#include "twister.h" #include "twister_utils.h" #include "dhtproxy.h" #include "main.h" #include "init.h" #include "bitcoinrpc.h" #include "txdb.h" #include "utf8core.h" #include "libtorrent/peer_info.hpp" using namespace json_spirit; using namespace std; #include #include #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_LOCALE #include #endif #include #include #include twister::twister() { } // ===================== LIBTORRENT & DHT =========================== #include "libtorrent/config.hpp" #include "libtorrent/entry.hpp" #include "libtorrent/bencode.hpp" #include "libtorrent/session.hpp" #include "libtorrent/alert_types.hpp" #define TORRENT_DISABLE_GEO_IP #include "libtorrent/aux_/session_impl.hpp" #define DEBUG_ACCEPT_POST 1 //#define DEBUG_EXPIRE_DHT_ITEM 1 //#define DEBUG_MAINTAIN_DHT_NODES 1 //#define DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_TORRENT 1 using namespace libtorrent; static boost::shared_ptr m_ses; static bool m_shuttingDownSession = false; static bool m_usingProxy; static int num_outstanding_resume_data; static CCriticalSection cs_dhtgetMap; static map > m_dhtgetMap; static CCriticalSection cs_twister; static map m_specialResources; enum ExpireResType { SimpleNoExpire, NumberedNoExpire, PostNoExpireRecent }; static map m_noExpireResources; static map m_userTorrent; static boost::scoped_ptr m_swarmDb; static int m_threadsToJoin; static CCriticalSection cs_spamMsg; static std::string m_preferredSpamLang = "[en]"; static std::string m_receivedSpamMsgStr; static std::string m_receivedSpamUserStr; static int64 m_lastSpamTime = 0; static std::map m_users; static CCriticalSection cs_seenHashtags; static std::map m_seenHashtags; const double hashtagHalfLife = 8*60*60; // Halve votes within 8 hours (sec) const double hashtagExpiration = 7*24*60*60; // Remove a hashtag from the list after ~ hashtagExpiration*count (sec) const int hashtagTimerInterval = 60; // Timer interval (sec) const double hashtagAgingFactor = pow(0.5, hashtagTimerInterval/hashtagHalfLife); const double hashtagCriticalValue = pow(0.5, hashtagExpiration/hashtagHalfLife); const char* msgTokensDelimiter = " \n\t.,:/?!;'\"()[]{}*"; class SimpleThreadCounter { public: SimpleThreadCounter(CCriticalSection *lock, int *counter, const char *name) : m_lock(lock), m_counter(counter), m_name(name) { RenameThread(m_name); LOCK(*m_lock); (*m_counter)++; } ~SimpleThreadCounter() { printf("%s thread exit\n", m_name); LOCK(*m_lock); (*m_counter)--; } private: CCriticalSection *m_lock; int *m_counter; const char *m_name; }; #define USER_DATA_FILE "user_data" #define GLOBAL_DATA_FILE "global_data" void dhtgetMapAdd(sha1_hash &ih, alert_manager *am) { LOCK(cs_dhtgetMap); m_dhtgetMap[ih].push_back(am); } void dhtgetMapRemove(sha1_hash &ih, alert_manager *am) { LOCK(cs_dhtgetMap); std::map >::iterator mi = m_dhtgetMap.find(ih); if( mi != m_dhtgetMap.end() ) { std::list &amList = (*mi).second; amList.remove(am); if( !amList.size() ) { m_dhtgetMap.erase(ih); } } } void dhtgetMapPost(sha1_hash &ih, const alert &a) { LOCK(cs_dhtgetMap); std::map >::iterator mi = m_dhtgetMap.find(ih); if( mi != m_dhtgetMap.end() ) { std::list &amList = (*mi).second; BOOST_FOREACH(alert_manager *am, amList) { am->post_alert(a); } } } torrent_handle startTorrentUser(std::string const &username, bool following) { bool userInTxDb = usernameExists(username); // keep this outside cs_twister to avoid deadlock boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); if( !userInTxDb || !ses ) return torrent_handle(); LOCK(cs_twister); if( !m_userTorrent.count(username) ) { sha1_hash ih = dhtTargetHash(username, "tracker", "m"); printf("adding torrent for [%s,tracker]\n", username.c_str()); add_torrent_params tparams; tparams.info_hash = ih; tparams.name = username; boost::filesystem::path torrentPath = GetDataDir() / "swarm"; tparams.save_path= torrentPath.string(); boost::system::error_code ec; boost::filesystem::create_directory(torrentPath, ec); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create directory '%s': %s\n", torrentPath.string().c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); } std::string filename = combine_path(tparams.save_path, to_hex(ih.to_string()) + ".resume"); load_file(filename.c_str(), tparams.resume_data); m_userTorrent[username] = ses->add_torrent(tparams); if( !following ) { m_userTorrent[username].auto_managed(true); } m_userTorrent[username].force_dht_announce(); } if( following ) { m_userTorrent[username].set_following(true); m_userTorrent[username].auto_managed(false); m_userTorrent[username].resume(); } return m_userTorrent[username]; } torrent_handle getTorrentUser(std::string const &username) { LOCK(cs_twister); if( m_userTorrent.count(username) ) return m_userTorrent[username]; else return torrent_handle(); } int torrentLastHave(std::string const &username) { torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(username); if( !h.is_valid() ) return -1; torrent_status status = h.status(); return status.last_have; } int torrentNumPieces(std::string const &username) { torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(username); if( !h.is_valid() ) return -1; torrent_status status = h.status(); return status.num_pieces; } int saveGlobalData(std::string const& filename) { LOCK(cs_twister); entry globalDict; globalDict["preferredSpamLang"] = m_preferredSpamLang; globalDict["receivedSpamMsg"] = m_receivedSpamMsgStr; globalDict["receivedSpamUser"] = m_receivedSpamUserStr; globalDict["lastSpamTime"] = m_lastSpamTime; globalDict["sendSpamMsg"] = strSpamMessage; globalDict["sendSpamUser"] = strSpamUser; globalDict["generate"] = GetBoolArg("-gen", false); int genproclimit = GetArg("-genproclimit", -1); if( genproclimit > 0 ) globalDict["genproclimit"] = genproclimit; std::vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), globalDict); return save_file(filename, buf); } int loadGlobalData(std::string const& filename) { LOCK(cs_twister); std::vector in; if (load_file(filename, in) == 0) { lazy_entry userDict; libtorrent::error_code ec; if (lazy_bdecode(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), userDict, ec) == 0) { if( userDict.type() != lazy_entry::dict_t ) goto data_error; m_preferredSpamLang = userDict.dict_find_string_value("preferredSpamLang"); m_receivedSpamMsgStr = userDict.dict_find_string_value("receivedSpamMsg"); m_receivedSpamUserStr = userDict.dict_find_string_value("receivedSpamUser"); m_lastSpamTime = userDict.dict_find_int_value("lastSpamTime"); string sendSpamMsg = userDict.dict_find_string_value("sendSpamMsg"); if( sendSpamMsg.size() ) strSpamMessage = sendSpamMsg; string sendSpamUser = userDict.dict_find_string_value("sendSpamUser"); if( sendSpamUser.size() ) strSpamUser = sendSpamUser; bool generate = userDict.dict_find_int_value("generate"); int genproclimit = userDict.dict_find_int_value("genproclimit"); if( generate ) { Array params; params.push_back( generate ); if( genproclimit > 0 ) params.push_back( genproclimit ); setgenerate(params, false); } return 0; } } return -1; data_error: printf("loadGlobalData: unexpected bencode type - global_data corrupt!\n"); return -2; } void ThreadWaitExtIP() { SimpleThreadCounter threadCounter(&cs_twister, &m_threadsToJoin, "wait-extip"); std::string ipStr; // wait up to 10 seconds for bitcoin to get the external IP for( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { const CNetAddr paddrPeer(""); CAddress addr( GetLocalAddress(&paddrPeer) ); if( addr.IsValid() ) { ipStr = addr.ToStringIP(); break; } MilliSleep(500); } libtorrent::error_code ec; // libtorrent::error_code == boost::system::error_code boost::filesystem::path swarmDbPath = GetDataDir() / "swarm" / "db"; boost::filesystem::create_directories(swarmDbPath, ec); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create directory '%s': %s\n", swarmDbPath.string().c_str(), ec.message().c_str()); } m_swarmDb.reset(new CLevelDB(swarmDbPath.string(), 256*1024, false, false)); int listen_port = GetListenPort() + LIBTORRENT_PORT_OFFSET; std::string bind_to_interface = ""; proxyType proxyInfoOut; m_usingProxy = GetProxy(NET_IPV4, proxyInfoOut); printf("Creating new libtorrent session ext_ip=%s port=%d proxy=%s\n", ipStr.c_str(), !m_usingProxy ? listen_port : 0, m_usingProxy ? proxyInfoOut.first.ToStringIPPort().c_str() : ""); m_ses.reset(new session(*m_swarmDb, fingerprint("TW", LIBTORRENT_VERSION_MAJOR, LIBTORRENT_VERSION_MINOR, 0, 0) , session::add_default_plugins , alert::dht_notification , ipStr.size() ? ipStr.c_str() : NULL , !m_usingProxy ? std::make_pair(listen_port, listen_port) : std::make_pair(0, 0) )); boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); if( m_usingProxy ) { proxy_settings proxy; proxy.hostname = proxyInfoOut.first.ToStringIP(); proxy.port = proxyInfoOut.first.GetPort(); proxy.type = HaveNameProxy() ? proxy_settings::socks5 : proxy_settings::socks4; ses->set_proxy(proxy); } // session will be paused until we have an up-to-date blockchain ses->pause(); std::vector in; boost::filesystem::path sesStatePath = GetDataDir() / "ses_state"; if (load_file(sesStatePath.string(), in) == 0) { lazy_entry e; if (lazy_bdecode(&in[0], &in[0] + in.size(), e, ec) == 0) ses->load_state(e); } if( !m_usingProxy ) { if( GetBoolArg("-upnp", true) ) { ses->start_upnp(); ses->start_natpmp(); } ses->listen_on(std::make_pair(listen_port, listen_port) , ec, bind_to_interface.c_str()); if (ec) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to listen%s%s on ports %d-%d: %s\n" , bind_to_interface.empty() ? "" : " on ", bind_to_interface.c_str() , listen_port, listen_port+1, ec.message().c_str()); } dht_settings dhts; // settings to test local connections //dhts.restrict_routing_ips = false; //dhts.restrict_search_ips = false; ses->set_dht_settings(dhts); if( !DhtProxy::fEnabled ) { ses->start_dht(); } else { ses->stop_dht(); } } session_settings settings("twisterd/"+FormatFullVersion()); // settings to test local connections settings.allow_multiple_connections_per_ip = true; //settings.enable_outgoing_utp = false; // (false to see connections in netstat) //settings.dht_announce_interval = 60; // test //settings.min_announce_interval = 60; // test if( !m_usingProxy ) { settings.anonymous_mode = false; // (false => send peer_id, avoid connecting to itself) } else { settings.anonymous_mode = true; settings.force_proxy = true; // DHT won't work } // disable read cache => there is still some bug due to twister piece size changes settings.use_read_cache = false; settings.cache_size = 0; // more connections. less memory per connection. settings.connections_limit = 800; settings.recv_socket_buffer_size = 16*1024; settings.send_socket_buffer_size = 16*1024; settings.max_peerlist_size = 1000; settings.max_paused_peerlist_size = 1000; // reduce timeouts settings.peer_timeout = 60; settings.request_timeout = 20; // more torrents in auto manager settings.active_downloads = 20; settings.active_limit = 25; settings.unchoke_slots_limit = 20; settings.auto_manage_interval = 30; // dht upload rate limit (enforced only for non-locally generated requests) // limits: DHT replies, refreshes of stored items, checking for status/tracker and proxy server. settings.dht_upload_rate_limit = 16000; ses->set_settings(settings); printf("libtorrent + dht started\n"); // wait up to 10 seconds for dht nodes to be set for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { MilliSleep(1000); session_status ss = ses->status(); if( ss.dht_nodes ) break; } boost::filesystem::path globalDataPath = GetDataDir() / GLOBAL_DATA_FILE; loadGlobalData(globalDataPath.string()); std::set torrentsToStart; { LOCK(cs_twister); boost::filesystem::path userDataPath = GetDataDir() / USER_DATA_FILE; loadUserData(userDataPath.string(), m_users); printf("loaded user_data for %zd users\n", m_users.size()); // add all user torrents to a std::set (all m_following) std::map::const_iterator i; for (i = m_users.begin(); i != m_users.end(); ++i) { UserData const &data = i->second; BOOST_FOREACH(string username, data.m_following) { torrentsToStart.insert(username); } } } // now restart the user torrents BOOST_FOREACH(string username, torrentsToStart) { startTorrentUser(username, true); } } bool isBlockChainUptodate() { if( !pindexBest ) return false; return (pindexBest->GetBlockTime() > GetTime() - 2 * 60 * 60); } bool yes(libtorrent::torrent_status const&) { return true; } void saveTorrentResumeData() { boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); if( ses ){ printf("saving resume data\n"); std::vector temp; ses->get_torrent_status(&temp, &yes, 0); for (std::vector::iterator i = temp.begin(); i != temp.end(); ++i) { torrent_status& st = *i; if (!st.handle.is_valid()) { printf(" skipping, invalid handle\n"); continue; } if (!st.has_metadata) { printf(" skipping %s, no metadata\n", st.name.c_str()); continue; } if (!st.need_save_resume) { printf(" skipping %s, resume file up-to-date\n", st.name.c_str()); continue; } // save_resume_data will generate an alert when it's done st.handle.save_resume_data(); ++num_outstanding_resume_data; } } } void lockAndSaveUserData() { LOCK(cs_twister); if( m_users.size() ) { printf("saving user_data (followers and DMs)...\n"); boost::filesystem::path userDataPath = GetDataDir() / USER_DATA_FILE; saveUserData(userDataPath.string(), m_users); } } int getDhtNodes(boost::int64_t *dht_global_nodes) { int dhtNodes = 0; if( dht_global_nodes ) *dht_global_nodes = 0; if( !DhtProxy::fEnabled ) { boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); if( ses ) { session_status ss = ses->status(); if( dht_global_nodes ) *dht_global_nodes = ss.dht_global_nodes; dhtNodes = ss.dht_nodes; } } else { LOCK(cs_vNodes); DhtProxy::getRandomDhtProxies(&dhtNodes); } return dhtNodes; } void torrentManualTrackerUpdate(const std::string &username) { printf("torrentManualTrackerUpdate: updating torrent '%s'\n", username.c_str()); Array params; params.push_back(username); params.push_back("tracker"); params.push_back("m"); Array res = dhtget(params, false).get_array(); if( !res.size() ) { printf("torrentManualTrackerUpdate: no tracker response for torrent '%s'\n", username.c_str()); } else { torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(username); for( size_t i = 0; i < res.size(); i++ ) { if( res.at(i).type() != obj_type ) continue; Object resDict = res.at(i).get_obj(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Pair& item, resDict) { if( item.name_ == "p" && item.value_.type() == obj_type ) { Object pDict = item.value_.get_obj(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Pair& pitem, pDict) { if( pitem.name_ == "v" && pitem.value_.type() == obj_type ) { Object vDict = pitem.value_.get_obj(); BOOST_FOREACH(const Pair& vitem, vDict) { if( vitem.name_ == "values" && vitem.value_.type() == array_type ) { Array values = vitem.value_.get_array(); printf("torrentManualTrackerUpdate: tracker for '%s' returned %zd values\n", username.c_str(), values.size()); for( size_t j = 0; j < values.size(); j++ ) { if( values.at(j).type() != str_type ) continue; size_t inSize = values.at(j).get_str().size(); char const* in = values.at(j).get_str().data(); tcp::endpoint ep; if( inSize == 6 ) { ep = libtorrent::detail::read_v4_endpoint(in); } #if TORRENT_USE_IPV6 else if ( inSize == 18 ) { ep = libtorrent::detail::read_v6_endpoint(in); } #endif else { continue; } h.connect_peer(ep); } } } } } } } } } } void ThreadMaintainDHTNodes() { SimpleThreadCounter threadCounter(&cs_twister, &m_threadsToJoin, "maintain-dht-nodes"); while(!m_ses && !m_shuttingDownSession) { MilliSleep(200); } int64 lastSaveResumeTime = GetTime(); int64 lastManualTrackerUpdate = GetTime(); int lastTotalNodesCandidates = 0; while(m_ses && !m_shuttingDownSession) { boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); session_status ss = ses->status(); int dht_nodes = ss.dht_nodes; bool nodesAdded = false; int vNodesSize = 0; { LOCK(cs_vNodes); vNodesSize = vNodes.size(); } if( !ses->is_paused() && !DhtProxy::fEnabled ) { vector vAddr = addrman.GetAddr(); int totalNodesCandidates = (int)(vNodesSize + vAddr.size()); if( ((!dht_nodes && totalNodesCandidates) || (dht_nodes < 5 && totalNodesCandidates > 10)) && !m_usingProxy && totalNodesCandidates != lastTotalNodesCandidates) { lastTotalNodesCandidates = totalNodesCandidates; printf("ThreadMaintainDHTNodes: too few dht_nodes, trying to add some...\n"); BOOST_FOREACH(const CAddress &a, vAddr) { std::string addr = a.ToStringIP(); int port = a.GetPort() + LIBTORRENT_PORT_OFFSET; #ifdef DEBUG_MAINTAIN_DHT_NODES printf("Adding dht node (addrman) %s:%d\n", addr.c_str(), port); #endif ses->add_dht_node(std::pair(addr, port)); nodesAdded = true; } LOCK(cs_vNodes); BOOST_FOREACH(CNode* pnode, vNodes) { // if !fInbound we created this connection so ip is reachable. // we can't use port number of inbound connection, so try standard port. // only use inbound as last resort (if dht_nodes empty) if( !pnode->fInbound || !dht_nodes ) { std::string addr = pnode->addr.ToStringIP(); int port = (!pnode->fInbound) ? pnode->addr.GetPort() : Params().GetDefaultPort(); port += LIBTORRENT_PORT_OFFSET; #ifdef DEBUG_MAINTAIN_DHT_NODES printf("Adding dht node (%sbound) %s:%d\n", (!pnode->fInbound) ? "out" : "in", addr.c_str(), port); #endif ses->add_dht_node(std::pair(addr, port)); nodesAdded = true; } } } } if( ses->is_paused() ) { if( vNodesSize && isBlockChainUptodate() ) { printf("BlockChain is now up-to-date: unpausing libtorrent session\n"); ses->resume(); } } else { if( !vNodesSize || !isBlockChainUptodate() ) { printf("Outdated BlockChain detected: pausing libtorrent session\n"); ses->pause(); } } if( nodesAdded ) { MilliSleep(2000); ss = ses->status(); if( ss.dht_nodes > dht_nodes ) { // new nodes were added to dht: force updating peers from dht so torrents may start faster LOCK(cs_twister); BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(std::string, torrent_handle)& item, m_userTorrent) { item.second.force_dht_announce(); } } } if( !vNodesSize && dht_nodes ) { printf("ThreadMaintainDHTNodes: registration network is down, trying to add nodes from DHT...\n"); for( size_t i = 0; i < ss.dht_routing_table.size(); i++ ) { dht_routing_bucket &bucket = ss.dht_routing_table[i]; if( bucket.num_nodes ) { #ifdef DEBUG_MAINTAIN_DHT_NODES printf("DHT bucket [%zd] random node = %s:%d\n", i, bucket.random_node.address().to_string().c_str(), bucket.random_node.port); #endif char nodeStr[64]; sprintf(nodeStr,"%s:%d", bucket.random_node.address().to_string().c_str(), bucket.random_node.port - LIBTORRENT_PORT_OFFSET); CAddress addr; ConnectNode(addr, nodeStr); } } } // if dhtproxy is enabled we may need to manually obtain peer lists from trackers if( DhtProxy::fEnabled && !ses->is_paused() && GetTime() > lastManualTrackerUpdate + 60 ) { list activeTorrents; { LOCK(cs_twister); BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(std::string, torrent_handle)& item, m_userTorrent) { activeTorrents.push_back(item.first); } } BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string &username, activeTorrents) { if( m_shuttingDownSession ) break; torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(username); if( h.is_valid() ) { torrent_status status = h.status(); if( status.state == torrent_status::downloading && status.connect_candidates < 5 ) { torrentManualTrackerUpdate(username); } } } lastManualTrackerUpdate = GetTime(); } // periodically save resume data. if daemon crashes we don't lose everything. if( GetTime() > lastSaveResumeTime + 15 * 60 ) { lastSaveResumeTime = GetTime(); saveTorrentResumeData(); lockAndSaveUserData(); } ses.reset(); MilliSleep(5000); } } void ThreadSessionAlerts() { static map neighborCheck; static map statusCheck; SimpleThreadCounter threadCounter(&cs_twister, &m_threadsToJoin, "session-alerts"); while(!m_ses && !m_shuttingDownSession) { MilliSleep(200); } while (m_ses && !m_shuttingDownSession) { boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); alert const* a = ses->wait_for_alert(seconds(1)); if (a == 0) continue; std::deque alerts; ses->pop_alerts(&alerts); std::string now = time_now_string(); for (std::deque::iterator i = alerts.begin() , end(alerts.end()); i != end; ++i) { // make sure to delete each alert std::auto_ptr a(*i); dht_reply_data_alert const* rd = alert_cast(*i); if (rd) { if( rd->m_lst.size() ) { // use first one to recover target entry const *p = rd->m_lst.begin()->find_key("p"); if( p && p->type() == entry::dictionary_t ) { entry const *target = p->find_key("target"); if( target && target->type() == entry::dictionary_t ) { entry const *n = target->find_key("n"); entry const *r = target->find_key("r"); entry const *t = target->find_key("t"); if( n && n->type() == entry::string_t && r && r->type() == entry::string_t && t && t->type() == entry::string_t) { sha1_hash ih = dhtTargetHash(n->string(), r->string(), t->string()); dhtgetMapPost(ih,*rd); DhtProxy::dhtgetPeerReqReply(ih,rd); } } } } continue; } dht_get_data_alert