# Emotions: a jQuery plugin
Emotions is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to convert some emotion text to images. ( e.g. 8) => img )
## Usage
First, load css, jQuery and the plugin:
Now, let's attach it to your dom elements:
Create dom elements which text should be transformed:
Some text with smile 8)
o.O o.O o.O :D :D :D
o:) o.O 3:) :D <3 :* :) 8| :/ ;) :'( :( 8) >:( :p
## Links
[Смайлы в чате как в Facebook или ICQ c помощью JQuery](http://www.itlessons.info/javascript/facebook-or-icq-jquery-emotions-plugin/)
## Author
[itlessons](http://www.itlessons.info) ([@itlessonsinfo](http://twitter.com/itlessonsinfo))
## Other
[MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)