// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Bitcoin developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include "wallet.h"
#include "walletdb.h"
#include "bitcoinrpc.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "base58.h"
#include "main.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
using namespace boost::assign;
using namespace json_spirit;
int64 nWalletUnlockTime;
static CCriticalSection cs_nWalletUnlockTime;
std::string HelpRequiringPassphrase()
return pwalletMain->IsCrypted()
? "\nrequires wallet passphrase to be set with walletpassphrase first"
: "";
void EnsureWalletIsUnlocked()
if (pwalletMain->IsLocked())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_UNLOCK_NEEDED, "Error: Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.");
void WalletTxToJSON(const CWalletTx& wtx, Object& entry)
int confirms = wtx.GetDepthInMainChain();
entry.push_back(Pair("confirmations", confirms));
if (wtx.IsSpamMessage())
entry.push_back(Pair("generated", true));
if (confirms)
entry.push_back(Pair("blockhash", wtx.hashBlock.GetHex()));
entry.push_back(Pair("blockindex", wtx.nIndex));
entry.push_back(Pair("blocktime", (boost::int64_t)(mapBlockIndex[wtx.hashBlock]->nTime)));
entry.push_back(Pair("txid", wtx.GetHash().GetHex()));
entry.push_back(Pair("time", (boost::int64_t)wtx.GetTxTime()));
entry.push_back(Pair("timereceived", (boost::int64_t)wtx.nTimeReceived));
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(string,string)& item, wtx.mapValue)
entry.push_back(Pair(item.first, item.second));
string AccountFromValue(const Value& value)
string strAccount = value.get_str();
if (strAccount == "*")
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME, "Invalid account name");
return strAccount;
Value getinfo(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
throw runtime_error(
"Returns an object containing various state info.");
proxyType proxy;
GetProxy(NET_IPV4, proxy);
Object obj;
obj.push_back(Pair("version", (int)CLIENT_VERSION));
obj.push_back(Pair("walletversion", pwalletMain->GetVersion()));
obj.push_back(Pair("blocks", (int)nBestHeight));
obj.push_back(Pair("timeoffset", (boost::int64_t)GetTimeOffset()));
obj.push_back(Pair("connections", (int)vNodes.size()));
obj.push_back(Pair("proxy", (proxy.first.IsValid() ? proxy.first.ToStringIPPort() : string())));
obj.push_back(Pair("difficulty", (double)GetDifficulty()));
obj.push_back(Pair("testnet", TestNet()));
obj.push_back(Pair("keypoololdest", (boost::int64_t)pwalletMain->GetOldestKeyPoolTime()));
obj.push_back(Pair("keypoolsize", pwalletMain->GetKeyPoolSize()));
obj.push_back(Pair("paytxfee", ValueFromAmount(nTransactionFee)));
if (pwalletMain->IsCrypted())
obj.push_back(Pair("unlocked_until", (boost::int64_t)nWalletUnlockTime));
obj.push_back(Pair("errors", GetWarnings("statusbar")));
return obj;
Value createuserkey(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"createuserkey <username>\n"
"Returns a new Bitcoin address for receiving payments. "
"If [account] is specified (recommended), it is added to the address book "
"so payments received with the address will be credited to [account].");
string strUsername = params[0].get_str();
CKeyID keyID;
if( pwalletMain->GetKeyIdFromUsername(strUsername, keyID) )
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME, "Error: this username exists in wallet");
uint256 userhash = SerializeHash(strUsername);
printf("usernamehash(%s) = %s\n", strUsername.c_str(), userhash.GetHex().c_str());
CTransaction txOut;
uint256 hashBlock;
if( GetTransaction(userhash, txOut, hashBlock) )
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_INVALID_ACCOUNT_NAME, "Error: this username exists in tx database");
// Generate a new key that is added to wallet
CPubKey newKey = pwalletMain->GenerateNewKey(strUsername);
keyID = newKey.GetID();
return CBitcoinAddress(keyID).ToString();
Value listusernames(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 0)
throw runtime_error(
"Returns the list of usernames.");
// Find all addresses that have the given account
Array ret;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CKeyID, CKeyMetadata)& item, pwalletMain->mapKeyMetadata)
return ret;
Value sendtoaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 4)
throw runtime_error(
"sendtoaddress <bitcoinaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to]\n"
"<amount> is a real and is rounded to the nearest 0.00000001"
+ HelpRequiringPassphrase());
CBitcoinAddress address(params[0].get_str());
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid Bitcoin address");
// Amount
int64 nAmount = AmountFromValue(params[1]);
// Wallet comments
CWalletTx wtx;
if (params.size() > 2 && params[2].type() != null_type && !params[2].get_str().empty())
wtx.mapValue["comment"] = params[2].get_str();
