// interface_common.js // 2013 Lucas Leal, Miguel Freitas // // Common interface functions to all pages, modal manipulation, button manipulation etc // Profile, mentions and hashtag modal // Post actions: submit, count characters //dispara o modal genérico //o modalClass me permite fazer tratamentos específicos de CSS para cada modal function openModal( modalClass ) { var $oldModal = $("body").children(".modal-blackout"); var $template = $( "#templates" ); var $templateModal = $template.find( ".modal-blackout" ).clone(true); $templateModal.addClass( modalClass ); if( $oldModal.length ) { $templateModal.show(); $oldModal.replaceWith($templateModal); } else { $templateModal.prependTo( "body" ).fadeIn( "fast" ); } //escondo o overflow da tela var $body = $( "body" ); $body.css({ "overflow": "hidden" }); } //fecha o modal removendo o conteúdo por detach function closeModal($this) { var $body = $( "body" ); var $modalWindows = $( "body" ).children( ".modal-blackout" ); $modalWindows.fadeOut( "fast", function() { $modalWindows.detach(); }); $body.css({ "overflow": "auto", "margin-right": "0" }); } function checkNetworkStatusAndAskRedirect(cbFunc, cbArg) { networkUpdate(function(args) { if( !twisterdConnectedAndUptodate ) { var redirect = window.confirm(polyglot.t("switch_to_network")); if( redirect ) $.MAL.goNetwork(); } else { if( args.cbFunc ) args.cbFunc(args.cbArg); } }, {cbFunc:cbFunc,cbArg:cbArg}); } function timeGmtToText(t) { var d = new Date(0); d.setUTCSeconds(t); return d.toString().replace(/GMT.*/g,""); } function timeSincePost(t) { var d = new Date(0); d.setUTCSeconds(t); var now = new Date(); var t_delta = Math.ceil((now - d) / 1000); var expression = ""; if(t_delta < 60) { expression = polyglot.t("seconds", t_delta); } else if(t_delta < 60 * 60) { expression = polyglot.t("minutes", Math.floor(t_delta/60)); } else if(t_delta < 24 * 60 * 60) { expression = polyglot.t("hours", Math.floor(t_delta/60/60)); } else { expression = polyglot.t("days", Math.floor(t_delta/24/60/60)); } return polyglot.t("time_ago", { time: expression }); } // // Profile, mentions, hashtag, and following modal, who to follow // ----------------------------------- function newProfileModal(username) { var profileModalContent = $( "#profile-modal-template" ).children().clone(true); updateProfileData(profileModalContent, username); return profileModalContent; } function openProfileModal(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); var username = $.MAL.urlToUser( $this.attr("href") ); if(!username) { alert(polyglot.t("You don't have any profile because you are not logged in.")); return; } var profileModalClass = "profile-modal"; openModal( profileModalClass ); var profileModalContent = newProfileModal( username ); profileModalContent.appendTo("." +profileModalClass + " .modal-content"); //título do modal $( "."+profileModalClass + " h3" ).text( polyglot.t("users_profile", { username: username }) ); //hed//add dinamic follow button in profile modal window if(followingUsers.indexOf(username) != -1){ $('.profile-card button.followButton').first().removeClass('follow').addClass('profileUnfollow').text(polyglot.t('Unfollow')).on('click', function(){ unfollow(username); }); }; $(".tox-ctc").attr("title", polyglot.t("Copy to clipboard")); $(".bitmessage-ctc").attr("title", polyglot.t("Copy to clipboard")); } function newHashtagModal(hashtag) { var hashtagModalContent = $( "#hashtag-modal-template" ).children().clone(true); hashtagModalContent.find( ".postboard-news").click(function (){ $(this).hide(); displayHashtagPending($(".hashtag-modal .postboard-posts")); }); clearHashtagProcessed(); updateHashtagModal( hashtagModalContent.find(".postboard-posts"), hashtag ); return hashtagModalContent; } function openHashtagModal(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); var hashtag = $this.text().substring(1).toLowerCase(); var hashtagModalClass = "hashtag-modal"; openModal( hashtagModalClass ); $( "."+hashtagModalClass ).attr("data-resource","hashtag"); var hashtagModalContent = newHashtagModal( hashtag ); hashtagModalContent.appendTo("." +hashtagModalClass + " .modal-content"); //título do modal $( "."