const* gd = alert_cast(*i); if (gd) { if( gd->m_possiblyNeighbor ) { entry const *n = gd->m_target.find_key("n"); entry const *r = gd->m_target.find_key("r"); entry const *t = gd->m_target.find_key("t"); if( n && n->type() == entry::string_t && r && r->type() == entry::string_t && t && t->type() == entry::string_t) { // if this is a special resource then start another dhtget to make // sure we are really its neighbor. don't do it needless. if( m_specialResources.count(r->string()) ) { // check if user exists CTransaction txOut; uint256 hashBlock; if( !GetTransaction(n->string(), txOut, hashBlock) ) { printf("Special Resource but username is unknown - ignoring\n"); } else { // now we do our own search to make sure we are really close to this target sha1_hash ih = dhtTargetHash(n->string(), r->string(), t->string()); bool knownTorrent = false; { LOCK(cs_twister); knownTorrent = m_userTorrent.count(n->string()); } if( !knownTorrent ) { if( !neighborCheck.count(ih) ) { #if DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_TORRENT printf("possiblyNeighbor of [%s,%s,%s] - starting a new dhtget to be sure\n", n->string().c_str(), r->string().c_str(), t->string().c_str()); #endif neighborCheck[ih] = false; dhtGetData(n->string(), r->string(), t->string() == "m", false); } else if( neighborCheck[ih] ) { sha1_hash ihStatus = dhtTargetHash(n->string(), "status", "s"); if( !statusCheck.count(ihStatus) || statusCheck[ihStatus] + 3600 < GetTime() ) { #if DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_TORRENT printf("known neighbor. starting a new dhtget check of [%s,%s,%s]\n", n->string().c_str(), "status", "s"); #endif statusCheck[ihStatus] = GetTime(); dhtGetData(n->string(), "status", false, false); } } } } } } } continue; } dht_reply_data_done_alert const* dd = alert_cast(*i); if (dd) { #if DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_TORRENT printf("get_data_done [%s,%s,%s] is_neighbor=%d got_data=%d\n", dd->m_username.c_str(), dd->m_resource.c_str(), dd->m_multi ? "m" : "s", dd->m_is_neighbor, dd->m_got_data); #endif sha1_hash ih = dhtTargetHash(dd->m_username, dd->m_resource, dd->m_multi ? "m" : "s"); if( !dd->m_got_data ) { // no data: post alert to return from wait_for_alert in dhtget() dhtgetMapPost(ih,*dd); DhtProxy::dhtgetPeerReqReply(ih,dd); } if( neighborCheck.count(ih) ) { neighborCheck[ih] = dd->m_is_neighbor; if( dd->m_is_neighbor && dd->m_resource == "tracker" ) { #if DEBUG_NEIGHBOR_TORRENT printf("is neighbor. starting a new dhtget check of [%s,%s,%s]\n", dd->m_username.c_str(), "status", "s"); #endif sha1_hash ihStatus = dhtTargetHash(dd->m_username, "status", "s"); statusCheck[ihStatus] = GetTime(); dhtGetData(dd->m_username, "status", false, false); } } if( statusCheck.count(ih) ) { if( dd->m_got_data ) { startTorrentUser(dd->m_username, false); } } continue; } save_resume_data_alert const* rda = alert_cast(*i); if (rda) { num_outstanding_resume_data--; if (!rda->resume_data) continue; torrent_handle h = rda->handle; torrent_status st = h.status(torrent_handle::query_save_path); std::vector out; bencode(std::back_inserter(out), *rda->resume_data); save_file(combine_path(st.save_path, to_hex(st.info_hash.to_string()) + ".resume"), out); } if (alert_cast(*i)) { --num_outstanding_resume_data; } } } } void ThreadHashtagsAging() { SimpleThreadCounter threadCounter(&cs_twister, &m_threadsToJoin, "hashtags-aging"); while(!m_ses && !m_shuttingDownSession) { MilliSleep(200); } while (m_ses && !m_shuttingDownSession) { { LOCK(cs_seenHashtags); for( std::map::iterator iter = m_seenHashtags.begin(); iter != m_seenHashtags.end(); ) { iter->second *= hashtagAgingFactor; if( iter->second < hashtagCriticalValue ) { m_seenHashtags.erase(iter++); } else { ++iter; } } } for(int i=0; ipause(); saveTorrentResumeData(); printf("\nwaiting for resume data [%d]\n", num_outstanding_resume_data); while (num_outstanding_resume_data > 0) { MilliSleep(100); } m_shuttingDownSession = true; int threadsToJoin = 0; do { MilliSleep(100); LOCK(cs_twister); if( threadsToJoin != m_threadsToJoin ) { threadsToJoin = m_threadsToJoin; printf("twister threads to join = %d\n", threadsToJoin); } } while( threadsToJoin ); printf("\nsaving session state\n"); entry session_state; m_ses->save_state(session_state, session::save_settings | session::save_dht_settings | session::save_dht_state | session::save_encryption_settings | session::save_as_map | session::save_feeds); std::vector out; bencode(std::back_inserter(out), session_state); boost::filesystem::path sesStatePath = GetDataDir() / "ses_state"; save_file(sesStatePath.string(), out); m_ses->stop_dht(); m_ses.reset(); } boost::filesystem::path globalDataPath = GetDataDir() / GLOBAL_DATA_FILE; saveGlobalData(globalDataPath.string()); lockAndSaveUserData(); printf("libtorrent + dht stopped\n"); } std::string createSignature(std::string const &strMessage, CKeyID &keyID) { if (pwalletMain->IsLocked()) { printf("createSignature: Error please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.\n"); return std::string(); } CKey key; if (!pwalletMain->GetKey(keyID, key)) { printf("createSignature: private key not available for given keyid.\n"); return std::string(); } CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, 0); ss << strMessageMagic; ss << strMessage; vector vchSig; if (!key.SignCompact(ss.GetHash(), vchSig)) { printf("createSignature: sign failed.\n"); return std::string(); } return std::string((const char *)&vchSig[0], vchSig.size()); } std::string createSignature(std::string const &strMessage, std::string const &strUsername) { if (pwalletMain->IsLocked()) { printf("createSignature: Error please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.\n"); return std::string(); } CKeyID keyID; if( !pwalletMain->GetKeyIdFromUsername(strUsername, keyID) ) { printf("createSignature: user '%s' unknown.\n", strUsername.c_str()); return std::string(); } return createSignature( strMessage, keyID ); } bool getUserPubKey(std::string const &strUsername, CPubKey &pubkey, int maxHeight) { CTransaction txOut; uint256 hashBlock; if( !GetTransaction(strUsername, txOut, hashBlock, maxHeight) ) { //printf("getUserPubKey: user unknown '%s'\n", strUsername.c_str()); return false; } std::vector< std::vector > vData; if( !txOut.pubKey.ExtractPushData(vData) || vData.size() < 1 ) { printf("getUserPubKey: broken pubkey for user '%s'\n", strUsername.c_str()); return false; } pubkey = CPubKey(vData[0]); if( !pubkey.IsValid() ) { printf("getUserPubKey: invalid pubkey for user '%s'\n", strUsername.c_str()); return false; } return true; } bool verifySignature(std::string const &strMessage, std::string const &strUsername, std::string const &strSign, int maxHeight) { CPubKey pubkey; if( !getUserPubKey(strUsername, pubkey, maxHeight) ) { printf("verifySignature: no pubkey for user '%s'\n", strUsername.c_str()); return false; } vector vchSig((const unsigned char*)strSign.data(), (const unsigned char*)strSign.data() + strSign.size()); CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, 0); ss << strMessageMagic; ss << strMessage; CPubKey pubkeyRec; if (!pubkeyRec.RecoverCompact(ss.GetHash(), vchSig)) return false; return (pubkeyRec.GetID() == pubkey.GetID()); } // try decrypting new DM received by any torrent we follow bool processReceivedDM(lazy_entry const* post) { bool result = false; lazy_entry const* dm = post->dict_find_dict("dm"); if( dm ) { ecies_secure_t sec; sec.key = dm->dict_find_string_value("key"); sec.mac = dm->dict_find_string_value("mac"); sec.orig = dm->dict_find_int_value("orig"); sec.body = dm->dict_find_string_value("body"); LOCK(pwalletMain->cs_wallet); BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CKeyID, CKeyMetadata)& item, pwalletMain->mapKeyMetadata) { CKey key; if (!pwalletMain->GetKey(item.first, key)) { printf("acceptSignedPost: private key not available trying to decrypt DM.\n"); } else { std::string textOut; if( key.Decrypt(sec, textOut) ) { result = true; /* this printf is good for debug, but bad for security. printf("Received DM for user '%s' text = '%s'\n", item.second.username.c_str(), textOut.c_str()); */ std::string from = post->dict_find_string_value("n"); std::string to = item.second.username; // default (old format) std::string msg = textOut; // default (old format) bool fromMe = (from == to); // try bdecoding the new format (copy to self etc) { lazy_entry v; int pos; libtorrent::error_code ec; if (lazy_bdecode(textOut.data(), textOut.data()+textOut.size(), v, ec, &pos) == 0 && v.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t) { lazy_entry const* pMsg = v.dict_find_string("msg"); lazy_entry const* pTo = v.dict_find_string("to"); if (pMsg && pTo) { msg = pMsg->string_value(); to = pTo->string_value(); // new features here: key distribution etc } } } if( !msg.length() || !to.length() ) break; StoredDirectMsg stoDM; stoDM.m_fromMe = fromMe; stoDM.m_text = msg; stoDM.m_utcTime = post->dict_find_int_value("time"); LOCK(cs_twister); // store this dm in memory list, but prevent duplicates std::vector &dmsFromToUser = m_users[item.second.username]. m_directmsg[fromMe ? to : from]; std::vector::iterator it; for( it = dmsFromToUser.begin(); it != dmsFromToUser.end(); ++it ) { if( stoDM.m_utcTime == (*it).m_utcTime && stoDM.m_text == (*it).m_text ) { break; } if( stoDM.m_utcTime < (*it).m_utcTime ) { dmsFromToUser.insert(it, stoDM); break; } } if( it == dmsFromToUser.end() ) { dmsFromToUser.push_back(stoDM); } break; } } } } return result; } // check post received in a torrent we follow if they mention local users void processReceivedPost(lazy_entry const &v, std::string &username, int64 time, std::string &msg) { // split and look for mentions for local users vector tokens; boost::algorithm::split(tokens,msg,boost::algorithm::is_any_of(msgTokensDelimiter), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on); BOOST_FOREACH(string const& token, tokens) { if( token.length() >= 2 ) { char delim = token.at(0); if( delim != '@' ) continue; string mentionUser = token.substr(1); #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_LOCALE mentionUser = boost::locale::to_lower(mentionUser); #else boost::algorithm::to_lower(mentionUser); #endif LOCK(cs_twister); // mention of a local user && sent by someone we follow if( m_users.count(mentionUser) && m_users[mentionUser].m_following.count(username) ) { std::string postKey = username + ";" + boost::lexical_cast(time); if( m_users[mentionUser].m_mentionsKeys.count(postKey) == 0 ) { m_users[mentionUser].m_mentionsKeys.insert(postKey); entry vEntry; vEntry = v; m_users[mentionUser].m_mentionsPosts.push_back(vEntry); } } } } } bool acceptSignedPost(char const *data, int data_size, std::string username, int seq, std::string &errmsg, boost::uint32_t *flags) { bool ret = false; char errbuf[200]=""; if( flags ) *flags = 0; lazy_entry v; int pos; libtorrent::error_code ec; if (data_size <= 0 || data_size > 2048 ) { sprintf(errbuf,"bad bencoded post size"); } else if (lazy_bdecode(data, data + data_size, v, ec, &pos) == 0) { if( v.