if (params.size() > 3 && params[3].type() != null_type && !params[3].get_str().empty())
wtx.mapValue["to"] = params[3].get_str();
if (pwalletMain->IsLocked())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_UNLOCK_NEEDED, "Error: Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first.");
string strError;// = pwalletMain->SendMoneyToDestination(address.Get(), nAmount, wtx);
if (strError != "")
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, strError);
return wtx.GetHash().GetHex();
Value signmessage(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 2)
throw runtime_error(
"signmessage <bitcoinaddress> <message>\n"
"Sign a message with the private key of an address");
string strAddress = params[0].get_str();
string strMessage = params[1].get_str();
CBitcoinAddress addr(strAddress);
if (!addr.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid address");
CKeyID keyID;
if (!addr.GetKeyID(keyID))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Address does not refer to key");
CKey key;
if (!pwalletMain->GetKey(keyID, key))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Private key not available");
CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, 0);
ss << strMessageMagic;
ss << strMessage;
vector<unsigned char> vchSig;
if (!key.SignCompact(ss.GetHash(), vchSig))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Sign failed");
return EncodeBase64(&vchSig[0], vchSig.size());
Value verifymessage(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 3)
throw runtime_error(
"verifymessage <bitcoinaddress> <signature> <message>\n"
"Verify a signed message");
string strAddress = params[0].get_str();
string strSign = params[1].get_str();
string strMessage = params[2].get_str();
CBitcoinAddress addr(strAddress);
if (!addr.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid address");
CKeyID keyID;
if (!addr.GetKeyID(keyID))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TYPE_ERROR, "Address does not refer to key");
bool fInvalid = false;
vector<unsigned char> vchSig = DecodeBase64(strSign.c_str(), &fInvalid);
if (fInvalid)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Malformed base64 encoding");
CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, 0);
ss << strMessageMagic;
ss << strMessage;
CPubKey pubkey;
if (!pubkey.RecoverCompact(ss.GetHash(), vchSig))
return false;
return (pubkey.GetID() == keyID);
Value getreceivedbyaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"getreceivedbyaddress <bitcoinaddress> [minconf=1]\n"
"Returns the total amount received by <bitcoinaddress> in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.");
// Bitcoin address
CBitcoinAddress address = CBitcoinAddress(params[0].get_str());
CScript scriptPubKey;
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid Bitcoin address");
if (!IsMine(*pwalletMain,scriptPubKey))
return (double)0.0;
// Minimum confirmations
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 1)
nMinDepth = params[1].get_int();
// Tally
int64 nAmount = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (wtx.IsSpamMessage())
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
if (txout.scriptPubKey == scriptPubKey)
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
nAmount += txout.nValue;
return ValueFromAmount(nAmount);
void GetAccountAddresses(string strAccount, set<CTxDestination>& setAddress)
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, string)& item, pwalletMain->mapAddressBook)
const CTxDestination& address = item.first;
const string& strName = item.second;
if (strName == strAccount)
Value getreceivedbyaccount(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"getreceivedbyaccount <account> [minconf=1]\n"
"Returns the total amount received by addresses with <account> in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations.");
// Minimum confirmations
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 1)
nMinDepth = params[1].get_int();
// Get the set of pub keys assigned to account
string strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[0]);
set<CTxDestination> setAddress;
GetAccountAddresses(strAccount, setAddress);
// Tally
int64 nAmount = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (wtx.IsSpamMessage())
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
CTxDestination address;
if (ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) && IsMine(*pwalletMain, address) && setAddress.count(address))
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
nAmount += txout.nValue;
return (double)nAmount / (double)COIN;
Value sendmany(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 4)
throw runtime_error(
"sendmany <fromaccount> {address:amount,...} [minconf=1] [comment]\n"
"amounts are double-precision floating point numbers"
+ HelpRequiringPassphrase());
string strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[0]);
