A minimalistic, no-js client for twister.net.co
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

18 lines
812 B

# Note: python-bitcoinrpc and functioncache are twister-specific branches
# Perhaps their pull-requests will get merged upstream one day (and we'll rebase when it happens)
# but we can't let it stop us :)
git submodule update --init
if [ -f cherrypy.config ] ; then
echo you already have cherrypy.config
sed -e "s:/PATH/HERE:`pwd`:" \
-e "s/RANDOM/$(python -c "import random; print random._urandom(60).encode('base_64').strip().replace('\n','').replace('/','')")/" \
< cherrypy.config.example > cherrypy.config
echo "created cherrypy.config. Now edit it to taste ;)"
chmod 600 cherrypy.config # chmod even if it exists :)
if [ ! -f appdir.py ] ; then
echo "# Stupid but effective trick to know where we are:">appdir.py
echo "APPDIR = '$(pwd)'">>appdir.py