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t ) { lazy_entry const* post = v.dict_find_dict("userpost"); std::string sig = v.dict_find_string_value("sig_userpost"); if( !post || !sig.size() ) { sprintf(errbuf,"missing post or signature."); } else { std::string n = post->dict_find_string_value("n"); std::string msg = post->dict_find_string_value("msg"); int msgUtf8Chars = utf8::num_characters(msg.begin(), msg.end()); int k = post->dict_find_int_value("k",-1); int height = post->dict_find_int_value("height",-1); int64 time = post->dict_find_int_value("time",-1); if( n != username ) { sprintf(errbuf,"expected username '%s' got '%s'", username.c_str(),n.c_str()); } else if( k != seq ) { sprintf(errbuf,"expected piece '%d' got '%d'", seq, k); } else if( !validatePostNumberForUser(username, k) ) { sprintf(errbuf,"too much posts from user '%s' rejecting post", username.c_str()); } else if( height < 0 || (height > getBestHeight()+1 && getBestHeight() > 0) ) { sprintf(errbuf,"post from future not accepted (height: %d > %d)", height, getBestHeight()); } else if( msgUtf8Chars < 0 ) { sprintf(errbuf,"invalid utf8 string"); } else if( msgUtf8Chars > 140 ) { sprintf(errbuf,"msg too big (%d > 140)", msgUtf8Chars); } else { std::pair postbuf = post->data_section(); ret = verifySignature( std::string(postbuf.first,postbuf.second), username, sig, height); if( !ret ) { sprintf(errbuf,"bad post signature"); } else { lazy_entry const* rt = post->dict_find_dict("rt"); std::string sig_rt = post->dict_find_string_value("sig_rt"); if( rt ) { if( flags ) (*flags) |= USERPOST_FLAG_RT; std::string username_rt = rt->dict_find_string_value("n"); int height_rt = rt->dict_find_int_value("height",-1); std::pair rtbuf = rt->data_section(); ret = verifySignature( std::string(rtbuf.first,rtbuf.second), username_rt, sig_rt, height_rt); if( !ret ) { sprintf(errbuf,"bad RT signature"); } } if( flags ) { lazy_entry const* dm = post->dict_find_dict("dm"); if( dm ) { (*flags) |= USERPOST_FLAG_DM; processReceivedDM(post); } else { processReceivedPost(v, username, time, msg); } } } } } } } errmsg = errbuf; #ifdef DEBUG_ACCEPT_POST if( !ret ) { printf("acceptSignedPost: %s\n",errbuf); } #endif return ret; } bool validatePostNumberForUser(std::string const &username, int k) { CTransaction txOut; uint256 hashBlock; if( !GetTransaction(username, txOut, hashBlock) ) { printf("validatePostNumberForUser: username is unknown\n"); return false; } CBlockIndex* pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hashBlock]; if( k < 0 ) return false; if( getBestHeight() > 0 && k > 2*(getBestHeight() - pblockindex->nHeight) + 20) return false; return true; } bool usernameExists(std::string const &username) { CTransaction txOut; uint256 hashBlock; return GetTransaction(username, txOut, hashBlock); } /* "userpost" : { "n" : username, "k" : seq number, "t" : "post" / "dm" / "rt" "msg" : message (post/rt) "time" : unix utc "height" : best height at user "dm" : encrypted message (dm) -opt "rt" : original userpost - opt "sig_rt" : sig of rt - opt "reply" : - opt { "n" : reference username "k" : reference k } } "sig_userpost" : signature by userpost.n */ bool createSignedUserpost(entry &v, std::string const &username, int k, std::string const &msg, // either msg.size() or entry const *rt, entry const *sig_rt, // rt != NULL or entry const *dm, // dm != NULL. std::string const &reply_n, int reply_k ) { entry &userpost = v["userpost"]; // userpost["n"] = username; userpost["k"] = k; userpost["time"] = GetAdjustedTime(); userpost["height"] = getBestHeight() - 1; // be conservative if( msg.size() ) { //userpost["t"] = "post"; userpost["msg"] = msg; } else if ( rt != NULL && sig_rt != NULL ) { //userpost["t"] = "rt"; userpost["rt"] = *rt; userpost["sig_rt"] = *sig_rt; } else if ( dm != NULL ) { //userpost["t"] = "dm"; userpost["dm"] = *dm; } else { printf("createSignedUserpost: unknown type\n"); return false; } if( reply_n.size() ) { entry &reply = userpost["reply"]; reply["n"]=reply_n; reply["k"]=reply_k; } // std::vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), userpost); std::string sig = createSignature(std::string(buf.data(),buf.size()), username); if( sig.size() ) { v["sig_userpost"] = sig; return true; } else { return false; } } bool createDirectMessage(entry &dm, std::string const &to, std::string const &msg) { CPubKey pubkey; if( !getUserPubKey(to, pubkey) ) { printf("createDirectMessage: no pubkey for user '%s'\n", to.c_str()); return false; } ecies_secure_t sec; bool encrypted = pubkey.Encrypt(msg, sec); if( encrypted ) { dm["key"] = sec.key; dm["mac"] = sec.mac; dm["orig"] = sec.orig; dm["body"] = sec.body; } return encrypted; } int getBestHeight() { return nBestHeight; } bool shouldDhtResourceExpire(std::string resource, bool multi, int height) { if ((height + BLOCK_AGE_TO_EXPIRE_DHT_ENTRY) < getBestHeight() ) { if( multi ) { #ifdef DEBUG_EXPIRE_DHT_ITEM printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring resource multi '%s'\n", resource.c_str()); #endif return true; } // extract basic resource string (without numbering) std::string resourceBasic; for(size_t i = 0; i < resource.size() && isalpha(resource.at(i)); i++) { resourceBasic.push_back(resource.at(i)); } int resourceNumber = -1; if( resource.length() > resourceBasic.length() ) { // make sure it is a valid number following (all digits) if( resource.at(resourceBasic.length()) == '0' && resource.size() > resourceBasic.length() + 1 ){ // leading zeros not allowed } else { size_t i; for(i = resourceBasic.length(); i < resource.size() && isdigit(resource.at(i)); i++) { } if(i == resource.size()) { resourceNumber = atoi( resource.c_str() + resourceBasic.length() ); } } } if( !m_noExpireResources.count(resourceBasic) ) { // unknown resource. expire it. #ifdef DEBUG_EXPIRE_DHT_ITEM printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring non-special resource '%s'\n", resource.c_str()); #endif return true; } else { if( m_noExpireResources[resourceBasic] == SimpleNoExpire && resource.length() > resourceBasic.length() ) { // this resource admits no number. expire it! #ifdef DEBUG_EXPIRE_DHT_ITEM printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring resource with unexpected numbering '%s'\n", resource.c_str()); #endif return true; } if( m_noExpireResources[resourceBasic] == NumberedNoExpire && (resourceNumber < 0 || resourceNumber > 200) ) { // try keeping a sane number here, otherwise expire it! #ifdef DEBUG_EXPIRE_DHT_ITEM printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring numbered resource with no sane number '%s'\n", resource.c_str()); #endif return true; } if( m_noExpireResources[resourceBasic] == PostNoExpireRecent && resourceNumber < 0 ) { #ifdef DEBUG_EXPIRE_DHT_ITEM printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring post with invalid numbering '%s'\n", resource.c_str()); #endif return true; } if( m_noExpireResources[resourceBasic] == PostNoExpireRecent && (height + BLOCK_AGE_TO_EXPIRE_DHT_POSTS) < getBestHeight() ) { #ifdef DEBUG_EXPIRE_DHT_ITEM printf("shouldDhtResourceExpire: expiring old post resource '%s' (height %d cur %d)\n", resource.c_str(), height, getBestHeight()); #endif return true; } } } return false; } void receivedSpamMessage(std::string const &message, std::string const &user) { LOCK(cs_spamMsg); bool hasSingleLangCode = (message.find("[") == message.rfind("[")); bool hasPreferredLang = m_preferredSpamLang.length(); bool isSameLang = hasPreferredLang && hasSingleLangCode && message.find(m_preferredSpamLang) != string::npos; bool currentlyEmpty = !m_receivedSpamMsgStr.length(); if( currentlyEmpty || (isSameLang && rand() < (RAND_MAX/2)) ) { m_receivedSpamMsgStr = message; m_receivedSpamUserStr = user; } } void updateSeenHashtags(std::string &message, int64_t msgTime) { if( message.find('#') == string::npos ) return; // split and look for hashtags vector tokens; set hashtags; boost::algorithm::split(tokens,message,boost::algorithm::is_any_of(msgTokensDelimiter), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on); BOOST_FOREACH(string const& token, tokens) { if( token.length() >= 2 && token.at(0) == '#' ) { string word = token.substr(1); #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_LOCALE word = boost::locale::to_lower(word); #else boost::algorithm::to_lower(word); #endif if( word.find('#') == string::npos ) { hashtags.insert(word); } else { vector subtokens; boost::algorithm::split(subtokens,word,std::bind1st(std::equal_to(),'#'), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on); BOOST_FOREACH(string const& word, subtokens) { if( word.length() ) { hashtags.insert(word); } } } } } if( hashtags.size() ) { boost::int64_t curTime = GetAdjustedTime(); if( msgTime > curTime ) msgTime = curTime; double timeDiff = (curTime - msgTime); double vote = pow(0.5, timeDiff/hashtagHalfLife); LOCK(cs_seenHashtags); BOOST_FOREACH(string const& word, hashtags) { if( m_seenHashtags.count(word) ) { m_seenHashtags[word] += vote; } else { m_seenHashtags[word] = vote; } } } } entry formatSpamPost(const string &msg, const string &username, uint64_t utcTime = 0, int height = 0) { entry v; entry &userpost = v["userpost"]; userpost["n"] = username; userpost["k"] = height ? height : 1; userpost["time"] = utcTime ? utcTime : GetAdjustedTime(); userpost["height"] = height ? height : getBestHeight(); userpost["msg"] = msg; unsigned char vchSig[65]; RAND_bytes(vchSig,sizeof(vchSig)); v["sig_userpost"] = HexStr( string((const char *)vchSig, sizeof(vchSig)) ); return v; } void dhtGetData(std::string const &username, std::string const &resource, bool multi, bool local) { if( DhtProxy::fEnabled ) { printf("dhtGetData: not allowed - using proxy (bug!)