->phashBlock); std::string dataToSign = CPtoString(cpPair); std::string sign = createSignature(dataToSign, username); if( sign.size() ) { if( CastVoteSoftCheckpoint(height, *pblockindex->phashBlock, username, sign) ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::NewBlockAccepted: relaying our own vote\n"); CSoftCheckpoint cp; cp.nHeight = height; cp.blockHash = *pblockindex->phashBlock; cp.vchUsername = std::vector(username.begin(), username.end()); cp.vchSign = std::vector(sign.begin(), sign.end()); SoftCheckpoints::RelayCP(cp, NULL); } else { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::NewBlockAccepted: CastVoteSoftCheckpoint failed for our own vote!\n"); } } else { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::NewBlockAccepted: createSignature failed for user '%s'\n", username.c_str()); } break; } } } if( uncheckedCandidates.size() && nBestHeight > Checkpoints::GetHighestCheckpoint() ) { // pending unchecked dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::NewBlockAccepted process %zd pending unchecked (not implemented)\n", uncheckedCandidates.size()); uncheckedCandidates.clear(); } } bool CastVerifiedVote(Checkpoint &cp, const std::string &username, const std::string &sign) { if( cp.first == lastSoftCP.first ) { if( lastSoftCPSigs.count(username) ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVerifiedVote: '%s' already voted for lastSoftCP %d\n", username.c_str(), cp.first); return false; } if( cp != lastSoftCP ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVerifiedVote: '%s' voted for a different hash than lastSoftCP %d\n", username.c_str(), cp.first); return false; } dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVerifiedVote: new vote for lastSoftCP %d by '%s'\n", cp.first, username.c_str()); lastSoftCPSigs[username] = sign; return true; } if( nextCandidates.count(cp) && nextCandidates[cp].count(username) ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVerifiedVote: '%s' already voted for candidate %d\n", username.c_str(), cp.first); return false; } nextCandidates[cp][username] = sign; if( nextCandidates[cp].size() > uniqueUsersList.size() / 2) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVerifiedVote: new soft checkpoint %d wins!\n", cp.first); lastSoftCP = cp; lastSoftCPSigs = nextCandidates[cp]; nextCandidates.clear(); LastSoftCPUpdated(); } return true; } // returns true if vote is to be restransmitted bool CastVoteSoftCheckpoint(int height, const uint256 &hash, const std::string &username, const std::string &sign) { LOCK(cs_softCP); if( (height % SOFT_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD) != 0 ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVoteSoftCheckpoint: height %d not multiple of SOFT_CHECKPOINT_PERIOD\n", height); return false; } int hardCheckPointHeight = Checkpoints::GetHighestCheckpoint(); if( height < hardCheckPointHeight ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVoteSoftCheckpoint: height %d < hard checkpoint %d\n", height, hardCheckPointHeight); return false; } if( height < lastSoftCP.first ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVoteSoftCheckpoint: height %d < soft checkpoint %d\n", height, lastSoftCP.first); return false; } if( !uniqueUsersList.count(username) && !upcomingUsersList.count(username) ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVoteSoftCheckpoint: username '%s' not accepted\n", username.c_str()); return false; } Checkpoint cp = std::make_pair(height, hash); if( nBestHeight < hardCheckPointHeight ) { // still downloading blocks, we can't check signatures yet dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVoteSoftCheckpoint: vote for %d by '%s' added to unchecked\n", height, username.c_str()); uncheckedCandidates[cp][username] = sign; return false; } if( !verifySignature( CPtoString(cp), username, sign) ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVoteSoftCheckpoint: invalid signature by '%s'\n", username.c_str()); return false; } dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CastVoteSoftCheckpoint: signature by '%s' verified for %d, casting vote\n", username.c_str(), height); return CastVerifiedVote( cp, username, sign ); } bool CheckBlock(int nHeight, const uint256& hash) { LOCK(cs_softCP); if (!fEnabled) return true; if (!lastSoftCP.first || nHeight != lastSoftCP.first) return true; dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::CheckBlock: height %d isOk=%d\n", nHeight, hash == lastSoftCP.second); return hash == lastSoftCP.second; } void RelayCP(const CSoftCheckpoint& cp, CNode* pfrom) { LOCK(cs_vNodes); dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::RelayCP: relaying softCP height %d from %s\n", cp.nHeight, !pfrom ? "localhost" : pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str()); BOOST_FOREACH(CNode* pnode, vNodes) { if(pnode == pfrom) continue; if (pnode->nVersion >= SOFT_CHECKPOINT_VERSION) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::RelayCP: pushMessage to %s\n", pnode->addr.ToString().c_str()); pnode->PushMessage("cp", cp); } } if( pfrom && lastSoftCP.first == cp.nHeight ) { if( !mapBlockIndex.count(lastSoftCP.second) ) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::RelayCP: requesting block height %d from node\n", cp.nHeight); PushGetBlocks(pfrom, pindexBest, cp.blockHash); } } } void RelayLastCPToNode(CNode* pnode) { LOCK(cs_softCP); if (!lastSoftCP.first) return; if (pnode->nVersion >= SOFT_CHECKPOINT_VERSION) { dbgprintf("SoftCheckpoints::RelayToLastCP: relaying lastSoftCP height %d (size %zd) to %s\n", lastSoftCP.first, lastSoftCPSigs.size(), pnode->addr.ToString().c_str()); BOOST_FOREACH(const CPSigMap::value_type& i, lastSoftCPSigs) { CSoftCheckpoint cp; cp.nHeight = lastSoftCP.first; cp.blockHash = lastSoftCP.second; cp.vchUsername = std::vector(i.first.begin(), i.first.end()); cp.vchSign = std::vector(i.second.begin(), i.second.end()); pnode->PushMessage("cp", cp); } } } bool GetLastCPVotes(int &height, uint256 &hash, std::set &usernames) { LOCK(cs_softCP); if (!lastSoftCP.first) return false; height = lastSoftCP.first; hash = lastSoftCP.second; usernames.clear(); BOOST_FOREACH(const CPSigMap::value_type& i, lastSoftCPSigs) { usernames.insert(i.first); } return true; } }