mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 11:34:17 +00:00
730 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
730 lines
12 KiB
Executable File
@charset "UTF-8"
@import compass
@import 'compass/reset'
@import 'compass/utilities'
// base
@import 'base/_fonts'
@import 'base/_var'
@import 'base/_commons'
@import 'base/_utils'
// layout
@import 'layout/_menu'
@import 'layout/_wrapper'
@import 'layout/_modal'
@import 'layout/_profile'
@import 'layout/_postboard'
@import 'layout/_groupchat'
// pages
@import 'pages/_profile'
@import 'pages/_following'
@import 'pages/_login'
@import 'pages/_network'
@import 'layout/_tabs'
margin: 0 0
cursor: pointer
display: block
margin: 0
width: 50%
padding: .5rem
float: left
text-align: center
transition: color .1s linear
position: relative
border-left: 1px solid $main-background-color
font-size: .8rem
line-height: .8rem
display: block
background: $bloc-background-color
color: rgba($defaut-font-color, .3)
z-index: 3
color: $defaut-font-color
cursor: default
z-index: 5
/********** CONFIG SUBMENU & SEARCH RESULTS ************/
display: none
background: $main-color-dark
position: absolute
top: $menu-height - 4
right: 0
width: 320px
overflow: hidden
+box-shadow(0 8px 33px rgba(#000, .3))
.userMenu-search .dialog-modal:after
right: auto
left: 150px
.direct-messages, .dropdown-menu-item
display: block
padding: 10px
width: 100%
padding: 0
float: none
display: block
margin: 0
@extend .clear-fix
cursor: pointer
background: $bloc-light-color
border-bottom: 1px solid $main-background-color
background: white
display: block
width: 100%
font-size: 12px
font-weight: 400
line-height: $mini-usr-img / 1.5
display: block
margin: 0
padding: 0
color: $defaut-font-color
span, b, span:hover, b:hover
display: inline-block
color: $defaut-font-color
font-weight: 400
font-size: 12px
.mini-screen-name b,
font-weight: 500
width: $mini-usr-img / 1.5
height: auto
height: $mini-usr-img / 1.5
overflow: hidden
margin: 5px
float: left
overflow-x: hidden
width: 100%
float: none
padding: 5px 0 0 0
font-size: 13px
line-height: $mini-usr-img / 2
height: $mini-usr-img / 1.5
width: $mini-usr-img / 1.5
text-align: center
font-weight: 700
padding: 0
position: absolute
top: 5px
right: 5px
.userMenu-search-sugestions a
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
padding: 10x 20px
display: block
clear: both
/***************** MINI PROFILE *******************************/
text-decoration: none
background: $main-color-light
margin: 1em auto
margin-top: 1px
margin-bottom: 20px
@extend .clear-fix
@extend .modal-header
padding: 0 0 0 20px
@extend .open
padding: 20px
margin: 0
width: 100%
margin: 0
text-align: center
@extend .clear-fix
border-top: 1px solid $main-background-color
background: $bloc-background-color
display: block
position: relative
font-size: .8em
text-align: center
border-bottom: 1px solid $main-background-color
color: lighten($dark-grey,10%)
display: block
padding: .5rem 0
color: $dark-grey
background: $bloc-light-color
display: block!important
width: 100%!important
font-size: 1.4rem!important
.userMenu-connections a
@extend .ion-mention
@extend .ion
.userMenu-messages a
@extend .ion-chatbox
@extend .ion
.userMenu-user a
@extend .ion-profile
@extend .ion
.userMenu-groupmessages a
@extend .ion-android-contacts
@extend .ion
.userMenu-collapsePosts a
@extend .ion
@extend .ion-arrow-shrink
position: absolute
top: 5px
right: 5px
background: $main-color-color
text-align: center
+text-shadow(1px 1px 0 rgba(#000,.2))
color: #fff
width: 25px
height: 25px
line-height: 25px
font-size: 10px
font-weight: 900
display: none
.left .mini-profile-info
padding-top: 20px
color: $dark-grey
font-size: 1em
font-weight: 500
padding: 10px 0
display: block
text-align: center
margin: auto
color: $main-color-light
.mini-profile-photo img
width: $usr-img
height: auto
display: block
margin: auto
@extend .clear-fix
clear: both
padding: 0 0 1em 0
text-align: center
background: $bloc-background-color
.mini-profile &
display: none
display: inline
margin: 0 5px
float: none
color: $dark-grey
display: inline-block
font-size: 13px
padding-bottom: 3px
color: $main-color-light
&.posts-count, &.following-count, &.followers-count
display: inline-block
padding-right: 5px
display: block
font-weight: 900
font-size: 1.2rem
color: lighten($dark-grey,20%)
&:hover span.following-count
color: $dark-grey
.mini-profile-info a:hover
text-decoration: none
display: block
position: absolute
bottom: 10px
padding: 10px
width: 100%
background: $bloc-light-color
font-size: 12px
z-index: 10
+transition(all .2s linear)
+box-shadow(-8px 0 13px rgba(#111, 0.2))
@extend button
@extend .small
float: right
margin-right: 5px
.mini-follower-link, .followed-by
display: inline-block
margin: 1px 5px
line-height: 12px
display: none
/***************** POST AREA ***************/
resize: none
width: 100%
display: block
transition: all .3s linear
-webkit-transition: height 0.3s linear
-moz-transition: height 0.3s linear
-o-transition: height 0.3s linear
-ms-transition: height 0.3s linear
height: $mini-usr-img
border: none
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
padding: 5px
