diff --git a/css/style.css b/css/style.css index 4570a2f..b9dc4c2 100644 --- a/css/style.css +++ b/css/style.css @@ -249,56 +249,56 @@ article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, main, menu, -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } -.col.last, .following, .following-list li.last, .following-list li.following, .following-list li:nth-child(4n), .following-list li.dashboard.right, .following-list .network.singleBlock li.module:nth-child(4n), .network.singleBlock .following-list li.module:nth-child(4n), .login .last.module, .login .module.following, .login .module.dashboard.right, .network.singleBlock .last.module, .network.singleBlock .module.following, .network.singleBlock .module:last-child, .network.singleBlock .module.dashboard.right, .network.singleBlock .module.twister-user:nth-child(4n), .col.dashboard.right, .dashboard.right.following, .dashboard.right.twister-user, .last.twister-user, .twister-user:nth-child(4n) { +.col.last, .following, .following-list li.last, .following-list li.following, .following-list li:nth-child(4n), .following-list .network.singleBlock li.module:nth-child(4n), .network.singleBlock .following-list li.module:nth-child(4n), .login .last.module, .login .module.following, .network.singleBlock .last.module, .network.singleBlock .module.following, .network.singleBlock .module:last-child, .network.singleBlock .module.twister-user:nth-child(4n), .last.twister-user, .twister-user:nth-child(4n) { margin-right: 0; } .col-1 { - width: 6.04167%; + width: 1.875%; } .col-2 { - width: 14.58333%; + width: 6.25%; } .col-3, .following-list li, .twister-user { - width: 23.125%; + width: 10.625%; } .col-4 { - width: 31.66667%; + width: 15%; } .col-5 { - width: 40.20833%; + width: 19.375%; } .col-6, .login .module, .network.singleBlock .module { - width: 48.75%; + width: 23.75%; } .col-7 { - width: 57.29167%; + width: 28.125%; } .col-8 { - width: 65.83333%; + width: 32.5%; } .col-9, .following { - width: 74.375%; + width: 36.875%; } .col-10 { - width: 82.91667%; + width: 41.25%; } .col-11 { - width: 91.45833%; + width: 45.625%; } .col-12 { - width: 100%; + width: 50%; } /* FONTS */ @@ -307,6 +307,7 @@ article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, main, menu, -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; + list-style: none; } html, body { @@ -319,13 +320,13 @@ html, body { html { font-size: 15px; - background-color: #e9e9e9; - background-image: url(''); + background-color: #dddddd; + background-image: url(''); background-size: 100%; - background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 100%, 100% 0%, color-stop(0%, #aaaaaa), color-stop(25%, #e9e9e9), color-stop(50%, #e9e9e9), color-stop(75%, #e9e9e9), color-stop(100%, #aaaaaa)); - background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #aaaaaa, #e9e9e9, #e9e9e9, #e9e9e9, #aaaaaa); - background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #aaaaaa, #e9e9e9, #e9e9e9, #e9e9e9, #aaaaaa); - background-image: linear-gradient(to top right, #aaaaaa, #e9e9e9, #e9e9e9, #e9e9e9, #aaaaaa); + background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 100%, 100% 0%, color-stop(0%, #ffffff), color-stop(50%, #dddddd), color-stop(100%, #ffffff)); + background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, #ffffff, #dddddd, #ffffff); + background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, #ffffff, #dddddd, #ffffff); + background-image: linear-gradient(to top right, #ffffff, #dddddd, #ffffff); background-attachment: fixed; } @@ -357,6 +358,10 @@ strong, b { font-weight: 600; } +img { + background: #222; +} + h1 { font-size: 1.1em; text-transform: uppercase; @@ -407,13 +412,13 @@ h3 .isFollowing:after { display: none; } -.box-shadow, .modal-wrapper, .prompt-wrapper, .open, .mini-profile .post-area-new, #postboard-top .post-area .post-area-new, .dialog-modal, .mini-profile, .who-to-follow.module, .toptrends.module, .twistday-reminder, ul.dropdown-menu { +.box-shadow, .modal-wrapper, .prompt-wrapper, .open, .mini-profile .post-area-new, #postboard-top .post-area .post-area-new, .dialog-modal, .mini-profile, .who-to-follow.module, ol.toptrends-list a, .twistday-reminder, ul.dropdown-menu { -moz-box-shadow: 0 8px 13px rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 8px 13px rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.1); box-shadow: 0 8px 13px rgba(51, 51, 51, 0.1); } -.clear-fix:after, .col:after, .following:after, .following-list