\n"); return; } boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); if( !ses ) { printf("dhtGetData: libtorrent session not ready\n"); return; } ses->dht_getData(username,resource,multi,local); } void dhtPutData(std::string const &username, std::string const &resource, bool multi, entry const &value, std::string const &sig_user, boost::int64_t timeutc, int seq) { // construct p dictionary and sign it entry p; entry& target = p["target"]; target["n"] = username; target["r"] = resource; target["t"] = (multi) ? "m" : "s"; if (seq >= 0 && !multi) p["seq"] = seq; p["v"] = value; p["time"] = timeutc; int height = getBestHeight()-1; // be conservative p["height"] = height; std::vector pbuf; bencode(std::back_inserter(pbuf), p); std::string str_p = std::string(pbuf.data(),pbuf.size()); std::string sig_p = createSignature(str_p, sig_user); if( !sig_p.size() ) { printf("dhtPutData: createSignature error for user '%s'\n", sig_user.c_str()); return; } if( !DhtProxy::fEnabled ) { dhtPutDataSigned(username,resource,multi,p,sig_p,sig_user, true); } else { DhtProxy::dhtputRequest(username,resource,multi,str_p,sig_p,sig_user); } } void dhtPutDataSigned(std::string const &username, std::string const &resource, bool multi, libtorrent::entry const &p, std::string const &sig_p, std::string const &sig_user, bool local) { if( DhtProxy::fEnabled ) { printf("dhtputDataSigned: not allowed - using proxy (bug!)\n"); return; } boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); if( !ses ) { printf("dhtPutData: libtorrent session not ready\n"); return; } ses->dht_putDataSigned(username,resource,multi,p,sig_p,sig_user, local); } Value dhtput(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() < 5 || params.size() > 6) throw runtime_error( "dhtput \n" "Store resource in dht network"); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); string strUsername = params[0].get_str(); string strResource = params[1].get_str(); string strMulti = params[2].get_str(); entry value = jsonToEntry(params[3]); // value is already "p":"v": contents, so post may be unhexcaped directly unHexcapePost(value); string strSigUser = params[4].get_str(); // Test for private key here to avoid going into dht CKeyID keyID; if( !pwalletMain->GetKeyIdFromUsername(strSigUser, keyID) ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME, "Error: no sig_user in wallet"); CKey key; if (!pwalletMain->GetKey(keyID, key)) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Private key of sig_user not available"); bool multi = (strMulti == "m"); if( !multi && params.size() != 6 ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Seq parameter required for single"); int seq = -1; if( params.size() == 6 ) seq = params[5].get_int(); if( !multi && strUsername != strSigUser ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Username must be the same as sig_user for single"); boost::int64_t timeutc = GetAdjustedTime(); dhtPutData(strUsername, strResource, multi, value, strSigUser, timeutc, seq); return Value(); } Value dhtputraw(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() != 1) throw runtime_error( "dhtput \n" "Store resource in dht network"); string hexdata = params[0].get_str(); vector vch = ParseHex(hexdata); lazy_entry dhtroot; int pos; libtorrent::error_code ec; if (lazy_bdecode((const char *)vch.data(), (const char *)vch.data()+vch.size(), dhtroot, ec, &pos) != 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS,"hexdata failed to bdecode"); } if( dhtroot.type() != lazy_entry::dict_t) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS,"root not dict type"); } lazy_entry const* p = dhtroot.dict_find_dict("p"); if( !p ) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS,"missing 'p' entry"); } lazy_entry const* target = p->dict_find_dict("target"); if( !target ) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS,"missing 'target' entry"); } string username = target->dict_find_string_value("n"); string resource = target->dict_find_string_value("r"); bool multi = target->dict_find_string_value("t") == "m"; string sig_p = dhtroot.dict_find_string_value("sig_p"); if( !sig_p.length() ) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS,"missing 'sig_p' entry"); } string sig_user = dhtroot.dict_find_string_value("sig_user"); if( !sig_user.length() ) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS,"missing 'sig_user' entry"); } std::pair pbuf = p->data_section(); if (!verifySignature(std::string(pbuf.first,pbuf.second), sig_user,sig_p)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS,"invalid signature"); } entry pEntry; pEntry = *p; dhtPutDataSigned(username, resource, multi, pEntry, sig_p, sig_user, true); return Value(); } Value dhtget(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() < 3 || params.size() > 6) throw runtime_error( "dhtget [timeout_ms] [timeout_multi_ms] [min_multi]\n" "Get resource from dht network"); boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); if( !ses ) return Array(); string strUsername = params[0].get_str(); string strResource = params[1].get_str(); string strMulti = params[2].get_str(); bool multi = (strMulti == "m"); time_duration timeToWait = seconds(10); time_duration timeToWaitMulti = milliseconds(100); int minMultiReplies = 3; int lastSeq = -1; if( params.size() > 3 ) timeToWait = milliseconds(params[3].get_int()); if( params.size() > 4 ) timeToWaitMulti = milliseconds(params[4].get_int()); if( params.size() > 5 ) minMultiReplies = params[5].get_int(); alert_manager am(10, alert::dht_notification); sha1_hash ih = dhtTargetHash(strUsername,strResource,strMulti); vector dhtProxyNodes; if( !DhtProxy::fEnabled ) { dhtgetMapAdd(ih, &am); dhtGetData(strUsername, strResource, multi, true); } else { DhtProxy::dhtgetMapAdd(ih, &am); dhtProxyNodes = DhtProxy::dhtgetStartRequest(strUsername, strResource, multi); } Array ret; std::set uniqueSigPs; int repliesReceived = 0; while( am.wait_for_alert(timeToWait) ) { std::auto_ptr a(am.get()); dht_reply_data_alert const* rd = alert_cast(&(*a)); if( rd ) { entry::list_type dhtLst = rd->m_lst; entry::list_type::iterator it; for( it = dhtLst.begin(); it != dhtLst.end(); ++it ) { libtorrent::entry &e = *it; hexcapeDht( e ); string sig_p = safeGetEntryString(e, "sig_p"); int seq = (multi) ? 0 : safeGetEntryInt( safeGetEntryDict(e,"p"), "seq" ); bool acceptEntry = (multi) ? (!sig_p.length() || !uniqueSigPs.count(sig_p)) : (seq > lastSeq); if( acceptEntry ) { if( !multi) { ret.clear(); } ret.push_back( entryToJson(e) ); lastSeq = seq; if( sig_p.length() ) { uniqueSigPs.insert(sig_p); } } } //printf("dhtget: got %zd entries %zd unique\n", dhtLst.size(), uniqueSigPs.size()); } else { // cast failed => dht_reply_data_done_alert => no data break; } if( repliesReceived++ < minMultiReplies ) { timeToWait = timeToWaitMulti; //printf("dhtget: wait again repliesReceived=%d lastSeq=%d\n", repliesReceived, lastSeq); } else { break; } } if( !DhtProxy::fEnabled ) { dhtgetMapRemove(ih,&am); } else { DhtProxy::dhtgetMapRemove(ih,&am); DhtProxy::dhtgetStopRequest(dhtProxyNodes, strUsername, strResource, multi); } return ret; } int findLastPublicPostLocalUser( std::string strUsername ) { int lastk = -1; torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(strUsername); if( h.is_valid() ){ std::vector pieces; int max_id = std::numeric_limits::max(); int since_id = -1; h.get_pieces(pieces, 1, max_id, since_id, ~USERPOST_FLAG_DM); if( pieces.size() ) { string const& piece = pieces.front(); lazy_entry v; int pos; libtorrent::error_code ec; if (lazy_bdecode(piece.data(), piece.data()+piece.size(), v, ec, &pos) == 0 && v.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t) { lazy_entry const* post = v.dict_find_dict("userpost"); lastk = post->dict_find_int_value("k",-1); } } } return lastk; } Value newpostmsg(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 3 && params.size() != 5)) throw runtime_error( "newpostmsg [reply_n] [reply_k]\n" "Post a new message to swarm"); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); string strUsername = params[0].get_str(); int k = params[1].get_int(); string strK = boost::lexical_cast(k); string strMsg = params[2].get_str(); string strReplyN, strReplyK; int replyK = 0; if( params.size() == 5 ) { strReplyN = params[3].get_str(); replyK = params[4].get_int(); strReplyK = boost::lexical_cast(replyK); } entry v; // [MF] Warning: findLastPublicPostLocalUser requires that we follow ourselves int lastk = findLastPublicPostLocalUser(strUsername); if( lastk >= 0 ) v["userpost"]["lastk"] = lastk; if( !createSignedUserpost(v, strUsername, k, strMsg, NULL, NULL, NULL, strReplyN, replyK) ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR,"error signing post with private key of user"); vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), v); std::string errmsg; if( !acceptSignedPost(buf.data(),buf.size(),strUsername,k,errmsg,NULL) ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS,errmsg); torrent_handle h = startTorrentUser(strUsername, true); if( h.is_valid() ) { // if member of torrent post it directly h.add_piece(k,buf.data(),buf.size()); } else { // TODO: swarm resource forwarding not implemented dhtPutData(strUsername, "swarm", false, v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 1); } // post to dht as well dhtPutData(strUsername, string("post")+strK, false, v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 1); dhtPutData(strUsername, string("status"), false, v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), k); // is this a reply? notify if( strReplyN.length() ) { dhtPutData(strReplyN, string("replies")+strReplyK, true, v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 0); } // split and look for mentions and hashtags vector tokens; boost::algorithm::split(tokens,strMsg,boost::algorithm::is_any_of(msgTokensDelimiter), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on); BOOST_FOREACH(string const& token, tokens) { if( token.length() >= 2 ) { char delim = token.at(0); if( delim != '#' && delim != '@' ) continue; string target = (delim == '#') ? "hashtag" : "mention"; string word = token.substr(1); #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_LOCALE word = boost::locale::to_lower(word); #else boost::algorithm::to_lower(word); #endif if( word.find(delim) == string::npos ) { dhtPutData(word, target, true, v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 0); } else { vector subtokens; boost::algorithm::split(subtokens,word,std::bind1st(std::equal_to(),delim), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on); BOOST_FOREACH(string const& word, subtokens) { if( word.length() ) { dhtPutData(word, target, true, v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 0); } } } } } hexcapePost(v); return entryToJson(v); } Value newdirectmsg(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() < 4 || params.size() > 5 ) throw runtime_error( "newdirectmsg [copy_self=false]\n" "Post a new dm to swarm.