mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 05:51:44 +00:00
replace the other partial hash with the piece signature checking
This commit is contained in:
@ -445,11 +445,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
bool allocate_slots_impl(int num_slots, mutex::scoped_lock& l, bool abort_on_disk = false);
// updates the ph.h hasher object with the data at the given slot
// and optionally a 'small hash' as well, the hash for
// the partial slot. Returns the number of bytes read
int hash_for_slot(int slot, partial_hash& h, int piece_size
, int small_piece_size = 0, sha1_hash* small_hash = 0);
int hash_for_slot(int slot, bool *hash_ok, int piece_size);
void hint_read_impl(int piece_index, int offset, int size);
@ -478,7 +474,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
, int current_slot);
void switch_to_full_mode();
sha1_hash hash_for_piece_impl(int piece, int* readback = 0);
bool hash_for_piece_impl(int piece, int* readback = 0);
int release_files_impl() { return m_storage->release_files(); }
int delete_files_impl() { return m_storage->delete_files(); }
@ -540,11 +536,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
// isn't needed)
std::multimap<sha1_hash, int> m_hash_to_piece;
// this map contains partial hashes for downloading
// pieces. This is only accessed from within the
// disk-io thread.
std::map<int, partial_hash> m_piece_hasher;
disk_io_thread& m_io_thread;
// the reason for this to be a void pointer
@ -2268,7 +2268,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
ptime hash_start = time_now_hires();
int readback = 0;
sha1_hash h = j.storage->hash_for_piece_impl(j.piece, &readback);
bool hash_ok = j.storage->hash_for_piece_impl(j.piece, &readback);
if (test_error(j))
ret = -1;
@ -2278,7 +2278,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
m_cache_stats.total_read_back += readback / m_block_size;
ret = (j.storage->info()->hash_for_piece(j.piece) == h)?0:-2;
ret = (hash_ok)?0:-2;
if (ret == -2) j.storage->mark_failed(j.piece);
ptime done = time_now_hires();
#include "libtorrent/alloca.hpp"
#include "libtorrent/allocator.hpp" // page_size
#include "../../src/twister.h"
#include <cstdio>
@ -294,93 +296,76 @@ namespace libtorrent
int piece_manager::hash_for_slot(int slot, partial_hash& ph, int piece_size
, int small_piece_size, sha1_hash* small_hash)
int piece_manager::hash_for_slot(int slot, bool *hash_ok, int piece_size)
TORRENT_ASSERT_VAL(!error(), error());
*hash_ok = false;
int num_read = 0;
int slot_size = piece_size - ph.offset;
if (slot_size > 0)
int block_size = 16 * 1024;
if (m_storage->disk_pool()) block_size = m_storage->disk_pool()->block_size();
int size = slot_size;
int num_blocks = (size + block_size - 1) / block_size;
int slot_size = piece_size;
// when we optimize for speed we allocate all the buffers we
// need for the rest of the piece, and read it all in one call
// and then hash it. When optimizing for memory usage, we read
// one block at a time and hash it. This ends up only using a
// single buffer
if (m_storage->settings().optimize_hashing_for_speed)
file::iovec_t* bufs = TORRENT_ALLOCA(file::iovec_t, num_blocks);
for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i)
bufs[i].iov_base = m_storage->disk_pool()->allocate_buffer("hash temp");
bufs[i].iov_len = (std::min)(block_size, size);
size -= bufs[i].iov_len;
// deliberately pass in 0 as flags, to disable random_access
num_read = m_storage->readv(bufs, slot, ph.offset, num_blocks, 0);
// TODO: if the read fails, set error and exit immediately
file::iovec_t buf;
disk_buffer_holder holder(*m_storage->disk_pool()
, m_storage->disk_pool()->allocate_buffer("hash temp"));
buf.iov_base = holder.get();
buf.iov_len = slot_size;