li:after, .login .module:after, .network.singleBlock .module:after, .twister-user:after, .userMenu ul:after, .modal-content:after, .modal-header:after, .direct-messages-thread .post:after, .twister-user-info:after, .forEdition.profile-card:after, .expanded-content:after, .mini-following-info:after, .network.singleBlock:after, .options .tab-content:after, .promoted-posts-only:after, ul.userMenu-search-profiles li:after, .mini-profile .post-area:after, .mini-profile-indicators:after, .profile-data:after, #postboard-top:after, #postboard-top .post-area:after, .who-to-follow.module li:after, .who-to-follow ol:after, .twistday-reminder:after { +.clear-fix:after, .col:after, .following:after, .following-list li:after, .login .module:after, .network.singleBlock .module:after, .twister-user:after, .userMenu ul:after, .modal-content:after, .modal-header:after, .direct-messages-thread .post:after, .mini-following-info a:after, .twister-user-info:after, .forEdition.profile-card:after, .expanded-content:after, .network.singleBlock:after, .options .tab-content:after, .promoted-posts-only:after, ul.userMenu-search-profiles li:after, .mini-profile .post-area:after, .mini-profile-indicators:after, .profile-data:after, #postboard-top:after, #postboard-top .post-area:after, .who-to-follow.module li:after, .who-to-follow ol:after, .twistday-reminder:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; @@ -460,13 +465,13 @@ button.disabled:hover, .mini-profile-actions span.disabled:hover, a.button.disab box-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.3); } button.color-1, .modal-content button.postboard-news, .modal-content .mini-profile-actions span.postboard-news, .mini-profile-actions .modal-content span.postboard-news, button.follow, .mini-profile-actions span.follow, .mini-profile-actions span.color-1, a.button.color-1, .modal-content a.button.postboard-news, a.button.follow { - background: #00AA8B; - border-color: #009076; + background: #B4C669; + border-color: #abbf57; color: white; font-weight: 500; } button.color-1:hover, .modal-content button.postboard-news:hover, .modal-content .mini-profile-actions span.postboard-news:hover, .mini-profile-actions .modal-content span.postboard-news:hover, button.follow:hover, .mini-profile-actions span.follow:hover, .mini-profile-actions span.color-1:hover, a.button.color-1:hover, .modal-content a.button.postboard-news:hover, a.button.follow:hover { - border-color: #005d4c; + border-color: #90a43e; } button.color-2, button.unfollow, .mini-profile-actions span.unfollow, .mini-profile-actions span.color-2, a.button.color-2, a.button.unfollow { background: #C3C3C3; @@ -490,7 +495,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f height: 50px; left: 0; margin: 0; - background-color: #F5F5F5; + background-color: #555555; z-index: 2; } .userMenu ul { @@ -513,7 +518,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f line-height: 50px; padding: 0 0.5em; display: inline-block; - color: rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.7) !important; + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) !important; font-size: 1em; position: relative; font-weight: 500; @@ -522,10 +527,10 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f box-sizing: border-box; } .userMenu ul li > a:hover { - color: #444 !important; + color: white !important; } .userMenu ul li.current a { - color: #444 !important; + color: white !important; } /* Menu specific entries */ @@ -565,10 +570,10 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f float: right; position: relative; margin-right: 0; - color: #444; + color: white; } .userMenu li.userMenu-config + a, .userMenu li.userMenu-search + a { - color: #596073; + color: #222; } .userMenu li.userMenu-search { margin: 3px; @@ -580,7 +585,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f padding: 7px; } .userMenu li.userMenu-search > input:focus { - border-color: #596073; + border-color: #222; } .userMenu li.userMenu-config > a { font-size: 1.5rem; @@ -595,7 +600,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; - height: 100%; + height: 100vh; right: 0; bottom: 0; overflow: hidden; @@ -615,8 +620,9 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f } .modal-content { - background: #f3f3f3; + overflow: hidden; overflow-y: auto; + background: #f6f6f6; } .modal-content .postboard-news { position: absolute; @@ -630,12 +636,11 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f .modal-header { position: relative; - background: #00AA8B; + background: #222; height: 50px; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; - border-bottom: 1px solid #f3f3f3; } .modal-header h3 { padding-left: 20px; @@ -702,6 +707,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f position: relative; width: 100%; margin: auto; + background: #dddddd; } .modal-content .postboard h2 { display: block; @@ -751,12 +757,6 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f text-transform: none; } -.following-config-method-buttons .public-following { - background-color: #B4C669; - margin: 0px 2px; - padding: 6px 16px; -} - /************ RETWIST POSTS MODAL ********* */ .prompt-wrapper.reTwist.prompt-wrapper { margin-top: -110px; @@ -764,9 +764,6 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f .prompt-wrapper.reTwist .modal-content { padding: 20px 15px; } -.prompt-wrapper.reTwist .modal-buttons .modal-propagate { - background-color: #B4C669; -} .prompt-wrapper.reTwist .post-expand, .prompt-wrapper.reTwist .post-interactions { display: none; } @@ -786,7 +783,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f .modal-wrapper.directMessages .post-area-new { display: none; z-index: 5; - background: #e9e9e9; + background: #dddddd; position: absolute; bottom: 0; width: 100%; @@ -949,16 +946,31 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f } /****** FOLLOWING MODAL****** */ -.modal-wrapper.following-modal .modal-content { - padding: 0; +.modal-wrapper.following-modal h2 { + display: none; } -.modal-wrapper.following-modal ol { - margin: 5px; + +.mini-following-info { + border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; + line-height: 45px; } -.modal-wrapper.following-modal .open-profile-modal:hover { - text-decoration: none; +.mini-following-info a { + display: block; + padding: 10px; + width: 100%; + color: #444; +} +.mini-following-info a:hover { + background: white; +} +.mini-following-info .mini-profile-photo { + height: 48px; + width: 48px; + line-height: 0; + margin: 0 1rem 0 0; + float: left; } -.modal-wrapper.following-modal .postboard h2 { +.mini-following-info .mini-screen-name { display: none; } @@ -1044,7 +1056,6 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f .profile-card { width: 100%; background: white; - border-bottom: 1px solid #f3f3f3; padding: 15px; } @@ -1131,7 +1142,6 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f display: none; margin: 0 15px 0 0; font-weight: 500; - background: #f3f3f3; padding: 2px 8px 3px 8px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; @@ -1142,7 +1152,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f font-size: 13px; line-height: 15px; cursor: pointer; - color: #596073; + color: #222; } .bitmessage-ctc:hover, .tox-ctc:hover { color: #B4C669; @@ -1182,7 +1192,6 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; width: auto; - background: #f3f3f3; } .forEdition.profile-card .profile-card-main { margin: 0; @@ -1191,7 +1200,6 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 10px; - background: #f3f3f3; } .forEdition.profile-card .profile-card-main input { display: block; @@ -1239,8 +1247,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f /************* POST BOARD ************ */ .postboard { - float: left; - width: 50%; + width: 100%; padding: 20px; } .postboard h2 { @@ -1313,10 +1320,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f } .open, .mini-profile .post-area-new, #postboard-top .post-area .post-area-new { - background: none; -} -.open:hover, .mini-profile .post-area-new:hover, #postboard-top .post-area .post-area-new:hover { - background: none; + background: none !important; } .post-photo { @@ -1374,7 +1378,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f padding: 0; } .post-text samp { - background: #f3f3f3; + background: #eee; font-size: 0.9rem; line-height: 0.9rem; display: inline-block; @@ -1542,7 +1546,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f .user-name-tooltip { display: none; position: absolute; - background: #60677c; + background: #2a2a2a; font-size: 12px; white-space: nowrap; padding: 3px 5px; @@ -1556,7 +1560,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f width: 0; left: 4px; bottom: -5px; - border-top: solid 5px #60677c; + border-top: solid 5px #2a2a2a; border-left: solid 5px transparent; border-right: solid 5px transparent; } @@ -1590,7 +1594,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f width: 64px; height: 64px; overflow: hidden; - background: #e9e9e9; + background: #dddddd; } .following .mini-profile-view { @@ -1657,7 +1661,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f right: -2em; transition: height 0.4s linear; transition: padding-top 0.1s linear; - background: #596073; + background: #222; z-index: 3; } .mini-profile-actions:hover ul { @@ -1667,7 +1671,7 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f .mini-profile-actions ul li { text-align: left; margin: 0; - background: #596073; + background: #222; white-space: nowrap; color: #aaa; font-size: 12px; @@ -1803,23 +1807,6 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f display: none !important; } -.mini-following-info { - width: 45px; - height: 45px; - text-align: center; - background: white; - margin: 1%; - float: left; -} -.mini-following-info .mini-screen-name, .mini-following-info .mini-following-name { - display: none; -} -.mini-following-info .mini-profile-photo { - height: 45px; - width: 45px; - border-radius: 0; -} - .login .header-bold { display: block; width: 720px; @@ -2018,14 +2005,13 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f margin: 0 5px 0 0; padding: 5px 15px; color: #aaa; - background: #f3f3f3; } .options label.tabs:hover { - color: #596073; + color: #222; } .options input:checked + label.tabs { background: white; - color: #596073; + color: #222; } .promoted-posts-only { @@ -2041,42 +2027,48 @@ button.small, .modal-wrapper.who-to-follow-modal button, .modal-wrapper.who-to-f transition: color 0.1s linear; } .promoted-posts-only li.active { - color: #596073; + color: #222; background: white; cursor: default; } .promoted-posts-only li:hover, .promoted-posts-only li.disabled:hover { - color: #596073; + color: #222; } .promoted-posts-only li.disabled { color: #aaa; - background: #f3f3f3; + background: #C3C3C3; } /* Wrapper and blocks */ .wrapper { - width: 100%; + width: 50%; max-width: 100%; - margin: 0; + margin: auto; padding-top: 50px; position: relative; z-index: 1; - min-height: 100%; } -.dashboard.left, .dashboard.right { - float: left; +.dashboard.left { + position: fixed; + top: 50px; + left: 0; + height: 100vh; + overflow: hidden; width: 25%; - position: relative; } .dashboard.right { - height: 0; + position: fixed; + right: 0; + top: 50px; + overflow: hidden; + width: 25%; } /********** CONFIG SUBMENU & SEARCH RESULTS *********** */ .dialog-modal { display: none; - background: #596073; + background: #222; position: absolute; top: 45px; right: -10px; @@ -2104,7 +2096,7 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles li { display: block; padding: 5px 10px; margin: 0; - border-bottom: 1px solid #e9e9e9; + border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; } ul.userMenu-search-profiles .mini-profile-name { font-size: 12px; @@ -2141,7 +2133,7 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles button .follow, ul.userMenu-search-profiles .mini-pr background-color: #B4C669; } ul.userMenu-search-profiles button .unfollow, ul.userMenu-search-profiles .mini-profile-actions span .unfollow, .mini-profile-actions ul.userMenu-search-profiles span .unfollow { - background-color: #596073; + background-color: #222; } .userMenu-search input[type="text"] { @@ -2175,7 +2167,6 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles button .unfollow, ul.userMenu-search-profiles .mini- margin-top: 1px; margin-bottom: 20px; padding: 0.5em; - background: #f3f3f3; } .mini-profile .post-area-new { -moz-box-shadow: none; @@ -2191,7 +2182,9 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles button .unfollow, ul.userMenu-search-profiles .mini- .mini-profile-indicators { margin: 0; text-align: center; - background-color: #fdfdfd; + border-top: 1px solid #dddddd; + border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; + background: white; } .mini-profile-indicators li { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; @@ -2200,7 +2193,12 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles button .unfollow, ul.userMenu-search-profiles .mini- display: block; position: relative; font-size: 0.8em; - border-top: 1px solid #e9e9e9; + width: 33.3%; + float: left; + border-right: 1px solid #dddddd; +} +.mini-profile-indicators li:last-child { + border: none; } .mini-profile-indicators li a { color: #444; @@ -2210,9 +2208,6 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles button .unfollow, ul.userMenu-search-profiles .mini- .mini-profile-indicators li a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } -.mini-profile-indicators