margin: 5px 0
border-bottom: solid 1px $main-color-color
.mini-profile .post-area
display: none
display: block
@extend .prompt-wrapper
margin-top: -110px
border: 1px solid $main-background-color
border-bottom: 0
padding: 5px
width: 100%!important
font-size: 90%
line-height: normal
word-wrap: break-word
clear: left
width: 100%
background-color: #FCFFF3
width: 76% !important
margin-left: 16px
padding: 8px
background-color: rgba(0,0,0, 0.05)
margin-top: 8px
width: auto
.post-area-new.open textarea
height: 80px
box-shadow: none!important
height: 28px
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
font-weight: bold
content: '\2026'
overflow: hidden
height: 0
text-align: right
.post-area-new.open > .post-area-extras
height: auto
transition: all .6s linear
padding-right: 3px
color: #ff0000
/******** WHO TO FOLLOW ********/
position: absolute
right: 30px
top: 10px
@extend .small
display: none
padding: .4rem!important
&:hover button
display: block
float: left
display: block
float: left
width: $micro-usr-img
height: auto
margin: 0 10px 0 0
font-size: 12px
label, a
display: inline-block
font-size: 12px
cursor: pointer
display: block
.twister-user-name, .twister-by-user-name
font-weight: 500
font-size: 14px
text-decoration: none
color: $main-color-dark
font-weight: 700
font-size: 12px
line-height: 14px
opacity: .8
display: inline-block
letter-spacing: 0px
font-size: 13px
opacity: .5
text-decoration: none
cursor: pointer
position: absolute
padding: 5px
top: 0
right: 0
display: block
@extend .ion-close
@extend .ion
.twister-user:hover .twister-user-remove
text-decoration: none
opacity: 1
.refresh-toptrends, .twistday-reminder .refresh, .refresh-users
@extend .ion-shuffle
@extend .ion
color: lighten($main-color-dark,30%)
cursor: pointer
font-size: .7rem
font-weight: 500
text-transform: none
letter-spacing: 0
float: right
display: block
margin: 10px
position: relative
color: lighten($main-color-dark,30%)
cursor: pointer
font-size: .7rem
font-weight: 500
text-transform: none
letter-spacing: 0
float: right
display: block
margin: 10px
position: relative
@extend .ion-eye
@extend .ion
.refresh-toptrends:hover, .twistday-reminder .refresh:hover, .refresh-users:hover, .view-all-users:hover
color: $main-color-color
text-decoration: none
background-color: transparent
/***********TOP TRENDS***************/
margin: 0
clear: both
border-top: 1px solid $main-background-color
padding: 10px
display: inline-block
color: $main-color-light
padding: 3px 8px
display: inline-block
text-transform: uppercase
font-size: 11px
margin: 3px
font-weight: 500
background: white
+box-shadow(0 5px 8px rgba(#555, 0.2))
color: $main-color-dark
/********* TWISTDAY REMINDER *******/
.twister-user-full, .twister-user-tag
font-size: .9rem
line-height: 1rem
color: $defaut-font-color
font-weight: 500
opacity: 1
display: inline-block
font-size: 12px
/******* LOADER *************/
.postboard-loading, .loading-roller
font-size: 100px
width: .4em
height: .4em
position: relative
list-style: none
border-radius: 50%
margin: 100px auto
display: none
width: .1em
height: .1em
position: absolute
border-radius: 50%
background: #62839F
top: 0
left: 50%
margin-left: -.05em
transform-origin: 50% 250%
animation: rota 1.13s linear infinite, opa 3.67s ease-in-out infinite alternate
background: #749294
top: 50%
right: 0
margin-top: -.05em
transform-origin: -150% 50%
animation: rota 1.86s linear infinite, opa 4.29s ease-in-out infinite alternate
background: #94AC7E
bottom: 0
left: 50%
margin-left: -.05em
transform-origin: 50% -150%
animation: rota 1.45s linear infinite, opa 5.12s ease-in-out infinite alternate
background: #B4C669
top: 50%
left: 0
margin-top: -.05em
transform-origin: 250% 50%
animation: rota 1.72s linear infinite, opa 5.25s ease-in-out infinite alternate
@keyframes rota
transform: rotate(360deg)
@keyframes opa
opacity: 0.80
opacity: 0.88
opacity: 0.64
opacity: 0.52
opacity: 0.69
opacity: 0.60
opacity: 0.52
opacity: 0.63
opacity: 0.60
opacity: 0.75
opacity: 0.87
/* Options*/
.appearance div
clear: both
float: left
clear: none
padding: 10px
font-weight: 400
width: 90%
#filterLangListCont div, #TopTrendsCont div, #TwistdayReminderCont div
float: none
padding: 0px 4px
margin: 5px 30px
border: double 2px rgba(69, 71, 77, 0.1)
height: 0px
padding: 0!important
overflow: hidden
float: right
transition: height .3s linear
-webkit-transition: height .3s linear
-moz-transition: height .3s linear
-o-transition: height .3s linear
-ms-transition: height .3s linear
font-size: .9em
line-height: .9em
font-style: italic
float: none!important
font-style: normal
/********** AUTOCOMPLETING *********/
.textcomplete-wrapper textarea
display: inline
min-width: 160px
padding: 5px 0 7px
margin: 2px 0 0
list-style: none
background-color: #fff
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
border-bottom: solid 2px #B4C669
@extend .box-shadow
z-index: 2000!important
> li > a
padding: 3px 20px
white-space: nowrap
transition: all 100ms
/* Language filter messages */
color: rgba( 0, 0, 0, .7 )
font: 10px "Open Sans", sans-serif
text-align: center
.langFilterSimData em
color: #B4C669
@import 'layout/_responsive'