+hashtagModalClass + " h3" ).text( "#" + hashtag ); } function openHashtagModalFromSearch(hashtag) { var hashtagModalClass = "hashtag-modal"; openModal( hashtagModalClass ); $( "."+hashtagModalClass ).attr("data-resource","hashtag"); var hashtagModalContent = newHashtagModal( hashtag ); hashtagModalContent.appendTo("." +hashtagModalClass + " .modal-content"); //título do modal $( "."+hashtagModalClass + " h3" ).text( "#" + hashtag ); } function updateHashtagModal(postboard,hashtag) { var $hashtagModalClass = $(".hashtag-modal"); if( !$hashtagModalClass.length || $hashtagModalClass.css("display") == 'none' ) return; var resource = $hashtagModalClass.attr("data-resource"); requestHashtag(postboard,hashtag,resource); setTimeout( function() {updateHashtagModal(postboard,hashtag);}, 5000); } function openMentionsModal(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if(!defaultScreenName) { alert(polyglot.t("No one can mention you because you are not logged in.")); return; } // reuse the same hashtag modal to show mentions var hashtagModalClass = "hashtag-modal"; openModal( hashtagModalClass ); $( "."+hashtagModalClass ).attr("data-resource","mention"); var username; var $userInfo = $(this).closest("[data-screen-name]"); if( $userInfo.length ) username = $userInfo.attr("data-screen-name"); else username = defaultScreenName; var hashtagModalContent = newHashtagModal( username ); hashtagModalContent.appendTo("." +hashtagModalClass + " .modal-content"); //título do modal $( "."+hashtagModalClass + " h3" ).text( polyglot.t("users_mentions", { username: username }) ); // obtain already cached mention posts from twister_newmsgs.js processHashtag(hashtagModalContent.find(".postboard-posts"), defaultScreenName, getMentionsData() ); resetMentionsCount(); } function newFollowingModal(username) { var followingModalContent = $( "#following-modal-template" ).children().clone(true); updateFollowingData(followingModalContent, username); return followingModalContent; } function openFollowingModal(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); var username = $.MAL.followingUrlToUser( $this.attr("href") ); var followingModalClass = "following-modal"; openModal( followingModalClass ); var followingModalContent = newFollowingModal( username ); followingModalContent.appendTo("." +followingModalClass + " .modal-content"); //título do modal $( "."+followingModalClass + " h3" ).text( polyglot.t("followed_by", { username: username }) ); } function refreshWhoToFollow(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); $('.follow-suggestions').html(''); getRandomFollowSuggestion(processSuggestion); getRandomFollowSuggestion(processSuggestion); getRandomFollowSuggestion(processSuggestion); } function fillWhoToFollowModal(list, hlist, start) { var i; for (i = 0; i < followingUsers.length && list.length < start + 20; i++) { if (typeof(twisterFollowingO.followingsFollowings[followingUsers[i]]) !== 'undefined') { for (var j = 0; j < twisterFollowingO.followingsFollowings[followingUsers[i]]["following"].length && list.length < start + 25; j++) { var utf = twisterFollowingO.followingsFollowings[followingUsers[i]]["following"][j]; if (followingUsers.indexOf(utf) < 0 && list.indexOf(utf) < 0) { list.push(utf); var item = $("#follow-suggestion-template").clone(true); item.removeAttr("id"); item.find(".twister-user-info").attr("data-screen-name", utf); item.find(".twister-user-name").attr("href", $.MAL.userUrl(utf)); item.find(".twister-by-user-name").attr("href", $.MAL.userUrl(followingUsers[i])); item.find(".twister-user-tag").text("@" + utf); getAvatar(utf, item.find(".twister-user-photo")); getFullname(utf, item.find(".twister-user-full")); getBio(utf, item.find(".bio")); var $spanFollowedBy = item.find(".followed-by"); $spanFollowedBy.text(followingUsers[i]); getFullname(followingUsers[i], $spanFollowedBy); item.find('.twister-user-remove').remove(); hlist.append(item); } } } } if (i >= followingUsers.length - 1) { return false; } // returns true, if there are more... return true; } function openWhoToFollowModal(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var whoToFollowModalClass = "who-to-follow-modal"; openModal( whoToFollowModalClass ); var content = $("." + whoToFollowModalClass + " .modal-content"); var hlist = $('