Object sendTo = params[1].get_obj();
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 2)
nMinDepth = params[2].get_int();
CWalletTx wtx;
wtx.strFromAccount = strAccount;
if (params.size() > 3 && params[3].type() != null_type && !params[3].get_str().empty())
wtx.mapValue["comment"] = params[3].get_str();
set<CBitcoinAddress> setAddress;
vector<pair<CScript, int64> > vecSend;
int64 totalAmount = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const Pair& s, sendTo)
CBitcoinAddress address(s.name_);
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, string("Invalid Bitcoin address: ")+s.name_);
if (setAddress.count(address))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, string("Invalid parameter, duplicated address: ")+s.name_);
CScript scriptPubKey;
int64 nAmount = AmountFromValue(s.value_);
totalAmount += nAmount;
vecSend.push_back(make_pair(scriptPubKey, nAmount));
// Send
CReserveKey keyChange(pwalletMain);
int64 nFeeRequired = 0;
string strFailReason;
bool fCreated = pwalletMain->CreateTransaction(vecSend, wtx, keyChange, nFeeRequired, strFailReason);
if (!fCreated)
if (!pwalletMain->CommitTransaction(wtx, keyChange))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Transaction commit failed");
return wtx.GetHash().GetHex();
// Used by addmultisigaddress / createmultisig:
static CScript _createmultisig(const Array& params)
int nRequired = params[0].get_int();
const Array& keys = params[1].get_array();
// Gather public keys
if (nRequired < 1)
throw runtime_error("a multisignature address must require at least one key to redeem");
if ((int)keys.size() < nRequired)
throw runtime_error(
strprintf("not enough keys supplied "
"(got %"PRIszu" keys, but need at least %d to redeem)", keys.size(), nRequired));
std::vector<CPubKey> pubkeys;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)
const std::string& ks = keys[i].get_str();
// Case 1: Bitcoin address and we have full public key:
CBitcoinAddress address(ks);
if (address.IsValid())
CKeyID keyID;
if (!address.GetKeyID(keyID))
throw runtime_error(
strprintf("%s does not refer to a key",ks.c_str()));
CPubKey vchPubKey;
if (!pwalletMain->GetPubKey(keyID, vchPubKey))
throw runtime_error(
strprintf("no full public key for address %s",ks.c_str()));
if (!vchPubKey.IsFullyValid())
throw runtime_error(" Invalid public key: "+ks);
pubkeys[i] = vchPubKey;
// Case 2: hex public key
else if (IsHex(ks))
CPubKey vchPubKey(ParseHex(ks));
if (!vchPubKey.IsFullyValid())
throw runtime_error(" Invalid public key: "+ks);
pubkeys[i] = vchPubKey;
throw runtime_error(" Invalid public key: "+ks);
CScript result;
result.SetMultisig(nRequired, pubkeys);
return result;
Value addmultisigaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3)
string msg = "addmultisigaddress <nrequired> <'[\"key\",\"key\"]'> [account]\n"
"Add a nrequired-to-sign multisignature address to the wallet\"\n"
"each key is a Bitcoin address or hex-encoded public key\n"
"If [account] is specified, assign address to [account].";
throw runtime_error(msg);
string strAccount;
if (params.size() > 2)
strAccount = AccountFromValue(params[2]);
// Construct using pay-to-script-hash:
CScript inner = _createmultisig(params);
//pwalletMain->SetAddressBookName(innerID, strAccount);
//return CBitcoinAddress(innerID).ToString();
return CBitcoinAddress().ToString();
Value createmultisig(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 2)
string msg = "createmultisig <nrequired> <'[\"key\",\"key\"]'>\n"
"Creates a multi-signature address and returns a json object\n"
"with keys:\n"
"address : bitcoin address\n"
"redeemScript : hex-encoded redemption script";
throw runtime_error(msg);
// Construct using pay-to-script-hash:
CScript inner = _createmultisig(params);
CScriptID innerID = inner.GetID();
CBitcoinAddress address(innerID);
Object result;
result.push_back(Pair("address", address.ToString()));
result.push_back(Pair("redeemScript", HexStr(inner.begin(), inner.end())));
return result;
struct tallyitem
int64 nAmount;
int nConf;
vector<uint256> txids;
nAmount = 0;
nConf = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
Value ListReceived(const Array& params, bool fByAccounts)
// Minimum confirmations
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 0)
nMinDepth = params[0].get_int();
// Whether to include empty accounts
bool fIncludeEmpty = false;
if (params.size() > 1)
fIncludeEmpty = params[1].get_bool();
// Tally
map<CBitcoinAddress, tallyitem> mapTally;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (wtx.IsSpamMessage())
int nDepth = wtx.GetDepthInMainChain();
if (nDepth < nMinDepth)
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
CTxDestination address;
if (!ExtractDestination(txout.scriptPubKey, address) || !IsMine(*pwalletMain, address))
tallyitem& item = mapTally[address];
item.nAmount += txout.nValue;