// deliberately pass in 0 as flags, to disable random_access
int ret = m_storage->readv(&buf, slot, 0, 1, 0);
if (ret > 0) num_read += ret;
// TODO: if the read fails, set error and exit immediately
for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i)
if (small_hash && small_piece_size <= block_size)
ph.h.update((char const*)bufs[i].iov_base, small_piece_size);
*small_hash = hasher(ph.h).final();
small_hash = 0; // avoid this case again
if (int(bufs[i].iov_len) > small_piece_size)
ph.h.update((char const*)bufs[i].iov_base + small_piece_size
, bufs[i].iov_len - small_piece_size);
ph.h.update((char const*)bufs[i].iov_base, bufs[i].iov_len);
small_piece_size -= bufs[i].iov_len;
ph.offset += bufs[i].iov_len;
file::iovec_t buf;
disk_buffer_holder holder(*m_storage->disk_pool()
, m_storage->disk_pool()->allocate_buffer("hash temp"));
buf.iov_base = holder.get();
for (int i = 0; i < num_blocks; ++i)
buf.iov_len = (std::min)(block_size, size);
// deliberately pass in 0 as flags, to disable random_access
int ret = m_storage->readv(&buf, slot, ph.offset, 1, 0);
if (ret > 0) num_read += ret;
// TODO: if the read fails, set error and exit immediately
if (ret > 0)
*hash_ok = false;
if (small_hash && small_piece_size <= block_size)
if (small_piece_size > 0) ph.h.update((char const*)buf.iov_base, small_piece_size);
*small_hash = hasher(ph.h).final();
small_hash = 0; // avoid this case again
if (int(buf.iov_len) > small_piece_size)
ph.h.update((char const*)buf.iov_base + small_piece_size
, buf.iov_len - small_piece_size);
ph.h.update((char const*)buf.iov_base, buf.iov_len);
small_piece_size -= buf.iov_len;
lazy_entry v;
int pos;
error_code ec;
if (lazy_bdecode((char const*)buf.iov_base, (char const*)buf.iov_base
+ ret, v, ec, &pos) == 0) {
ph.offset += buf.iov_len;
size -= buf.iov_len;
if (error()) return 0;
return num_read;
if( v.type() == lazy_entry::dict_t ) {
lazy_entry const* post = v.dict_find_dict("userpost");
std::string sig = v.dict_find_string_value("sig_userpost");
std::string username = m_info->name();
if( !post || !sig.size() ) {
printf("h_f_s: missing post or signature\n");
} else {
std::string n = post->dict_find_string_value("n");
int k = post->dict_find_int_value("k",-1);
if( n != username ) {
printf("h_f_s: expected username '%s' got '%s'\n",
username.c_str(), n.c_str());
} else if( k != slot ) {
printf("h_f_s: expected piece '%d' got '%d'\n",
slot, k);
} else {
std::pair<char const*, int> postbuf = post->data_section();
*hash_ok = verifySignature(
username, sig);
if( !(*hash_ok) ) {
printf("h_f_s: bad signature\n");
if (error()) return 0;
return num_read;
default_storage::default_storage(file_storage const& fs, file_storage const* mapped, std::string const& path
@ -1596,24 +1581,17 @@ namespace libtorrent
return m_save_path;
sha1_hash piece_manager::hash_for_piece_impl(int piece, int* readback)
bool piece_manager::hash_for_piece_impl(int piece, int* readback)
partial_hash ph;
std::map<int, partial_hash>::iterator i = m_piece_hasher.find(piece);
if (i != m_piece_hasher.end())
ph = i->second;
bool hash_ok = false;
int slot = slot_for(piece);
int read = hash_for_slot(slot, ph, m_files.piece_size(piece));
int read = hash_for_slot(slot, &hash_ok, m_files.piece_size(piece));
if (readback) *readback = read;
if (m_storage->error()) return sha1_hash(0);
return ph.h.final();
if (m_storage->error()) return false;
return hash_ok;
int piece_manager::move_storage_impl(std::string const& save_path, int flags)
@ -1688,70 +1666,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
if (ret != size) return ret;
if (m_storage->settings().disable_hash_checks) return ret;
if (offset == 0)
partial_hash& ph = m_piece_hasher[piece_index];
TORRENT_ASSERT(ph.offset == 0);
ph.offset = size;