    '); var tmplist = []; content.scroll(function(){ if (content.scrollTop() >= hlist.height() - content.height() - 20){ if (!fillWhoToFollowModal(tmplist, hlist, tmplist.length)) content.unbind("scroll"); } }); fillWhoToFollowModal(tmplist, hlist, 0); hlist.appendTo( "." + whoToFollowModalClass + " .modal-content" ); $( "." + whoToFollowModalClass + " h3" ).text( polyglot.t("Who to Follow") ); } function newConversationModal(postLi) { var hashtagModalContent = $( "#hashtag-modal-template" ).children().clone(true); hashtagModalContent.find( ".postboard-news").click(function (){ $(this).hide(); displayHashtagPending($(".conversation-modal .postboard-posts")); }); getTopPostOfConversation(postLi, null, hashtagModalContent.find(".postboard-posts")); return hashtagModalContent; } function openConversationModal(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); var postLi = $this.parents(".module.post.original.open").find('.module.post.original'); var conversationModalClass = "conversation-modal"; openModal( conversationModalClass ); //$( "." + threadingModalClass ).attr("data-resource","hashtag"); var hashtagModalContent = newConversationModal( postLi ); hashtagModalContent.appendTo("." + conversationModalClass + " .modal-content"); //título do modal $( "." + conversationModalClass + " h3" ).text( polyglot.t('conversation_title', {'username': postLi.find('.post-data').attr('data-screen-name')}) ); } // // Post actions, submit, count characters // -------------------------------------- //dispara o modal de retweet var reTwistPopup = function( e ) { if(!defaultScreenName) { e.stopPropagation(); alert(polyglot.t("You have to log in to retransmit messages.")); return; } var reTwistClass = "reTwist"; openModal( reTwistClass ); //título do modal $( ".reTwist h3" ).text( polyglot.t("retransmit_this") ); var postdata = $(this).parents(".post-data").attr("data-userpost"); var postElem = postToElem($.evalJSON(postdata),""); postElem.appendTo( ".reTwist .modal-content" ); e.stopPropagation(); } //Expande Área do Novo post var replyInitPopup = function(e, post) { var replyClass = "reply"; openModal( replyClass ); //título do modal var fullname = post.find(".post-info-name").text(); $( ".reply h3" ).text( polyglot.t("reply_to", { fullname: fullname }) ); //para poder exibir a thread selecionada... var replyModalContent = $(".reply .modal-content").hide(); var retweetContent = $( "#reply-modal-template" ).children().clone(true); retweetContent.appendTo(replyModalContent); var postdata = post.find(".post-data").attr("data-userpost"); var postElem = postToElem($.evalJSON(postdata),""); postElem.appendTo(replyModalContent); var replyArea = $(".reply .post-area .post-area-new"); replyArea.addClass("open"); var replyText = replyArea.find("textarea"); var postInlineReplyText = $(".reply .post .post-area-new textarea"); var attrToCopy = ["placeholder", "data-reply-to"]; $.each(attrToCopy, function( i, attribute ) { replyText.attr( attribute, postInlineReplyText.attr(attribute) ); }); composeNewPost(e, replyArea); replyModalContent.fadeIn( "fast" ); } //abre o menu dropdown de configurações var dropDownMenu = function( e ) { var $configMenu = $( ".config-menu" ); $configMenu.slideToggle( "fast" ); e.stopPropagation(); } //fecha o config menu ao clicar em qualquer lugar da tela var closeThis = function() { $( this ).slideUp( "fast" ); }; var postExpandFunction = function( e, postLi ) { if( !postLi.hasClass( "original" ) ) { return; } var originalPost = postLi.find(".post-data.original"); var $postInteractionText = originalPost.find( ".post-expand" ); var $postExpandedContent = originalPost.find( ".expanded-content" ); var $postsRelated = postLi.find(".related"); var openClass = "open"; if( !postLi.hasClass( openClass ) ) { originalPost.detach(); postLi.empty(); postLi.addClass( openClass ); $postInteractionText.text( polyglot.t("Collapse") ); var itemOl = $("