\n" "if copy_self true will increase k twice (two DMs)."); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); string strFrom = params[0].get_str(); int k = params[1].get_int(); string strTo = params[2].get_str(); string strMsg = params[3].get_str(); bool copySelf = (params.size() > 4) ? params[4].get_bool() : false; std::list dmsToSend; entry payloadNewFormat; payloadNewFormat["msg"] = strMsg; payloadNewFormat["to"] = strTo; std::vector payloadbuf; bencode(std::back_inserter(payloadbuf), payloadNewFormat); std::string strMsgData = std::string(payloadbuf.data(),payloadbuf.size()); if( copySelf ) { // add padding to strMsg so both DMs will have exactly the same size. // should be removed in future when all clients move to new format. while( strMsg.length() < strMsgData.length() ) { strMsg.push_back(' '); } } entry dmOldFormat; if( !createDirectMessage(dmOldFormat, strTo, strMsg) ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "error encrypting to pubkey of destination user"); entry dmNewFormat; if( copySelf ) { // use new format to send a copy to ourselves. in future, message // to others might use the new format as well. if( !createDirectMessage(dmNewFormat, strFrom, strMsgData) ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "error encrypting to pubkey of destination user"); if( rand() < (RAND_MAX/2) ) { dmsToSend.push_back(&dmOldFormat); dmsToSend.push_back(&dmNewFormat); } else { dmsToSend.push_back(&dmNewFormat); dmsToSend.push_back(&dmOldFormat); } } else { dmsToSend.push_back(&dmOldFormat); } Value ret; BOOST_FOREACH(entry *dm, dmsToSend) { entry v; if( !createSignedUserpost(v, strFrom, k, "", NULL, NULL, dm, std::string(""), 0) ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR,"error signing post with private key of user"); std::vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), v); std::string errmsg; if( !acceptSignedPost(buf.data(),buf.size(),strFrom,k,errmsg,NULL) ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS,errmsg); if( !copySelf ) { // do not send a copy to self, so just store it locally. StoredDirectMsg stoDM; stoDM.m_fromMe = true; stoDM.m_text = strMsg; stoDM.m_utcTime = v["userpost"]["time"].integer(); LOCK(cs_twister); m_users[strFrom].m_directmsg[strTo].push_back(stoDM); } torrent_handle h = startTorrentUser(strFrom, true); h.add_piece(k++,buf.data(),buf.size()); hexcapePost(v); ret = entryToJson(v); } return ret; } Value newrtmsg(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 3)) throw runtime_error( "newrtmsg \n" "Post a new RT to swarm"); EnsureWalletIsUnlocked(); string strUsername = params[0].get_str(); int k = params[1].get_int(); string strK = boost::lexical_cast(k); entry vrt = jsonToEntry(params[2].get_obj()); unHexcapePost(vrt); entry const *rt = vrt.find_key("userpost"); entry const *sig_rt= vrt.find_key("sig_userpost"); entry v; // [MF] Warning: findLastPublicPostLocalUser requires that we follow ourselves int lastk = findLastPublicPostLocalUser(strUsername); if( lastk >= 0 ) v["userpost"]["lastk"] = lastk; if( !createSignedUserpost(v, strUsername, k, "", rt, sig_rt, NULL, std::string(""), 0) ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR,"error signing post with private key of user"); vector buf; bencode(std::back_inserter(buf), v); std::string errmsg; if( !acceptSignedPost(buf.data(),buf.size(),strUsername,k,errmsg,NULL) ) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS,errmsg); torrent_handle h = startTorrentUser(strUsername, true); if( h.is_valid() ) { // if member of torrent post it directly h.add_piece(k,buf.data(),buf.size()); } else { // TODO: swarm resource forwarding not implemented dhtPutData(strUsername, "swarm", false, v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 1); } // post to dht as well dhtPutData(strUsername, string("post")+strK, false, v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 1); dhtPutData(strUsername, string("status"), false, v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), k); // notification to keep track of RTs of the original post if( rt ) { string rt_user = rt->find_key("n")->string(); string rt_k = boost::lexical_cast(rt->find_key("k")->integer()); dhtPutData(rt_user, string("rts")+rt_k, true, v, strUsername, GetAdjustedTime(), 0); } hexcapePost(v); return entryToJson(v); } Value getposts(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3) throw runtime_error( "getposts '[{\"username\":username,\"max_id\":max_id,\"since_id\":since_id},...]' [flags]\n" "get posts from users\n" "max_id and since_id may be omited"); int count = params[0].get_int(); Array users = params[1].get_array(); int flags = (params.size() > 2) ? params[2].get_int() : ~USERPOST_FLAG_DM; std::multimap postsByTime; for( unsigned int u = 0; u < users.size(); u++ ) { Object user = users[u].get_obj(); string strUsername; int max_id = std::numeric_limits::max(); int since_id = -1; for (Object::const_iterator i = user.begin(); i != user.end(); ++i) { if( i->name_ == "username" ) strUsername = i->value_.get_str(); if( i->name_ == "max_id" ) max_id = i->value_.get_int(); if( i->name_ == "since_id" ) since_id = i->value_.get_int(); } torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(strUsername); if( h.is_valid() ){ std::vector pieces; h.get_pieces(pieces, count, max_id, since_id, flags); BOOST_FOREACH(string const& piece, pieces) { lazy_entry v; int pos; libtorrent::error_code ec; if (lazy_bdecode(piece.data(), piece.data()+piece.size(), v, ec, &pos) == 0 && v.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t) { lazy_entry const* post = v.dict_find_dict("userpost"); int64 time = post->dict_find_int_value("time",-1); if(time == -1 || time > GetAdjustedTime() + MAX_TIME_IN_FUTURE ) { printf("getposts: ignoring far-future message by '%s'\n", strUsername.c_str()); } entry vEntry; vEntry = v; hexcapePost(vEntry); postsByTime.insert( pair(time, vEntry) ); } } } } Array ret; std::multimap::reverse_iterator rit; for (rit=postsByTime.rbegin(); rit!=postsByTime.rend() && (int)ret.size() < count; ++rit) { ret.push_back( entryToJson(rit->second) ); } { LOCK(cs_spamMsg); // we must agree on an acceptable level here // what about one every eight hours? (not cumulative) if( m_receivedSpamMsgStr.length() && GetAdjustedTime() > m_lastSpamTime + (8*3600) ) { m_lastSpamTime = GetAdjustedTime(); entry v = formatSpamPost(m_receivedSpamMsgStr, m_receivedSpamUserStr); ret.insert(ret.begin(),entryToJson(v)); m_receivedSpamMsgStr = ""; m_receivedSpamUserStr = ""; } } return ret; } Value getdirectmsgs(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() != 3) throw runtime_error( "getdirectmsgs '[{\"username\":username,\"max_id\":max_id,\"since_id\":since_id},...]'\n" "get (locally stored) decrypted direct messages sent/received by user \n" "max_id and since_id may be omited. up to are returned for each remote user."); string strUsername = params[0].get_str(); int count = params[1].get_int(); Array remoteusers = params[2].get_array(); Object ret; for( unsigned int u = 0; u < remoteusers.size(); u++ ) { Object remoteUser = remoteusers[u].get_obj(); string remoteUsername; int max_id = std::numeric_limits::max(); int since_id = -1; for (Object::const_iterator i = remoteUser.begin(); i != remoteUser.end(); ++i) { if( i->name_ == "username" ) remoteUsername = i->value_.get_str(); if( i->name_ == "max_id" ) max_id = i->value_.get_int(); if( i->name_ == "since_id" ) since_id = i->value_.get_int(); } LOCK(cs_twister); if( remoteUsername.size() && m_users.count(strUsername) && m_users[strUsername].m_directmsg.count(remoteUsername) ){ std::vector &dmsFromToUser = m_users[strUsername].m_directmsg[remoteUsername]; max_id = std::min( max_id, (int)dmsFromToUser.size()-1); since_id = std::max( since_id, max_id - count ); Array userMsgs; for( int i = std::max(since_id+1,0); i <= max_id; i++) { Object dmObj; dmObj.push_back(Pair("id",i)); dmObj.push_back(Pair("time",dmsFromToUser.at(i).m_utcTime)); dmObj.push_back(Pair("text",dmsFromToUser.at(i).m_text)); dmObj.push_back(Pair("fromMe",dmsFromToUser.at(i).m_fromMe)); userMsgs.push_back(dmObj); } if( userMsgs.size() ) { ret.push_back(Pair(remoteUsername,userMsgs)); } } } return ret; } Value getmentions(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3 ) throw runtime_error( "getmentions '{\"max_id\":max_id,\"since_id\":since_id}'\n" "get (locally stored) mentions to user by users followed.\n" "(use 'dhtget user mention m' for non-followed mentions)\n" "max_id and since_id may be omited. up to posts are returned."); string strUsername = params[0].get_str(); int count = params[1].get_int(); int max_id = std::numeric_limits::max(); int since_id = -1; if( params.size() >= 3 ) { Object optParms = params[2].get_obj(); for (Object::const_iterator i = optParms.begin(); i != optParms.end(); ++i) { if( i->name_ == "max_id" ) max_id = i->value_.get_int(); if( i->name_ == "since_id" ) since_id = i->value_.get_int(); } } Array ret; LOCK(cs_twister); if( strUsername.size() && m_users.count(strUsername) ) { const std::vector &mentions = m_users[strUsername].m_mentionsPosts; max_id = std::min( max_id, (int)mentions.size()-1); since_id = std::max( since_id, max_id - count ); for( int i = std::max(since_id+1,0); i <= max_id; i++) { const entry *post = mentions.at(i).find_key("userpost"); if( post && post->type() == entry::dictionary_t ) { const entry *ptime = post->find_key("time"); if( ptime && ptime->type() == entry::int_t ) { int64 time = ptime->integer(); if(time <= 0 || time > GetAdjustedTime() + MAX_TIME_IN_FUTURE ) { printf("getmentions: ignoring far-future post\n"); } else { entry vEntry; vEntry = mentions.at(i); hexcapePost(vEntry); vEntry["id"] = i; ret.push_back(entryToJson(vEntry)); } } } } } return ret; } Value setspammsg(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 2)) throw runtime_error( "setspammsg \n" "Set spam message attached to generated blocks"); string strUsername = params[0].get_str(); string strMsg = params[1].get_str(); int spamMsgUtf8Size = utf8::num_characters(strMsg.begin(), strMsg.end()); if (spamMsgUtf8Size < 0) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "spam message invalid utf8"); if (spamMsgUtf8Size == 0) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "empty spam message"); if (spamMsgUtf8Size > MAX_SPAM_MSG_SIZE) throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "spam message too big"); strSpamUser = strUsername; strSpamMessage = strMsg; return Value(); } Value getspammsg(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 0)) throw runtime_error( "getspammsg\n" "get spam message attached to generated blocks"); Array ret; ret.push_back(strSpamUser); ret.push_back(strSpamMessage); return ret; } Value follow(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 2)) throw runtime_error( "follow [follow_username1,follow_username2,...]