for (file::iovec_t* i = iov, *end(iov + num_bufs); i < end; ++i)
ph.h.update((char const*)i->iov_base, i->iov_len);
std::map<int, partial_hash>::iterator i = m_piece_hasher.find(piece_index);
if (i != m_piece_hasher.end())
TORRENT_ASSERT(i->second.offset > 0);
int hash_offset = i->second.offset;
TORRENT_ASSERT(offset >= hash_offset);
if (offset == i->second.offset)
out << time_now_string() << " UPDATING ["
" s: " << this
<< " p: " << piece_index
<< " off: " << offset
<< " size: " << size
<< " entries: " << m_piece_hasher.size()
<< " ]" << std::endl;
for (file::iovec_t* b = iov, *end(iov + num_bufs); b < end; ++b)
i->second.h.update((char const*)b->iov_base, b->iov_len);
i->second.offset += b->iov_len;
out << time_now_string() << " SKIPPING (out of order) ["
" s: " << this
<< " p: " << piece_index
<< " off: " << offset
<< " size: " << size
<< " entries: " << m_piece_hasher.size()
<< " ]" << std::endl;
out << time_now_string() << " SKIPPING (no entry) ["
" s: " << this
<< " p: " << piece_index
<< " off: " << offset
<< " size: " << size
<< " entries: " << m_piece_hasher.size()
<< " ]" << std::endl;
return ret;
@ -1978,18 +1892,7 @@ namespace libtorrent
int piece_manager::check_files(int& current_slot, int& have_piece, error_code& error)
if (m_state == state_none) return check_no_fastresume(error);
if (m_piece_to_slot.empty())
m_piece_to_slot.resize(m_files.num_pieces(), has_no_slot);
if (m_slot_to_piece.empty())
m_slot_to_piece.resize(m_files.num_pieces(), unallocated);
current_slot = m_current_slot;
have_piece = -1;
@ -2026,9 +1929,6 @@ namespace libtorrent
TORRENT_ASSERT(m_current_slot == m_files.num_pieces());
// clear the memory we've been using
std::multimap<sha1_hash, int>().swap(m_hash_to_piece);
return check_init_storage(error);
@ -2064,59 +1964,21 @@ namespace libtorrent
TORRENT_ASSERT(have_piece == -1);
// initialization for the full check
/* [MF]
if (m_hash_to_piece.empty())
for (int i = 0; i < m_files.num_pieces(); ++i)
m_hash_to_piece.insert(std::pair<const sha1_hash, int>(m_info->hash_for_piece(i), i));
partial_hash ph;
bool hash_ok = false;
int num_read = 0;
int piece_size = m_files.piece_size(m_current_slot);
int small_piece_size = m_files.piece_size(m_files.num_pieces() - 1);
bool read_short = true;
sha1_hash small_hash;
if (piece_size == small_piece_size)
num_read = hash_for_slot(m_current_slot, ph, piece_size, 0, 0);
num_read = hash_for_slot(m_current_slot, ph, piece_size
, small_piece_size, &small_hash);
read_short = num_read != piece_size;
if (read_short)
if (m_storage->error()
&& m_storage->error() != error_code(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, get_system_category())
&& m_storage->error() != error_code(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, get_system_category())
&& m_storage->error() != error_code(ERROR_HANDLE_EOF, get_system_category())
&& m_storage->error() != error_code(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, get_system_category()))
&& m_storage->error() != error_code(ENOENT, get_posix_category()))
return -1;
// if the file is incomplete, skip the rest of it
return skip_file();
num_read = hash_for_slot(m_current_slot, &hash_ok, piece_size);
sha1_hash large_hash = ph.h.final();
int piece_index = identify_data(large_hash, small_hash, m_current_slot);
if (piece_index < 0)
if (!hash_ok)
// the data did not match any piece. Maybe we're reading
// from a sparse region, see if we are and skip
if (m_current_slot == m_files.num_pieces() -1) return 0;
int next_slot = m_storage->sparse_end(m_current_slot + 1);
//int next_slot = m_storage->sparse_end(m_current_slot + 1);
int next_slot = m_current_slot + 1;
if (next_slot > m_current_slot + 1) return next_slot - m_current_slot;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user