// twister_newmsgs.js // 2013 Miguel Freitas // // Periodically check for new mentions and private messages (DMs) // Update UI counters in top bar. Load/save state to localStorage. // --- mentions --- var _knownMentions = {} var _lastMentionTime = 0; var _newMentions = 0; var PURGE_OLD_MENTIONS_TIMEOUT = 3600 * 24 * 30; // one month // process a mention received to check if it is really new function processMention(user, mentionTime, data) { var key = user + ";" + mentionTime; var curTime = new Date().getTime() / 1000; if( mentionTime > curTime + 3600 ) { console.log("mention from the future will be ignored"); } else { var newMentionsUpdated = false; if( !(key in _knownMentions) ) { // mention must be somewhat recent compared to last known one to be considered new if( mentionTime + 3600 > _lastMentionTime ) { _newMentions++; newMentionsUpdated = true; _lastMentionTime = mentionTime; } _knownMentions[key] = {mentionTime:mentionTime, data:data}; purgeOldMentions(); saveMentionsToStorage(); } if(newMentionsUpdated){ $.MAL.soundNotifyMentions(); } } } function purgeOldMentions() { for( var key in _knownMentions ) { if( _knownMentions.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { if( !_knownMentions[key].mentionTime || !_knownMentions[key].data || _knownMentions[key].mentionTime + PURGE_OLD_MENTIONS_TIMEOUT < _lastMentionTime ) { delete _knownMentions[key]; } } } } function saveMentionsToStorage() { var ns=$.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName); ns.localStorage.set("knownMentions", _knownMentions); ns.localStorage.set("lastMentionTime", _lastMentionTime); ns.localStorage.set("newMentions", _newMentions); } function loadMentionsFromStorage() { var ns=$.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName); if( ns.localStorage.isSet("knownMentions") ) _knownMentions = ns.localStorage.get("knownMentions"); if( ns.localStorage.isSet("lastMentionTime") ) _lastMentionTime = ns.localStorage.get("lastMentionTime"); if( ns.localStorage.isSet("newMentions") ) _newMentions = ns.localStorage.get("newMentions"); } function requestMentionsCount() { dhtget( defaultScreenName, "mention", "m", function(args, data) { if( data ) { for( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) { var userpost = data[i]["userpost"]; processMention( userpost["n"], userpost["time"], data[i]); } $.MAL.updateNewMentionsUI(_newMentions); } }, {}, [10000,2500,6]); // use extended timeout parameters (requires twister_core >= 0.9.14) } function resetMentionsCount() { _newMentions = 0; saveMentionsToStorage(); $.MAL.updateNewMentionsUI(_newMentions); } function initMentionsCount() { // polling mentions is a temporary solution loadMentionsFromStorage(); $.MAL.updateNewMentionsUI(_newMentions); requestMentionsCount(); setInterval("requestMentionsCount()", 10000); } function getMentionsData() { mentions = [] for( var key in _knownMentions ) { if( _knownMentions.hasOwnProperty(key) && _knownMentions[key].data ) { mentions.push(_knownMentions[key].data); } } return mentions; } // --- direct messages --- var _lastDMIdPerUser = {}; var _newDMsPerUser = {}; function saveDMsToStorage() { var ns=$.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName); ns.localStorage.set("lastDMIdPerUser", _lastDMIdPerUser); ns.localStorage.set("newDMsPerUser", _newDMsPerUser); } function loadDMsFromStorage() { var ns=$.initNamespaceStorage(defaultScreenName); if( ns.localStorage.isSet("lastDMIdPerUser") ) _lastDMIdPerUser = ns.localStorage.get("lastDMIdPerUser"); if( ns.localStorage.isSet("newDMsPerUser") ) _newDMsPerUser = ns.localStorage.get("newDMsPerUser"); } function requestDMsCount() { var followList = []; for( var i = 0; i < followingUsers.length; i++ ) { followList.push({username:followingUsers[i]}); } twisterRpc("getdirectmsgs", [defaultScreenName, 1, followList], function(req, dmUsers) { var updated = false; for( var u in dmUsers ) { if( dmUsers.hasOwnProperty(u) ) { var dmData = dmUsers[u][0]; if( (u in _lastDMIdPerUser) && (u in _newDMsPerUser) ) { if( dmData.id != _lastDMIdPerUser[u] ) { _newDMsPerUser[u] += (dmData.id - _lastDMIdPerUser[u]); updated = true; } } else { _newDMsPerUser[u] = dmData.id+1; updated = true; } _lastDMIdPerUser[u] = dmData.id; } } if( updated ) { saveDMsToStorage(); $.MAL.updateNewDMsUI(getNewDMsCount()); } }, null, function(req, ret) {console.log("ajax error:" + ret);}, null); } function getNewDMsCount() { var newDMs = 0, key, reslt; for( var key in _newDMsPerUser ) { if( _newDMsPerUser.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { newDMs += _newDMsPerUser[key]; } } for (key in _newDMsPerUser){if(_newDMsPerUser[key] * 1)reslt = true}; if(newDMs > 0 && reslt) $.MAL.soundNotifyDM(); return newDMs; } function resetNewDMsCountForUser(user, lastId) { _newDMsPerUser[user] = 0; _lastDMIdPerUser[user] = lastId; saveDMsToStorage(); $.MAL.updateNewDMsUI(getNewDMsCount()); } function initDMsCount() { loadDMsFromStorage(); $.MAL.updateNewDMsUI(getNewDMsCount()); requestDMsCount(); //polling not needed: processNewPostsConfirmation will call requestDMsCount. //setInterval("requestDMsCount()", 5000); } function newmsgsChangedUser() { _knownMentions = {} _lastMentionTime = 0; _newMentions = 0; }