\n" "start following users"); string localUser = params[0].get_str(); Array users = params[1].get_array(); for( unsigned int u = 0; u < users.size(); u++ ) { string username = users[u].get_str(); torrent_handle h = startTorrentUser(username, true); if( h.is_valid() ) { LOCK(cs_twister); m_users[localUser].m_following.insert(username); } } return Value(); } Value unfollow(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 2)) throw runtime_error( "unfollow [unfollow_username1,unfollow_username2,...]\n" "stop following users"); string localUser = params[0].get_str(); Array users = params[1].get_array(); LOCK(cs_twister); for( unsigned int u = 0; u < users.size(); u++ ) { string username = users[u].get_str(); if( m_users.count(localUser) && m_users[localUser].m_following.count(username) ) { m_users[localUser].m_following.erase(username); } } return Value(); } Value getfollowing(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1)) throw runtime_error( "getfollowing \n" "get list of users we follow"); string localUser = params[0].get_str(); Array ret; LOCK(cs_twister); if( m_users.count(localUser) ) { BOOST_FOREACH(string username, m_users[localUser].m_following) { ret.push_back(username); } } return ret; } Value getlasthave(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1)) throw runtime_error( "getlasthave \n" "get last 'have' (higher post number) of each user user we follow"); string localUser = params[0].get_str(); std::set following; { LOCK(cs_twister); if( m_users.count(localUser) ) following = m_users[localUser].m_following; } Object ret; BOOST_FOREACH(string username, following) { ret.push_back(Pair(username,torrentLastHave(username))); } return ret; } Value getnumpieces(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1)) throw runtime_error( "getnumpieces \n" "get number of posts already downloaded for each user user we follow"); string localUser = params[0].get_str(); std::set following; { LOCK(cs_twister); if( m_users.count(localUser) ) following = m_users[localUser].m_following; } Object ret; BOOST_FOREACH(string username, following) { ret.push_back(Pair(username,torrentNumPieces(username))); } return ret; } Value listusernamespartial(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3)) throw runtime_error( "listusernamespartial [exact_match=false]\n" "get list of usernames starting with"); string userStartsWith = params[0].get_str(); size_t count = params[1].get_int(); bool exact_match = false; if( params.size() > 2 ) exact_match = params[2].get_bool(); set retStrings; // priorize users in following list { LOCK(pwalletMain->cs_wallet); BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CKeyID, CKeyMetadata)& item, pwalletMain->mapKeyMetadata) { LOCK(cs_twister); BOOST_FOREACH(const string &user, m_users[item.second.username].m_following) { if( (exact_match && userStartsWith.size() != user.size()) || userStartsWith.size() > user.size() ) { continue; } int toCompare = userStartsWith.size(); if( memcmp( user.data(), userStartsWith.data(), toCompare ) == 0 ) retStrings.insert( user ); if( retStrings.size() >= count ) break; } } } pblocktree->GetNamesFromPartial(userStartsWith, retStrings, count); Array ret; BOOST_FOREACH(string username, retStrings) { ret.push_back(username); } return ret; } Value rescandirectmsgs(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1)) throw runtime_error( "rescandirectmsgs \n" "rescan all streams of users we follow for new and old directmessages"); string localUser = params[0].get_str(); std::set following; { LOCK(cs_twister); following = m_users[localUser].m_following; } BOOST_FOREACH(string username, following) { torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(username); if( h.is_valid() ){ h.recheck_pieces(USERPOST_FLAG_DM); } } return Value(); } Value recheckusertorrent(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1)) throw runtime_error( "recheckusertorrent \n" "recheck all posts in a given torrent. this may be useful if\n" "post validation rules became stricter"); string localUser = params[0].get_str(); torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(localUser); if( h.is_valid() ){ h.force_recheck(); } return Value(); } Value gettrendinghashtags(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1)) throw runtime_error( "gettrendinghashtags \n" "obtain list of trending hashtags"); size_t count = params[0].get_int(); std::map sortedHashtags; { LOCK(cs_seenHashtags); BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(std::string,double)& item, m_seenHashtags) { sortedHashtags[item.second]=item.first; } } Array ret; BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(double, std::string)& item, sortedHashtags) { if( ret.size() >= count ) break; ret.push_back(item.second); } return ret; } Value getspamposts(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 3) throw runtime_error( "getspamposts [max_id] [since_id]\n" "get spam posts from blockchain\n" "max_id and since_id may be omited (or -1)"); int count = params[0].get_int(); int max_id = getBestHeight(); if (params.size() > 1 && params[1].get_int() != -1) max_id = std::min(params[1].get_int(), max_id); int since_id = -1; if (params.size() > 2) since_id = std::max(params[2].get_int(), since_id); Array ret; std::string lastMsg; for( int height = max_id; height > since_id && (int)ret.size() < count; height-- ) { CBlockIndex* pblockindex = FindBlockByHeight(height); CBlock block; ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pblockindex); const CTransaction &tx = block.vtx[0]; if( tx.IsSpamMessage() ) { std::string spamMessage = tx.message.ExtractPushDataString(0); std::string spamUser = tx.userName.ExtractPushDataString(0); // remove consecutive duplicates if( spamMessage == lastMsg) continue; lastMsg = spamMessage; entry v = formatSpamPost(spamMessage, spamUser, block.GetBlockTime(), height); ret.insert(ret.begin(),entryToJson(v)); } } return ret; } Value torrentstatus(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1)) throw runtime_error( "torrentstatus \n" "report torrent status"); string localUser = params[0].get_str(); torrent_handle h = getTorrentUser(localUser); if( !h.is_valid() ){ return Value(); } torrent_status status = h.status(); Object result; result.push_back(Pair("state", status.state)); result.push_back(Pair("paused", status.paused)); result.push_back(Pair("auto_managed", status.auto_managed)); result.push_back(Pair("num_peers", status.num_peers)); result.push_back(Pair("list_peers", status.list_peers)); result.push_back(Pair("connect_candidates", status.connect_candidates)); result.push_back(Pair("num_connections", status.num_connections)); result.push_back(Pair("num_complete", status.num_complete)); result.push_back(Pair("num_pieces", status.num_pieces)); string bitfield; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < status.pieces.size(); i++) { bitfield.append( status.pieces[i]?"1":"0" ); } result.push_back(Pair("bitfield", bitfield)); result.push_back(Pair("has_incoming", status.has_incoming)); result.push_back(Pair("priority", status.priority)); result.push_back(Pair("queue_position", status.queue_position)); Array peers; std::vector peerInfos; h.get_peer_info(peerInfos); BOOST_FOREACH(const peer_info &p, peerInfos) { Object info; info.push_back(Pair("addr", p.ip.address().to_string() + ":" + boost::lexical_cast(p.ip.port()))); char flags[10]; sprintf(flags,"0x%x",p.flags); info.push_back(Pair("flags",flags)); info.push_back(Pair("connection_type", p.connection_type)); info.push_back(Pair("download_queue_length", p.download_queue_length)); info.push_back(Pair("failcount", p.failcount)); bitfield = ""; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < p.pieces.size(); i++) { bitfield.append( p.pieces[i]?"1":"0" ); } info.push_back(Pair("bitfield", bitfield)); peers.push_back(info); } result.push_back(Pair("peers", peers)); return result; } class TextSearch { public: enum search_mode { TEXTSEARCH_EXACT, TEXTSEARCH_ALL, TEXTSEARCH_ANY }; TextSearch(std::string const &keyword, libtorrent::entry const ¶ms); bool matchText(std::string msg); bool matchTime(int64_t time); libtorrent::lazy_entry const* matchRawMessage(std::string const &rawMessage, libtorrent::lazy_entry &v); private: std::vector keywords; search_mode mode; bool caseInsensitive; int64_t timeMin, timeMax; std::string username; }; TextSearch::TextSearch(string const &keyword, entry const ¶ms) : mode(TEXTSEARCH_EXACT), caseInsensitive(false), timeMin(numeric_limits::min()), timeMax(numeric_limits::max()) { entry const *pMode = params.find_key("mode"); if( pMode && pMode->type() == entry::string_t ) { string strMode = pMode->string(); if( strMode == "all" ) { mode = TEXTSEARCH_ALL; } else if( strMode == "any" ) { mode = TEXTSEARCH_ANY; } } entry const *pCase = params.find_key("case"); caseInsensitive = pCase && pCase->type() == entry::string_t && pCase->string() == "insensitive"; int64_t now = GetAdjustedTime(); entry const *pAgeMin = params.find_key("agemin"); if( pAgeMin && pAgeMin->type() == entry::int_t ) { timeMax = now - pAgeMin->integer() * 24*60*60; } entry const *pAgeMax = params.find_key("agemax"); if( pAgeMax && pAgeMax->type() == entry::int_t ) { timeMin = now - pAgeMax->integer() * 24*60*60; } entry const *pUsername = params.find_key("username"); if( pUsername && pUsername->type() == entry::string_t ) { username = pUsername->string(); } if( mode == TEXTSEARCH_EXACT ) { keywords.push_back( keyword ); } else { stringstream stream( keyword ); string word; while( getline(stream, word, ' ') ) { if( !word.empty() ) { keywords.push_back( word ); } } } if( caseInsensitive ) { for( vector::iterator it=keywords.begin(); it != keywords.end(); ++it ) { #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_LOCALE *it = boost::locale::to_lower(*it); #else boost::algorithm::to_lower(*it); #endif } } } bool TextSearch::matchText(string msg) { if( keywords.size() == 0 ) { return false; } if( caseInsensitive ) { // that is why msg is passed by value #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_LOCALE msg = boost::locale::to_lower(msg); #else boost::algorithm::to_lower(msg); #endif } switch( mode ) { case TEXTSEARCH_EXACT: return msg.find(keywords[0]) != string::npos; case TEXTSEARCH_ALL: for( vector::const_iterator it=keywords.begin(); it != keywords.end(); ++it ) { if( msg.find(*it) == string::npos ) { return false; } } return true; case TEXTSEARCH_ANY: for( vector::const_iterator it=keywords.begin(); it != keywords.end(); ++it ) { if( msg.find(*it) != string::npos ) { return true; } } return false; } return false; } inline bool TextSearch::matchTime(int64_t time) { return time >= timeMin && time <= timeMax; } lazy_entry const* TextSearch::matchRawMessage(string const &rawMessage, lazy_entry &v) { if( keywords.size() == 0 ) { return 0; } // fast check if( !caseInsensitive && mode != TEXTSEARCH_ANY && rawMessage.find(keywords[0]) == string::npos ) { return 0; } int pos; libtorrent::error_code ec; if (lazy_bdecode(rawMessage.data(), rawMessage.data()+rawMessage.size(), v, ec, &pos) == 0 && v.