      ", {class:"expanded-post"}).appendTo(postLi); var originalLi = $("
    1. ", {class: "module post original"}).appendTo(itemOl); originalLi.append(originalPost); $postExpandedContent.slideDown( "fast" ); if ($.Options.getShowPreviewOpt() == 'enable'){ var previewContainer=$postExpandedContent.find(".preview-container")[0]; /* was the preview added before... */ if ($(previewContainer).children().length == 0) { var link = originalPost.find("a[rel='nofollow']"); /*is there any link in the post?*/ for (var i=0; i")); } } } } // insert "reply_to" before requestRepliedBefore(originalLi); // insert replies to this post after requestRepliesAfter(originalLi); // RTs faces and counter requestRTs(originalLi); } else { postLi.removeClass( openClass ); var postData = postLi.find('.post-data.original'); if (typeof(postData.attr('data-replied-to-id')) === 'undefined') $postInteractionText.text( polyglot.t("Expand") ); else $postInteractionText.text( polyglot.t("Show conversation") ); if( $postsRelated ) $postsRelated.slideUp( "fast" ); $postExpandedContent.slideUp( "fast", function() { originalPost.detach(); postLi.empty(); postLi.append(originalPost); }); } e.stopPropagation(); } var postReplyClick = function( e ) { if(!defaultScreenName) { e.stopPropagation(); alert(polyglot.t("You have to log in to post replies.")); return; } var post = $(this).closest(".post"); if( !post.hasClass( "original" ) ) { replyInitPopup(e, post); } else { var postLiOpen = post.parents(".post.open"); if( !postLiOpen.length ) { postExpandFunction(e, post); } var postAreaNew = post.find(".post-area-new") composeNewPost(e, postAreaNew); } e.stopPropagation(); } //Expande Área do Novo post var composeNewPost = function( e, postAreaNew ) { e.stopPropagation(); if( !postAreaNew.hasClass("open") ) { postAreaNew.addClass( "open" ); //se o usuário clicar fora é pra fechar postAreaNew.clickoutside( unfocusThis ); if ($.Options.getSplitPostsOpt() === "enable") usePostSpliting = true; else if ($.Options.getSplitPostsOpt() === "only-new") { var $postOrig = postAreaNew.closest(".post-data"); if (!$postOrig.length) { $postOrig = postAreaNew.closest(".modal-content").find(".post-data"); } if ($postOrig.length) usePostSpliting = false; else usePostSpliting = true; } else usePostSpliting = false; } var textArea = postAreaNew.find("textarea"); textArea.focus(); if( textArea.attr("data-reply-to") && !textArea.val().length ) { textArea.val(textArea.attr("data-reply-to")); } } //Reduz Área do Novo post var unfocusThis = function() { var $this = $( this ); $this.removeClass( "open" ); } function checkPostForMentions(post, mentions, max) { var m = mentions.trim(); var ml = m.split(' ').join('|'); return new RegExp('^.{0,' + max.toString() + '}(' + ml + ')').test(post); } var splitedPostsCount = 1; var usePostSpliting = false; function replyTextKeypress(e) { e = e || event; var $this = $( this ); var tweetForm = $this.parents("form"); if( tweetForm != undefined ) { if ($.Options.getUnicodeConversionOpt() !== "disable") $this.val(convert2Unicodes($this.val(), $this)); var c = 140 - $this.val().length; if (usePostSpliting && !$this.parents('.directMessages').length) { var $tas = tweetForm.find("textarea"); splitedPostsCount = $tas.length; if ($this.hasClass('splited-post')) $this.css('height', '28px'); var reply_to = $this.attr('data-reply-to'); for (var i = 0; i < $tas.length; i++) { var pml = 140 - (i+1).toString().length - splitedPostsCount.toString().length - 4; //if mention exists, we shouldn't add it while posting. if (typeof(reply_to) !== 'undefined' && !checkPostForMentions($tas[i].value, reply_to, pml - reply_to.length)) { pml -= reply_to.length; } if ($tas[i].value.length > pml) { var endings = $tas[i].value.match(/ |,|;|\.|:|\/|\?|\!