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2013-07-28 20:41:06 -03:00
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
gnuplot_scripts = []
def gen_stats_gnuplot(name, y, lines):
global gnuplot_scripts
stat = open(sys.argv[1])
line = stat.readline()
while not 'minute:' in line:
line = stat.readline()
names = line.strip().split(':')
counter = 1
for i in names:
print '%d: %s' % (counter, i)
counter += 1
out = open('%s.gnuplot' % name, 'w+')
set term png size 1200,700 small
set output "%s.png"
set title "%s"
set ylabel "%s"
set xlabel "time (minutes)"
plot ''' % (name, name.strip('_'), y))
first = True
for i in lines:
if not first:
out.write(', \\\n')
first = False
out.write('"%s" using 1:%d title "%s" with lines' % (sys.argv[1], names.index(i)+1, i))
out.write('''set terminal postscript
set output "%s.ps"
''' % (name))
gnuplot_scripts += [name]
gen_stats_gnuplot('dht_routing_table_size', 'nodes', ['active nodes','passive nodes'])
gen_stats_gnuplot('dht_tracker_table_size', '', ['num torrents', 'num peers'])
gen_stats_gnuplot('dht_announces', 'messages per minute', ['announces per min', 'failed announces per min'])
gen_stats_gnuplot('dht_clients', 'messages per minute', ['total msgs per min', 'az msgs per min', 'ut msgs per min', 'lt msgs per min', 'mp msgs per min', 'gr msgs per min'])
gen_stats_gnuplot('dht_rate', 'bytes per second', ['bytes in per sec', 'bytes out per sec'])
gen_stats_gnuplot('dht_errors', 'messages per minute', ['error replies sent', 'error queries recvd'])
for i in gnuplot_scripts:
os.system('gnuplot %s.gnuplot' % i);