item.nConf = min(item.nConf, nDepth);
// Reply
Array ret;
map<string, tallyitem> mapAccountTally;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CBitcoinAddress, string)& item, pwalletMain->mapAddressBook)
const CBitcoinAddress& address = item.first;
const string& strAccount = item.second;
map<CBitcoinAddress, tallyitem>::iterator it = mapTally.find(address);
if (it == mapTally.end() && !fIncludeEmpty)
int64 nAmount = 0;
int nConf = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
if (it != mapTally.end())
nAmount = (*it).second.nAmount;
nConf = (*it).second.nConf;
if (fByAccounts)
tallyitem& item = mapAccountTally[strAccount];
item.nAmount += nAmount;
item.nConf = min(item.nConf, nConf);
Object obj;
obj.push_back(Pair("address", address.ToString()));
obj.push_back(Pair("account", strAccount));
obj.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(nAmount)));
obj.push_back(Pair("confirmations", (nConf == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() ? 0 : nConf)));
Array transactions;
if (it != mapTally.end())
BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& item, (*it).second.txids)
obj.push_back(Pair("txids", transactions));
if (fByAccounts)
for (map<string, tallyitem>::iterator it = mapAccountTally.begin(); it != mapAccountTally.end(); ++it)
int64 nAmount = (*it).second.nAmount;
int nConf = (*it).second.nConf;
Object obj;
obj.push_back(Pair("account", (*it).first));
obj.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(nAmount)));
obj.push_back(Pair("confirmations", (nConf == std::numeric_limits<int>::max() ? 0 : nConf)));
return ret;
Value listreceivedbyaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"listreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]\n"
"[minconf] is the minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.\n"
"[includeempty] whether to include addresses that haven't received any payments.\n"
"Returns an array of objects containing:\n"
" \"address\" : receiving address\n"
" \"account\" : the account of the receiving address\n"
" \"amount\" : total amount received by the address\n"
" \"confirmations\" : number of confirmations of the most recent transaction included\n"
" \"txids\" : list of transactions with outputs to the address\n");
return ListReceived(params, false);
Value listreceivedbyaccount(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"listreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]\n"
"[minconf] is the minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.\n"
"[includeempty] whether to include accounts that haven't received any payments.\n"
"Returns an array of objects containing:\n"
" \"account\" : the account of the receiving addresses\n"
" \"amount\" : total amount received by addresses with this account\n"
" \"confirmations\" : number of confirmations of the most recent transaction included");
return ListReceived(params, true);
void ListTransactions(const CWalletTx& wtx, const string& strAccount, int nMinDepth, bool fLong, Array& ret)
bool fAllAccounts = (strAccount == string("*"));
// Sent
//if ((fAllAccounts || strAccount == strSentAccount))
Object entry;
//entry.push_back(Pair("account", strSentAccount));
//entry.push_back(Pair("address", CBitcoinAddress(s.first).ToString()));
if (fLong)
WalletTxToJSON(wtx, entry);
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
Object entry;
//entry.push_back(Pair("account", account));
//entry.push_back(Pair("address", CBitcoinAddress(r.first).ToString()));
if (fLong)
WalletTxToJSON(wtx, entry);
Value listtransactions(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 3)
throw runtime_error(
"listtransactions [account] [count=10] [from=0]\n"
"Returns up to [count] most recent transactions skipping the first [from] transactions for account [account].");
string strAccount = "*";
if (params.size() > 0)
strAccount = params[0].get_str();
int nCount = 10;
if (params.size() > 1)
nCount = params[1].get_int();
int nFrom = 0;
if (params.size() > 2)
nFrom = params[2].get_int();
if (nCount < 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Negative count");
if (nFrom < 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Negative from");
Array ret;
// ret is newest to oldest
if (nFrom > (int)ret.size())
nFrom = ret.size();
if ((nFrom + nCount) > (int)ret.size())
nCount = ret.size() - nFrom;
Array::iterator first = ret.begin();
std::advance(first, nFrom);
Array::iterator last = ret.begin();
std::advance(last, nFrom+nCount);
if (last != ret.end()) ret.erase(last, ret.end());
if (first != ret.begin()) ret.erase(ret.begin(), first);
std::reverse(ret.begin(), ret.end()); // Return oldest to newest
return ret;
Value listaccounts(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() > 1)
throw runtime_error(
"listaccounts [minconf=1]\n"
"Returns Object that has account names as keys, account balances as values.");