li a:before { - display: none !important; -} .messages-qtd { position: absolute; @@ -2288,9 +2283,6 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles button .unfollow, ul.userMenu-search-profiles .mini- display: inline-block; padding-right: 5px; } -.profile-data li a:last-child { - display: none; -} .mini-profile-info a:hover { text-decoration: none; @@ -2303,7 +2295,6 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles button .unfollow, ul.userMenu-search-profiles .mini- text-align: center; padding: 10px; font-size: 12px; - background: white; z-index: 10; -moz-transition: all 0.2s linear; -o-transition: all 0.2s linear; @@ -2330,7 +2321,7 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles button .unfollow, ul.userMenu-search-profiles .mini- .mini-follower-link:after { content: "ยท"; font-weight: 900; - color: #596073; + color: #222; margin-left: 1px; } @@ -2450,7 +2441,7 @@ textarea.splited-post { .who-to-follow.module li { width: 100%; min-height: auto; - border-bottom: 1px solid #e9e9e9; + border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; margin: 0; padding-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 10px; @@ -2479,7 +2470,6 @@ textarea.splited-post { background: white; width: 100%; min-height: auto; - border-bottom: 1px solid #f3f3f3; } img.twister-user-photo { @@ -2494,7 +2484,7 @@ img.twister-user-photo { width: 48px; height: 48px; margin: 10px; - background: #e9e9e9; + background: #dddddd; } .followers { @@ -2548,7 +2538,7 @@ img.twister-user-photo { } .refresh-toptrends, .twistday-reminder .refresh, .refresh-users { - color: #596073; + color: #222; cursor: pointer; font-size: 11px; font-weight: 500; @@ -2562,7 +2552,7 @@ img.twister-user-photo { } .view-all-users { - color: #596073; + color: #222; cursor: pointer; font-size: 11px; font-weight: 500; @@ -2584,8 +2574,7 @@ img.twister-user-photo { /***********TOP TRENDS************** */ .toptrends.module { margin: 0 0 20px 0; - background: white; - padding: 20px; + padding: 0 20px; } .toptrends small { display: none; @@ -2606,15 +2595,15 @@ ol.toptrends-list a { color: #aaa; padding: 3px 8px; display: inline-block; - background: #f3f3f3; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 11px; margin: 3px; font-weight: 500; + background: white; } ol.toptrends-list a:hover { - background: white; - color: #596073; + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + color: #222; } /********* TWISTDAY REMINDER ****** */ diff --git a/sass/base/_commons.sass b/sass/base/_commons.sass index 7846403..28dd35c 100644 --- a/sass/base/_commons.sass +++ b/sass/base/_commons.sass @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ * outline: none!important +box-sizing(border-box) + list-style: none html, body @@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ html, body html font-size: $global-font-size background-color: $main-background-color - +background-image(linear-gradient(to top right, #aaa, $main-background-color,$main-background-color,$main-background-color, #aaa) ) + +background-image(linear-gradient(to top right, #fff, $main-background-color, #fff) ) background-attachment: fixed body @@ -40,6 +41,9 @@ i, em strong, b font-weight: 600 +img + background: $main-color-dark + h1 font-size: 1.1em text-transform: uppercase diff --git a/sass/base/_utils.sass b/sass/base/_utils.sass index 21a01a9..90af592 100644 --- a/sass/base/_utils.sass +++ b/sass/base/_utils.sass @@ -42,12 +42,12 @@ button, a.button color: #666 +box-shadow(1px 1px 0 rgba(#444, .3)) &.color-1 - background: $color-blue - border-color: darken($color-blue, 5%) + background: $main-color-color + border-color: darken($main-color-color, 5%) color: white font-weight: 500 &:hover - border-color: darken($color-blue, 15%) + border-color: darken($main-color-color, 15%) &.color-2 background: #C3C3C3 border-color: darken(#C3C3C3, 5%) diff --git a/sass/base/_var.sass b/sass/base/_var.sass index 8a491ad..089585a 100644 --- a/sass/base/_var.sass +++ b/sass/base/_var.sass @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ // G R I D -$grid_width : 100% // grid width % +$grid_width : 50% // grid width % $grid_max_width : 100% // max width $grid_cols : 12 // cols number $grid_gut : 2.5% // gut width % @@ -31,22 +31,20 @@ $gut-width : $grid_gut $space : 1rem // colors -$light-grey: #e9e9e9 -$dark-blue: #38434E -$color-yellow: #E6953C -$color-pink: #BF6B6C +$light-grey: #C3C3C3 $color-green: #B4C669 $color-red: #EF5D43 -$color-blue: #00AA8B +$color-blue: #39434F $dark-grey : #444 + $main-color-light: #aaa -$main-color-dark: #596073 +$main-color-dark: #222 $main-color-color: $color-green -$main-background-color: $light-grey +$main-background-color: lighten($light-grey, 10% ) +$bloc-light-color : lighten($light-grey, 20% ) $bloc-background-color: white -$background-light: lighten($main-background-color, 4% ) $defaut-font-color: $dark-grey diff --git a/sass/layout/_menu.sass b/sass/layout/_menu.sass index b3284d2..6d37530 100644 --- a/sass/layout/_menu.sass +++ b/sass/layout/_menu.sass @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ // vars for the menu $menu-height : 50px -$menu-font-color: $defaut-font-color +$menu-font-color: white .userMenu width: 100% @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ $menu-font-color: $defaut-font-color height: $menu-height left: 0 margin: 0 - background-color: #F5F5F5 + background-color: lighten($main-color-dark,20%) //+background-image(radial-gradient(at top , $color-green,$color-blue) ) z-index: 2 diff --git a/sass/layout/_modal.sass b/sass/layout/_modal.sass index 1f951a7..9f5a695 100644 --- a/sass/layout/_modal.sass +++ b/sass/layout/_modal.sass @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ $header-modal-height : $menu-height position: fixed +box-sizing(border-box) @extend .box-shadow - height: 100% + height: 100vh right: 0 bottom: 0 overflow: hidden @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $header-modal-height : $menu-height .modal-content @extend .clear-fix - background: $background-light + overflow: hidden overflow-y: auto .postboard-news position: absolute @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ $header-modal-height : $menu-height @extend .color-1 h2 span display: none + background: $bloc-light-color @@ -50,11 +51,10 @@ $header-modal-height : $menu-height .modal-header position: relative - background: $color-blue - height: $header-modal-height + background: $main-color-dark + height: $header-modal-height +box-sizing(border-box) @extend .clear-fix - border-bottom: 1px solid $background-light h3 padding-left: 20px @@ -124,8 +124,10 @@ $header-modal-height : $menu-height position: relative width: 100% margin: auto + background: $main-background-color h2 display: block + .post-text margin: 0 0 0 40px .post-photo @@ -166,11 +168,7 @@ $header-modal-height : $menu-height display: none h2 text-transform: none -.following-config-method-buttons - .public-following - background-color: $color-green - margin: 0px 2px - padding: 6px 16px + /************ RETWIST POSTS MODAL **********/ @@ -179,9 +177,7 @@ $header-modal-height : $menu-height margin-top: -110px .modal-content padding: 20px 15px - .modal-buttons - .modal-propagate - background-color: $color-green + .post-expand, .post-interactions display: none @@ -363,18 +359,32 @@ $header-modal-height : $menu-height /****** FOLLOWING MODAL*******/ + .modal-wrapper.following-modal + h2 + display: none +.mini-following-info + border-bottom: 1px solid $main-background-color + line-height: 45px - .modal-content - padding: 0 - ol - margin: 5px - .open-profile-modal - &:hover - text-decoration: none - .postboard - h2 - display: none + a + display: block + padding: 10px + width: 100% + @extend .clear-fix + color: $defaut-font-color + &:hover + background: $bloc-background-color + .mini-profile-photo + height: 48px + width: 48px + line-height: 0 + margin: 0 $space 0 0 + float: left + .mini-screen-name + display: none + + /******* WHO TO FOLLOW MODAL*******/ diff --git a/sass/layout/_postboard.sass b/sass/layout/_postboard.sass index 1c147d2..b28299c 100755 --- a/sass/layout/_postboard.sass +++ b/sass/layout/_postboard.sass @@ -7,8 +7,7 @@ $avatar-width : 48px .postboard - float: left - width: 50% + width: 100% padding: 20px h2 display: none @@ -71,12 +70,9 @@ $avatar-width : 48px .open - background: none + background: none!important @extend .box-shadow - &:hover - background: none - .post-photo margin: 0 display: inline-block @@ -127,7 +123,7 @@ $avatar-width : 48px min-height: $avatar-width padding: 0 samp - background: $background-light + background: #eee font-size: .9rem line-height: .9rem display: inline-block diff --git a/sass/layout/_profile.sass b/sass/layout/_profile.sass index 88a8b76..bf6a8b3 100644 --- a/sass/layout/_profile.sass +++ b/sass/layout/_profile.sass @@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ $modal-postboard-post-height: 100% .profile-card