|\\|'|"|\n|\t/g); var ci = $tas[i].value.lastIndexOf(endings[endings.length - 1]); for (var j = endings.length - 2; j >= 0 && ci > pml; j--) { ci = $tas[i].value.lastIndexOf(endings[j], ci - 1); } ci = (ci > pml ? pml : ci); if (i < splitedPostsCount - 1) { $tas[i + 1].value = $tas[i].value.substr(ci) + $tas[i + 1].value; $tas[i].value = $tas[i].value.substr(0, ci); } else { var $oldta = $($tas[i]); var $newta = $($oldta).clone(true); var cp = $oldta.val(); $oldta.val(cp.substr(0, ci)); $oldta.on("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); this.style.height = '80px'; }); $oldta.unbind("keyup"); $oldta.on("blur", replyTextKeypress); $oldta.addClass('splited-post'); tweetForm.find(".textcomplete-wrapper").append($newta); $newta.val(cp.substr(ci)); $newta.focus(); if ($newta[0].setSelectionRange) $newta[0].setSelectionRange($newta.val().length, $newta.val().length); else if ($newta[0].createTextRange) $newta[0].createTextRange().moveEnd('character', $newta.val().length); $tas = tweetForm.find("textarea"); splitedPostsCount = $tas.length; } } else if ($tas.length > 1 && $tas[i].value.length === 0) { if (i === $tas.length - 1) { $tas[i].value = $tas[i - 1].value; $($tas[i - 1]).remove(); } else { $($tas[i]).remove(); } $tas = tweetForm.find("textarea"); splitedPostsCount = $tas.length; } } c = 140 - $tas[$tas.length - 1].value.length - (2 * splitedPostsCount.toString().length) - 4; if (typeof(reply_to) !== 'undefined' && !checkPostForMentions($tas[$tas.length - 1].value, reply_to, 140 - c - reply_to.length)) c -= reply_to.length; } var remainingCount = tweetForm.find(".post-area-remaining"); if( c < 0 ) remainingCount.addClass("warn"); else remainingCount.removeClass("warn"); if (usePostSpliting && !$this.parents('.directMessages').length) remainingCount.text(splitedPostsCount.toString() + ". post: " + c.toString()); else remainingCount.text(c.toString()); var tweetAction = tweetForm.find(".post-submit"); if( !tweetAction.length ) tweetAction = tweetForm.find(".dm-submit"); if( c >= 0 && c < 140 && $this.val() != $this.attr("data-reply-to") ) { $.MAL.enableButton(tweetAction); } else { $.MAL.disableButton(tweetAction); } if( $.Options.keyEnterToSend() && $('.dropdown-menu').css('display') == 'none'){ if (e.keyCode === 13 && (!e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey)) { $this.val($this.val().trim()); if( !tweetAction.hasClass("disabled")) { tweetAction.click(); } } }else if( !$.Options.keyEnterToSend() ){ if (e.keyCode === 13 && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)) { $this.val($this.val().trim()); if( !tweetAction.hasClass("disabled") ) { tweetAction.click(); } } } } } /* * unicode convertion list * k: original string to be replaced * u: unicode * n: index of char to be stored and appended to result */ var unicodeConversionList = { "ponctuations": [ { "k": /\.\.\./, "u": "\u2026", "n": -1 }, { "k": /\.\../, "u": "\u2025", "n": 2 }, { "k": /\?\?/, "u": "\u2047", "n": -1 }, { "k": /\?!/, "u": "\u2048", "n": -1 }, { "k": /!\?/, "u": "\u2049", "n": -1 }, { "k": /!!/, "u": "\u203C", "n": -1 }, { "k": /--/, "u": "\u2014", "n": -1 }, { "k": /~~/, "u": "\u2053", "n": -1 } ], "emotions": [ { "k": /:.{0,1}D/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE03", "n": -1 }, { "k": /(0|O):-{0,1}\)/i, "u": "\uD83D\uDE07", "n": -1 }, { "k": /:beer:/, "u": "\uD83C\uDF7A", "n": -1 }, { "k": /3:-{0,1}\)/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE08", "n": -1 }, { "k": /<3/, "u":"\u2764", "n": -1 }, // disabled due to urls :/ // { // "k": /o.O|:\/|:\\/, // "u": "\uD83D\uDE15", // "n": -1 // }, { "k": /:\'\(/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE22", "n": -1 }, { "k": /(:|=)-{0,1}\(/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE1E", "n": -1 }, { "k": /8(\)<|\|)/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE0E", "n": -1 }, { "k": /(:|=)-{0,1}(\)|\])/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE0A", "n": -1 }, { "k": /(\(|\[)-{0,1}(:|=)/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE0A", "n": -1 }, { "k": /:\*/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE17", "n": -1 }, { "k": /\^-{0,1}\^/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE06", "n": -1 }, { "k": /:p/i, "u": "\uD83D\uDE1B", "n": -1 }, { "k": /;-{0,1}\)/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE09", "n": -1 }, { "k": /\(-{0,1};/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE09", "n": -1 }, { "k": /:(O|0)/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE2E", "n": -1 }, { "k": /:@/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE31", "n": -1 }, { "k": /:\|/, "u": "\uD83D\uDE10", "n": -1 } ], "signs": [ { "k": / tel( |:|=)/i, "u": " \u2121", "n": 4 }, { "k": /^tel( |:|=)/i, "u": "\u2121", "n": 3 }, { "k": / fax( |:|=)/i, "u": " \u213B", "n": 4 }, { "k": /^fax( |:|=)/i, "u": "\u213B", "n": 3 } ], "fractions": [ { "k": /1\/2/, "u": "\u00BD", "n": -1 }, { "k": /1\/3/, "u": "\u2153", "n": -1 }, { "k": /2\/3/, "u": "\u2154", "n": -1 }, { "k": /1\/4/, "u": "\u00BC", "n": -1 }, { "k": /3\/4/, "u": "\u00BE", "n": -1 }, { "k": /1\/5/, "u": "\u2155", "n": -1 }, { "k": /2\/5/, "u": "\u2156", "n": -1 }, { "k": /3\/5/, "u": "\u2157", "n": -1 }, { "k": /4\/5/, "u": "\u2158", "n": -1 }, { "k": /1\/6/, "u": "\u2159", "n": -1 }, { "k": /5\/6/, "u": "\u215A", "n": -1 }, { "k": /1\/7/, "u": "\u2150", "n": -1 }, { "k": /1\/8/, "u": "\u215B", "n": -1 }, { "k": /3\/8/, "u": "\u215C", "n": -1 }, { "k": /5\/8/, "u": "\u215D", "n": -1 }, { "k": /7\/8/, "u": "\u215E", "n": -1 }, { "k": /1\/9/, "u": "\u2151", "n": -1 }, { "k": /1\/10/, "u": "\u2152", "n": -1 } ] }; /* * a stack for undo... * element for the unicodeConversionStack * { k: original string that's replaced u: unicode p: position in string l: length of k m: new string length after convertion * } */ var unicodeConversionStack = []; //we want to handle new typed text after the last conversion. var lastConvertedIndex = -1; function convert2Unicodes(s, ta) { var tmp = s; //check if there is a deletion... //NOTE: BUGGY... can't handle everytime... if (unicodeConversionStack.length>0 && s.length < unicodeConversionStack[0].m){ //check if a replaced unicode was deleted... for (var i=unicodeConversionStack.length-1; i>=0; i--){ //get position and check the positions are same... var ni = s.indexOf(unicodeConversionStack[i].u); if (ni > -1 && s[ni] !== unicodeConversionStack[i].p){ var op = -1; for (var j=i-1; j>=0; j--){ if (unicodeConversionStack[j].u === unicodeConversionStack[i].u){ if (unicodeConversionStack[j].p === ni){ op = -1; break; } op = unicodeConversionStack[j].p; } } if (op === -1) { //remove deleted unicode... unicodeConversionStack.splice(i, 1); } else { //update the position of the unicode! unicodeConversionStack[i].p = ni; } } } unicodeConversionStack[0].m = s.length; } if (s.length < lastConvertedIndex) lastConvertedIndex = s.length; if ($.Options.getUnicodeConversionOpt() === "enable" || $.Options.getConvertPunctuationsOpt()){ var list = unicodeConversionList.ponctuations; for (var i=0; i 0 && kl.index >= lastConvertedIndex) { var nc = ""; if (list[i].n > -1){ //if it's necessary, get any next char to prevent from any data loss nc = tmp[kl.index + list[i].n]; } tmp = tmp.replace(list[i].k, list[i].u + nc); var len = s.length - tmp.length + list[i].u.length; unicodeConversionStack.unshift({ "k": s.substr(kl.index, len), "u": list[i].u, "p": kl.index, "l": len, "m": tmp.length }); s = tmp; lastConvertedIndex = tmp.length; } } } if ($.Options.getUnicodeConversionOpt() === "enable"|| $.Options.getConvertEmotionsOpt()){ var list = unicodeConversionList.emotions; for (var i=0; i 0 && kl.index >= lastConvertedIndex) { var nc = ""; if (list[i].n > -1){ //if it's necessary, get any next char to prevent from any data loss nc = tmp[kl.index + list[i].n]; } tmp = tmp.replace(list[i].k, list[i].u + nc); var len = s.length - tmp.length + list[i].u.length; unicodeConversionStack.unshift({ "k": s.substr(kl.index, len), "u": list[i].u, "p": kl.index, "l": len, "m": tmp.length }); s = tmp; lastConvertedIndex = tmp.length; } } } if ($.Options.getUnicodeConversionOpt() === "enable"|| $.Options.getConvertSignsOpt()){ var list = unicodeConversionList.signs; for (var i=0; i 0 && kl.index >= lastConvertedIndex) { var nc = ""; if (list[i].n > -1){ //if it's necessary, get any next char to prevent from any data loss nc = tmp[kl.index + list[i].n]; } tmp = tmp.replace(list[i].k, list[i].u + nc); var len = s.length - tmp.length + list[i].u.length; unicodeConversionStack.unshift({ "k": s.substr(kl.index, len), "u": list[i].u, "p": kl.index, "l": len, "m": tmp.length }); s = tmp; lastConvertedIndex = tmp.length; } } } if ($.Options.getUnicodeConversionOpt() === "enable"|| $.Options.getConvertFractionsOpt()){ var list = unicodeConversionList.fractions; for (var i=0; i 0 && kl.index >= lastConvertedIndex) { var nc = ""; if (list[i].n > -1){ //if it's necessary, get any next char to prevent from any data loss nc = tmp[kl.index + list[i].n]; } tmp = tmp.replace(list[i].k, list[i].u + nc); var len = s.length - tmp.length + list[i].u.length; unicodeConversionStack.unshift({ "k": s.substr(kl.index, len), "u": list[i].u, "p": kl.index, "l": len, "m": tmp.length }); s = tmp; lastConvertedIndex = tmp.length; } } } if (unicodeConversionStack.length > 0){ var ub = ta.closest(".post-area-new").find(".undo-unicode"); ub.text(polyglot.t("undo") + ": " + unicodeConversionStack[0].u); $.MAL.enableButton(ub); } else { $.MAL.disableButton(ta.closest(".post-area-new").find(".undo-unicode")); } return tmp; } //BUGGY... if user deletes something in the middle, stack could be deformed... function undoLastUnicode(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); if (unicodeConversionStack.length === 0) return; var uc = unicodeConversionStack.shift(); $ta = $(this).closest(".post-area-new").find("textarea"); var pt = $ta.val(); if (pt.substr(uc.p, uc.u.length) === uc.u) $ta.val(pt.substr(0,uc.p) + uc.k + pt.substr(uc.p + uc.u.length)); else { //if it can't be found at its index, last unicode will be removed var i = pt.lastIndexOf(uc.u); if (i>-1) { $ta.val(pt.substr(0,i) + uc.k + pt.substr(i + uc.u.length)); } } if (unicodeConversionStack.length > 0) $(this).text(polyglot.t("undo") + ": " + unicodeConversionStack[0].u); else $.MAL.disableButton($(this)); lastConvertedIndex = $ta.val().length; } var postSubmit = function(e, oldLastPostId) { var $this = $( this ); if (e instanceof $) { $this = e; //check if previous part was sent... if ( oldLastPostId === lastPostId) { setTimeout(function () { postSubmit($this, oldLastPostId); }, 1000); return; } } else { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } $.MAL.disableButton($this); var $replyText = $this.closest(".post-area-new").find("textarea"); var $postOrig = $this.closest(".post-data"); if (!$postOrig.length) { $postOrig = $this.closest(".modal-content").find(".post-data"); } if (splitedPostsCount > 1) { if ($replyText.length < splitedPostsCount) { //current part will be sent as reply to the previous part... $postOrig = $("
      "); } } if ($replyText.length <= 1) { if (splitedPostsCount > 1) { var postxt = ""; var reply_to = $replyText.attr('data-reply-to'); var val = $replyText.val(); if (typeof(reply_to) === 'undefined' || checkPostForMentions(val, reply_to, 140)) postxt = val + " (" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ")"; else postxt = reply_to + val + " (" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ")"; newPostMsg(postxt, $postOrig); } else newPostMsg($replyText.val(), $postOrig); splitedPostsCount = 1; } else { var postxt = ""; var reply_to = $replyText.attr('data-reply-to'); var val = $replyText[0].value; if (typeof(reply_to) === 'undefined' || checkPostForMentions(val, reply_to, 140)) postxt = val + " (" + (splitedPostsCount - $replyText.length + 1).toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ")"; else postxt = reply_to + val + " (" + (splitedPostsCount - $replyText.length + 1).toString() + "/" + splitedPostsCount.toString() + ")"; $($replyText[0]).remove(); oldLastPostId = lastPostId; newPostMsg(postxt, $postOrig); setTimeout(function() {postSubmit($this, oldLastPostId);}, 1000); return; } $replyText.val(""); $replyText.attr("placeholder", polyglot.t("Your message was sent!")); var tweetForm = $this.parents("form"); var remainingCount = tweetForm.find(".post-area-remaining"); remainingCount.text(140); $replyText.attr("placeholder", "Your message was sent!"); closeModal($this); if($this.closest('.post-area,.post-reply-content')){ $('.post-area-new').removeClass('open').find('textarea').blur(); }; setTimeout('requestTimelineUpdate("latest",postsPerRefresh,followingUsers,promotedPostsOnly)', 