int nMinDepth = 1;
if (params.size() > 0)
nMinDepth = params[0].get_int();
map<string, int64> mapAccountBalances;
BOOST_FOREACH(const PAIRTYPE(CTxDestination, string)& entry, pwalletMain->mapAddressBook) {
if (IsMine(*pwalletMain, entry.first)) // This address belongs to me
mapAccountBalances[entry.second] = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); ++it)
const CWalletTx& wtx = (*it).second;
if (wtx.GetDepthInMainChain() >= nMinDepth)
Array ret;
return ret;
Value listsinceblock(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp)
throw runtime_error(
"listsinceblock [blockhash] [target-confirmations]\n"
"Get all transactions in blocks since block [blockhash], or all transactions if omitted");
CBlockIndex *pindex = NULL;
int target_confirms = 1;
if (params.size() > 0)
uint256 blockId = 0;
pindex = CBlockLocator(blockId).GetBlockIndex();
if (params.size() > 1)
target_confirms = params[1].get_int();
if (target_confirms < 1)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter");
int depth = pindex ? (1 + nBestHeight - pindex->nHeight) : -1;
Array transactions;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = pwalletMain->mapWallet.begin(); it != pwalletMain->mapWallet.end(); it++)
CWalletTx tx = (*it).second;
if (depth == -1 || tx.GetDepthInMainChain() < depth)
ListTransactions(tx, "*", 0, true, transactions);
uint256 lastblock;
if (target_confirms == 1)
lastblock = hashBestChain;
int target_height = pindexBest->nHeight + 1 - target_confirms;
CBlockIndex *block;
for (block = pindexBest;
block && block->nHeight > target_height;
block = block->pprev) { }
lastblock = block ? block->GetBlockHash() : 0;
Object ret;
ret.push_back(Pair("transactions", transactions));
ret.push_back(Pair("lastblock", lastblock.GetHex()));
return ret;
Value gettransaction(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"gettransaction <txid>\n"
"Get detailed information about in-wallet transaction <txid>");
uint256 hash;
Object entry;
if (!pwalletMain->mapWallet.count(hash))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
const CWalletTx& wtx = pwalletMain->mapWallet[hash];
//entry.push_back(Pair("amount", ValueFromAmount(nNet - nFee)));
WalletTxToJSON(wtx, entry);
Array details;
ListTransactions(wtx, "*", 0, false, details);
entry.push_back(Pair("details", details));
return entry;
Value backupwallet(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"backupwallet <destination>\n"
"Safely copies twisterwallet.dat to destination, which can be a directory or a path with filename.");
string strDest = params[0].get_str();
if (!BackupWallet(*pwalletMain, strDest))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ERROR, "Error: Wallet backup failed!");
return Value::null;
static void LockWallet(CWallet* pWallet)
nWalletUnlockTime = 0;
Value walletpassphrase(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (pwalletMain->IsCrypted() && (fHelp || params.size() != 2))
throw runtime_error(
"walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout>\n"
"Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for <timeout> seconds.");
if (fHelp)
return true;
if (!pwalletMain->IsCrypted())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_WRONG_ENC_STATE, "Error: running with an unencrypted wallet, but walletpassphrase was called.");
// Note that the walletpassphrase is stored in params[0] which is not mlock()ed
SecureString strWalletPass;
// TODO: get rid of this .c_str() by implementing SecureString::operator=(std::string)
// Alternately, find a way to make params[0] mlock()'d to begin with.
strWalletPass = params[0].get_str().c_str();
if (strWalletPass.length() > 0)
if (!pwalletMain->Unlock(strWalletPass))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_PASSPHRASE_INCORRECT, "Error: The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect.");
throw runtime_error(
"walletpassphrase <passphrase> <timeout>\n"
"Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for <timeout> seconds.");
int64 nSleepTime = params[1].get_int64();
nWalletUnlockTime = GetTime() + nSleepTime;
RPCRunLater("lockwallet", boost::bind(LockWallet, pwalletMain), nSleepTime);
return Value::null;
Value walletpassphrasechange(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (pwalletMain->IsCrypted() && (fHelp || params.size() != 2))
throw runtime_error(
"walletpassphrasechange <oldpassphrase> <newpassphrase>\n"
"Changes the wallet passphrase from <oldpassphrase> to <newpassphrase>.");
if (fHelp)
return true;
if (!pwalletMain->IsCrypted())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_WRONG_ENC_STATE, "Error: running with an unencrypted wallet, but walletpassphrasechange was called.");
// TODO: get rid of these .c_str() calls by implementing SecureString::operator=(std::string)
// Alternately, find a way to make params[0] mlock()'d to begin with.