width: 100% background: white - border-bottom: 1px solid $background-light padding: $modal-gut .profile-card-main position: relative @@ -146,7 +145,6 @@ $modal-postboard-post-height: 100% display: none margin: 0 15px 0 0 font-weight: 500 - background: $background-light padding: 2px 8px 3px 8px +border-radius(2px) @@ -191,13 +189,11 @@ $modal-postboard-post-height: 100% +box-sizing(border-box) @extend .clear-fix width: auto - background: $background-light .profile-card-main margin: 0 width: 330px +box-sizing(border-box) padding: 10px - background: $background-light input display: block margin: 5px auto diff --git a/sass/layout/_tabs.sass b/sass/layout/_tabs.sass index 6d3e306..e817bf9 100644 --- a/sass/layout/_tabs.sass +++ b/sass/layout/_tabs.sass @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ margin: 0 5px 0 0 padding: 5px 15px color: $main-color-light - background: $background-light input:checked + label.tabs background: $bloc-background-color diff --git a/sass/pages/_following.sass b/sass/pages/_following.sass index 1329db2..32fe47b 100644 --- a/sass/pages/_following.sass +++ b/sass/pages/_following.sass @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ @extend .last + .following .mini-profile margin-bottom: 10px @@ -225,18 +226,3 @@ .swarm-status display: none!important -.mini-following-info - width: 45px - height: 45px - text-align: center - background: $bloc-background-color - margin: 1% - float: left - &:after - @extend .clear-fix - .mini-screen-name, .mini-following-name - display: none - .mini-profile-photo - height: 45px - width: 45px - border-radius: 0 diff --git a/sass/style.sass b/sass/style.sass index 5002611..64f4e09 100755 --- a/sass/style.sass +++ b/sass/style.sass @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ color: $main-color-dark &.disabled color: $main-color-light - background: $background-light + background: $light-grey @@ -56,22 +56,28 @@ /* Wrapper and blocks */ .wrapper - width: $site-width + width: 50% max-width: 100% - margin: 0 + margin: auto padding-top: $menu-height position: relative z-index: 1 - min-height: 100% .dashboard - &.left, &.right - float: left + &.left + position: fixed + top: $menu-height + left: 0 + height: 100vh + overflow: hidden width: 25% - position: relative &.right - @extend .last - height: 0 + position: fixed + right: 0 + top: $menu-height + overflow: hidden + width: 25% + @@ -182,7 +188,6 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles margin-top: 1px margin-bottom: 20px padding: .5em - background: $background-light @extend .clear-fix .post-area-new @extend .open @@ -196,14 +201,20 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles margin: 0 text-align: center @extend .clear-fix - background-color: lighten($background-light,4%) + border-top: 1px solid $main-background-color + border-bottom: 1px solid $main-background-color + background: white li +box-sizing(border-box) display: block position: relative font-size: .8em - border-top: 1px solid $main-background-color + width: 33.3% + float: left + border-right: 1px solid $main-background-color + &:last-child + border: none a color: $dark-grey @@ -212,8 +223,6 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles &:hover text-decoration: underline - &:before - display: none!important .userMenu-connections a @extend .icon-bell @@ -290,8 +299,7 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles &.posts-count, &.following-count, &.followers-count display: inline-block padding-right: 5px - &:last-child - display: none + .mini-profile-info a:hover text-decoration: none @@ -303,7 +311,6 @@ ul.userMenu-search-profiles text-align: center padding: 10px font-size: 12px - background: lighten($background-light, 5%) z-index: 10 +transition(all .2s linear) @@ -468,7 +475,6 @@ textarea.splited-post @extend .col-3 width: 100% min-height: auto - border-bottom: 1px solid $background-light &:nth-child(4n) @extend .last @@ -571,9 +577,7 @@ img.twister-user-photo .toptrends &.module margin: 0 0 20px 0 - background: white - padding: 20px - @extend .box-shadow + padding: 0 20px small display: none h3 @@ -591,14 +595,14 @@ ol.toptrends-list color: $main-color-light padding: 3px 8px display: inline-block - background: $background-light text-transform: uppercase font-size: 11px margin: 3px font-weight: 500 - + background: white + @extend .box-shadow &:hover - background: white + background: rgba(white,.4) color: $main-color-dark /********* TWISTDAY REMINDER *******/