1000); } var retweetSubmit = function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); var $postOrig = $this.closest(".modal-wrapper").find(".post-data"); newRtMsg($postOrig); closeModal($this); } function changeStyle() { var style, profile, menu, themeOptions; var theme = $.Options.getTheme(); if(theme == 'nin') { style = 'theme_nin/css/style.css'; profile = 'theme_nin/css/profile.css'; $.getScript('theme_nin/js/theme_option.js'); } if(theme == 'calm') { style = 'theme_calm/css/style.css'; profile = 'theme_calm/css/profile.css'; } if(theme == 'original') { style = 'css/style.css'; profile = 'css/profile.css'; } $('#stylecss').attr('href', style); $('#profilecss').attr('href', profile); $("").appendTo("head"); setTimeout(function(){$(menu).removeAttr('style')}, 0); } function mensAutocomplete() { var suggests = []; for(var i = 0; i < followingUsers.length; i++){ if(followingUsers[i] == localStorage.defaultScreenName) continue; suggests.push(followingUsers[i]); } suggests.reverse(); $('textarea').textcomplete([ { // html mentions: suggests, match: /\B@(\w*)$/, search: function (term, callback) { callback($.map(this.mentions, function (mention) { return mention.indexOf(term) === 0 ? mention : null; })); }, index: 1, replace: function (mention) { return '@' + mention + ' '; } } ]) } function replaceDashboards() { if ($(window).width() >= 1200 && !$('.wrapper').hasClass('w1200')) { $('.wrapper').addClass('w1200'); $('.userMenu').addClass('w1200'); var wf = $('.module.who-to-follow'); wf.remove(); wf.appendTo($('.dashboard.right')); } else if ($(window).width() < 1200 && $('.wrapper').hasClass('w1200')) { $('.wrapper').removeClass('w1200'); $('.userMenu').removeClass('w1200'); var wf = $('.module.who-to-follow'); wf.remove(); $('.module.mini-profile').after(wf); } $( ".who-to-follow .refresh-users" ).bind( "click", refreshWhoToFollow ); $( ".who-to-follow .view-all-users" ).bind( "click", openWhoToFollowModal ); } function initInterfaceCommon() { $( "body" ).on( "click", function(event) { if($(event.target).hasClass('cancel')) closeModal($(this)); }); $(".cancel").on('click', function(event){ if(!$(event.target).hasClass("cancel")) return; if($(".modal-content").attr("style") != undefined){$(".modal-content").removeAttr("style")}; $('.modal-back').css('display', 'none'); $('.mark-all-as-read').css('display', 'none'); }); $('.modal-back').on('click', function(){ if($('.modal-content .direct-messages-list')[0]) return; directMessagesPopup(); $(".modal-content").removeAttr("style"); }); $('.dropdown-menu').on('keydown', function(e){ e = event || window.event; e.stopPropagation(); }) $('.post-text').on('click', 'a', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); $( ".post-reply" ).bind( "click", postReplyClick ); $( ".post-propagate" ).bind( "click", reTwistPopup ); $( ".userMenu-config-dropdown" ).bind( "click", dropDownMenu ); $( ".config-menu" ).clickoutside( closeThis ); $( ".module.post" ).bind( "click", function(e) { if(window.getSelection() == 0)postExpandFunction(e,$(this)); }); $( ".post-area-new" ).bind( "click", function(e) { composeNewPost(e,$(this));} ); $( ".post-area-new" ).clickoutside( unfocusThis ); $( ".post-submit").click( postSubmit ); $( ".modal-propagate").click( retweetSubmit ); $( ".expanded-content .show-more").bind('click', openConversationModal); if ($.Options.getUnicodeConversionOpt() === "disable") $( ".undo-unicode" ).click( undoLastUnicode ).css("display", "none"); else $( ".undo-unicode" ).click( undoLastUnicode ); var $replyText = $( ".post-area-new textarea" ); $replyText.on("keyup", replyTextKeypress ); $( ".open-profile-modal").bind( "click", openProfileModal ); $( ".open-hashtag-modal").bind( "click", openHashtagModal ); $( ".open-following-modal").bind( "click", openFollowingModal ); $( ".userMenu-connections a").bind( "click", openMentionsModal ); replaceDashboards(); $('.tox-ctc').on('click', function(){ window.prompt(polyglot.t('copy_to_clipboard'), $(this).attr('data')) }); $('.bitmessage-ctc').on('click', function(){ window.prompt(polyglot.t('copy_to_clipboard'), $(this).attr('data')) }); }