SecureString strOldWalletPass;
strOldWalletPass = params[0].get_str().c_str();
SecureString strNewWalletPass;
strNewWalletPass = params[1].get_str().c_str();
if (strOldWalletPass.length() < 1 || strNewWalletPass.length() < 1)
throw runtime_error(
"walletpassphrasechange <oldpassphrase> <newpassphrase>\n"
"Changes the wallet passphrase from <oldpassphrase> to <newpassphrase>.");
if (!pwalletMain->ChangeWalletPassphrase(strOldWalletPass, strNewWalletPass))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_PASSPHRASE_INCORRECT, "Error: The wallet passphrase entered was incorrect.");
return Value::null;
Value walletlock(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (pwalletMain->IsCrypted() && (fHelp || params.size() != 0))
throw runtime_error(
"Removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet.\n"
"After calling this method, you will need to call walletpassphrase again\n"
"before being able to call any methods which require the wallet to be unlocked.");
if (fHelp)
return true;
if (!pwalletMain->IsCrypted())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_WRONG_ENC_STATE, "Error: running with an unencrypted wallet, but walletlock was called.");
nWalletUnlockTime = 0;
return Value::null;
Value encryptwallet(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (!pwalletMain->IsCrypted() && (fHelp || params.size() != 1))
throw runtime_error(
"encryptwallet <passphrase>\n"
"Encrypts the wallet with <passphrase>.");
if (fHelp)
return true;
if (pwalletMain->IsCrypted())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_WRONG_ENC_STATE, "Error: running with an encrypted wallet, but encryptwallet was called.");
// TODO: get rid of this .c_str() by implementing SecureString::operator=(std::string)
// Alternately, find a way to make params[0] mlock()'d to begin with.
SecureString strWalletPass;
strWalletPass = params[0].get_str().c_str();
if (strWalletPass.length() < 1)
throw runtime_error(
"encryptwallet <passphrase>\n"
"Encrypts the wallet with <passphrase>.");
if (!pwalletMain->EncryptWallet(strWalletPass))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_WALLET_ENCRYPTION_FAILED, "Error: Failed to encrypt the wallet.");
// BDB seems to have a bad habit of writing old data into
// slack space in .dat files; that is bad if the old data is
// unencrypted private keys. So:
return "wallet encrypted; Twister server stopping, restart to run with encrypted wallet. The keypool has been flushed, you need to make a new backup.";
class DescribeAddressVisitor : public boost::static_visitor<Object>
Object operator()(const CNoDestination &dest) const { return Object(); }
Object operator()(const CKeyID &keyID) const {
Object obj;
CPubKey vchPubKey;
pwalletMain->GetPubKey(keyID, vchPubKey);
obj.push_back(Pair("isscript", false));
obj.push_back(Pair("pubkey", HexStr(vchPubKey)));
obj.push_back(Pair("iscompressed", vchPubKey.IsCompressed()));
return obj;
Value validateaddress(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"validateaddress <bitcoinaddress>\n"
"Return information about <bitcoinaddress>.");
CBitcoinAddress address(params[0].get_str());
bool isValid = address.IsValid();
Object ret;
ret.push_back(Pair("isvalid", isValid));
if (isValid)
CTxDestination dest = address.Get();
string currentAddress = address.ToString();
ret.push_back(Pair("address", currentAddress));
bool fMine = IsMine(*pwalletMain, dest);
ret.push_back(Pair("ismine", fMine));
if (fMine) {
Object detail = boost::apply_visitor(DescribeAddressVisitor(), dest);
ret.insert(ret.end(), detail.begin(), detail.end());
if (pwalletMain->mapAddressBook.count(dest))
ret.push_back(Pair("account", pwalletMain->mapAddressBook[dest]));
return ret;