//these are the main variables used in the sass file // G R I D $grid_width : 50% // grid width % $grid_max_width : 100% // max width $grid_cols : 12 // cols number $grid_gut : 2.5% // gut width % $grid_col : ($grid_width - ($grid_gut * ($grid_cols - 1))) / $grid_cols $class-col : col !default .col float: left margin: 0 $grid_gut 0 0 +box-sizing(border-box) @extend .clear-fix &.last margin-right: 0 @for $i from 1 through $grid_cols $j: $i - 1 .#{$class-col}-#{$i} width: ($i * $grid_col) + ($j * $grid_gut) // vars used for the website $site-width : $grid_max_width $gut-width : $grid_gut $space : 1rem // colors $light-grey: #C3C3C3 $color-green: #B4C669 $color-red: #EF5D43 $color-blue: #39434F $dark-grey : #444 $main-color-light: #aaa $main-color-dark: #222 $main-color-color: $color-green $main-background-color: lighten($light-grey, 10% ) $bloc-light-color : lighten($light-grey, 20% ) $bloc-background-color: white $defaut-font-color: $dark-grey $global-font-size : 15px $main-font-size : 1rem $main-line-height : 1.4rem /* FONTS */ $main-font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif $symbol-font-family: "fontello" $serif-font-family: "Droid", serif