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t) { lazy_entry const* vv = v.dict_find_dict("v"); lazy_entry const* post = vv ? vv->dict_find_dict("userpost") : v.dict_find_dict("userpost"); if( post ) { lazy_entry const* rt = post->dict_find_dict("rt"); lazy_entry const* p = rt ? rt : post; if( username.length() ) { string user = p->dict_find_string_value("n"); if( user != username ) { return 0; } } int64_t time = p->dict_find_int_value("time"); if( !matchTime(time) ) { return 0; } string msg = p->dict_find_string_value("msg"); return matchText( msg ) ? p : 0; } } return 0; } Value search(const Array& params, bool fHelp) { if (fHelp || params.size() < 3 || params.size() > 4) throw runtime_error( "search ['{\"username\":username,\"mode\":\"exact\"|\"all\"|\"any\",\"case\":\"sensitive\"|\"insensitive\",\"agemin\":agemin,\"agemax\":agemin}']\n" "search text in available data\n" " is data area: messages, directmsgs, profiles, users, hashtags\n" " is a phrase to search\n" "up to entries are returned\n" " in messages scope is optional and allows to search in username's messages only\n" " in directmsgs scope is required and sets whose conversation to search\n" "\"mode\" and \"case\" are search mode options\n" "\"agemin\" and \"agemax\" (days) are message date filter\n" "\"mode\", \"case\", \"agemin\", and \"agemax\" are optional"); string scope = params[0].get_str(); string keyword = params[1].get_str(); int count = params[2].get_int(); entry options = params.size()==4 ? jsonToEntry(params[3].get_obj()) : entry(); string username; if( keyword.size() == 0 ) { throw runtime_error("Empty parameter"); } entry const *pUsername = options.find_key("username"); if( pUsername && pUsername->type() == entry::string_t ) { username = pUsername->string(); } Array ret; if( scope == "messages" ) { // search public messages std::map< pair, pair > posts; lazy_entry v; TextSearch searcher(keyword, options); // search public messages in torrents { LOCK(cs_twister); std::map users; if( username.size() == 0 ) { users = m_userTorrent; } else { if( m_userTorrent.count(username) ) users[username] = m_userTorrent[username]; } BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(std::string,torrent_handle)& item, users) { std::vector pieces; item.second.get_pieces(pieces, std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max(), -1, ~USERPOST_FLAG_DM); BOOST_FOREACH(string const& piece, pieces) { lazy_entry const* p = searcher.matchRawMessage(piece, v); if( p ) { string n = p->dict_find_string_value("n"); int k = p->dict_find_int_value("k"); int64 time = p->dict_find_int_value("time",-1); entry vEntry; vEntry = *p; hexcapePost(vEntry); posts[pair(n,k)] = pair(time,vEntry); } } } } // search messages in dht boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); if( ses ) { entry data = ses->dht_getLocalData(); if( data.type() == entry::dictionary_t ) { for (entry::dictionary_type::const_iterator i = data.dict().begin(); i != data.dict().end(); ++i) { if ( i->second.type() != entry::list_t ) continue; for (entry::list_type::const_iterator j = i->second.list().begin(); j != i->second.list().end(); ++j) { entry const* key_p = j->find_key("p"); if( key_p ) { string str_p = key_p->string(); lazy_entry const* p = searcher.matchRawMessage(str_p, v); if( p ) { string n = p->dict_find_string_value("n"); int k = p->dict_find_int_value("k"); pair post_id(n,k); if( posts.count(post_id) == 0 ) { int64 time = p->dict_find_int_value("time",-1); entry vEntry; vEntry = *p; hexcapePost(vEntry); posts[post_id] = pair(time,vEntry); } } } } } } } std::multimap postsByTime; BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(PAIRTYPE(std::string,int),PAIRTYPE(int64,entry))& item, posts) { postsByTime.insert(item.second); } std::multimap::reverse_iterator rit; for (rit=postsByTime.rbegin(); rit!=postsByTime.rend() && (int)ret.size() < count; ++rit) { ret.push_back( entryToJson(rit->second) ); } } else if( scope == "directmsgs" ) { // search direct messages if( m_users.count(username) ) { std::multimap postsByTime; TextSearch searcher(keyword, options); { LOCK(cs_twister); BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(std::string,std::vector)& list, m_users[username].m_directmsg) { string remoteUser = list.first; BOOST_FOREACH(const StoredDirectMsg& item, list.second) { if( searcher.matchText(item.m_text) ) { int64_t time = item.m_utcTime; if( searcher.matchTime(time) ) { entry vEntry; vEntry["remoteUser"] = remoteUser; vEntry["text"] = item.m_text; vEntry["time"] = time; vEntry["fromMe"] = item.m_fromMe; hexcapePost(vEntry); postsByTime.insert( pair(time, vEntry) ); } } } } } std::multimap::reverse_iterator rit; for (rit=postsByTime.rbegin(); rit!=postsByTime.rend() && (int)ret.size() < count; ++rit) { ret.push_back( entryToJson(rit->second) ); } } } else if( scope == "profiles" ) { // search dht profiles boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); if( ses ) { entry data = ses->dht_getLocalData(); std::map users; TextSearch searcher(keyword, options); for (entry::dictionary_type::const_iterator i = data.dict().begin(); i != data.dict().end(); ++i) { if ( i->second.type() != entry::list_t ) continue; for (entry::list_type::const_iterator j = i->second.list().begin(); j != i->second.list().end(); ++j) { string str_p = j->find_key("p")->string(); lazy_entry p; int pos; libtorrent::error_code err; if( lazy_bdecode(str_p.data(), str_p.data() + str_p.size(), p, err, &pos) != 0 || p.type() != lazy_entry::dict_t) { continue; } lazy_entry const* target = p.dict_find_dict("target"); if( target ) { string resource = target->dict_find_string_value("r"); if( resource == "profile" ) { lazy_entry const* v = p.dict_find_dict("v"); if( v ) { if( searcher.matchText(v->dict_find_string_value("bio")) || searcher.matchText(v->dict_find_string_value("fullname")) || searcher.matchText(v->dict_find_string_value("location")) || searcher.matchText(v->dict_find_string_value("url")) ) { string n = target->dict_find_string_value("n"); entry vEntry; vEntry = *v; users.insert(pair(n,vEntry)); } } } } } } std::map::iterator it; for (it=users.begin(); it!=users.end() && (int)ret.size() < count; ++it) { entry user; user["username"] = it->first; user["profile"] = it->second; ret.push_back( entryToJson(user) ); } } } else if( scope == "users" ) { // search users (blockchain) // @todo: there should be a faster way std::multimap usernamesByLength; boost::algorithm::to_lower(keyword); string allowed = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_"; for( int i = 0; i < allowed.size(); ++i ) { set usernames; string prefix(1, allowed[i]); pblocktree->GetNamesFromPartial(prefix, usernames, std::numeric_limits::max()); BOOST_FOREACH(string username, usernames) { if( username.find(keyword) != string::npos ) { usernamesByLength.insert( pair(username.size(), username) ); } } } std::multimap::iterator it; for (it=usernamesByLength.begin(); it!=usernamesByLength.end() && (int)ret.size() < count; ++it) { ret.push_back( entryToJson(it->second) ); } } else if( scope == "hashtags" ) { // search hashtags std::multimap hashtagsByLength; #ifdef HAVE_BOOST_LOCALE keyword = boost::locale::to_lower(keyword); #else boost::algorithm::to_lower(keyword); #endif { LOCK(cs_seenHashtags); BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(std::string,double)& item, m_seenHashtags) { if (item.first.find(keyword) != std::string::npos) { hashtagsByLength.insert( pair(item.first.size(), item.first) ); } } } std::multimap::iterator it; for (it=hashtagsByLength.begin(); it!=hashtagsByLength.end() && (int)ret.size() < count; ++it) { ret.push_back( entryToJson(it->second) ); } } else { throw runtime_error("Unknown value"); } return ret; } Object getLibtorrentSessionStatus() { Object obj; boost::shared_ptr ses(m_ses); if( ses ) { session_status stats = ses->status(); obj.push_back( Pair("dht_torrents", stats.dht_torrents) ); obj.push_back( Pair("num_peers", stats.num_peers) ); obj.push_back( Pair("peerlist_size", stats.peerlist_size) ); obj.push_back( Pair("num_active_requests", (int)stats.active_requests.size()) ); obj.push_back( Pair("download_rate", stats.download_rate) ); obj.push_back( Pair("upload_rate", stats.upload_rate) ); obj.push_back( Pair("dht_download_rate", stats.dht_download_rate) ); obj.push_back( Pair("dht_upload_rate", stats.dht_upload_rate) ); obj.push_back( Pair("ip_overhead_download_rate", stats.ip_overhead_download_rate) ); obj.push_back( Pair("ip_overhead_upload_rate", stats.ip_overhead_upload_rate) ); obj.push_back( Pair("payload_download_rate", stats.payload_download_rate) ); obj.push_back( Pair("payload_upload_rate", stats.payload_upload_rate) ); obj.push_back( Pair("total_download", stats.total_download) ); obj.push_back( Pair("total_upload", stats.total_upload) ); obj.push_back( Pair("total_dht_download", stats.total_dht_download) ); obj.push_back( Pair("total_dht_upload", stats.total_dht_upload) ); obj.push_back( Pair("total_ip_overhead_download", stats.total_ip_overhead_download) ); obj.push_back( Pair("total_ip_overhead_upload", stats.total_ip_overhead_upload) ); obj.push_back( Pair("total_payload_download", stats.total_payload_download) ); obj.push_back( Pair("total_payload_upload", stats.total_payload_upload) ); } // @TODO: Is there a way to get some statistics for dhtProxy? return obj; }